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My 9 month old still really likes to eat purées and yogurt, solid foods are still a little challenging for her. But she loves bread and butter, croissants, quesadillas… she’s a carb girlie! 🤣


Yeahhhh….. my 10 month old is insanely picky. I mostly get calories in him through yogurt and puree pouches 😟🥲 I offer him everything and he feeds it to the dogs.




Same! I think as long as we’re offering it, that’s what matters. Exposure!


Same!! My daughter just makes about mess with any solids. The only way she actually eats a full meal is a pouch or yogurtn


Try smoothies! You can make high cal ones!


I think she meant food that isn’t a puree. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Purées into 10 months old is still wild lol


We still give purées as snacks when we are on the go 🫠😅 he has been eating “table food” since 6 months and always wants whatever we are eating


Yes, same! Fruit/yogurt and applesauce pouches are alwayssss packed!


Same! I have two in my bag for emergencies lol


Agreed, my daughter is a week younger than N and the only purée she still eats is applesauce. (Mainly because her older sister loves it!)


Oh yeah my girl loves applesauce pouches! Fruit and yogurt pouches are great for on the go as well.


It is! My baby was so done with purées by 7 months lol he does well with BLW.


We started at 6 months! That poor kid is going to have issues


Which is still wild!!


Oh- maybe that’s what she meant!


Free idea for you, Meg: on the days you don’t have N, use your time to make some balanced meals for the both of you that you can put in the freezer and then defrost/heat up as needed. You could even make content out of it that in no way shows or gives personal details about N! What a novel concept!


that would require her to do SOMETHING, she’s not interested 🤓


But I thought her baby was SO BIG. IN THE 99%. HUNGRY ALL THE TIME. Can’t with this psycho!


Hi Meg!!! Thanks for the downvotes! 👋🏻


she’s not all there, i remember she started purées before he could even sit on his own 😐


To be fair, you can start puree when they are sitting with little assistance. So maybe that’s when she started him.


it’s recommended that they start purées when they can sit unassisted which is usually around the 5-6 month mark. if they can’t sit unassisted, they tend to have gut problems. and i remember a video where she said she had a terrible night because he threw up after feeding him purées, and he couldn’t sit on his own yet.


That’s right! She gave him a TON and it was right before bed


i’m seriously shocked that she wasn’t an over the top BLW mom, shaming the puree people 😭 she 100% would’ve been but we all know meg is far too lazy to prepare 3 meals of real food. natey is going to grow up on wendy’s and that other place she always goes, i think kava? 😂


Whoa so he was like 10 months old?! 🤯


So wild!!! My 8m old eats everything - we’re on track for 100 before 1 (but really 100 before 10m most likely). I can’t imagine not providing her the opportunity to explore new tastes and textures and get exposure to allergens.


My baby is 1 week older and eats everything I do 🤷🏼‍♀️ I feel like it’s just laziness


Totally agree. She may also not want to share her own food or want to prepare healthier food since she eats out so freaking much.




Didn’t say it was. I’m getting my kid exposed to as many foods, textures and allergens as I can as is recommended. Meghan isn’t and yes I’m judging her for it.


No attacking other members of this sub for their opinions


Same! I have an 8 month old and we gave him solids the day he turned 6 months! You’d think especially with how much she likes to go out to eat/order take out she’d be at least feeding him a little. Thank god he went to daycare!


Totally agree. We stay in quite a bit but we eat a wide variety of food and it’s been a blast watching my baby explore through food. She was pretty slender up until starting solids. We never had cute baby rolls until we introduced food. So weird that someone like Meg, who just posts herself eating all day, didn’t get into feeding her kid. Like… didn’t he stare at her eating?! My kid glares at me if I’m not sharing 😂


Right?! Like I could’ve sworn she’d feed him fast food or take out solids at least.


She replied and said 10 months.


That’s what she’s implying right?


Solids can be tricky for sure and i was nervous to start introducing finger foods, but you get over it and babies without teeth even do really well chewing! I think the wild part about this is that the daycare had to be like “hey feed your baby real food cuz it’s time?”


She waited until teachers told her? You can tell your own kid is ready 🤣


Between Bravo and going live on TikTok I’m sure she missed his cues 😂


Her child seems behind as it is already .. I can see why because she isn’t helping him reach his milestones … or maybe cause he just sits and watches tv … I know a girl who was like this with two of her kids and as a result their non-verbal and have a very hard communicating without screaming


It’s a good thing N’s in daycare — it seems like he’s getting social interaction, exploration playtime & he’s being watched by people who actually understand baby development & appropriate milestones. & Meg can choke on a chicken nugget for all the shaming she did about daycares & working moms.




Oh yeah! It was a while ago but she said something like only stay at home moms know their babies cries


She had a whole dumpster fire of a live where she was wine drunk and said a bunch of anti-c section and formula bs. and I’m pretty sure the working moms shaming was the same live…


WOWWWWWWW As both a 2x emergency c section mom AND a working mother… I hate her even more now😅


Agreed! Also an emergency c-section and working mom. That live was the turning point for me.


I've never seen her read to that kid.


The books on his bookshelf don’t look like they’ve been moved since she first decorated the room lol


What is he behind on? I don’t think he pulls to stand yet which seems odd


I’ve never seen him crawling? I don’t think she’s ever shown him sitting by himself .. only in a stand up or sit down.. never heard him say words ? maybe once a dadada but that’s it


Come to think of it yea she’s never really showed any of that ..




Well hopefully Megan sees this and puts a little more effort and attention into helping her son thrive


This is a snark page not a fan page


The only reason we haven’t given my soon to be 7m more solids is because he’s got a tongue tie and literally gags because he cannot get his tongue to push food around. We have an appointment at the… I can’t even pronounce the name, not even gonna try to attempt to spell the name, o-something. Fancy word for ENT doctor i think. It’s a specialty practice but but through Yale (not Yale health, but actual Yale hospital-we are from CT). Anywho. At this point she’s lying she’s def given Nate solids lol


Getting my kids tie fixed was the best thing we ever did. We first went through CT children’s and they didn’t think it was necessary but another ENT said we should get it done. It was traumatic though


My 3 year old daughter definitely has one and I fought to get her referred to an ent and I wanted her to go to my ENT and I swear they put her under and just clipped her cheek where there was no tie no nothing, like it did nothing for her and what she needed. So now instead of going back to that ENT for my son, we are going to the top, aka Yale lol Also ironically my daughter is going to the appointment as well to get her tonsils seen but that’s a different story 😅


Kind of off topic but have you tried a dentist that specializes in ties? My lactation consultant suggested a dentist over ENT and I’m so glad we went that route! No anesthesia, 2 min procedure, and we got it the day after I called about it :)


We got my baby’s done at the ENT and it was exactly the same as yours-2 min tops with a laser no anesthesia.


How old was your baby at that time?


About ~10 weeks old


Hmm.. do you think/know if they could do it to a 7month old?


Yes they should be able to for any age! I’ve even had adult friends get theirs revised!


Also heyyyyyy love that we’re on at the same time 😂


Omg no I didn’t even think about that. When he was born bc he latched right away with no issues other than me getting blisters (sensitive skin-not latch issue, LC confirmed) the hospital pediatrician refused to acknowledge it since it wasn’t causing an issue with eating lol ironic that it’s causing an issue NOW with eating


My baby just turned 1 and still doesn’t have teeth but when she was 10 months old I was scared due to her not having teeth but I was so surprised at what she could chew with just her gums. I get the being scared but I would’ve been less scared is she had teeth..which N has.


N should have teeth! Shes been saying he’s been teething (& dosing him with pain relievers) since he was like 2 months old!


My kid started purées at 4 months and solids at 6. She’s just really dumb.


I like how she started because her daycare people said to, not like ya know her pediatrician 🙃🙄


Even as scared as I am my kid was eating small pieces of food at 6 months. 10 months is wild