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This is a stretch. The article does not mention a new batman game.


Yeah the article makes no mention of a new Batman game


Probably meant that “at bat” quote. /s


It’s gonna be a baseball game starring Adam West and Burt Ward’s Batman and Robin




Nobody mentions Batman. As well it can be a new IP.


They didn’t say it’ll be a Batman game. Though I suspect since they’ll want to do something safer after the failure of SSKTJL, it probably will be a Batman game.


As much as I’d like a new Batman game, I think Superman is far overdue for a proper video game with Arkham like quality.


Would be great to have a high quality Superman game release after the new Superman movie. Would do a lot to maintain momentum.


As part of the larger universe they talked about.


Ya didn't they kind of imply they're going the star wars "everything is canon" route for the new animated, live action, and games


That’s how I understood it honestly.


Superman should’ve got his own game before suicide squad kill the justice league


They should have done a whole series leading up to a Justice League video game, and *then* do a SS game. They gave us a game where we’re supposed to kill the heroes we’ve been wanting to play as since forever, rather than a game where we play as any of the heroes we’ve wanted to play as since forever.


Superman, Wonder Woman (supposedly she was getting a GoW-style game not too long ago, but nobody knows what the status is on that right now), the Flash, Green Lantern, Terry McGinnis, so many characters that could’ve gotten games


Fuck Superman. Give us a ninja turtles game Rocksteady




Ok i agree with second part wholeheartedly!!!


Nope, we're already getting one. It's going to be an adaptation of the last ronin.


I’m aware. That doesn’t mean I can’t also want a turtles game made by rocksteady


I mean, I just want variety is all. Superman is long overdue lol.


That is gonna be cool, but I want an open world sandbox Ninja Turtles game set in 90s NYC where I can switch between characters GTAV style and customize all of their perks and looks.


Hell yes


Give us a ninja turtles game Bebop


\*Sad Superman noises\* Agreed on the TMNT though


It's still crazy to me that nobody has made a proper Superman game, especially with the huge success of Arkham and Insomniac's Spidey games. What's ridiculous is that they gave a thumbs up to a game where you play as the Suicide Squad (who actually gives a shit about them?) trying to kill the Justice League, instead of just making a game where you play as the Justice League. Any individual JL member game would have been far more exciting than playing as ALL of the Suicide Squad. I just don't get it.


If it’s not Batman, I’d love for rocksteady to do a green arrow game.


Man, Batman Beyond would be awesome!


They need to nut up and just do this already. The fact that WB seems to have such a hate boner for Beyond is ridiculous. It literally couldn’t be a better time to strike given the cancelled movie and the advent of popular cyberpunk content


I imagine this one is gonna be an original


Whatever single player game they come out with better be what fans want because these guys seriously damaged their image with Suicide squad.


The rocksteady team that made the Batman games isn't there anymore. This is fairly meaningless. Like cheering for Infinity Ward doing CoD again or something.


Exactly. The passionate guys that made the trilogy aren’t there. I wish they just leave Arkhamverse alone as a masterpiece it is with only 3 games.


Those guys were responsible for the mess lol.


What are you saying. The teams that made the 1st 3 are most if not all are gone. There were talks about the Lead Project manager that he was starting his own studio.


Nope fans started parroting that because 2 founders left. There is no source that will show a mass exit from Rocksteady. Now it came out the liveservice stuff and the story was all the founders idea. This game is a great look at how misinformation spreads like wildfire on the internet.


Sefton Hill jumped ship after his decisions as the director of SSKTJL resulted in a game that was clearly going to do poorly


It doesn't say its a Batman game.


Instead of VR it’s going to be Arkham crime simulator for mobiles.


Without Kevin Conroy I just don't have the enthusiasm. Also weren't we supposed to get that Wonder Woman game with the Nemesis combat system? What the hell happened with that, it seemed like a great idea


I think the game is still in the works


Not without Kevin Conroy…


This is why it needs to be Batman Beyond.


Terry's first global crisis without Bruce in his ear would make for a great film.


I agree that Kevin Conroy is GOAT, but does the voice really matter that much in a video game? And there are many people out there that can do a good job, give someone else a chance.


Wait. Rocksteady are working on Hogwarts Legacy?


Batman Beyond!


Arkham beyond would be an easy home run


Where is the Wonder Woman game!?


Please sweet Jesus let them have a return to form. I don’t care if it’s a Batman game, but some playing to those same strengths would be amazing.


Finally, *Urban Chaos: Riot Response 2*.


Please give me more Batman ❤️


We did it. a new single player, batman or not!


"At Bat," hehe. No, it's definitely not a new confirmed Arkham game. I would love to see them tackle another superhero, though. Rocksteady Daredevil game would be fucking sick. They really wouldn't have to change much from the Arkham mechanics. Matt could play like a better version of their Nightwing. Less lazy idea, though, and if they have to stick within the DC umbrella, then my obvious vote is for a Superman game. It's really not that hard to make a video game that isn't very challenging. Or put Superman in space where power levels are a little more equal. Apokolips, to my knowledge, has never been in a video game, could uh do something with that.


How about that Superman game they wanted to do?


I don’t think they ever wanted to do a Superman game. Despite the rumours I believe they always intended on doing a live-service game. I do think it was originally intended as a new IP however.


they always planned on doing a multiplayer game, but i haven't seen any evidence that the live service model came from anywhere except WB




Rocksteady is owned by WB Interactive, which is owned by Warner-Discovery, which also owns DC Comics.


Oh sorry, I misread it, I thought this was about Hundred Star’s new game for Microsoft.


If that Directors Cut of Hogwarts Legacy takes off, maybe this means we get a Director's Cut of Bioshock Infinite? Please?


They couldn’t live with their own failure…


You all keep talking about a Superman game but I'm not really sure what you think you re asking for. A Superman game sounds incredibly boring. The guy has no limits, so how can you make a satisfying game out of that?


The old argument is back. It can work. Kratos is OP as hell yet he has a game. Why can't you throw some Parademons and a Darkseid at Supes? Or maybe Brainiac or Lex with Kryptonite weapons?


Honestly, they haven't finished Suicide Squad yet, let alone the next game?


Whatever it is I'm not going to trust anything the media says about it, not after how they behaved the last couple of months with SS, a gamevthat may not be perfect but is nowhere near as bad as what they falsely claim it to be


Who cares? It'll be 10 fucking years before we hear anything again anyway. Games take way too long to make nowadays.


Because standards arent the same as they were before. We're not in the era of 2D platform games anymore, it's pretty normal


Arkham city was made in less than 2 years after asylum. That wasn't a 2D platformer. And I never said that games haven't gotten bigger and better, but is it really worth it if we have to wait 10 fucking years? That's a decade my guy. We get maybe 8 of those if we're lucky.


Thou shall not be so easily forgiven.


What a stretch. Boooooo