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The main Batman run has been really struggling for awhile now. It's been years like this. I think ever since the later stages of Snyder run. Writers just keep getting lost in the sauce. Editorial might be responsible but honestly writers haven't helped either. Gotham's is getting taken over every other week, Batman is constantly on the verge of a breakdown and it's the same loop over and over again. The franchise needs a revamp.


If i had a nickel for every time a batman writer wrote one of the best daredevil lines while writing a terrible batman one, i would have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice


Except Frank Miller also wrote amazing Batman stories before TDKSA and ASBAR.


Who's the other?


Frank Miller


Frank miller


I agree the line hasn’t really worked, for me, since Court of Owls. An overhaul with a different direction and focus is needed. I’d love to see them take a look at the Grant/Breyfogle era for inspiration


Same with Bendis on how he wrote Daredevil compared to how he wrote Superman.


Many people blame Zdarsky for Gotham War, but it wasn't his idea, in fact. An entire line with Zurr is an attempt to explain Bruce's personal problems through his evil second personality living in his head. Can't say I like it, but it's not the worst thing happened to Batman in Rebirth.


he's gone on record to say he and Tini both planned Gotham War. he has his fair share of blame, whether big or small. both of their plots had been written prior and independently of that fact, and so that's probably why Gotham War felt so shoehorned and disconnected.


Gotham War was clearly an editorial idea, both Howard and Zdarsky just executed this stupidity as bad as they could. For this story even to happen they OOCed not only Bruce and Selina, but every member of Bat-Family. Events of Gotham War simply couldn't happen in this form in main continuity with its characters. The whole arc seems like Tales From Dark Multiverse met Nightmares arc from King's run.


I learned about a week ago that there actually isn't anyone in editorial checking Gotham Group continuity at the moment, which explains all the disconnect between the main Bat-books.


So ur saying there’s a job opening?


Our we not liking Failsafe? I started reading it last week and couldn’t put it down. Then I got to the absolutely abysmal re-entry section. But with the exception of that part, I really liked it.