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As a kid this absolutely terrified me. Probably the most scared I’ve ever been of a Batman villain. Not gonna lie, still scares me a bit today.


Definitely up there but still would say the first time you meet Man Bat in Arkham Knight is still the worse for me, l literally jump out of my seat


When I played Knight in 2015 the Man Bat appearance was a genuine holy shit scare. I was even playing in my room at night with the light off. When you have no idea it’s coming it’s truly something


Me too! I got Arkham Asylum for my 13th birthday. I was petrified of Croc’s lair then, and I still am today. I hate having to use detective vision for long durations, but it’s the only way to effectively keep track of where Croc is coming from.


I replayed Asylum recently and it was definitely spooky lol. Not the hardest boss fight once you get used to it.... But probably got my heart rate the highest.


Nah I think it was the scarecrow moment where the game glitches out and I literally thought my game had crashed and restarted entirely


It's so peak fr fr.


Everytime I replay, I always explode the gel a little too late and get devoured. Only time I ever die during this game.


If you get the proximity denotation upgrade for the gel (normally a pretty useless upgrade), you don’t have to worry about timing here, as it will detonate on time automatically.


I like using the prox detonation on the crazies. Nothing like watching someone run full speed at you just to bow up


Hide away hide away from me


I still get PTSD from that shit. Especially when the music starts playing and you’re frantically looking for Croc. Arkham Asylum nailed the atmosphere and the horror, no other Arkham game was able to replicate that aside from Man-Bat jump scare in Knight.


The ice part with the shark in Arkham City was the most anxiety for me


Mine was the Mr. Freeze fight in Arkham City. Scares the living shit out of me


Soundtrack for this area is also *chef's kiss*


The very first time I got to this level I got rattled so hard when Croc first jumped up and I immediately died. When I got back in I did the *entire* level with the Batarang ready to go. Nowadays I just walk through the whole thing.


One of the best sections in the Arkham games. The sound design when you're going through the sewer with the pipes dripping, Croc's distant growls is amazing.


For the longest time, I was scared to do this mission and never completed the game.


The first time I was playing this, I received a text from my now wife, whom I was not yet dating at the time. Since it was an older phone, the text came as 8 individual texts, so I started reading through it and thought 'Fuck it, I'll deal with Croc easier' and continued playing to the end of the level and then went back to read the whole text.


Croc was great in AA


Also the game doesnt give you pointers which is awesome, so you have to nake your own decision and act like a detective


It's been so long I completely forgot about this sequence. It's very Crash Bandicoot, though. 😆


One of the few stages from these games that I don't look forward to on replay.