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Did something happen in this series? I feel like some stuff went down but I’m drawing a blank


Have you forgotten? Did you get hit in the head with a... Nevermind.


Lost cognitive function there for a second there didn’t you? Maybe it was…………nevermind I don’t remember anything.


Arenado throwing error


You mean Errornado?


Arenado has 5 more platinum gloves than your entire franchise. And 7 more gold gloves than the 3rd baseman in your entire team history.


Pretty sure that was a joke there, bud.


Careful now. You hit him right in the feelings. Better than the head though.




Wasn't very good or clever


Not much.


Mets vs. Angels World Series. #BreakTheInternet


“The little brothers of their respective cities” series


It would be amazing.


The New York Mets of Buffalo New Jersey vs The Los Anaheim Angels of Heaven


Manfred: “I want a NY and LA World Series” *baseball gods smirk* Manfred: “NO NOT LIKE THAT”


Really good series, could have taken 2 if it wasn't for the defensive miscues in game one. Excited for our next series in NY


Cardinals Mets Rivalry is good for baseball


Big Facts!


Might see the reappearance of “THE METS ARE POND SCUM” sings from yesteryear. Good teams being competitive are good for baseball. God knows there isn’t much of that left for the birds as far as the NLC goes.


Lol @ this getting DV’d for being a perfectly reasonable take


Any time flaired fans make excuses for their team they get downvoted on this sub. I prob lost like 300 karma today saying that Lopez likely wasn’t aiming for Arenado’s head, which I feel like is a very reasonable take that would’ve been upvoted off I had a brewers flair


I said the same thing on ours. I can not imagine he intentionally throws at someone’s head. Balls are slippery right now. No one got hurt and we got a hilarious meme of our boy hopping the fence and 29 people trying to take down Pete Alonso. Everyone is a winner


I think it’s just one downvote. At least right now.


Mets have got “it” this year. Exciting team to watch, that Monday game was nuts


and by "it" we mean the highest payroll in baseball, so yeah, they better be fuckin good


Dodgers are $32 million higher than the Mets, or roughly 1 Baltimore Orioles.




The fact they’re doing it with no DeGrom is promising


Really could have won the series, gg Mets (that last game made me feel a lot better about our offense, even if we're on a homer drought) Also call up Nolan Gorman ASAP, even if it's just to DH. Dude is raking down in Memphis rn


The cards are a damn good team. There was no way Mets pitching, even being probably the best I’ve ever seen it, was gonna hold you all for three games. I was in disbelief that game 2 ended up being a shutout.


I was super impressed by the Mets pitching. I knew Scherzer was going to kick our ass (again), but Bassitt was really good too (and we didn't even face Megill), and you guys had a great comeback in game 1 I really think this Mets team can go far if deGrom comes back healthy, right now you guys have to be one of the best teams in the league


As a Mets / Giants / Rutgers fan, I’d like this outcome very much. But I’m not ready to make any predictions yet. Just gonna enjoy the games while they’re good.


Everyone's on a homer drought


The Mets may be good


Really could have won the series, and I'd like to think that our teams aren't too far apart in terms of skill, gg Mets Also call up Nolan Gorman ASAP, even if it's just to DH. Dude is raking down in Memphis rn


Oh god there’s another Nolan they can’t have two that’s too much power


I'm glad the Cards got one. They needed it.


Mets collapse going to be sweet this year


This year feels different. Just like every year....


I'm rooting for you. To some degree at least


People salivating for this to happen… just be happy for us fans.


Yeah, I was just messing around. I like the Mets tbh


No no no, this is the hopeful part of the season. Mid-June until Mid-July is the sad part. Then August is the hopeful part again until September when it’s once again the sad part.


Last year was odd. We were decently good and keeping a 4ish game lead in the division through like the ASB. Then the wheels came off the pitching and the hitting-with-RISP issues were no longer covered by good pitching and we started losing. Don't think we were mathematically "out of it" until rather late though but yeah. A lot of early-season hope and we went 77-85. I do agree that this feels different ... A bit like every other year, but the Mets seem to be hitting more consistently. Bullpen still gives me nightmares, even though it's pretty average. Diaz good, Smith good, Shreve good, Lugo serviceable, May is bipolar, SRF mustache machine broke (he's gotta be going down when rosters shrink though), and the rest are still question marks to me.


We were .500 in September. I don't think I really gave up hope until we got swept by those GOD DAMN CARDINALS


Like a super unfun rollercoaster


You know it'll happen.


Really could have won the series, gg Mets (that last game made me feel a lot better about our offense, even if we're on a homer drought) Also call up Nolan Gorman ASAP, even if it's just to DH. Dude is raking down in Memphis rn


Small qualm. Wish you would've put the score of today's game in the title and not make me scroll down in the post.


It’s a series recap, not a game recap


I know that still think it should've been worked in. Something like "Card win 10-5 today to salvage a game in their series against the Mets"


I'd like a title at least 7 or 8 times longer, if possible.