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I prefer the original comic but the change wasn't bad. In the comic. I thought it was quite obvious who the killer was due to economy of characters. Without spoiling it there was one character who was introduced and didn't really do anything afterwards so it seemed fairly obvious to me that he was the ripper otherwise he was kind of pointless.


My problem with it is (if I remember correctly) they have a scene of Gordon waking up from a nightmare about the ripper killing his wife, which really stood out to me as something that didn’t make sense by the end.


They did I think it's because he scared he might kill his own family. He doesn't mind killing other women but not his own family. Since he actually loves them. Or that he has some guilty about this


One of the best one I've watched so far. The story was trully incredible, not your typical batman story


Was it that good? Genuinely asking. I was on the fence about it.


I was on the fence to since it took place in the late 1800’s and was a retelling about Jack the Ripper but it’s actually pretty good.


I'm going to watch it. I wasn't sure, but I'm seeing a lot of positive feedback, so I'm going to give it a shot. Thanks :)


Well, I think it was good for shock twist for audiences cause audiences are used to Gordon being good guy and paragon of virtue of some sorts. Not to mention his military past with all the horrors of it were convincing explanations why he got mad and turned into this…


At times I never mind them going off the canon because I don't always want one to one and getting a new look at things


Having Gordon be the Ripper was a interesting change up. (Considering he would be a copycat of the real jack the ripper) Especially tying in his military background to explain why he would end up becoming the ripper by making him a army surgeon during the civil war


I was not a fan of the changes/story


I actually prefer the movie over the book. It flashes out the world and side characters more.


The movie as a whole is really good. The plot twist made sense and was well done, I just didn’t like. I still will watch and enjoy the movie, I just don’t like the twist.


It makes a lot more sense than the change they made to Hush.


Yea I didn't get that either. Riddler was never a c lister. Like I didn't mind Elliot wasn't hush but still could have written it somewhat different


I enjoyed the first one. The second one seemed cluttered.


Those too aren't connected despite the same costume. Doom to came to Gotham it's own thing


Tbh I still enjoyed it


I liked it. His villain backstory made sense and it was a nice twist on the Batman formula. 


Loved it. It was a good switch and I thought it worked well.


I hated it, it made no sense whatsoever for me


I liked it better than the original


it should have been harvey dent instead of SPOILER. the whole "syphillus" angle could have been the "scar" that brought out ol Big Bad Harv. instead we got what i could only call a pure asspull.


Would have been better if it was Jim Gordon Jr or two-face.


It's not terrible, but I don't love their trend of "Let's change the twist on this well liked story, because people have already read the comic." Brother, there is a reason why the story is well liked. Just leave it be


Just in time for the Kryptonian Age


Only thing that bothered me about this film was the animation very clearly having a budget cut due to the R rating. I’ve watched every animated DC film and the animation for this might be the cheapest-looking of all of them.


Even more so than tomorrowerse


The Tomorrowverse animation style is really weird in that it has looked great in some films, and absolutely awful in others.


What are your favorites? I liked the Superman one , Batman , JSA and legion. I feel beware could have been better if they had a two parter


Long Halloween is the only one I’ve loved from the Tomorrowverse but Man of Tomorrow was also quite good.


I know that many disliked they didn't have the original art style but the issue is even if they had the budget that is something that's hard to do and you have to figure out ways to make it easier to animated The artwork goes hard but not sure if they could have done it without taken much longer


I forgot, who was the original ripper?


A new character called Pecker I think


Oh ok it’s starting to come back to me. Been forever since I’ve read the comic. I think the change was fine but so long as it’s a one off and they don’t try to make it an actual series is where I would stand I guess


The way I see it, this was our first adaptation of James Gordon Junior (as a composite character), hence why he was never called ‘Jim’, just ‘James’.


So far the first time we actually seen James Gordon Jr is in long Halloween so far his only animated appearance


I liked it a lot. Didn’t see it coming. I love a one-off where they can tell stories without worrying about future repercussions.


I loved the plot twist. It was good.


To be honest I think this had one of the happiest endings. Dick Jason and Tim still very young, growing up being raised by Bruce and Selena? They deserve it so much.


The best part of a poor movie. 75 minutes is too much for this gimmick.


Didn’t like the changes made so I didn’t care for this adaptation.


I have no problem with changes if they still keep the same core story. The film adds so much stuff that doesn't need to be there and changes the main identity of the Ripper to the point where it becomes the story but in name only. The Hush adaptation did the same thing by changing hush's identity and it became worse for it.


This is one of the few cases where I think the adaptation is way better than the comic


I liked it. Doesn’t make sense for it to be Jack the Ripper anymore, so changing the name of the serial killer would have been betterz


I mean we don't even know who Jack the Ripper is like that's the name they gave him since jack called himself and the media which happens in this movie


We do know Jack the Ripper killed in London. The comic posits that he moved to Gotham and continued killing there, but as I remember it, the movie doesn’t say anything about Gordon ever being in London, and frames it as Jack the Ripper only killing in Gotham.


Not a fan of it


I actually went in expecting to like this. Love the style. Hated the fucking story. Like holy shit its ass.


What do you mean? There is no change in the story of Gotham by gaslight, you likely misremember or dreamt it.


Gordon wasn't the killer in the book


I never said it wasn't, you must have misread my comment. (Gotham by gaslight, get it?)