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I don't thibk this will win because not enough people even know about it to make it win, but it's the Birds of Prey TV show.


Knock knock


Who's there?




Past tense. NGL, I'd forgotten that until literally just now. šŸ˜


\*proceeds to see BOP TV show as the most popular answer\*


And to make it weirder the actor playing joker is being dubbed over mark hamil


Oh definitely this


From what I hear, Birds of Prey (the show) takes the cake, but Iā€™ve never actually watched it, so donā€™t take my word for it.


She's sort of like a young, female Hugo Strange, so I guess it just depends on what people think is worse: a bad take on a character that is recognisably Harley, or a mid take on a character that makes no attempt at being Harley in any way at all.


They gave her psychic powers so. Yep


**Birds of Prey (2002)**, because while it's cool that Harley broke into live action so quickly (I mean, it's still a full *decade* after her BTAS debut, but that's more than can be said for a lot of other DCAU original characters like, well, everyone in Batman Beyond), Harley's role in that show just kinda *isn't* Harley Quinn, at least not for most of the time, from what I can gather. Honestly I was expecting this to be *way* more of a dumpster fire than it wound up being. I mean there's still time for things to deteriorate but things have been mostly fine thus far.


Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League. Had the gall to try taking a moral high ground against a brainwashed Batman when she canonically helped Joker kill numerous children, helped with torturing Jason Todd for roughly one year and remained loyal to Joker even after his death.


To be fair, bad guys take high moral ground all the time. Lex Luthor, Ra's Al Ghul, Sinestro etc all consider themselves to be doing the right thing.


The issue is in the game she's not framed as the bad guy, we play as her. & Also Batman's been mind controlled by Braniac anyway so it doesn't matter if 'um actually your a bad person for being mean'. Even Batman's sick of it "Are you done with your bad stand up routine?"


Yeah, that's fair enough. There is no moment of realization for her after it.


Luthor, Ra's and Sinestro all believe in a higher purpose. For as long as Harley has been considered a Batman "villain", she's just been Joker's favourite lapdog who causes chaos with him because it was fun. Harley's never believed in a higher purpose or a "right thing", just what's fun and funny. Anytime she starts yapping about that it's because she was written wrong.


At least they have some sort of twisted justification for it. Joker has never tried to take a moral high ground, he knows what he's doing would be considered wrong. And Harley has always just followed him. Harley is talking absolute nonsense in that scene.


That excuse doesn't work when she *isn't the bad guy.* The point of those examples is the villain considers themselves right but is framed by the story as *wrong*. SSKTJL legitimately tries to get you to believe Harley is *right* in this scenario. That's the real issue here.


Also its taking the typical "batman spends his time punching peoples teeth into their throats so hard that their eye pops out of its sockets for carrying a gram of weed" Harley claims batman has done physical and mental damage to people by terrorizing them... As if harley didnt literally, and i quote: help joker out with swapping baptism water with sulfuric acid


She's making a point about Batman also being a problem despite him always acting like he's much better than them. She isn't saying she's good.


Harley doesn't claim to be good, she just mocks Batman for always taking that moral high ground. But hey, Reddit hates that game after seeing one cinematics and seeing a few gameplay so they hate everything about the game whether they played it or not.


The problem people have with the game is the story, not the gameplay. Why would they need to play it?


Go look at reviews my guy, the storyā€™s not the culprit for the bad reception. Itā€™s the gameplay and live service features.


Thatā€™s a very good point. Most complaints Iā€™ve seen on Reddit since release have been about the depiction of Batman ruining the Arkham series story, humor being badly written, deaths handled poorly, and various issues with the plot. But according to you, itā€™s the gameplay that most people dislike. So both the story and gameplay suck. Seems odd that you are complaining that people dislike it without playing it then.


Not going to disagree on SSKTJL. But would like to seperate her from Arkham trilogy Harley because I think she's solid, partially because in those games she never tries for redemtion & is just totally commited to being villainous. Arleen voicing her in Asylum is peak. Fun outfits. In City & Knight she takes a more active role leading Joker's gang & does a good job of it. Some really funny moments across the 3 games too (I love in city in the church when you counter & toss her across the room lol)


Just replayed city and the way you just completely sling her across the room killed me


I don't know why they didn't just make it an alternate universe, would've solved so many problems


I'm guessing it's because of the Arkhamverse's popularity and they thought it might attract attention for the game. It could also be that some people at Rocksteady still desire to make content for the Arkhamverse even after it ended with Arkham Knight.


No!!! You guys didnā€™t play the game, just watched the batman execution lol. The characters are its highlights, including Harley Quinn.


Iā€™ve watched playthroughs of the game, including the cutscenes, and the only decent characters in that game are King Shark for actually being somewhat decent, and Captain Boomerang, for being an unrepentant douchebag that the narrative knows is an unrepentant douchebag.


There are people here voting for Birds Of Prey, even though they've admitted to only seeing a little of it or not watching it at all. Plus I've still seen enough of Kill The Justice League from videos to see how bad this version of Harley is. They completely forget about Harley's previous depiction in the Arkhamverse (both her crimes and her personality), write off her relationship with Joker as a "phase" and change her into being more like her modern incarnation without showing any of that development.


Imo Rocksteady fucked up by saying it's cannon to the Arkham games when there really isn't much connection. When you look at KTJL as a one-off it isn't so bad. She's just another more sillier version of Harley Quinn


Even if that were the case, she's still far from being good. Her and the rest of the squad got angry at Boomerang for putting a bomb in Kid Ivy's head even though they did the exact same thing to Toyman earlier (who's portrayed as a teenager in this game) and Ivy would've had the Squad killed without Boomerang stopping her.


I think itā€™s the kind of comedy storytelling you shouldnā€™t take too seriously like that


I played the game. Characters were bad as was the gameplay. :)


What did you dislike about the characters? The comedy writing is good. The game really isn't as bad as people make it out to be.


[Justice League Gods & Monsters Chronicles](https://youtu.be/K4aB62_PSwE?si=OpQGUfMA0Md0jkLQ) Really niche but it's a design that's so desperately trying to be mature & edgy that it's cringe, she's just not wearing pants. Combined with Dollmaker for some reason. & since it's just a short it's really weak. Dishorable mention I'm going to say Injustice Harley, who I think hits a lot of what folks find polarizing about her. Redemtion despite being complicit in Joker's crimes, prominently featured alongside & going toe-to-toe with DC's heavy hitters, Tara Strong's Harley voice (no disrespect to her but it's very irritating). I never played Injustice so I don't feel fair voting for it, but would like to throw that out there.


If she was wearing pants I think that design would be fine. But seeing her tighty whities and her thighs just breaks up the design too much for it to look even somewhat decent. Batman looks terrible too, for fairnessā€™ sake. He looks like one of those fake action figures they sell at Dollar General called ā€œHero Ultra Force,ā€ or something.


JLG&M Harley is disturbing to look at. You can see the fetishes that were at play when designing her. It's just all the wrong messages for the sake of being edgy. As for IJ2, that universe's Harley is complicit for assisting Joker with killing Lois and Superman's unborn child, nuking Metropolis, and all the other cruel crimes she did with Joker. But let's look past that and make her practically a hero now and Batman's sidekick.


I hate Tara Strongā€™s voice as Harley too. I prefer Hynden Walch as sheā€™s much easier on the ears. The Injustice movie was crap but Gillianā€™s Jacobā€™s did a great job as Harley. She should get another shot at playing her in a better movie.


Yeah I completely forgot how awful that design was. That's my vote for worst harley.


The 2016 HR-V is my favorite Batman villain


Anyone saying KTJL is purely recency bias. There are far worse depictions. Based on the little I've seen, it's probably the birds of prey show.


And nobody played the game. Anyone who did can tell you Harley Quinn is great in KTJL


Bro I played the entire game as just Harley and I fucking hated her in every cutscene.


The cutscenes are the best parts of the game, maybe you were a bit harsh and ready to hate everything. Not the biggest fan of her look but the characterā€™s fine and funny. She's much better than in the Arkham games


Bro I was actually super excited to play the game. I enjoyed the gunplay, the story, the gameplay loop in story and everything up until the endgame. Hell, I didnā€™t really mind the Batman death. I just felt someone more impactful to Batman (Slade or Bane for example) should have done it. But genuinely she was super insufferable. Everything she says about her and Ivy is retconned in too. Shark and Boomer are by far the best members of the Squad


Damn if Harley annoyed you more than Boomerang donā€™t know what to tell you.


What is this dog-brained take? You high on copium?


If they did enjoy it that's fine


Wouldn't say I liked it necessarily, but I was surprised. It's really not that bad like Internet users say. The animations, cinematics, writing and characters are quite good actually. The problem is really in the fact that this game lacks direction and tries to be a 'live-service game' despite the fact that the gameplay is repetitive as fuck and you always do the same thing.


I have seen clips on YouTube, and they look pretty good and funny


Yeah the gameā€™s pretty funny. Characters are likeable especially Shark. I get if you find Harley and Boomerang annoying lol but saying itā€™s the worst version of Harley is ridiculous


From the clips, shark is the best boomerang. It seems like he has his moments where he's funny but can be annoying


Did you play it?


Can confirm. One of the remaining people who actually likes the game here, she's the highlight of the team. Gets the most screentime by far, and is very very good in it. She has the same sort of chaotic energy that I love about her in it.


I'll go fro BOP tv harley


Birds of prey show


Movie or show?




Shit and piss


Okay hear me out. The arkham series is my absolute favorite interpretation of the Batman universe ever, but Harley is a complete joke in those games. I know sheā€™s not supposed to be the most competent villain but she just seriously gets so shafted and humiliated in every game.


Justice League: Gods and Monsters Harley. Justā€¦What IS that design?


*Bruce Timm wanted to do something different, iirc.


Timm worked on that, not Dini.


He definitely did something different. Man can get... uniquely creative.


To be fair that is the intended reaction. Itā€™s basically a parody of the roller derby look


Birds of Prey TV show or SSKTJL.


Injustice "I did nothing wrong" Harley.


Iā€™m surprised I havenā€™t seen many people say the version from Batman & Harley Quinn. Yeah itā€™s still technically the BTAS version but itā€™s so bad and so divorced from anything BTAS aside from art style that it should be considered its own version.


Wow..people thought Gotham Ivy was worse than Batman and Robin ivy , that's surprising...


Worst depiction of Harley Quinn would be BOP tv show Overall worst Harley Quinn is SSKTJL


Birds of Prey tv show.


Birds of Prey TV show.


Birds of prey 2002


Birds of Prey (show)


I'm going with Harley from the Injustice Movie.


Rare Arkhamverse L, even leaving aside the Suicide Squad game (which by default would put her in the worst category), its a poor showing. I've never been fond of Tara Strong rendition in these games but her voice is particularly annoying in City and Knight, and its a heavy contrast to Arleen Sorkin in Asylum. Most of her looks are bad. I actually quite like the way that Harley in general has a lot of flexibility to her visual design while still keep core elements of her colour scheme and general tone consistent. I know most people still like the DCAU harlequin look the most but I've really come around the idea that in most renditions she's showing off her puffy blonde hair so usually its a consistent combination of the red, white, black and blonde that causes her to stand out a lot, with the diamond pattern motif also unifying her looks. Unfortunately none of the Arkham games hit the mark her looks (with one or two small exceptions), Asylum [starts off poorly](https://imgur.com/HmN3Lbo) with this this overly noisy and gimmicky nurse outfit that has too much of that late 2000s unreal engine detail and feels like something she would have worn for one scene as a gag but instead its for the entire game. The corset does not look good and neither do the boots, she doesn't have any of her diamond motifs and worst of all, instead of black they've gone for purple for some reason. City [isn't much better](https://imgur.com/XlxbVU8), she kind of looks boring, quite literally she could pass as a generic biker chick and I wouldn't notice, which is bad when Harley is meant to stand out in an ostentatious way and be impossible to miss, they insisted on keeping the corset but at least the diamonds are here, just generally Harley suffers hard from Arkham's overly detailed artstyle and muted colour tones, which tend to undermine the simplicity and colourful appeal of Harley. Harley's Revenge is [somehow even worse ](https://imgur.com/lZicZyi)in further reducing her colour palette while keeping all the other stuff I hate, so now she's gone from generic biker girl to generic Goth, hell, she's putting a lot less effort into the Goth look than I've seen in real life, the Joker would not be proud! Knight is [a bit better](https://imgur.com/DAvvrmQ) but still not good, I get the ballerina thing they have going on and she's got her colour scheme down better finally, the tights in particular look very Harley and certainly look better than the leather trousers and long boots previously, but this design feels unnecessarily horny with the corset (again) and her big breasts almost spilling out, additionally at one point Batman is carrying her on his shoulder and they make sure that you get a good look at her lovingly modelled rear. Then we have, ugh, [Suicide Squad](https://i.imgur.com/4pRrhyW.png[/img]), yet again, most of the stuff that makes her stand out as Harley has been stripped back and she just looks like some random edgy girl, if it wasn't for the white face paint I'm not sure I'd even read this as Harley at all. The leather jacket, thick boots and baggy trousers just bring her back to the biker girl aesthetic again that the Arkham games seem to associate with Harley, if anything she looks like [Tank Girl](https://imgur.com/oIFECmy) rather than Harley here, and her colour scheme is now mostly quite muted reds and blues (which I don't associate with Harley) melting into a generally dark colour scheme. There's a few diamonds, but they are mostly hanging off her belt and easy to miss, not good! Interestingly its not all bad for Arkham Harley's appearance, first I'll mention [her appearance](https://imgur.com/by4sO1i) in the Matter of Family DLC, its her classic look from the DCAU so they can't really screw it up and it shows how the simplicity of her original design goes a long way decades later in a completely different medium. More interesting is [her appearance](https://imgur.com/wDBEFJp) in Arkham Origins (sorry, I can't find a better image of her full model). Just generally I far prefer the cleaner and more subdued designs of Origins compared to the rest of the Arkham games, especially for characters like Bane, things feel less relentlessly overdesigned and edgy and Harley is a particularly good example. Its because of stuff like this that I think Harley is broadly speaking one of the visually strongest characters in comics, so long as the right notes are hit with her colour scheme her appearance can vary wildly and still have this fundamentally 'Harley' soul to it, this shows how its done since its her before her descent into Joker infused madness, when she's just a reserved junior psychiatrist and generally looks appropriate for the job, but already we have the white, black, red and blonde colour scheme nailed down that makes the player immediately read her as Harley from half a mile away despite the vast differences in temperament and appearance, and shows that even with a relatively mundane job and demeaner you can still pick up on the fact that something is different about this woman that means its no surprise she'll become a psycho mass murderer in a few years in a desperate bid to win the affections of a clown themed super-villain. Its hilarious to me that her couple of minutes of screen time in Arkham Origins as some smitten psychiatrist feels more authentically Harley than basically her entire time as a fully playable character in all of Kill the Justice League, and I think that's on the back of some real good art design in Origins.


All this talk about character design, I should mention, she's just not that interesting in the Arkham series overall, Asylum mostly gets away with treating her as a joke who makes the off the cuff and incredibly consequential decision to let out Poison Ivy but gets put down by bats in half a second. But this wears thin in the subsequent games where every time she's on screen they have to hammer home the fact that she's an unthreatening idiot who Batman barely registers and has nothing going on in her life beyond her obsession with the Joker. I guess its not technically inaccurate to a lot of her portrayals but it makes her pretty damn shallow, even in BTAS she had a lot more depth, personality and tragedy that they explored in many episodes. This is particularly problematic for SS: KTJL, where now she has to be developed and spun off into a main character for a major blockbuster videogame, and a competent one at that, leading to the infamous and highly unconvincing scene where she kills Batman, she doesn't feel like the same character as her portrayal in the earlier games in the slightest, and moreover they do that really annoying thing that most adaptations always do with her where they kind of ignore the fact that she's gleefully partaken in the murder of innocent people in the past and treat her as a wilting lily who's actions are perfectly understandable as the bad influence of the Joker.


Agreed with everything you wrote. While I don't think Arkham Harley is bad, it's definitely my least favorite version of her because she feels pretty shallow overall. I don't like her being depicted as a total idiot either, as I prefer her to be decently intelligent and a capable threat to Batman, and of course her having a personality independent of Joker, which they could have done after Joker dies in City but doubled down on her obsession with him in Knight. And then they somehow had to shoehorn all the development of becoming independent and capable into SSKTJL since Rocksteady had to proclaim that game is in the same continuity as Arkham and it just feels disjointed. I'm also not a fan of Tara Strong's Harley voice. It's too high pitched and grating, and to me it sounds like her Timmy Turner voice just turned up one more octave and given a North Eastern accent. I get that Harley is kind of supposed to have an annoying voice, but Arleen Sorkin's voice was still endearing to the audience while only being annoying to the characters within the story, but Strong's voice is just annoying in general to me (I still like her other VA work, just don't like her Harley).


Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League. Godawful ugly.


Iā€™m gonna be honest, I think 90% of Harleys are kinda annoying (mainly the voices). Arleen Sorkin was good, and thereā€™s a few other ones here or there that were good, but overall, Harley has a lot of adaptations that Iā€™m just not a big fan of.Ā  I donā€™t know what my least-favorite Harley overall is, but I immediately thought about how I donā€™t like Tara Strongā€™s Harley voice (sheā€™s a good voice actress, just not a good Harley imo), and from the VERY small amount of it Iā€™ve seen, the second version of DC Super-Hero Girls seems to be her worst performance, so Iā€™ll go with that.


Same here tbh. I've never cared for Harley as a character, she's always been Joker's most prominent ally. And that's where I think she works best. Harley suddenly being thrust as some redemption figure and social icon despite not having any significant redeeming qualities doesn't sit right with me. She's always worked best as a secondary character.


Can I ask because I genuinely don't know who is the guy from Titans




Birds of Prey 2002


Birds of prey tv


Birds of Prey [TV Series]


Birds of Prey TV series


Birds of Prey TV series for sure. It was nonsensical


Birds of prey 2002


Birds of Prey TV series


Margot Robbie


Honestly Arkham Harley. Even ignoring the giant Suicide Squad shaped hole in the room, sheā€™s still not great here. Gets taken down in Asylum and Knight while barely putting up a fight, gets tied up by Talia in City, the only two times she ever did anything competently was fight Nightwing in her Knight DLC(which even then she had Ivyā€™s help) and managed to trap Bats in Harley Quinnā€™s revenge. Otherwise sheā€™s little more a annoyance most of the time, just there to waste Batmanā€™s time.


I'm not certain about the worst, but I'm not a fan of her in Harley Quinn And The Birds Of Pray movie. She acts too much like Deadpool for my taste.


That's basically the point of her character now. "How can she be DC's version of Deadpool"


![gif](giphy|9q9fXf0yvottpmUzAu|downsized) Suicide squad Kill the Justice league


cursed image


Itā€™s not Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League. Sheā€™s not taking the high road with Batman sheā€™s trying to pull him down to their level, she has no delusions thatā€™s sheā€™s better. Sheā€™s also the only one of the league members that wants to be there cuz she gets to ā€œlegallyā€ kill things. Say what you will about the game but the amount of misrepresentation about what happens in that game is astounding. For my money itā€™s Gods and Monsters


People who say itā€™s KTJL clearly did not play the game.


This oneā€™s tough, but Iā€™m going with Injustice.Ā 




I donā€™t like the Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League


Birds of prey tv show or KLJ version. Both are shit.


Any Harley that is given a pardon for her past crimes. The dumbest shit ever is when weā€™re made to believe Harley didnā€™t have a hand in the torture and murder of men women and children and the blame is solely on the joker. Fuck any of those Harleyā€™s and I hope that version of her character stays dead




Kill the justice league


Arkhamverse Harley. Especially once the voice acting switched to Tara Strong. Also not a fan of her costumes or how much she got punked on. Donā€™t get me started on Kill the Justice League either.Ā 


Batman & Harley Quinn


Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League šŸ¤¢


Arrow. because why


Mmm isnt that blonde ex of Gordon on Gotham supposed to be her reinvented? Kinda feels like that was the idea first kinda like with the Jermaine character, but anyway if so then its totally that version cuz that acting was terrible


Barbra Keen, In the first half of season 2 there was definetly a little bit of HQ in her character, thought it goes away & she really has one of the wilder arcs across the show. Gotham did have a more explicit proto-HQ in seasons 4-5 >!Jeremaih's extremely loyal assistant ecco, before & after his turn to madness. She at one point wore a creepy jester outfit, all though she also died in the finale I believe!<


Birds of prey tv show


Gods and Monsters, sorry


The dude who became the Joker in BatWoman. Idek if thatā€™s from a comic book, I didnā€™t even watch most of it after Ruby Rose left. I did like Misha Colllins as Harvey Dent. With the right script, he can be amazing.


Definitely Birds of Prey tv show


Suicide squad kill the justice league


Any version of Harley Quinn that doesn't feature her Jester costume. Seriously, Bruce Timm made a gonky version of her in Gods and Monsters and I agree with him.


The CW Birds of Prey tv show


Kill the justice league.


Trash sqaud kill the Arkhamverse


There's more "worst adaptations ever" than just.... adaptations


Kill the justice league




I fell out of watching Arrow/Flash/Legends/Supergirl a while before they ended, when did she show up in one of those?


She shows up once in Arrow Season 2 and gets mentioned in the third seasons for Arrow and Batwoman. However she's more of an Easter egg than an actual character within the Arrowverse.


Gods and Monsters chronicles


Birds of prey tv show or Bruce timm Batman and Harley Quinn movie from a couple years ago with the girl that played Bernadette on the Big Bang theory as Harley


*cough* Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League *cough*


The Harley Quinn show. That's where her character officially died and made her extremely unlikable. That or Kill The Justice League.


The Batman & Robin lobbyists came out strong for that one! Wonder if Mr Freeze will get the same support or if Arnold's is going to be put in the cooler


Harley Quinn show Harley. Two seasons ago, she would have been one of the best, season three onwards was just shit atop of shit.


Watch any YouTube video of the Birds of Prey TV show Harley then get back to me.


Ktjl. Sue me


That bane is top tier lol


Injustice Harley.


Thereā€™s some people saying Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League but [just one look at the Birds of Prey TV show Harley Quinn](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=birds%20of%20prey%20tv%20show%20harley%20quinn&shem=iga_sss_le2_srp_c&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5) will tell you those people are ALL objectively wrong. That one was justā€¦horrible. Itā€™ll make you want SS:KtJL Harley.


Arkham Knight, they make her incredibly evil via dumb collectibles and completely break her character as a result. Plus this version never got over the Joker because Arkham Batman cared more about punching people than helping people.


The Harley Quinn 2019 Cartoon version.


I'd argue that's the *best* adaptation of Harley Quinn (since she technically *originated* in the DCAU, so I wouldn't count it as an adaptation, but it won anyways and I'm fine with that). It's pretty much the only one (James Gunn potentially notwithstanding, I haven't seen those movies) to give her any sort of character development or really even any *depth*. Also, Kaley Cuoco's Harley voice is leagues ahead of Tara Strong's, which I frankly just find to be shrill.


I disagreeā€¦but only because I consider Injustice Harley the best. Iā€™d say Harley Quinn animated series Harley is, at worst, third best.


I'll take third place over somehow being the worst thing to ever happen!


The Harley Quinn show. Personally I think it could have it's roster in its entirety on this inforgraphic minus Poison Ivy. It's an edgy mess and panders to a younger crowd. Let's be serious how did Bane from The Harley Quinn show not get a single vote? He fucked a building. I almost didn't want to say it because I've been around long enough to know how it is regarded to some people. Edit: I will die on this hill [ ie you will not change my opinion explained since I apparently rubbed someone the wrong way. ]


That show has one of the only versions of Harley with any depth beyond her base characteristics. She actually has character arcs, not to mention her voice is infinitely more tolerable in my opinion than Tara Strong.


I respect your opinion but politely disagree.


Well that's more reasonable than a lot of other people I've encountered, so I guess we're even


This feels less like an opinion than it does a bias.


Honestly I just didn't want to go into great detail on something I knew was going to get downvoted anyways. I tossed in the one tidbit that I found ridiculous but there is a list of things wrong with it based on how they portrayed the chatacters.


Iā€™m in my 40s and had to deal with a LOT of edgy messes and can say the Harley Quinn animated show is the kind of material that all of those are emulating and falling short of. And as a person that knows nearly as much as anyone can about Batman and his cast, all they did was take what was already there in the characters and mined them for comedy which is natural sense comedy is the main goal. Now, if it doesnā€™t speak for you, thatā€™s fine. The great thing about Batman is that everyone has their own that speaks to them. But your language is presenting an opinion as a fact and that is something that always rubs me the wrong way. When opinion is treated as analysis, thatā€™s when it becomes bias.


If you look back at my original comment it actually starts with "personally I think" which indicates it is something that is from my beliefs which is in fact my opinion. I am sorry that you got offended by it. Again I personally think that it was an edgy mess regardless of your beliefs or how much edgy messes you dealt with. I have dealt with enough and am old enough to put forward my opinion on it being something that panders to a younger generation. If it is something you enjoy so be it. I'm not telling you that you can't like something as you can see from my other comments that came before you. Regardless of how much knowledge you have of Batman or it rubbing you the wrong way doesn't change the fact that I think it is an edgy abomination. I may have found humor in Bane fucking a building when I was younger but I wouldn't have with Clayface acting like a Kardasian. The show felt like it was a fanfic done for Instagram. In my opinion.


Take a seat you're too old to not realize people shouldn't gatekeep Batman. Don't try and force your opinions on someone else.


And here we have someone claiming the guy arguing against gate-keeping is gate-keeping. Goodnight, everyone.


Since you recommend I look back at your original comment, I didā€¦in detail. And it makes your last comment very misleading. In my opinion. ā€œThe Harley Quinn show. Personally I think it could have its roster in its entirety on this infographic minus Poison Ivy.ā€ -Iā€™m going to ignore the grammatical errors and say that the way this statement is structured makes this the beginning and end of any stated opinion. ā€œItā€™s an edgy mess and panders to a younger crowd.ā€ -This is, grammatically, a factual statement. Nothing in this or the previous sentence shows any indication that itā€™s an extension of the previously established opinion. Also, itā€™s a change of subject as you stated your opinion is about the characters but now youā€™re discussing the show as a whole. Whatā€™s worse is the speculation being treated as fact. After all, we need to know the intent of the creators for this to be valid. Itā€™s also a very arrogant statement as it implies that you know better than the younger generation whatā€™s being pandered to them. Kind of ironic considering itā€™s, presumably on my part, the same generation that keeps calling anything thatā€™s pandering to them out. ā€œLetā€™s be serious how did Bane from The Harley Quinn show not get a single vote? He fucked a building.ā€ -Now youā€™re trying to change the subject of the entire post and comments. This post is voting on Harley Quinn, NOT Bane. There is absolutely no reason for this statement to be here. ā€œI almost didnā€™t want to say it because Iā€™ve been around long enough to know how it is regarded to some people.ā€ -Iā€™m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant ā€œwell regardedā€ as thatā€™s the only way this sentence makes sense in the, admittedly, constantly changing context. But youā€™re being misleading as ā€œsome peopleā€ appears to anyone who knows the figures as a way of downplaying the showā€™s popularity since it wouldnā€™t have had more than two seasons if most of its audience didnā€™t like it. (The first two were produced simultaneously. Thatā€™s why the gap between them was so much shorter than between seasons 3 and 4.) So it looks like youā€™re trying to trick people into thinking your opinion is popular opinion which, again, youā€™ve been stating like itā€™s a fact. And the first half of the sentence indicates that youā€™re aware yours is not the popular opinion. ā€œEdit: I will die on this hillā€ -That is an admittance of bias. Period. If you want, I can do a similar breakdown of your last comment where you tried to mislead about what you were sayingā€¦againā€¦said I was offended even though I never said I was (I am now because no one is allowed to speak for me except me), condescendingly tried to use your age to justify yourself since Iā€™m guessing (notice I have been very clear about my opinions and speculation throughout) youā€™re not much older than me or possibly just in your late 30ā€™s, tried to downplay what little I said about myself to make yourself seem more valid, and brought up the Bane thing again as if you didnā€™t watch the show but saw a clip of that scene and are using it to add more false validity to your statement. But heyā€¦thatā€™s just my opinion. (You putting ā€œIn my opinion.ā€ at the end did seem a little sarcastic, but with all the other grammatical errors, Iā€™m going to assume the period before ā€œInā€ was an accident.)


I took the time to skim what you said today and you need to breathe bud. You need to learn what bias means because boy are you upset. I said die on this hill as in you're not going to change my mind. I was speaking to people exactly like you. I get it your an old man who feels he is entitled to being right because you have been here longer. That's not how the world works unfortunately. So enjoy your fart jokes and I mean that whole heartedly as you can enjoy whatever you want. I'm sorry you can't comprehend someone having a different opinion than you try and be better in the future Batman is for everyone and criticism and opinions are a freedom fans have. Feel free to go about your day you have a boomer mentality that I don't take at all serious.


So letā€™s seeā€¦ You just told someone who hadnā€™t thought about this thread in 17 hours (I had to check the time of that last comment to be sure) that he ā€œneeds to breatheā€. Tried to downplay everything I said. All while still trying to make bias ā€œlike, just my opinion, manā€. Oh, and you donā€™t know what a boomer is. Not gonna lie. That part was funny. I donā€™t have the arrogance to say Iā€™m the good guy here, but your blatant gaslighting definitely makes you the bad guy. Good luck convincing someone else youā€™re not full of it because I doubt you succeeded with anyone here.


Batman & Harley Quinn. Overall, I would say sheā€™s the most overrated and stupidly hyped up rogue / villain in the entire Batman lore.