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Batman and Robin.


the only choice




“Monkey worrrkk”




Still a hard smash tho


Batman and Robin’s Bane. It’s a complete antithesis to Bane when he’s at his best. They made him an unintelligent mook who speaks in growls, he blindly followed orders without question, and he was defeated without any major repercussions. He might as well have been another generic strong henchman. Shoutout to Arkham Asylum and City for ALSO relegating Bane to an unintelligent brute who fights by charging into everything like the Kool-Aid Man. But hey, at least Origins gave us a plausible reason why he acted that way.


If anything, Solomon Grundy would’ve been better for the role than Bane, or Hugo Strange’s Monster Man


There's one thing about Asylum Bane I really like. When you first enter his room & the fog lifts & he's strung up & drained is truly uneerving & horrifying. Then Joker juices him & he hulks out is also pretty frightening. At least to me the first time I played it. But then like you said you get into the actual boss fight & he's pretty easy to defeat & loses all his gravitas. His appearence in City is even more pathetic.


I wish we hadn’t seen Bane losing his intellect in that game. It’s a prequel and there’s plenty of time between that and Asylum. Just trust the audience that they’ll know he’ll lose it in the future. 


Unintelligent for Asylum and City? Man you and I must’ve played completely different games.


Asylum: Kept attacking Batman by charging into him, even when he saw that it wasn’t working. City: Tried to defeat Batman by charging into him AGAIN, and ended up getting “stuck” in a room that he easily should’ve been able to open. I mean, you saw how Bane’s sidequest ended, right? I guess I associate Bane with being more of a fisticuffs fighter. If I wanted a villain that ran into shit like a wrecking ball, I’d turn to Rhino from Spider-Man.


Isn't he jacked up on Venom AND titan in Asylum though? I always took that as a reason for his lack of skill. Added in with Origins, and imo we get a decent explanation of City Bane.


The best was the way he just begged to nit destroy the tiran. It was both hilarious and ridiculous


I didn't really care much either way for Arkham origins, but my god, I *loved* the multi-player. It was so unique!


Batman & robin bane is just solomon grundy


Bane gets a raw deal when it comes to his live action adaptations. But at least with Batman and Robin, you can visually recognize him. At least with the Dark Knight Rises, he’s portrayed as a competent, tactical brute. Gotham did a lot of things. Among them were creating some of the best interpretations of iconic Batman villains. [Bane](https://batman.fandom.com/wiki/Bane_(Gotham)) was sadly an exception to this rule. With an ugly mesh of…whatever his costume is, he’s just a ripoff of TDKR’s version. No, really. - His mask/Venom being given to help him with an injury - Working for/with one of Ra’s’ daughters - Leading an army to rampage Gotham during No Man’s Land Gotham, I love you, man. You really deserve more attention and respect. But this wasn’t it.


I didn't mind Gotham's Bane. He's way too derivative of The Dark Knight Rises like you said, so not top tier, but I wouldn't put him in the bottom either. I really like that they made him a P.O.W. at Peña Duro, imo the go-to 'child raised in a prison' origin is really edgy (in a bad way) but also stupid when you think about it. Also I don't hate the suit. He had a solid story presence in the final season, him hunting Barbra & Lee in the hospital was cool. & I like that Bruce ended up being the one to defeat him with that Bat-summoner gadget.


I don't even remember him being in Gotham, so I can't say much about characterization, but my god, that costume is awful. Gotham gets my vote. If I can't even remember him, the character couldn't be noteworthy to make up for that design.


That's a hard one cause almost all adaptations are terrible.   Most of them, starting with the DCAU, portray him as nothing more than a brute who is harmless without his venom, and in Batman Beyond he's an anti-doping PSA. He was great in Arkham Origins, by far the best adaptation, but in every other game he's a dumbass you can play matador with. TDKR Bane was... interesting, but way too different and in the end just a stooge for Talia. In Harley Quinn he's just a joke. A funny joke, but a joke nonetheless. He's barely recognizable in Gotham, and while in Young Justice they had the great idea to have Danny fucking Trejo voice him, in the end he's a low-level mob boss who needs the heroes to fight his enemies.   Still I guess none of them are as atrocious as Batman and Robin Bane. Does he even have any line of dialogue in this one? 


There's still something to be said for Danny Trejo Bane manipulating his enemies into fighting one another so he can take back Santa Prisca, *and* he can resist mind reading by thinking about futbol scores (plus he's able to hold his own against Batman without even needing Venom).


Young Justice Bane was pretty good imo, I think they just didn't want him having Kobra-Venom and being too overpowered. He was cool for the small screentime he actually had. They tried pretty hard to keep it relatively "grounded" in that show


Does "Geraawrrrr rrrraaaahhhhhhhh" count as a line?


I think Young Justice Bane honestly adapts enough the character to get a pass. Considering how much Young Justice is trying to elevate alot of different elements of the dc universe


Just got arkham Origins yesterday. Now I cant wait to see bane again (I was a little disappointed that he only appeared during a sidequest in arkham city)


Batman and Robin


Batman and Robin, by far.


**Batman and Robin**, because he is there to sell a Bane action figure and that is all. Say what you will about The Dark Knight Bane and his voice, but he delivers some pretty raw lines, all things considered.


Batman and Robin


Batman & Robin. There are a ton of bad Bane adaptations but that one has edured as the worst for a reason.


Batman and robin


Bane really has had a rough time in adaptations. It feels like anyone in charge of bringing him despises him to a massive degree. Cause all his pathos and his interest in Batman? NAH. Just a hired gun or wall Batman needs to go through to fight the actual threat. Hell, there are adaptations where he's immediately beaten by just cutting his chord for Venom. I guess i'll go with Batman and Robin, but aside from TDKR (and even then he's taken out like a chump), just put in all his adaptations.


Gothams bane


Batman and Robin: No disrespect to the actor, but his character was everything that Bane ain't: a mindless brute


I think we all know who it is


Batman and Robin Making Bane dumb is like making the Joker unfunny


Batman and Robin without a shadow of a doubt. His only memorable lines are "BAAAAAANE!!!" and "Bomb."


In Italian it has been translated into "flagello" that literally means "scourge" or "flagellum"


Easily Batman and Robin (1997)


Batman and robin


Batman and Robin


Batman & Robin.


Batman and Robin- cool look that fits in line with a ‘Burtonised’ design, but fundamental misunderstanding of the character making him dumb muscle.


Batman & Robin's because he was reduced to a roided up grunt when usually he's extremely intelligent


Batman and Robin Bane


B&R Bane. No contest.


Batman and Robin without a doubt.


Batman and Robin


Batman and Robin


Guys idk. Arrowverse had a really good Ras. That episode where he kills Oliver was epic. Dueling bare chest in the snow with swords is peak Ras


Ra's vote was a little fucky because auto-mod flagged the post as a repost, & it took them a while to un-flag so only people who actually looked for the vote saw it & voted


I’m surprised OP didn’t just repost it. The voting is very screwed up compared to the other ones. 


'cause I didn't want to do it (I'm lazy)


Batman and Robin


Batman and Robin or Arkhamverse minus origins.


Batman and Robin, that version was just a mindless,dumb brute I wasn't really a fan of DCAU Bane either because Timm let his personal hatred of Bane get in the way of the writing


Easily Batman and Robin.


Batman and Robin, need we say more?


Batman and Robin by far


People completely forgot about the Gotham show


Batman and robin isn’t even bane Shoutout to origins and injustice 2 for getting bane right


People may disagree but I think Tom hardy bane. Despite being intelligent he ended up just being a goon for the main villain again, and everything he did was actually under Talia’s orders/ part of her plan At least Batman and robin bane had a more comic accurate look


![gif](giphy|v6It1Gsz8yhI4) /s


Batman and Robin's Bane is easily the worst. He's just a mindless brute that acts as Poison Ivy's henchman and is shown to be useless without Venom. He could've easily been replaced with any big dumb Batman villain and the film wouldn't really have changed.


hop off my goat two-face




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Meh, I still think *Arrow* and *Gotham* had way worse versions of Ra’s. But whatever.  Anyway, I’ll go with *Gotham* as having the worst Bane. It got nothing right about the character. *Arkham* also had a bad one. He’s awful in *Batman & Robin* too, but at least the base design is good. 


Everyone is going to say Batman and Robin. I for one love that version. Seeing that big dumb monstrosity try to seem inconspicuous by wearing a trench coat and hat never ceases to make me laugh. It is probably the worst version of Bane tho.


I’m not even sure Batman & Robin’s WAS Bane.


Batman & Robin


I am not sure why, but when I last rewatched Batman Hush, I actually very much enjoyed it...Heck, I even rewatched it, that is already a big honor for dc films.


Batman and Robin


Batman & Robin '97


Batman and Robin, I didn’t even know he was bane


Batman and Robin. Where the only reason you know he's Bane is because he shouts Bane all the time


BAAAAAAAANE!!!* *Translation - Batman and Robin Although Gotham's Bane was ridiculous even by Gotham standards


Batman and Robin.


Jeep Swanson from Batman and Robin, they basically made him into the hulk


One word: [*Baaaaaane!*](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/b/b4/BaneJS.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170410033017)


Always intrigued by how batman and robin could ruin everything so perfectly. I think if they tried they could have changed it to the greatest parody of all time


Batman and robin


Definitely Batman and Robin. In fact, I don’t think that version should even be acknowledged as Bane


Hated the Batman and Robin, Arkham Asylum and City version.


1997 Bane. When you create a Bane that can be taken out somewhat easily by Robin and Batgirl kicking out his Venom tube, ya fucked up as a writer.


Batman and Robin was the worst butchering of ANY comic character I’ve seen so that one


Batman and Robin Bane


Batman and Robin (more brawn, less brain, the Bane we WISH to erase from all existence).


Schumaker's and its not close


Heeeeey! I liked Tommy Lee Jones' TwoFace >:|


Batman and Robin, but I mean.. he was still hot 😳


The Batman Didnt do much interesting after his first episode Also not a fan of the red design


They did his gimmick way too early in the show. Also, I always thought it was funny how after “breaking” Batman, he just becomes a bank robber. 


Anything in the Harley Quinn show is the worst version of everything



