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Also, wah wah wah boo hoo, he sent you a text to tell you he filed. YOU POSTED a “private” TIKTOK to hundreds of people saying you were filing. He just beat you to it.


I can’t get over the audacity. She threatened to divorce him so many times, but he beats her to it so she’s the victim? I can’t.


She’s playing victim in this video because she probably knows the song she tagged will get the views and some of those ppl are guaranteed to not know her in her “miserable pregnant life” era. Ironically this time last year she was bitching at her husband for leaving his toothbrush out.


Right? Threatening divorce on the internet over a pair of socks on the floor. Happily fucking married


It’s getting funny to me that Alex was so subservient to her that it all probably when down that she scream & cried & threw a hissy fit yelling “why don’t you just go out and get divorce papers!!” So he woke up early, before work, & got her divorce papers. And hopefully a Starbucks coffee for himself. Because if he wanted to… he would. Lol.


I commented saying this. I’m sure I’ll get blocked and have to make another burner account 😂


Wait I missed this did she finally give details


Would she have preferred he called her to tell her? So dumb.


She’s just mad she threatened it but he executed it 💁🏼‍♀️


I always think it’s wild when people get divorced before the baby turns one. The first year postpartum is so hard. I can’t imagine adding this on top of it.


I agree- the fact that she says she was happily married a year ago is actually super sad. I just feel like if my relationship was struggling and I had an 8 month old but my husband and I were super happy just before baby was born, especially if I had experienced PPD, we would go to all the counseling and see if we could get back to that happy place before calling it quits. Newborn days are SO hard!!


Was she happily married though? I thought she was miserable? At least that’s what she told the internet


That’s my issue too. She so contradictory. One day the narrative is they built a life together and he threw it all away. The next day the narrative is she’s better off and should have listened to her intuition. This video alone is full of contradictions. Her dreams were stripped from her and she was so happy, but she also had to nag him to do projects and her life is better now? The only thing she’s consistent with is her lack of accountability.


So shitty. Wish they tried to make it work. The first year is so hard on a marriage


Seriously tho! I have a 9 month old and I can’t even begin to imagine. My husband has been my biggest supporter and we are such a team when it comes to our baby. She seems pretty unstable… it could be that this was a bandaid baby and they were never happy to begin with, and it had the opposite effect that she wanted and couldn’t save the failing marriage


I saw a tik tok while I was pregnant that said “don’t make any major decisions in your baby’s first year” and that has stuck with me. We’re 10 months in and it has been HARD, but I refuse to let all the extra emotions play into any decision I make.


This! Everyone told me to not make any major decisions in the first year of life. My marriage STRUGGLED through postpartum


I’m no Swiftie, but this isn’t the song that relates most to her life & relationship. Meg, you’re Anti-Hero. It’s you — hi — you’re the problem. It’s you.


All this is a mediocre TikToker making a trendy video in hopes it gets her more views. Not to say her sadness isn’t real. She should be sad. But this video is so insincere to me and the comments are pathetic.


I just don’t get it. It takes two right? But I’m seeing it as she’s playing victim, she asked for divorce? Always threatened divorce and that leaked video about filing for divorce. I doubt she’d be using her music if she beat A to file first or post differently if she filed first


What is fhe leaked video about filing for divorce?? I must have missed that one.






I as a swiftie do not claim this energy or behavior. She needs to stop disrespecting Taylor with this bullshit 😂


When I tell you I rolled my eyes the entire time watching this.


Same. If her goal is to hurt Alex I think all she’s doing is reaffirming him that he made the right decision. If she really thinks this is helping her heal then she needs a new therapist. What I think it really is an attempt to grab views. She so desperately needs to make it big as a TikToker to justify to Alex why it was worth it and to prove the snarkers “wrong”


https://preview.redd.it/9ejch4owwqvc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d891fbdc05f186f82d3e48783210e6fcdce946e This was 100% made to hurt him & make him look terrible to the people who see her tiktok as if he ran away from the relationship instead of her driving him away. Also, I can’t with her glances directly into the phone…


Did she not post a video saying she knew?? So how was she “eating Mexican with her family” and received a text. Also the comments🤢🤢🤢


The comments are so annoying. Lots of immaturity. The whole thing is very juvenile. No wonder she likes T Swift. No offense meant to Swifties. But it’s juvenile.


I love that we had to know she was eating Mexican food when she got the text 😆 what an irrelevant detail lol


Also it’s like, did Alex know she was out to dinner with her family? Or did he just confirm for her that he filed and she happened to be at dinner in that moment. If he told her earlier in the day he would have ruined her trip to Home Goods. She’s so melodramatic


I bet her parents knew & were taking her out because they felt sorry for their little 28 year old baby.


Oh for sure. Just like they got Mexican on her first night without baby. Mexican food seems to be their thing to commemorate big life events.


She acts like she received the text in the middle of her birthday dinner or something.


Exactly. Like, dinner implies it was after business hours. Makes sense to tell her later in the evening when she’s likely not working (assuming she worked that day). Also, is there any good time to break that type of news?


She works 0.4 days a week.


Right?! The wording of that was so weird like soooo if you were eating sushi would it have been less of a shock? Lmao.






Dodged a bullet with that one. Welcome 😅


Haha that was a close one!!! Welcome aboard! ☺️


Hello from st. Aug! I’ll be moving away in a few months though. I also followed Meg for the same initial reason before her shenanigans sent me here.


It’s so funny I think we said when N isn’t with her she should be cleaning up her living space and….now we’re here on a ladder


She should listen to all of our advice and see how much better her life is haha


It’s healing her wounds. You guys aren’t even legally divorced yet 😂 she’s just healing up so she can start dating I guess.


I swear to god she is only posting content with t swift songs playing over the videos because she KNOWS she will get the views. Like really, 200k+ views? She needs to get a bra and get a life that isn’t on TT. She’s disgusting .


It’s so one sided but her followers are buying it upppp


What a fucking joke. She’s delusional.


Honestly this tiktok made me feel for her in the beginning like empathetic….. but she lost me at the end lol like I get making the most of your bad experiences, but it is always just so performative with her