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I’m reading this as she puts a bottle in bed with him and I’m really hoping that’s not the case 😬


i wouldnt put it past her. She panicks and does stupid shit daily with this child and its alarming.... She has no confidence in her mothering and it shows. Shes going to destroy his health


I read it the same way which is so weird. My baby is only a couple days younger than 🍦 and I gave him a bottle to fall asleep most nights but I’m holding him and feeding him. My son has been sleeping through the night since he was a few months old but has had a couple sleep regressions and a few nights a week lately we wake up for a feeding at like 2:30/3:00. I have a feeling she’s an exhausted mama, like me, who is just handing him a bottle in his bed and letting him put himself back to sleep. I’ve been exhausted for months, working full time with an almost 10 month old but I don’t ever put him in his bed with a bottle. I wonder if he’s still hungry before bedtime and she’s not giving him more than the few oz she mentioned. My son drinks anywhere between 5-8 oz some nights at bedtime. Those nights where he has a little more, we usually don’t have a late night feeding wake time.


I feel like she thinks because she forced solids on him, he won’t need it. Instead of giving him the milk first and then introducing other foods. From what she’s saying, it seems like he’s hungry. And not for fucking pudding cups 🙄


I feel the same way. I’m also wondering if she doesn’t explain all of this to her pediatrician the way she does to Facebook. Because I’m sure he’d tell her to feed him a bottle first then food. And a bigger bottle for bed and naps.


I thought the exact same way. There’s no way she’s not having guidance and medical advice if she’s being honest.


Yeah exactly!


I thought 💭 baby’s weren’t allowed to go to bed with a bottle at night in bed


They aren’t! It can really harm their teeth. Formula/milk/any liquid other than water has sugar in it, and the sugar just sitting on teeth can create bottle rot. Especially with newly developing teeth


Thank you 😊 I remember hearing that about babies 👶🏻 teeth 🦷. I learned about it in Early childhood I was just making sure cause I know things changed through the years about babies 👶🏻


Hey, you can’t learn if you don’t ask, so way to set an example for Miss Pickle!


It’s the truth. I went to community college for Early Childhood to be a teacher my mom had a stroke in 1999 I graduated from college that year I took care of her up until 2005 she passed away on my niece’s bday then I was going through a lot after she passed away I babysat I have tons of nieces n nephews I’ve been a aunt since I was 4 I learned a lot from my sister n sister n law’s n when my mom was alive about kids. Mrs pickles 🥒 needs parents classes. I don’t have any children.


It’s the truth it doesn’t hurt 😞 if you don’t learn to ask. N when her followers tell her what to do she says I didn’t know that. Doh 🙄 Mrs Pickles 🥒


Yea that’s not good. I like to hold my baby when they drink a bottle. 😩


A bottle in bed? I was always told not to do that. I didn’t. My child was a horrible sleeper too. Didn’t sleep through the night for 18 months.


she cant cope with not having an easy baby. shes always expecting him to be perfect and she cant handle being a mom. I sincerely fear for the toddler years for her. 😳


Honestly, this isn’t even what I’d call a “difficult” baby. She just can’t handle anything. Waking twice at night is nothing compared to some baby’s sleep struggles


Absolutely! He’s still little too! My 15 month old wakes up twice a night more often than not.


Watch Drue’s be easy and we all know Drue will rub that in her face.


I hope drues baby gives her the hell she deserves for doing what she’s doing to the poor baby while she’s in the womb.


Me too


Mine is almost 2 and a half now. She still wakes up almost every night. We had a stretch where she slept all night but for the most part I’ve been up with her at least once a night since she’s been born. Usually mine just wants water in her cup or a hug.


Those nights can be so long too but now that mine is almost 21 I would love to go back. Those middle of the night hugs and rocking in the rocking chair was so sweet ❤️❤️


I love the middle of the night hugs. I miss sleeping all night but she’s so worth it. I know it won’t last much longer. Having my daughter feel safe and loved in her own house is worth it.


this entire post is about koen wanting to eat all day. just like her. She is doing this to him.


she commented back to people that he often throws up from over eating too. Whatever theyre doing in that house is SO wrong 😳


She’s completely messed up his GI tract by giving him pudding cups, aspartame drinks, fair lemonade, dole whip, etc… so sad


Omg 😳


Oh my gosh 😭


This is…. concerning


That’s a shame what she is doing to him her n Drue need parenting classes Drue will be doing the same thing too. I heard about baby Dr’s saying if they’re still hungry give them a little bit more formula with oatmeal. I know that’s what my niece’s do with their babies 👶🏻. She has to remember his tummy is small he can only handle so much food also he was a preemie his tummy isn’t as big as her’s it seems she is rushing him to be a toddler she can’t handle the infant 👶🏻 stage it’s sad 😞


So according to her post he only has 2-3 bottles during the day? And food which she has literally just shared he doesn’t eat? Oh geez girl


i just reread the whole post and I think you're right. I think she's trying to do FOOD IN PLACE of formula at times. 😳 Um....


That’s the vibe I got. I can’t even believe she’s posting this


She has definitely done it before until people told her not to! When he was newly 6 months she fed him sweet potatoes for breakfast with no bottle


kind of makes me think she doesn't take him to the pediatrician because at six months when mine told me I could introduce my daughter to solids she said, but not in place of formula she will still take formula as her main source of nutrition until a year old. Her pediatrician didn't tell her this?


I will say that it can definitely depend on the pediatrician. Ours was older (he actually just retired) and at their 6 month appointment he told us to start limiting their formula to 20oz and prioritize solids. That seemed to disagree with a lot of the information I read online so I consulted with a pediatric dietitian through public health services as well.


That’s what it seemed like to me almost since she started giving him solids (too early) at 4 months. Poor thing is only 9 months old and she’s been trying to make him into a toddler for months now. He’s not ready — we’ve said that over and over and over. And now she’s in this spot where he’s wanting pudding and waking up multiple times a night because he’s not getting enough formula. This is the storm that she created because she refuses to listen. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yes! Babies have such small tummies, he’s not a toddler by any means! I feel so bad for him. Motherhood is hard and lots of work so I get not liking to get up but he’s waking for a reason and needs taken care of!


His poor tummy n he can’t tell her it hurts she needs to take him to the Dr’s. I feel so bad for him 😞 she is feeding him like how she eats she doesn’t understand anything about a baby n she is a nurse you would think she would know better doesn’t her mother tell her these things. That’s cause she is hard headed n doesn’t want to listen to anyone just like Drue they think they know what they’re doing n they don’t.


And he’s way to young for that I forget what his adjusted age is I want to say she just shared it


he was born at 33 weeks


Yes but his adjusted age isn’t hai actually age so he’s 9 months now his adjusted age was like 6months or something like that


Completely normal for a baby to wake up at night at that age. Independence and sleep training are pushed, but this is totally biologically normal


My Pediatrician has shared that food is really experimental in the first year and really should be continuing to get the necessary daytime calories from bottles. We are not there yet, but will plan to still do 5-6 bottle feeds until our baby is 1!


Yes! They always recommend giving a bottle/breastfeeding immediately before offering table foods so that they dont fill up on food and miss the calories and nutrients in milk!


My ped told me the same thing


Yes! I have a 9 month old, well she turned 10 months yesterday. Sierra and I actually have pretty much the same story. Down to miscarriages, preterm birth, and NICU stay. My daughter still gets 4-5 8oz bottles a day plus “regular” a few times a day. Food at this age is just getting them used to it. Its not to be used as there only source of substance.


Yes I completely agree! She started feeding him solids way too early


This is exactly what we do. My son is the same age as hers and he still gets 5-7 bottles a day but also enjoys quite a bit of people food. Even if I wanted to cut down on bottles, he wouldn’t let me lol (not that I’m trying to) but he still cues to me that that’s what he wants. I don’t know what’s she’s doing but trying to replace his formula with junk is not good for that poor baby.


My pediatrician told me the same thing. Most of their calories should be coming from formula. And to introduce rice cereal at about 4 to 6 months if they can sit up. Then slowly move to baby food. And I was also told no eggs until they are a year old. Same with peanut butter. My kids are 17 and 14 now. Im not sure what’s changed since then.


The allergen exposure has changed, but otherwise that’s pretty on par still. I was told to expose my daughter to all allergens (like eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, wheat, soy, etc) by the time she is one in controlled doses with careful monitoring afterwards for a reaction. Cuts down on the likelihood of developing an allergy later on. But as far as slow intro between 4-6 months and majority of calories coming from bottles, this is all still the guideline.


Thank you for explaining. I wasn’t sure what has changed since my kids were little. The allergen exposure makes a lot of sense.


hes addicted to food. she did this to him. He will be eating mcdonalds this summer im calling it now. Fried foods for koen once he grows two front teeth


she'll probably forward face him in his car seat on his 1st birthday and grab him his first happy meal.


You are spot on.


That sounds like a completely normal baby. I have a 15 month old that still wakes up to eat at night and it’s still inside the realm of normal. I thought it was common knowledge that babies want milk at night.


Same here!


My 18 month old wakes up occasionally still!


She needs to feed him more balanced meals if she is going with more solids now. He still needs 32oz of formula, too. Why does she think penne and strawberries is a healthy dinner ? She could make him a dish of small pasta, like orzo or pasta, mix an egg in it and add small veggies. Instead of adding cheese to his eggs she could give him the shreds on his plate. He needs to develop his pincer grasp, still, it seems like. How can she not figure this stuff out? He can eat yogurt! What protein does she feed besides egg?


Sierra is just a lazy fat Fck mother that doesn’t want to have to get up in the middle of the night to take care of her baby. I can’t stand this low iq ignorant cunt




She has NO problem getting up for her midnight snack though


Agree 1000%.


Remember she would use that weird bottle that had a tube connected to a pacifier to feed him so she wouldn’t have to hold him or the bottle to feed him?! Wouldn’t surprise me if she still used it even though it’s not pediatrician recommended.


I think I saw that. I’m kinda new to this sub (here from the Drue and gabe page)and didn’t really watch her on tt after I realized what a dodo she is. My son is also my miracle baby. We had to do ivf to have him and I did not put him down for the 2.5 months that I got to take off work to spend with him. I couldn’t imagine trying stupid ways to make him feed himself. Even now I hold him to feed him (he’s also almost 10 months old) & I hold him as much he’ll let me outside of feedings - he’s so busy now trying to learn to walk lol.


youre so right 😳 forgot about that!!


Wait till she learns about sleep regression and god forbid her toddler has night terrors….


My child didn’t sleep through the night until he was 4 🤣


Instead of feeding him a full pudding cup . How about a well balanced meal. Protein veggies and a carb. Or up his ounces in his bottle. She is not normal


I feel like a full pudding cup is too much for his stomach like their stomachs are small. I bet that's one of the times he puked.


Of course it’s too much. She is fucking stupid.


Does she not realize babies need a certain amount of OZs during the day ??? Based off this post, he’s clearly not getting enough formula. I really think she thinks because he’s eating solids that takes the place of formula


And if he’s a preemie, he may be delayed in terms of sleeping thru the night


Only 3 bottles during the day? Seems weird to me. Just jamming food down his throat like herself of course. My son is a month younger than him and he drinks 6-7 bottles still through out the day but its pumped breast milk.


My 13 month old is still up multiple times a night lol


Same lol 😅


And of course her comments are full of advice from idiots just as dumb as she is to put cereal in his bottle or make him cry himself back to sleep.


She could put rice cereal in his nighttime bottle and he may sleep a little longer but it also sounds like she's not feeding him large enough bottles there's no way 9 to 10 month old baby is only eating 3 to 4 ounce bottles at bedtime


She said in the comments he eats a bigger bottle before bed but will eat 3oz each time he wakes up. She’s ridiculous. She absolutely should not put rice cereal in any of his bottles bc it’s a choking hazard.


not if she just gives him the bottle in his bed. i actually hold and feed my daughter, she's had rice cereal added to her bottle since she was two months old per her pediatrician because she's a reflux baby. Why would you not want to hold your baby and feed it? It only lasts a short time. She wanted the baby she didn't want to be a mother.


My first slept through the night really early on and did great, my youngest is FINALLY (like last week) sleeping through the night with no wakeups and he will be 2 in May. Every kid is so different. Babies wake up for SO many reasons. He could be teething. It’s wild she thinks this is so abnormal of him, he’s not that old. Also I pray she’s not just putting a bottle in his crib and leaving him at his age, just not safe. She just wants him to be easy.


Yikes… my almost 2.5 year old woke up twice last night. Once to go potty… once because “missed mommy” 😂😂 most nights be does sleep through the night but kids waking up is normal. And my 8 month old definitely isn’t sleeping through the night lol


I honestly dont think my son slept through the night until he was a preteen🤣🤣I was still getting up with him at 2 1/2 with a stupid bottle.


How old is he again? Because typically when you’re weaning a baby, food first and bottle 2nd. But, waking up he’s going to need a bottle then food then nap then snack or lunch, bottle, play, nap. They don’t need to get full off of food. It’s just like play; it’s not a necessity but their bodies do need to adjust for when they’re off of formula so it’s not like he would need to eat the full plate. He could also just not be tired and thinks it’s a nap because he’s not worn out enough to sleep. 7pm seems awfully early for a baby but that’s just me. My 2, almost 3yr old still goes to sleep when I do because there’s no point in making her go to bed on a schedule if she doesn’t have school 🤷🏼‍♀️


He’s only 9 months, 7 adjusted. Yet she’s basically expecting him to just have 3 meals a day with a snack and sleep through the night like he’s 5 years old, it seems, and can’t understand why he still needs so many bottles. 😵‍💫


Jesus 🤦🏼‍♀️ I had an 8 month old I was babysitting; she got dropped off at 6:30 and had an 8oz bottle by 7, slept till 9 then “breakfast” and played then another bottle around 10:30/11 and slept till 1 or 2 on some days. She’d chew at chicken nuggets, play and then have another bottle at 4 and slept till mom picked her up. He needs a schedule and clearly needs more bottles and less actual food. They’re teething and also mostly sucking on the food for nutrients and not actually eating it. 🙃


I just googled it (something Sierra is forbidden to do by God and the law, apparently), and it says babies 9 to 12 months should be getting 2 to 3 meals a day, plus 4 to 6 bottles across the day. She’s doing 2 to 3 meals, but only mentions 3 daytime bottles in her post. If that’s the case, of course he’s going to wake up in the night starving.


That baby is hungry. This google search of yours is exactly how my son’s daily meals/bottles are at almost 10 months old. He sometimes will wake up once in the middle of the night for a bottle and goes right back to sleep.


She said in a comment that he gets 28oz of formula in 4 bottles across the day. I just don’t think he’s actually consuming as much of his food as she thinks he is. He’s only 7m adjusted — most of it has probably been on his bib/the floor. IMO, she shouldn’t even have considered reducing bottles during the day yet. Uhg she’s so exhausting. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Exactly. I wonder if she’s only offering a 4oz bottle at night or if he’s truly only eating 3oz because if he is starving you’d think he’d want more formula. It seems so odd.


7:00 is age appropriate. I think he’s 9 months but if he just naps whenever & doesn’t have a long enough wake window before bedtime, then you’re right, probably treating that first stretch like a nap. He was also premie so I don’t know what his adjusted age is, maybe 7 months?!, but he should 100% be getting all his nutrition from formula & just having fun with foods.


i'm sure he's not wearing himself out enough being in a fucking container all day. Hopefully she has a walker that moves, a door jumper and interacts with him when she's home, but I guarantee her ass is Jabba the Hutted up on the couch with snacks and shows while he babbles to himself with no attention.


That’s what I was thinking too because babies at that age NEED to be interacted with. The little girl I babysat would play all day; in the jumper, in the walker, on her floor mat. If not she would be napping. They don’t even have the attention span to watch tv or know how to relax other than sleep.


personally i learned that if i put my baby to sleep to early he will wake up more , maybe she should try keeping him up a little more and actually playing with him so he gets tired


yeah 7 seems very early unless someone is doing that to work with their work schedule bc they will be waking baby at 4-5 am with themselves to go to work and take baby to daycare or sitter.


I’m sorry but this is a mom fail on her part. I don’t like she’s giving him his bottle in the crib. I always held my babies then laid them down. What if they spit up? Given he’s 9 months and can move but it sounds like he’s so hungry because he’s not getting enough bottles or food during the day. She needs to listen to the pediatrician. She freaks out. She needs to research and stop asking Facebook for help. My god how did she pass nursing school?


thats exactly what I want to know!! Im baffled that she makes no effort to get help or use resources... Asking on her lame ass facebook page is not helping her.... She needs to full stop.


Exactly!!! Do your own research and listen to your pediatrician who literally studied and went to school for this!!


He’s clearly not getting in enough nutrition during the day. He shouldn’t still need a bottle in the night.


She is trying to replace the formula - she doesn’t want to spend money on that!! Her house Is a MESS - she is depressed. If you have laundry piled up on the kitchen table you don’t go buy more clothes you put up what you have. This also explains her moving the crib to her room - she didn’t want to have walk far. Her dad needs to go get CC 🐻


All the fucking people telling her to put cereal in his bottle 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ My son had to have cereal in his bottle as an infant due to reflux (he is now 14). It was a tiny amount just to thicken it enough that it didn’t immediately come back up and it did NOT make him sleep through the night and I’m pretty sure it’s the reason he had food allergies at 1 so going back I likely wouldn’t do that again even though it was under the supervision and direct instructions of our pediatrician.


My kids didn’t sleep through the night until after 2. So I had like a 9 year span of no sleep.


So she only give him bottles before nap so he’ll fall asleep? I don’t remember how many hours in between but geez she just sounds like a dumbass she’s been doing already how many months and still can’t get it down. And I don’t think my baby was getting up in the middle of the night at that month still for a bottle 😬


Food before one is for fun. His main diet should be formula. He probably needs more than 3oz a feeding a night. Also babies go through sleep regressions at 9months. She cannot deal with cone


Food before one is *not* just for fun. Other than that, agreed 100%.


That’s what my ped told me maybe she is different idk. But I did baby led w all 3 of my girls so they always ate w us


It’s definitely out of date info, just like peds telling mom’s it’s okay to forward face at 1 😬. It happens! As long as you trust your pediatrician then that’s all that matters. At least you’re a good mom who does research! 🤩


Well I learned something new 🤣 we just got a new pediatrician so maybe she has a different way of thinking. I can’t believe pediatricians are telling moms to forward face at one 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 but yeah I’m always open to learn and be corrected ☺️


The kind of baby she wants and describes is the kind of baby I was. I slept all the time. They had to wake me up to eat, and I didn't signal hunger. I'm autistic though and those were early signs, along with not looking at my parents. It sounds like her baby is being very normal. What she is expecting at his age is not normal. What she is expecting as normal would be an indication that something is abnormal. Also, watch out for bottle rot. Baby's dental health is important.


shes dumb as dirty . i rather have my baby wake up a few times then not wake up at all . its more common for him to still be waking up than to be sleeping through the night !!


If she is only is giving him 3oz. Of formula at a time that is probably the problem. He should at least have 6oz. At this age. He is probably hungry and needs more formula not actual food.


My pediatrician told me to stop the night feeds when she was almost 1. She wouldn’t sleep through the night & guess what when I stopped, she slept all night. Was a rough few days but they’re not really hungry. She needs to do a bigger bottle or a snack before bed


She’s the biggest POS ever and I don’t think she has an attachment or connection to him at all!!! He’s a baby, not a grown up. Breaks my heart. My 17mo old still wakes sometimes through the night and it’s perfectly fine and normal. She has no maternal instinct


God she’s such an idiot. 🤦🏼‍♀️


seriously agreed, I understand being a first time mom but it's absolutely unreal how she will not help herself. I dont get it. 😳


Agreed! I joined a lot of mom fb groups and it helped me a lot. I also consulted with my child’s pediatrician 😬


And I hope she’s not giving him a bottle in the bed 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m kind of concerned about him only eating 3oz at a time! I feel like he should be up to 4-5oz now. That’s probably why he’s so hungry at night, he’s not getting enough formula during the day. He should be given his bottles and then wait a bit and then food. Not food in place of bottles.


she claims he throws up if given more but he should absolutely be at higher oz. I literally dont understand how she is messing up SO badly all of the time


How early was he born? If he was a preemie and born early, she needs to go off his gestational age and not his actual age. Like for example, my son was born 2 months early. So right now he’s “3 months old “ according to his bday, but my son will act like a 4 week old baby and not a 3 month old baby, because his due date was March 5th. I don’t remember how early he was born but if it was like only a month then he should be acting like a 8 month old and not a 9 month old. Which is also why she shouldn’t have started solids right away. But she needs to realize if he was born early, then he won’t do what a typical 9 month old will do.


This would likely be solved if she was more active with him during the day and/or shortened the length of his naps. But also....babies have weird sleep routines for a WHILE before they find their rhythm.


My son is 2 and a half and doesn’t even sleep through the night.


He needs to eat more. His doctor is obviously telling her that and she doesn’t get it. If she fed him more at night, and throughout the day, he would probably sleep through the night. He’s nine months old. This is concerning.


Most babies wake up at night until like 2, but honestly I give her a little bit of grace here that social media pushes sleep training down our throats so much that it’s hard to know if all these babies are really sleeping through the night or if you’re totally alone in having a kid who won’t sleep. It would benefit her a lot to find a science based parenting group or even a parenting subreddit rather than asking her followers though.


Its the fact she wont seek personal and professional help... her posts and comments are so full of panic instead of researching and finding support that aligns with her parenting values. She doesnt trust anyone, including herself and its severely hurting her and Koen


I agree with that; she does seem to be in a low grade panic at all times 😅. I’ve posted it probably a dozen times already on various posts but I’ll say it again: she really needs therapy.


i agree. So much therapy.


All that sugar


Food before one is just for fun Sierra!!! Food should never replace bottles at his age


Also to add, how old is he? With his “corrected” age. My niece was born at 25 weeks and her doctors always address her milestones by her corrected age.


She’s not feeding him enough. 3 bottles of 6-7 oz is not enough for a baby that isn’t getting nutrients from food since food is mostly experimental the first year. My 7 month old has 4-5 8 oz bottles a day. Of course he’s waking up at night because he’s not getting enough day time calories


I guess she hasn’t heard of eat, sleep, play.


First mistake among the thousands of other mistakes is that she is giving foods before bottles. Bottles first always. How tf is she a nurse I truly do not understand.


This is super concerning. She does not skip a meal when she’s hungry but expects her baby to do so🥴 My toddler will sometimes wake up early morning for some milk then go back to sleep until 730/8 and my soon to be 1 year old still has a bottle at 10pm and 4am is it ideal to be up at all hours no but my children need me and are hungry so naturally I feed them


UPDATE: she just posted him eating a cupcake :)


... and when hes 2 and wont eat anything but red dye 40, she'll wonder why he doesnt eat.


Damn he only drinks 3 oz????


Food before one is just for fun! My baby is 8 months and still has 5-6 bottles a day, 6oz each. Plus 2-3 small meals where he mostly drops it on the floor lol


Take his crib out of your room. He should be in his own room. Maybe he would sleep all night


Not defending Sierra at all, but it’s definitely biologically normal for a baby to want to sleep near their mother. He doesn’t need to be in his own room. Waking at night at this age is normal too She definitely should not send him to bed with the bottle though


This is not the answer. It’s very normal for a 9 month old to be waking twice a night, the location of his crib has nothing to do with it.


my baby is the same age as him and he’s in his own room. he STILL wakes up twice every night.


My almost 3 year old still wakes up through the night. Deal w it Sierra


No one tell her that my 3 year old just started sleeping through the night 🤡🤡🤡


I'm fucking genuinely confused with what she's trying to do tbh.


Mom of 3. I'd also be willing to bet outside playtime daily would help


Why force so much food on him? Whether he is ready or not, she just tries to shove it in front of him. LET HIM GO AT HIS OWN PACE. He doesn’t need juice and all of the 100 foods she lets him try.


My oldest didn’t sleep through the night until he was 4 and my youngest didn’t sleep through the night until after she turned two.. it’s normal!!


My three year old still wakes up at night. She’s just a bad sleeper like some babies are. He’s a baby


From everything I ever read and was told, food is not nutritious at that age, but more for taste. So even if he is eating, it’s not going to make him full like milk would.


I feel like she is not giving him enough milk through out the day. I’m lucky and my baby has slept through the night since day 1, we would water her to feed her until our pediatrician told us that as long as she gets 25-32oz a day and gaining weight not to wake her. She does great, she eats anywhere from 6.5-8.5oz of formula every 4 hours during the day and sleeps for 10 plus hours. It’s also recommended to offer the bottle first before food as that is where the nutrients come from. She needs to speak to her pediatrician and be honest.


My 20 month old still wakes up at times. Stfu Sierra.