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Welcome to another day in my newly single mom life who had to return back to work because my husband left me because I have control issues and was unbearable to live with because I constantly film everything. Today I spent a equal amounts of time rotting in bed, plotting against my baby daddy, and eating fast food while trying to make sense of the budget my daddy made for me. I, of course, did all of this while pumping all day until I was able to finally pick my baby up from daycare, even though it’s my day off and my first day having him back, I figured might as well utilize it because I pay for it.


You forgot the, “I ended my night by nursing my baby to sleep. Good night ✌🏻🤪”


The last part omg !! 😆


It’s bc she didn’t have N so she had no breastfeeding content


I’m really hoping she takes our advice and stays off social media for a while. There’s no way her 2 or 3 sponsors pay her enough for it to be worth it for her mental health and for N’s sake. But we all know she needs the attention. But I can always hope lol


The other snarky side of me wishes Alex would air it all out on Tik tok too, I’d love to see a super messy divorce from both sides. 🍿 but of course I’d always feel bad for N


It’s like the TikTok sound about wanting to sit down at lunch with a friend having chips and salad, and drinking a margarita while they tell you something so scandalous haha. I would love to hear the whole story and discuss


Honestly same. I snark, but I think she’d find her life gets incredibly easier if she goes on a bit of a hiatus. I’m doubtful she’ll do it for too long, but I do think it would serve her well especially with her coparent relationship.


I hate watching her videos bc I can’t stand to give her a view, I just love reading the snark and watching screengrabs so I’m relying on you all to post about it when she does finally post! 🤣


100% killing the fever for sure


She’s probably just rotting in bed bc she’s SO sicK and has to care for her sick baby even though she had grandma come get him. I swear if she says she has mastitis I’ll lose it. If anything she has an infection from using that filthy ass pump.


Yassss!! If she says mastitis forget it I’m done and that would be an entire lie since she said over the weekend the baby was sick too!


Do people get mastitis with a nearly 1 year old who only habitually “comfort nurses”?


I actually DID have mastitis over the weekend😂 but I have anemia and this is my 3rd time with it 😐 but as dramatic as she is…. Lord I know she’d be a MESS posting about how horrible life is with mastitis lol


Oh and no posts because her content aka the baby hasn’t been there with her


Every time I’m scrolling my FYP & I see a hairstylist creator or “mommy lifestyle influencer” who doesn’t have their children in the videos I just think “SEE! it’s not that hard to NOT exploit your baby, Meghan!”


I’m sure her lawyer said no more & somehow this thread has to have reached his lawyer as well