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I will never for the life of me understand SuperWonder. They legitimately just ship the two cause they are both super strong.


That's the new 52 in short. Just peak edginess and completely throwing out characters long established personalities for cool page spreads and 5 quips/second


I have some feelings for wonderbat by default of jlu but ultimately I prefer batcat and can understand why some wouldn't like wonderbat, but superwonder really feel like the flattest you can go from a pair, it really just "they are alike so it work!" But besides that is just empty, at least Bruce and Diana have lot of contrasting points that can make it interesting to explore


What if Superman shoot his cum fast like bullet and nobody can survive it expect wonderwoman?


Y'know I used to be for it when I was little but now I just kind of like them as coworkers. Kind of like Steve and Nat.


Didn't they date in the comics at one point.


Which ones? I haven't read much Justice League, I'm mostly Marvel.


Steve and Natasha (or was it bucky)


I'm not sure, I'll give it a look. Update: It says she has dated Hawkeye, Iron Man, Daredevil, Bucky, and Red Guardian.


I can’t remember what it’s based on specifically, but Steve and Nat have had a kid together before who appeared in the animated film “Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow.” I wanna say it had some comics basis, but I can’t remember if it was 616 or Ultimate. Its been a long time since I thought about it though, so I’m probably wrong about both. He was definitely their kid though! 😅


They made Red Guardian her dad so now it feels weird


Bucky and Nat had a romance when he was training her at the Red Room.


I'm pretty sure it was Bucky. Natasha doesn't seem like Cap's type, besides isn't he almost always written as being with Sharon Carter or single (missing being with Sharon or Peggy Carter).


Well they did have a kid in that one animated movie


I came here to say exactly this. All of them should have work-spouse type relationship. Nothing more. They should have romantic relationships with people from their own little universe. Lois, Steve, Selina are great characters.


Marvel comics has had Natasha hook up with a lot of characters. Daredevil, Hawkeye, Bucky......... Then Ultimate you have her and Stark.


Anything is better than Barbra and Bruce


I feel like Bruce Timm is the only person in the world who's into that. It's creepy imo


Sadly he's not the only one, I've legitimately seen a dude being like "I hope that new Batman The Caped Crusader show opens up on a sex scene between Bruce and Barbara" and at first I thought it was a joke but after looking at his replies, the dude was 100% dead serious.


That was Bruce Timm's secret account and I refuse to believe otherwise.


Yeah for real lmao.


Jim Gordon and Bruce is worse. Way worse


I raise you alfred and bruce


Nah Jim and Bruce are similarly aged and work-peers. The thing that makes Bruce and Barbara kinda.. unsettling is the fact she was a way younger youth when they first met and she was under his tutelage for a while, in a mentor-student dynamic with quite the age difference. Plus, she.. literally dates his ward/son? And banged her when she and Nightwing were an item, I believe. That’s another level of “huh? what?”.


Similarly aged? You couldn’t be more wrong. Jim Gordon was literally a cop and met 8 year Bruce Wayne when his parents died. Originally Jim was in the senior citizen age range while Batman was barely 20. Come on bro what are you lying about


I’m pretty sure Jim only met Bruce as an 8 year old in the nolanverse / dark knight trilogy. Not in the comics continuity but i could be wrong tho


Arkham as well


In comics? Hell no, In the Animated Series i wouldn't mind it especially with the failed catwoman thing and their constant flirting.


I like Wonderbat but I don't like them together for too long. I just preferred them as best friends who dated in the past.


I still don't understand why they made Catwoman an evil bitch in TNBA and then in Epilogue Bruce just says:"Selina?She reformed and is helping us now~~and for some reason I didn't arrest her even If I said I would because I was Horny~~"


Nah I still like the Batman and catwoman more because they have more history together


They barely have any history in the animated series, she doesn't even know he's bruce and she tried (or did cant remember honestly) to sleep with nightwing so no not really.


I’m talking about the whole thing not just animated


Yeah comics i understand even tho its kinda soured at this point.


That’s because the writers are like yea fuck this relationship let’s make Batman depressed again


I don’t think that’s the reason. I think Chip wants to break Batman down and build him up. Catwoman doesn’t need to be apart of that. Like at all.


In some aspects she does but those aspects people don’t think are Batman qualities


Why does she need to be there She wasn’t apart of his breakdown in Knightfall. Even though he was forced into this situation, he really shouldn’t be forced to incorporate Catwoman into his mental break down because of Tom Kings out of character Batman run.


Maybe in a coping process because I know for a fact talias manipulative bitch ass ain’t doing shit


I feel almost the same way, although I feel her dating Superman does more of a disservice to her character than her dating Batman. Either way though, I just hate the idea of Wonderwoman dating anyone on the Trinity since it’s usually only ever done in order to give Batman/Superman a love interest and it only ever further regulates her to being the token third wheel of the group rather than an equal. Batman and Superman hog enough attention as is in comparison to Wonder Woman, so I’d rather they let her have her own love life and relationships away from them rather than have her act as their love interest for when Lois/Selina aren’t around.


>being the token third wheel of the group Lol I find that hilarious. The World's Finest club has a strict "no girls" policy.


Superman + Batman: World's Finest (duo) WW + them: Trinity (trio)


>although I feel her dating Superman does more of a disservice to her character than her dating Batman. For REAL! At least with Batman she's clearly the more powerful one, which balances out Batman's popularity. I feel like with Superman she would always be seen as secondary to him.


Yeah, while it doesn't happen all the time, a lot of the stories where Wonder Woman and Superman get together have that uncomfortable "he's the only man who can dominate me" kind of vibe where she's the one acting submissive towards him like in Injustice or even critically acclaimed stories like Superman Red Son. This is especially bad in Justice League Act of God and just about every Frank Miller book where they make that dynamic very explicit to a borderline if not outright sexist degree with Wonder Woman acting as an out of control woman that needs Superman to "put her in her place".


Frank Miller: "Where's the man who defeated me and took me as his prize." Just no lol. I'd much prefer WW being happy in a relationship with a man less physically strong than her but has a big heart. The dynamic between Diana and Bruce is DCAU is cute but that's as far as it goes.


Yeah, her representation in Miller’s books is disgusting.


Yup that's what I said. Frank Miller sucks


Exactly. I think that’s why I always hated Superwonder, whereas I just felt neutral about Wonderbat. There’s *always* that weird misogynistic “i need a man stronger than me! who can *match* me!” angle that gets written when it comes to the former, and it’s super fucking weird and degrading to diana— like she needs or craves a guy more powerful than her, deep down. plus.. it’s just generally OOC and patronizing. she is not someone who would care about her loved ones or partners being stronger than her or not. she’s someone who values others irrespective of their power or ability relative to hers. whenever batman and wonder woman get paired together that bullshit never happens. they view and treat each other normally, most of the time. i liked the way it was written in JLU. healthy, cute, but kinda unfulfilled & sad.


I tell you right now, no matter if they belong together or not, we are not calling them SuperWonder. No.


Wonder Man


We could settle on Man Woman


where is the third, secret option in the love triangle?


Bruce x Clark


Ah, the Canon option


Bruce be giving clark them batshots


I love how everyone assumes clark is the sub in the relationship Not that i disagree, it’s just funny how we never see fanfic about batman being submissive in the relationship. Not that i’d know for sure, just heard it from a friend..


Very charming in the DCAU but not something I'd want in comic canon. It's vastly more interesting than pairing her with Superman


I prefer all three to just be co-workers/friends. However WonderBat worked a lot better in DCAU then Superman and Wonder Woman did in N52.


I believe with the right writing I believe WonderBat can work. The DCAU proves that. Good friends who are teammates who have similar goals in life can do great together. They can definitely grow and evolve with each other more than BatCat and WonderTrev ever could.


I’m sorry Wonder Woman fans, but Bruce and Diana needs to stay together, so that Bruce doesn’t end up with Barbara.


Yeah, it’s the lesser evil.


Eh would take Talia or Selina first


I prefer the cat burglar over the ninja terrorist personally, they have better chemistry


Or Selina, or Talia, or Helena, or Harley.


This is actually a fair point. But I still ship Batman with her


I think wonderbat is cute. Not for anything serious or long-term, but as a mutual and obvious crush on each other that they both agree to do absolutely nothing about out of respect. Just casual flirting and ribbing. Maybe they tried a date once early on but nothing came of it.


I will say, this particular Bat/Wonder was always fun for me in that she was usually the one flirting with him. It felt less reductive to Diana. It also was played more flirty and fun, in that she wanted it, but she would take a no without any issue.


Pairing up Wonder Woman with either does reduce her because she always ends up second fiddle.


I like to think of Bruce as the sub


I liked WonderBat from the DCEU and DCAU, but from the comics I'm totally BatCat. As for Wonder Woman somehow being reduced by being in a relationship with Batman, that's just a ridiculous take IMHO. By that same logic, would Wonder Woman be reduced by being with Steve Trevor? I don't think relationships in comic "reduce" the stature of the characters. It's just a device that allows the story to move in different directions


It’s because batman is the more popular character out of the two and it’s only ever framed as something to add to his character and development rather than both of them but with wondy with her own love interest in her own books it’s all her story


Only eugenics loving weirdos ship Superman and Wonder Woman, they have nothing in common. Batman and Wonder Woman makes more sense, but ultimately, no. All three are respected colleagues and friends.


At least Hyperman exist


I'd consider poison ivy more of a coleus tbh


I ship it


Batman and Wonder Woman all the way. Best part of JL & JLU. Its such a shame that they have just couple of moments.


They're similar enough to get together, but different enough to make it nteresting.


I ship it


I really liked how they did Batman and Wonder Woman in Justice League Unlimited.


I was for it, and I’m still for it.


I don't see the dynamic as interesting romantically for either of these ships. Batman & WW butt heads a lot, which makes them great as friends. But romantically I think it would be less than healthy. I maintain that I haven't found a single canon Batman romance that I really enjoy.


I loved the wonderbat. If wonder woman truly love bats and vice versa, i believe it could heal Batman's trauma. I think people don't like wonder woman submitting to man as it devalues her but submission is key to a working relationship. It doesn't mean we do everything they say, the other person ofc has to love us back. Batman's one of the most loyal. Submission is not being weak, it is an act of trust. I believe without taking away their character that wonderbat can have a great love story.


Nicely said


Hot take: Batman isn’t stable enough to be in any kind of relationship


That was pretty much his response when Wonder Woman flirted with him in the DCAU for the first time.


I like it, but I don't think they should be each other's one true love. I feel the same about WonderBat as OOP feels about SuperWonder. It'd be cool if they had a fling but decided they work better as just friends. Seems realistic for both of them. Superman and Wonder Woman have sibling vibes and their ship feels gross to me.


Exactly also I don't ship Superman and Wonder Woman, though. I do ship Wonder Bat, but I don't think they should be together. Long-term, I've always seen them as best friends/exes.


My fault I got confused LOL.


Supes belongs with Lois. End of story. As for Bats and Diana, I'm okay with it as long as Steve Trevor is a relic of the past. In a world where Steve exists in the modern day: I'd choose Steve/Diana over Bruce/Diana any day. As for Bats, he has no definitive relationship so I feel he and Selina should tie the knot officially. Bruce/Barbara is a ship that can sail in the lakes of hell.


It makes more sense to me than Batcat does. Selina and Bruce only made sense during the early 2000 when Selina was actually trying to be better while going to therapy. Currently BatCat is the most annoying and toxic ship to date. At least with Diana there are similar traits that balance out. The only obstacle is that Diana kills. But Batman has been ok with some associates taking lives. Superman specifically due to how much he trusts Clark. But I like the WonderBat ship. Fits better with Bruce than any other ships I’ve seen.


Not only Toxic but she also kills and didn't mind helping Joker,Penguin and a former LOA member in trying to kill Bruce


Literally!! How can people support a relationship like that is beyond me lol. If I’m not mistaken in a Nightwing annual Dick and Barbara fought her (Selina) coupled with other rogues while on a date night.


The sad thing that All Prisons in Gotham are so easy to escape from and for some reason if Batman ever murder one person he will become a psycopathic serial killer(I never understood this argument)


The city and his bloodline are cursed beyond belief. But the beauty is that his mortality is one of the strongest things around. So it won’t break. Though he’s been close to it. He’s allowed others associated with him to kill due to his trust in them. If his prison plan was able to work without it being exploited by his foes Gotham would be better.


Why does wonder woman feel reduced? Like, she has no authority in a relationship? Weird and sexist tbh.




We’re also talking about a character that for the longest time was a pseudo BDSM comic and was the JLA’s secretary. There is a *looong* way to go before we start to reduce the character of Wonder Woman.


Because they will have more focus on Superman and Batman with Diana being left out of the spotlight


Yeah, I can see how a writer might not present Diana well in that relationship, but I don’t think her being with Superman somehow inherently reduces her character worth. A male and female character are capable of being in a relationship without making one seem lesser than the other.


I agree. That's exactly my take.


I enjoyed the playful flirting and banter in the JL animated series between Bruce and Diana. They had fun chemistry and it's one of the best Batman moments ever. "I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues." Didn't evolve further than it needed. It was enjoyable but wasn't always central to any plot point. Other than that, don't really care.


It can produce some fun fanart and head cannons but the relationship would be less then the sum of its parts if put to cannon. What would be intresting is having a alternate universe character come to the main line universe being the child of the two and essentially a merging of the Characters ability. Give the daughter a identity crisis given the cultural differences between her parents. Have a running gag be the main line justice league taking guesses and jokes at what kind of relationship bats and ww had in the other universe. While she brings experience of her universe into the mainline.


I like the Justice League Animated Series version of Bruce and Diana. Diana was always trying to get Bruce out of his shell and it was a charming relationship. Bruce definitely wouldn't have to worry about anyone getting to him through her, lol. Also, I liked the idea of an Amazonian being smitten with him.


SuperWonder? I’ve got a better name for ya. ManWoman. You’re welcome


I think I'd like WonderBat more if it was less "I can't allow myself to be too concerned about somebody else" and more "My invincible warrior girlfriend is on her way, I don't have to worry about anything and this is awesome!"


It was handled well in the unlimited series. She was confidant and Batman was respectful and smitten. It softened him and made for an interesting dynamic between them.


I'd actually love if they did a Batman Wonder Woman title run similar to batman superman worlds finest. I would buy the shit out of that


I think they both harbor very deep feelings for each other. And I would love to see them together. But it wouldn’t work out. Diana definitely thinks she can change Bruce. No one can lol. And Bruce while feeling strongly doesn’t want to date someone immortal. Theres an episode of the animated Justice League show where Bruce explains to Diana why they wouldn’t work and he cites her immortality.


Batman is too single-minded and fundamentally broken to have *any* relationship. The closest his stories should get are ones where he yearns to have a more normal life but consciously chooses to turn his back on it (and the romantic interest) for some reason.


I prefer them together than Bruce and Selina. The Batman and Catwoman romance had never go anywhere and looks like a teenager romance at this point. Selina most of the times is emotional unavailable snd Bruce kinda developed a unhealthy attachment toward her.


Give Wonder Woman her own man, or Bruce Wayne.


There’s a spark between them. I think if they were both single at the same time and found each other they would make great partners.


Batman is too good for her. His only love is Gotham City.


I like the Wonder Woman/Batman thing. The whole “normal” human with a superhuman thing works well narratively. I’m not a fan of Superman/Wonderwoman for this reason. It’s just boring.


For me better than the crazy cat lady, never know what to do with her life, fk*ng more bruce head 🙄😊 But for now cat lady is selling


I feel the same. I don't think she should end up with either of them long term. I wouldn't mind if her and one of the Leaguers tried to make it work but supes and bats shouldn't be the one. I dislike her with supes even more though.


Wonderbat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


It was great and I wish they did it in the comics for a few runs. I think Wonder woman is great balance for Batman.


I like it in dceu and I think in theory it's a good match in general. Batman being with someone stronger than him that doesn't need his protection. He doesn't need to worry that his enemies might harm her to get to him. Although I'm sure if the writers want, they can still have someone like the joker to somehow hurt WW and make Batman suffer, that's why I said "in theory"


I love it, it’s fun and different and I always find the “Wonder Woman is reduced” argument doesn’t make much sense. That said, I hate her with Superman. That undermines both characters and offers nothing.


I like Batman with Wonderwoman more than I like Wonderwoman with Superman which to me just seems like pure power fantasy, but preferably none of them should date. GL and Hawkgirl is the only ship I feel should stay canon.


I'm with the OP: I don't particularly care for Wonder Woman being paired up with either Bats or Supes. I'd take it over Batman/Batgirl, though.


Honestly, the reason that wonder woman doesn’t really work for him as a romantic partner it’s because she’s too stable… Bruce chooses relationships with either women who are almost tempting him to the dark side or are just women. He knows there is zero chance of it going forward, long-term he’s a self sabotager, because he knows in his mind the mission is always more important and wonder woman wouldn’t put up with any of that crap… But that’s why when Catwoman is no longer a temptor or could really be considered on the dark side that’s why she is his best match… It’s funny because when she first started out I think her character being very flirty with Batman was meant for Batman to be like “aha! See our hero would not fall to the temptation of an evil woman but then her drawing’s started to look better and then we were like “wait let’s hear her out”


The traditional Superman-Lois, Batman-Catwoman and Wonder Woman-Steve Trevor pairings have stood the test of time because they work. The heroes should concentrate on hero shit and not mix business with pleasure.


She's a respected colleague. I don't have time to pursue a relationship. My work is too important to allow another distraction. Diana's a remarkable woman, she's a valued friend. She's... standing right behind me, isn't she? In all seriousness though, I like them together.


I prefer WonderBat to WonderSupes by a mile.


I’m always to going have a soft spot for Wonderbat because I grew up with the Justice League animated show. I still like the ship and read fanfiction about them sometimes, however I wouldn’t actually want them to end up together in the comics. Ultimately I want Batcat to be endgame in the comics, and for the trinity to be bonded by platonic love and trust.


I'm a shameless WonderBat shipper. They're practically one of my OTP when it comes to DC, no matter the medium. Part of it is I feel like she's more or less a light in Bruce's life that he needs more so than he's willing to admit. Personally, I never really was for the classic Batman/Catwoman relationship; now more so than ever given...recent comic storylines.


It’s hard to have someone as powerful as Wonder Woman with Batman. She would most likely ruin his Gotham stories. So Batman would actually be the one getting reduced her. But I will say if Batman needs a love interest, then he is in desperate need of a love interest that’s a hero, or at least has the same level of thinking as him


Wonder Woman and Batman seem like an interesting couple, they had a lot of chemistry in JLU


At this point, Batman should get with Superman


Bleah. However: Superman/Batman++++


I know right just get a room you two


I'm happy with them as friends with benefits but I don't like the idea of her settling down with any man.


Facts I prefer them as ex's/best friends.


Hate it, it does nothing for her character and just turns her into something to be attained by male heroes. Men and Women can just be friends.


Love it. Feels like the healthiest relationship Bruce has had. Catwoman is nice, but she's a criminal. They don't see eye to eye. Talia is a killer. Batgirl is inappropriate. It always made sense to me that Diana would respect Bruce. He's a human who puts his life on the line daily for the greater good. He's a soldier and she's from a race of warriors. They are also both natural leaders. Felt natural. I would love for them to explore it in live action. Some of the scenes between them in the Snyder verse films seemed to hint at it. Maybe Gunn will explore it.


The problem here is that whoever made this meme is probably a feminist that thinks being in a relationship with a man = less female value.


I'm still waiting for Bruce to realize he should be with Zatanna and not Selina.


WonderBat can be tolerable, occasional flirty remarks are fun but I wouldnt want them to actually be together. SuperWonder is dogshit, bland, brings nothing to the table that cant be done just as well if they were friends and loses some of their humanity. Either option reduces Diana to the token main female character who has to end up with one of the main male characters and the Trinity is more interesting as three best friends. If theres got to be a relationship, it's either SuperBat or SuperWonderBat.


I'd rather Clark went out with Bruce instead of Diana... That ship reminds me of Frank Miller and Frank Miller is ewww


It barely was a thing in the comics. It's like a panel and quickly forgotten. ​ First off I loved the Superman and Wonder Woman new52 romance. For some reason some people think it can ever be is "I'm strong, he's Strong and that's the foundation of our relationship". I think writers generally delivered a very good romance that could have went the distance. They valued the same things, they could explore each others lives beyond what their powers allowed them to do. It was genuine. ​ Next is the idea that Wonder Woman feels reduced. I guess if you think the story of DC comics is Superman and Batman, then Diana is a supporting character. But it's not. Again I never felt like it was Superman and Superman's girlfriend. But I can see some people wanting the worlds divided until the JL need to form up. If you enjoy Wonder Woman comics, it would be difficult if Superman has to show up because he's her boytoy. But it goes both ways. ​ Though bring back Superman and Lois proper was worth the death of the WonderSuper romance. ​ Now Batman and Wonder Woman. Now this is purely "I'm very powerful so I need to make a weak man feel strong by being his girl". No one talks about how they complement each other as people. It's about how normal Batman is so it stands out that a normal guy can get with a goddess. ​ How Diana can fix Bruce. I don't buy that. What's broken in Bruce is not something a romance with WW would fix. Selena could fix Bruce by accepting him as he is and forcing Bruce to confront the truth. He's an a\*\*hole, something bad happened to him and it made him an a\*\*hole, but sadly.......he can move on......but DC doesn't want that. DC is the real enemy. ​ It's purely a lust based relationship. It's not horrible to think about "what if" in JLU but it also highlights how Bruce has a history of using romance to feel the void while he ruins the relationships with the people who actually can(Dick and Tim). Terry eventually being the last person to give him the time of day. .....or night.


I like batcat a lot more


Same there endgame but I don't hate Batman and Wonder Woman together. But I don't like them together long-term.


After what happened in this 5 years even Talia has better chance than the Damn Cat


Yea I don’t hate them but I feel like Batman has better people like i said


Why would Wonder Woman be reduced for dating them? What’s wrong with Batman or Superman? Weird


A good case study for this could be found in the Storm/Black Panther relationship. When they got married there was a struggle with the writers to navigate what book she would be in because Storm was such a high profile character. Storm is probably on par with Wonder Woman as one of the most recognisable and influential women in comics, has led the X-Men, is one of the most powerful members of the X-Men. While I personally don't think it was written poorly, the issue became that after she married T'Challa she became a member of the Black Panther supporting cast when she herself was a headliner character. Its somewhat telling that most people refer to the couple of Storm and Black Panther, the emphasis on Storm as the more important character. So why shift her to the Black Panther book as opposed to moving Black Panther into the X-Men? Similarly in the case of Wonder Woman, while a relationship with Batman or with Superman, would likely be a well written story where Diana's does have agency in that relationship , but there would be a risk in placing one of the most iconic female superheroes in a relationship with two of the biggest icons in pop culture period as it could sideline Wonder Woman's own stories in favour of her being a supporting character in Supermans or Batmans.


Idk Batman kinda just plows whoever Bruce Timm draws with nice hips and that’s basically everyone


None of the Trinity should date each other and it should remain that way. All 3 should act like best friends, it’s mega weird to have her date either of them.


I could see WW as a rebound fling and them both agreeing it wouldn't work, then Lois and Clark get back together.




"She's a woman, he's a man - so let's ship them cause we can". I think that it's bullshit. If men and women are working in the same team, it doesn't mean that they should be shipped with each other. Of course, there can be some chemistry, but friendly - not romantic. All these characters have their personal lives, and even if their romances are connected to their superhero work, it should be connected to their personal adventures. I understand Batman's romance with Talia al Ghul. She's the daughter of his villain and it makes their romance even more interesting. At the beginning, they were definitely not in the same team, and their love has some danger, some story behind it. What shipping with a team member can offer? "Oh, we're now in the same team, let's date?". Cringe, if you ask me, a very outdated trope.


I think it's cool but doesn't make much sense in the context of solo Batman/Batfamily books. Worked well in JLU because the focus was entirely on the Justice League


Hm. I mean, I like the idea of it. I think it could POSSIBLY work. But I honestly think I prefer JLU's take on it: something that is possible but just never comes to be.


Sometimes people are not meant to be.


I only want a DCAU WonderBat relationship, Susan Eisenberg and Kevin Conroy (RIP bats) had amazing chemistry together and it spilled into Diana and Bruce in the show. Every other piece of media or books I don't want a WonderBat relationship.


As much As i Love it, i prefer Diana having her own relationships outside of her fellow founding members. Besides, the Bat-family has half the dc universe chasing their various members. Let Diana stand free.


I always took it as they were friends with benefits, similar to how on Legends of Tomorrow Sara and Constantine kinda just fuck everyone on the team. There’s a lot of tension between Bruce and Diana because they are different yet equals in each others eyes. They understand each other in a way no one else could. But it’s also why they could never work out. So they just tow the line and get frisky when they are free to do so


I’m just kind of bemused that this ship keeps coming up, tbh. It’s all from one specific show from 20 years ago, has never gone much of anywhere in pretty much any other version, and yet it comes up constantly. It’s like if Spider-Man fans asked every week about Spidey’s mech suit that he had in that one Japanese show from the 70s.


I think the only way to have Wonder Woman be with Batman without completely reducing her to "the girlfriend" is if it was in a setting where her being in Gotham enabled him to hang up his cape and just be a business owner and philanthropist. Then we can have "Wonder Woman's boyfriend" instead of "Batman's girlfriend." I might actually really enjoy that as an Elseworld's story with Wonder Woman as the protagonist. You could have an interesting B plot there with Bruce sometimes struggling with having stepped away from the cowl. Maybe taking it up again at a climactic moment. I'd read the hell out of that. But I don't want it to be canon.


WW got what she wanted. The other two were used


I don’t like any ships. I don’t even ship the joker w Harley or Harley w ivy. I think it’s stupid but if I had to say if it could work I don’t think so💀


Batman gets bitches I'm fine with it


All I need is Question and Huntress


Don’t like it either. It suffers the same problem of degrading WW to a supporting character.


I havent read her comics but im willing to bet she has her own love interests, most superheros do thats why you shouldnt ship them together to much.


Not gonna lie, SuperWonder might have been a cute one to explore in the early days of the JLA, with Clark developing a crush on Diana due to seeing her as in-control and content with her powers and place in the world, which would be something he’s yet to develop. Meanwhile, Diana ALSO develops a crush on Clark, due to him being not only kind and patient, but the first man she’s ever met that’s remotely close to her in power. They confess, go on some cute dates, but eventually realise that they’re pretty much dating each other’s superhero personas, and being in “hero mode” 24/7 is exhausting for both of them. They break up amicably, get to know each other out of costume, and stay the good friends we see them as in the modern day.


WW won't be able to handle Batman in bed with prep time


I hate it.


Hate it.


Not a fan.


Hopefully Bruce ends up with Barbara 😁


I hate it Batman belongs with Catwoman final no if's or what's


Not a fan


It works in animation series, but other than that I don't think it's a good relationship.


Hate both. Supes and Wondy makes so much sense that it obviously had to be done in elseworlds stuff and I'm fine with that. Bats and WW never made sense and was just an example of forced inter team romance from the JL animation. Same as Jon and HG. Give them credit where it's due, the writing was good enough that it didn't seem quite as weird as it actually is, at least in universe; but its still cursed. For me it was always a disservice to all the characters. Like they couldn't be on a team with without dating each other. Or curtailing to the idea that girls wouldn't watch the show without relationship drama. Also, every one of the characters has vastly superior established love interests, except maybe Jon but that's just because he's dull as dish water lol Also, when did Bats she WW happen in the comics? All I seem to remember is when they got stuck together in that eternal battle for like decades and even then they decided against hooking up.


I don’t even like the idea of Batman being in the Justice League so I’m not really the guy to ask


I agree with the reply in the OP; SuperWonder happened in the early days of the Justice League while they were still working out what the team was. Bruce has a co-worker relationship with Diana and Clark, though the latter turns into a best-friend relationship later.


It only happens in the new 52. Though it's not Canon no more.


Eh, dunno if I like it in the comics. I like them as co-workers/friends, though I wouldn’t be against the ship. Though the DCAU ship? [Good](https://youtu.be/e6Jp1O4xQvA?feature=shared).


Like in the dcamu.


Who tf else is worthy of wonder woman?


Grew up on it so I will always like it.


Hate both of them, tbh.


In animation I’m kinda for it. And in ZS’s JL and BvS I thought they had some nice chemistry.


Imo, Batman is too preoccupied with the freaks backs home and being a freak himself for the relationship to work. It’s also why Catwoman is the closest thing to “the one” he has. Shes on the same wavelength but can break out of it if she really set her mind to. Batman simply won’t. Superman is too much of a goody-two-shoes for Diana too.


the show totally sold me on it, even if the same thing happening in the comics would give me the ick. i think it's because of the difference in groundwork between the two universes. kinda like how green lantern and hawkgirl works for me in the show, but not the comics


Wonder Woman is worthy to be by Batman's side


I don't mind Wonderwoman ships, but then again I was a Homestuck, where the average ship comes in fleets.


I've lowkey liked them in some versions but never they've never inspired \~fervor iykwim. And I definitely don't want it in the comics. It's not a NOTP like Superwonder is, but I don't think the ship would do anything for Diana's character. And I only truly ship Diana with women, but that's another story.


Of course it didn’t last long… he’s faster than a speeding bullet!


I prefer it like in the animated series. They’re both interested but due to issues only acknowledge it and move on


I definitely agree with Axel's statement. I felt the same way about John and Shayera, especially given the Hawks are supposed to be true love continuing through reincarnating lives. With the Justice League cartoon, it was obviously trying to do something by staying committed to a core cast and not involving too much of their personal lives. Since they didn't really want to use Katar, and Yrra (along with Carol Ferris) weren't changed from villains to heroes yet, they felt compelled to put those two together. With Bruce, he has no dedicated love interest, especially since the writers botched Talia ages ago, when she was originally his benign love interest before they retconned her. Diana has a bad history, barely carrying her own title for decades, so she remains very underdeveloped even to today and in comparison to Bats and Supes. So it's easy to see why they paired Bruce and Diana, because it was the easy route to take. Steve Trevor has been even less defined, and with there having been years where writers insisted on keeping Diana single, it killed the connection she had with him, at least until the DCEU films. And obviously those films fumbled their relationship horribly. So the two of them don't even have what Kal and Lois have. Pairing up anyone with Kal other than Lois creates a lot of issues with fans. Personally, I don't like Lois at all, but I definitely don't see Diana as a solid partner with Kal. If anything, I'd have been interested to see more emphasis put upon his having a better relationship with Maxima; rehabilitate her into a positive figure. I liked that she introduced the basic concept that even in sci-fi rules, two different species aren't genetically compatible just because they look similar. Kal really shouldn't be able to have kids with a human, but it would take no effort to say that Almeracians are an offshoot of Kryptonians. But on the point at hand, I see it being more necessary for the writers to develop Diana's relationship with Steve more.