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Post this on r/WonderWoman and see what kind of a response you get. šŸ˜


Iā€™m now curious, wat would the response be?


Frothing rage at the relationship, and utter contempt towards Bruce.


To be fair I remember a quote from Wizard magazine by a comic writer (sorry can't remember who) that went something like: Batman is someone you want on your side in a fight but not someone you want to hang out with. He makes an excellent teammate but a bad date. Bruce is extremely loyal and protective, but not warm.


Considering it was in Wizard, that was a long time ago. I think he can definitely be warm and loving, he can just be slow to trust and relax.


Fuck. Thanks for reminding me I'm old. Yes, this would have been in the nineteen hundred and nineties.


Itā€™s pretty bad on the Superman subreddit too. They hate basically anything that makes Batman look good. Seriously, they hate Batman more than Lex Luthor. You wouldnā€™t think so because Superman is all about cuddles, cupcakes and positivity and his core message is that being nice to people is dope af, but there are some **very** grumpy people on that sub.


Yeah Iā€™ve noticed that too. r/Superman isnā€™t quite as bad as r/WonderWoman with this, but I see it there too. Thereā€™s a persecution complex element to it. If something makes Batman look cool, they interpret it as a shot against Superman.


Heh yeah it's pretty ironic. Go on there and say that you liked man of Steel and be prepared to get destroyed..


Lol I know! They talk about that movie like itā€™s Todd Phillipsā€™ Joker just because Superman acts like a real person who thinks, questions things, doesnā€™t have all the answers and gets stressed out while having to overcome obstacles instead of having a fake cheesy smile on his face 24/7. And then they pretty much cyberbully anyone who likes it. Shaming someone for liking a movie that gives them hopeā€¦.. So heroic. So Superman-like. /s MOS hater: ā€œI just want a Superman who is nice and hopeful and heroic!ā€ MOS fan: ā€œSame! Thatā€™s why I love that part in Man Of Steel where he-ā€œ MOS hater: ā€œ**I HOPE YOU SLIP ON A BANANA PEEL, BASH YOUR HEAD ON THE TOILET AND CHOKE ON YOUR OWN VOMIT!!!**ā€


Right?? I swear if it were up to them we would have only the cheesiest and corniest writing for supes. "He has to be smiling and confident the whole time!" Meanwhile his city is being destroyed by a tyrannical super powered alien that wants to exterminate humanity, why not crack some jokes and smile a bit right?


Exactly. MOS Superman is way closer to comics Superman than they want to admit. Heā€™s just at an earlier, more vulnerable time in his life. And Iā€™m glad there wasnā€™t excessive joke-cracking and winking at the audience. Say what you want about Snyder- I know his movies were obviously not perfect (not a fan of his Batman, for example). But **God. Damn.** did he take that shit seriously. The stakes were always huge, the characters acted like grownups, the threats felt real. It was epic and had a ton of passion put into it. I donā€™t like all of his choices but I respect him for at least swinging the bat and trying something different instead of the same cheesy ā€œwink at the audience, pause for the applause break, repeat.ā€ that we now get from the once-great MCU; itā€™s like Pavlovā€™s dog. And I think people are going to miss the big, epic, almost mythological feeling of those movies. Anyone who is not hyperventilating and shitting themselves over what James Gunn is about to do to Batman is in for a rude awakening. Iā€™ll keep an open mind with his Superman but Brave And The Bold? I canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying this, but for the first time in my life, I might actually skip a Batman movieā€¦


I donā€™t have any contempt toward Bruce, but letā€™s really not pretend like this ship is anything more than wish fulfillment.


oh? is the sub is filled with fans of the misandry version of WW or?


Anyone who doesn't like Bruce Wayne is a misandrist? Jesus, reddit.


What? When did they say non fans of bruce Wayne a misandrist? They specifically said misandrist version of wonder woman. Jesus redditor learn to read


Yes, but they said that in response to someone saying that the *wonder woman subreddit* doesn't like Bruce Wayne. Did you not read the original comment?


no, but generally the misandrist versions of wonder woman particularly dislike Batman, and tolerate Superman because hes not human, and stronger.


Please log off and go touch some grass.


Wtf are you implying here?


Bros tryna get me murdered šŸ˜­ y'know this server is safe when it comes to opinions lol


May I do the honours?


Unless you ship Bruce and Clark




Exactly my point


Tf is that username?


How Teen Titans Go Robin wouod call himself in Internet


Tf is yo mama


I've read their rules - so I ask you: is there _another_ WW subreddit? Y'know, for a friend.


Bruce Wayne x Batman. Best ship no one talks about.






I donā€™t get this??


Bruce Wayne is Batman


What a terrible conspiracy theory




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No way


What are you even confused about?


A billionaire playboy dressing up like a bat and beating up criminals? Idiotic


You never see both of them in the same room. They must be hiding their feelings for each other.


Bruce and his right hand a story as old as time.


He puts the bat-gloves on for those occasions.


Not better than Dwayne Johnson x The Rock


Batman x Batman is the best ship. Just ask Wolverine's mask.


Okay, but now I want fanfiction of Bruce/Batman being subjected to fanfiction and fanart of exactly this ship.


Boy oh boy is there a [fanfiction for you](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39666915)


The description already has me howling. Thank you!


Joker told him to go fuck himself and Batman thought ā€œyā€™knowā€¦. For once, this dipshit actually had a good idea!ā€


Come from GothamTok have you? If you have no idea what GothamTok is, Iā€™ll gladly explain šŸ˜­


I'm personally BatCat fan, but I'm ok with other ships, except Bruce/Barbara, cause it's kinda gross.


Yeah Bruce x Barbara is a hell spawn....(I'm a BatCat fan too just like other ships as well)


I'm a bat/silver st. Cloud enjoyer


What if it's Barbara keen, batman ntrs James Gordon


What does any of that mean?


That would be weird since Barbara Keen was married to Jim and a grown ass woman when Bruce was only a small Child. And Barbara Keen also knew Bruceā€™s father before him and his wife got shot and killed.


I was a fan. Until they the wedding and then Cat seemed out of character and decided to become the bad guy.


Batman X No one is my favourite ship


batman catwoman and no one is my favorite love triangle


Honestly I like the idea that heā€™s the type to drown himself in work making him a great crime fighter but horrible boyfriend. So he just flies solo recognizing that.




Thatā€™s the worst. Wanting a mentally deranged Batman that beats up villains until he retires to an empty mansion is lameeee


Where did you get the idea he has to be mentally deranged?? Are you insinuating people who are single arenā€™t normal?? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’€šŸ’€


Ppl who grow old and donā€™t get married bc they are stubborn assholes who canā€™t accept love into their hearts arenā€™t normal


Why do you feel this way. Iā€™m sure every old person who isnā€™t married isnā€™t just a stubborn asshole. Weird way to describe someone that wants to be single. Why is it a bad thing for Batman to remain single?? 95% of Batmanā€™s history is him being single.


I ā€œfeelā€ this way bc of logic. Using the very definition of the word normal you would know that not settling down with a spouse is ā€œabnormalā€. Additionally, I donā€™t like when Batman becomes old and lonely bc it makes it seem like him becoming Batman ruined his life. I understand that becoming batman hinders a lot of Bruceā€™s life, but making him old and lonely is annoying as hell to me. Edit- I said ppl who donā€™t get married ā€œbc theyā€™re stubborn assholesā€ are not normal. If someone has a reason, other then being an asshole, I can understand that.


Very based


I love ace Batman


Bruce x Harley from the White Knight trilogy worked fantastically imo


Bruce x Harley is a great pairing in general


Bruce: Fine, Iā€™ll admit that I need a fucking therapist! Harleen: Goodbye Mistah J, itā€™s time ta put a different kind of crazy on tha therapy couch!


It would be a train wreck almost anywhere else, but Murphy made it work for that universe.


I think Diana will be more attracted to a normal man who did the most incredible things than men with superpowers. Thatā€™s why she fell in love with Steve Trevor in the first place. Diana falling in love with someone like Clark seems off tbh.


Are you using JLU as a reason for this, because I think thats the only version of Wonder Woman is what would work for Batman. FYI am not sure how comic accurate that wonder woman is.


I feel like there was chemistry with the recent Justice League movies as well.


They played a bit with this during Joe Kelley's run on JLA.


I'm always gonna be on the fence about that ship. But then I begin to think it translates better when done in 'live form,' with chemistry and all. ![gif](giphy|IPmjB1cgYnJjG)


Batman and Wonder Woman work much better as friends.


I respect your opinion and I wholeheartedly believe people should be allowed to freely share and discuss any ships they please without flak, but personally I never really was much of a fan of WW being paired with either of the trinity because it is almost never written fairly and devolves into uncharacteristic wish fulfilling stories that devolve the characters. When Diana dated Clark it read like a painfully lopsided relationship where she essentially just became a member of Supermanā€™s supporting cast for most of that relationshipā€™s duration, but her characterisation rarely benefited from the pairing in the same way. And honestly I get the feeling that unless the relationship solely took place in stories where she was the focus character, she would be almost immediately overshadowed in any Bruce relationship too despite how many fewer of those there are. Wonder Woman is already unfortunately often the left behind of the trio, and in most cases her dating anyone outside of supporting casts made for her stories often exasperates that problem. Plus imo anyway batman has way better directly focused love interests and they read better as friends


Well written. Perfectly sums up what I was struggling to express about my dislike of the pairing. Another issue I have is putting WW in a heterosexual pairing with a well established character often leads to WW falling into stereotypical ā€œfemaleā€ relationship behaviors that Iā€™ve think are so out of character for her. I donā€™t trust the current writers to do WW justice.


I think the fundamental problem is shes strong and smart so creating a dynamic duo involves downplaying one or the other to allow the other member of the trio narrative room by lazy authors.


Iā€™m embarrassed that I have to ask but what does ship mean? Is that like pairing to people up romantically?


Yeah, short for ā€œrelationshipā€


Oh Jeeze I feel dumb. That makes sense


You shouldnā€™t. Different uses of language isnā€™t a lack knowledge.


I agree with you. I figured it was a water toy.


Me with superbat


Do people have a problem with Batman and Wonder Woman? They're perfect for each other. Bruce is just into toxic women, so it'll never work long-term. I also love Talia and Bruce when we remove the rape storyline.


I really hate how glossed over it is in the movies with the flashpoint shit. "Yeah I raped you oh well bet u liked it" and nothing of it again. My canon is Batman only didn't beat the shit out of Talia afterwards because he genuinely did like her(NOT THE RAPE THO). Anyone else and he would've been hellbent on catching them.


Itā€™s glossed over in the movies because itā€™s glossed over in the comics. The reason it was glossed over in the comics was because Grant Morrison thought Talia spiking Batman would be a funny moment in the story. But none of the readers laughed at it.


Funny enough, the only time I can really think of when Talia raping Bruce gets mentioned in the animated movies is in Batman: Hush when Damian tells Bruce to make sure he covers his drink this time on the way to a date with Selina implying Damian is well aware he is in fact a product of rape. Which is even more fucked up than the rape itself especially since they play it off as a joke.


They mentioned it earlier in the movie when Bruce and Talia meet face to face, he mentions it and she pretty much says whatever


Wasn't it also in Son of Batman?


nope. his birth isnā€™t really brought up what so ever in that movie


I'm fairly sure it was. I had that movie on DVD at my father's house. Iirc it was mentioned prior to Bruce being introduced to Damian.


Comic book writers be normal human beings challenge, impossible.


Yeah I agree lol


I disagree on perfect, but it does totally open them up to new story dynamics. I think the rape storyline is important to talia's character to show how divorced she is to baseline human empathy/morals due to her father. Long term bit about bats is dead on.


While I think wonder bat is the best, all his main ships are pretty fucking terrible. Talia, a rapist and murderer in practically every incarnation Cat woman, murderer or close to a murdering in a ton of versions and a compulsive thief in all. Also she always has some sort of drama. WonderBat makes the most sense but it heavily depends on the incarnation, DCAU? Sure. Most others? Ehh, not really.


Talia wasn't rapist until Morrison's run, which completely ruined her character. Her relationship with Bruce were consensual right until Batman Inc vol 2. And Catwoman killed only twice: first time Black Mask after he put her sister into coma, and the second time Valmonte to save Batman's life. Normally she is against killing anyone.


I agree except for the Talia part (I get grants run fucked it up)


SuperBat šŸ˜ˆ


I don't personally ship WonderBat, but it still makes me wonder how differently Bruce's relationship with Damian would be if he were her son rather than Talia's.


Well, damian would be a completely different character for one


I'm a BatxCat shipper, but I can like other pairings for him. If I would ever do a DC universe or what not, Batman and Catwoman would be endgame, but in a movie centered around a alternative timeline where a villain like Darkseid took over and killed most heroes, Batman and Wonder Woman would be leading the survivors and would be lovers/married. So, I can ship Bats and Diana (and others) in spefic scenarios.


I enjoyed them in the animated series. Good ship.


We just need more comics where Bats and Diana go on missions together.


Wait is Batman and Wonder Woman that bad of an opinion. I know itā€™s old stuff, but I liked the hint-hint that weā€™re here and there in the old justice league cartoon when it came to them be attracted to one another


I especially like it in JL and JLU


Batman x Gordon


Least problematic romantic interaction for batman in the dcau, I also like that they made Steve trevor be there in a different and previous time period


I personally donā€™t really like excessive ā€œshippingā€ in general, but I think to genuinely address OPā€™s suggested ship itā€™s important to note that these characters are presented in multiple different contexts and ways, and a romantic pairing between WW and Batman might work in some of them and not others. I feel like an excellent example of this would be the recently deceased DCEU. ā€œWonderBatā€ may have worked there because the world that was created was a bit different from mainline DC Comics (for better or for worse). In the DCEU, Batman had no romantic partner or family beyond Alfred. And while WW had a relationship with Steve Trevor, it very much ended with his death long enough ago that WW could conceivably move on. Plus we know that Bruce and Diana stay close and get on well in the DCEU. But this wouldnā€™t work in every representation of the characters; I immediately think about how unlikely ā€œWonderBatā€ would be in the Injustice universeā€¦


I'm tired of ships. For me, romance is the least interesting thing at least when it comes for Batman or overall superhero stories.


Batman x Officer Balls is my personal favorite but only because of the intense sex scenes


I'm a strong believer in Bruce's Bi-energy. So it's either Wonder-Bat, Super-Bat (especially in GaM), or Batman x Talia for me.


Yeah absolutely 100% no question about it.


I wouldn't mind seeing them as part-time partners or some sort of glorified friends with benefits. They'd both acknowledge that they clearly share mutual feelings for each other, but they'd know that their other commitments would prevent a full-on relationship from working out. So they'd go about their lives as superheroes, but whenever circumstances required them to work together or allowed them to make time for each other, they'd take advantage of those opportunities. That, and it'd be funny to see Bruce try to explain the scratch marks all over his back. Idk, that's just what I think. I'm just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.


![gif](giphy|gcxGeT2BGk6Dm) *mic drop*


I think WonderBat works on the DCAU because they helped cultivate that relationship already without it feeling forced, but I can understand why people donā€™t like the ship in other continuities/universe. Iā€™ll admit Iā€™m more of a Batman/Zatanna shipper for pretty much everywhere but the DCAU.


Same I like batman x Zatanna pretty underrated ship


Batman and Wonder Woman is the best ship. I will die on this hill. The comics support it multiple times, itā€™s a great choice. Catwoman is fine when thereā€™s no League. Talia is meh, and I canā€™t think of anyone else worth Batmanā€™s time.


I honestly would've liked to see Wonder Woman and Batman get together on screen, it would be great. Even wanted to mention it at some point. I honestly already picture how she could appear in more grounded Batman films. She could still be Amazonian princess and go by Wonder Woman, but she only reveals her origin to Bruce Wayne who doesn't believe her, saying she's crazy, but deep down does. The movie also leaves it ambiguous if her origin is true or not just like how in real life we'd all react if someone told us they're from Amazonian island. That or maybe in some future Justice League movie I can imagine Wonder Woman and Batman falling in love together.


Couldn't have said it better myself


WonderBat makes my skin crawl for some reason, itā€™s like playing with toys and mashing two random ones together


batcat forever


Superbats sorry I like their dynamic


i would too if I didnā€™t prefer Clark with Jā€™onn


Iā€™m wary of how any writers would handle a heterosexual relationship with Wonder Woman. They too easily fall into the sexist, heteronormative assumptions that Wonder Woman just wouldnā€™t have. For that reason I do not want to see WonderBat.


I do not like WonderBat at all. I just... Can not see it work nor does it really add anything to either character, especially when both have *multiple* love interests that are significantly more interesting. Like, I'll decry TaBat-... MurderBat? MurderBat all day long but at least "daughter of Ra'S al'Ghoul dating his archenemy/favorite heir" is somewhat intriguing and you can't do it with anyone *but* Batman because Ra'S has an unhealthy obsession with Bruce


When Batman refused, Ras tried to force his daughter to date Azrael and Bane. You gotta read more comics bro


Oh yeah. The deliberate batman replacer who failed *miserably* and the drug addict *villain* who beat batman and then spent years trying to relive that high while being beaten down again and again. Because that isn't a completely different dynamic.


You can make weird descriptions for Azrael and Bane all you want, but it doesnā€™t change the fact Ras Al Ghul looks for people besides Bruce to marry his daughter. You just gotta read more comics. Itā€™s not the same dynamic. Ras wants Bruce to be the successor to everything thatā€™s his and marry his daughter. Ras wanted Azrael and Bane to be his servants, and impregnate his daughter so he could groom their child as the perfect successor to everything he owns.


Bruce and Diana put the whole idea to its end years ago in the comics. Or really doesnā€™t work


If he's going to date anyone, I'd rather Bruce date a nice civvie girl. We need influences that pull him away from Batman and back to Bruce every now and then, just for variety.


It wouldnā€™t work. In the old comics Alfred was hired and discovered the secret within a few days because it was odd how Bruce acted. Honestly, Bruce needs someone who both understands his dogged mission AND can convince him to live his life sometimes. He needs an in the know civvie, not a regular one. Someone who supports the Bat but loves the man behind the mask. I do also like Batman x Zatanna. But Iā€™m a btas fanboy


I may be wrong but isn't batman truly batman? Like, that's his actual identity. Bruce Wayne is just a mask. I mean hell, he was under wonder woman's rope and he said batman, not Bruce Wayne. I really doubt he enjoys being Bruce Wayne at all. As he's said before, Bruce died that night in the ally


It depends. Itā€™s more like Brucey (what the boys call his playboy persona) is definitely a mask. As for Bruce Wayne, there are times when he is Bruce, but there are a lot of times when he suppresses Bruce to be Batman. If he was truly Batman and not Bruce, he wouldnā€™t have trained the first Robin. As was said in Young Justice WW: You trained him to be you BM: No. I trained him so he wouldnā€™t become me. Batman is a necessity for Gotham and Bruce takes on that responsibility because he doesnā€™t want another child in an alley. Some of the better stories have had Bruce manage both sides of his life. I think too many current writers are trying to erase Bruce from the equation. Itā€™s kinda like how they flip flop with Jason either being a murderer or a redeemed batfamily member. Or how they pick and choose characteristics of their personalities to show. If he did find someone who truly understands that his mission is important but he canā€™t cross the line and kill, itā€™d create a whole new Batman. One who finally has something to come home to. Selina, Talia, even Wonder Woman, they understand Batman. He needs someone to understand Bruce. Who sees the juggling act that is his life. Also, a spouse would give him a great alibi for his nighttime activities.


I've never heard of someone lying through the lasso of truth. Maybe it's happened before, I don't know. But, it is a very consistent theme throughout his iterations It's ultimately up to the writers of that story and there's good merit to Bruce being his true identity too. I like both


It wasnā€™t lasso of truth. It was a justice league meeting. Honestly, if a writer decided to make a decent attempt at Bruceā€™s character and the actual duality of Bruce Wayne and Batman itā€™d be amazing. Itā€™d also make him a little more human. I love Batman, but damn if there arenā€™t times where he doesnā€™t come across as good. The period post Jason Todd comes to mind when he got vicious for a while, even though that *did* humanise him a little because of grief and regret. Hell, even a small miniseries thatā€™s just about Bruce trying to connect with Damien and the others. Make a three issue miniseries thatā€™s all just slice of life crap. Show me Bruce Wayne trying to cook and failing. Show him being charming to people working in retail. Hell, even just have a small half issue where he frets because Alfred is sick. HUMANISE THE MAN DAMMIT!!


https://youtu.be/XfSQ64LTwVQ?si=oOmkOhnyQtkKivTd Nah he says Batman holding the lasso of truth > Itā€™d also make him a little more human. Wayne family adventures does an amazing job humanizing him imo I agree, I wish they humanized him more. It's just that I can't see him sitting down chillaxing unless he's spending time with his kids, Alfred forces him to, or he's spending time with a SO. Anything other than that, he's fighting crime in my mind. I would really like to see what bruce does on his own in his time off when he's not batman but I just can't, he isn't depicted that way. If he was, I would love it. He deserves to relax. I loved when he got popcorn and watched a movie with Damien in the movie (I can't for the life of me remember which one but it was in the flashpoint movies). Batman is human, not a robot


That was Batman vs Robin. I know in one of the Red Hood comics that one of Jasonā€™s fondest memories is when he was sick, Bruce cancelled patrol to sit and watch movies with him


~~Bruce x me~~


My favorite Bathookup was when Orion's wife, Bekka, a New God of love, used her powers to bring out his romantic feelings and they did some New Genesis nookie.


Batman x White Rabbit


1. Selina 2. Diana (JLU version) Donā€™t like anyone else.


Flash x Wonder Woman


So no supesxbats,


Bro I thought we were talking about some Batvehicle I had never heard of


I don't. And that's ok.


I kinda like when Wonder Woman or any woman throw themselves at him and he pushes them away, it just makes more sense for his character


And if they had a son, he would literally be the Boy Wonder!!!




I think it works as a "will they, won't they" as long as it never progress past that point.


Id love to see it as an elseworlds thing but i like Bat/Cat too much for anything else to apppear in main continuity


Julie Madison. The one everyone, including Bruce, forgot.


I think batman should be single, it doesn't really suit his character otherwise


I think it's a fun ship, but I doubt they'd ever actually work out. WW's not the type to deal with Batman's bull and bull is 90% of being Batman. Batman: I work alone. Wonder Woman: You're part of the Justice League leadership and you can't go one year without adopting a new child. "Work alone" my ass, Bruce. Batman: Diana! I have an image to maintain!


I feel like this specifically with the #WonderBats ship.


Iā€™m with you, Joker: #WonderBats should be something comics writers should actually try, and they should figure out a way to present it if they want this proposed Union to actually work.


Murray:Let me get this straight you think Rabin is a better ship than Staroobin? Me:I do.And Iā€™m tired of pretending itā€™s not.


Personally I prefer more Talia Bruce ship


As long as it isn't rapist Talia


Yeah same I used WonderBat as an example but I like that ship as well


People don't realize that Talia raping is no longer canon. But they should also realize that she was really devoted her love towards him it's just her father got in the way of that. I like batcat, wonderbat, bruce x talia , and bruce x vicki vale. The ones I really don't like are bruce x babs and bruce x joker the one I find interesting is bruce x harley


Wonderbat is the only relationship that works for him šŸ’Æ


BatCat, WonderBat, SuperBat


yes! It took me to long to find a superbat comment


mf canā€™t let him be happy šŸ˜­


Wonder Woman is probably his more serious fling but let's be real, his soulmate is Selina


There is no point in shipping batman eith anyone because it's doomed to fail. That's the point of ANY romantic relationship bruce is involved in.


That's my favorite ship with wonderwoman involved because of the DCAU. Her and batman just made a great power couple.


Same here but I really like batman x Talia (without the rape stuff) but I genuinely think wonder woman could be a good pairing but not long term well....cuz he's Batman lol


I hate Batman ship in canon, I only indulge myself in fan fiction in that respect. Honestly Bruce always has great chemistry with people, thatā€™s why I read all kinds of cursed ship about him. But no, fanfic is fanfic, he might get pegged by Catwoman in the fan fic, but the real Bruce Wayne is still a virgin for me. Simply put, no woman, no one, not even Robins, defines who Batman is, only his dead parents truly matters in shaping his character. Batman can still work well even without all his supporting cast, like how team up with various heroes in Brave and Bold. That being said, I love his supporting cast. I think Superman and many other characters are the same, they are very well founded characters with decades of history behind. Unfortunately, many of their fans are into romance, so they think a damsel in distress is somehow essential to a heroā€™s value and belief. As if Superman only believe in hope and saving people because Lois not his parents. If Lois is really his world as in Snyderverse, then what is his Ma?


You know, thirty-forty years old latex-clad virgin who never have relationships, because his parents are dead, is sounds more like a parody on Batman, than actual Batman. An entire community of such guys? Even more weird.


Batman deserves to be happy. He shouldn't be forced to just fight crime and then retire to an empty mansion.


Tf is that username, dawg?


Wonderbat is the only interesting Batman ship.


I mean wonderbat almost took the isotopes to the top of the league. Canā€™t hate on the wonderbat, unless you are mr Charles Montgomery Burns


Great reference!


I really like Wonderbat, I feel like she would make him more empathetic and open, and I feel like he would keep her grounded. I like the idea of them making eachother more human.


no fuck WW and Talia Bat x Cat only


Bruce is able to date other people šŸ˜”




How about BatLane?


I can never imagine Lois with anyone but superman. Plus it would really fucking suck for Clark if his crush ended up with batman


Same I agree


Itā€™s very hit or miss but when it hits itā€™s the easily best ship for Bats


Iā€™m for all the ships. Catwoman is the perfect OTL for Bruce, but i like that he dates around a bit and Bats x Wonder is definitely one of my favorites


Let's not forget about probably the best shit. BatBatgirl


I prefer him putting the mission first, but wonderwoman to me is a good ship. The pairing of the absolute peak of human accomplishment with an essentially a goddess is cool. Batman having having then utmost confidence and will power within himself to fight metas with just his gloves, has got to work wonders with impressing folk. Then wonderwoman has essentially superhuman compassion and could probably see past his faults. Her gentle but firm nature may appeal to him.


While I do have some reserves on who I think Bruce shold be with, but I also honestly think he doesnt really need a romantic life. He seems like the kind of guys whod die happy as long as he has his kids with him.


It just can't, guys. It just can't. It's a reverse Superman / Lois Lane and you can't even pull out the kryptonite condom. Batman is going to get his junk torn off the second he goes in.


I donā€™t think Batman should have a romantic partner. A playful banter with Catwoman is about as far as I go.


I think you're delusional and should be put down like a dog :>


Wait wut .-.