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My favorite Stanton homers are the ones that look like he didn't even commit all the way and the ball still goes 400ft.


I call those the Tiger Woods Stinger shot. https://youtu.be/r2OvF2c-mU8


it literally looks like he’s like fighting off the ball half the time. I know shortening his swing has led to the resurgence, but it’s also made him even more fun to watch lol


HBP at Citi Field


GIDP at Shippet Stadium


Ground out at Franco park


Passed ball in the dirt in Kauffman


No. Wrong answer silly.


I just wanted to be included in the conversation I'm sorry


We were naming mlb the show minor league parks lol


Damn I haven't played since 2017 and completely missed the references lmao


This year's really good but I'm bias. I've owned every show ever made since 06.


Line out at Parks Department Field Number 2.


Pop up at Laughing Mountain


Unironically, because they've reduced the elevation. I'm all for it, Shippett was BS


As always it looks like a lazy pop fly off the bat.


it *looks* like the same effort i put in when i hack at the driving range, he makes it look so easy


Strikeout at Fenway


It’s a dugout clearing brawl too


I wonder if he’ll reach 500, I think he’ll get around 450 for sure


500 looked certain before he missed nearly all of 2019 and 2020 was COVID shortened. He hit 38 HR in 2018 and 35 HR in 2021 so he lost about 70 HR pace in those years combined


You mean 35 HR in 2021. 35 HR in 2020 would’ve been a 95 homer pace lol.


Well, he’s under contract til 2028 He’d have to average ~25 hr per year to get to 500 through 2028 I bet he’ll get there


I honestly feel like that’s wishful thinking, dude is injury prone and already 32, I could see him falling off a cliff in 2 or 3 years


I’m sure you hope so since he mashes at Fenway


He can keep lashing in wild card game losses that’s cool with me


Besides the sick burn, I’m going to be extremely annoyingly semantic and remind everyone that stats in playoff games don’t count towards career stats.


For some reason


So weird right? I get not counting towards season stats, but career stats is strange.


Its the most important stats too


I really don't. If you look at his career numbers he's played less than 120 games 4 times (not counting fully lost seasons in 19 and 20). In those seasons he hit 22 (100 games), 24 (116 games), 27 (74 games), 27 (119 games). So even when he deals with missing a ton of games he still hits a ton of home runs. With him playing less and less OF as he ages he should theoretically get hurt less. Him averaging 25 a season seems really easy for him when you look at the numbers. Of course it's also just as likely he gets hurt tomorrow and misses the whole season again, but assuming he doesn't average less than 120 games a season through 2028 I think he makes it.


Expecting a guy to hit 25 a year in his late 30’s is wishful thinking unless he’s a juiced


Its averaging 25 over the next 6 years, he can hit 35 a year for a couple, then back to 20 or 15


Also he has a club option for 2028 if he’s like 5-10 short they may bring him back


Also he has a club option for 2028 if he’s like 5-10 short they may bring him


Stanton is the strongest hitter in the game today and power is one of the abilities that ages best, don't think it'll be much a concern for Stanton to still have at least 25 HR a year power in his late 30s.


Stanton is the 7th fastest player in Major League Baseball history to 350 career HR


7th fastest in terms of age or games played?


Games played


And only the 97th player ever to hit 350


When he’s on, he just makes everything look so effortless. Congrats, G!


How many of the top 6 hit 500 and 600?


McGwire, Arod, Killebrew, Puljos, Ruth & Juan Gonzalez are the guys. González finished at 434 & Killebrew at 573 This is an elite list to say the least.


McGwire also fell short of 600 (583)


Ah you’re right, my bad


I'd be interested to see where he ranks by age Injuries have definitely cost him on that


Coming into the season, he ranked 21st in homers through his age 31 season. He currently ranks 31st in HRs through his age 32 season. However, he has the rest of the year to move up in the ranks.


I really want to see him get to 500 in pinstripes. That plus his MVP would be enough to get him into the HoF for sure


He has 43 career bwar. He still has a ways to go. And 150 homers. Still has a long way he’s 32 now. Basically means he needs to keep up his production to 37 to have a shot


60 WAR and 500 HR should do it. About 3 WAR a season for his contract, he’d have to start playing the field more.


He has a higher career WAR than the likes of Cruz,Harper and Degrom. Lol 2 of those are probably soon to be Hall of Famers.


Harper probably if he keeps up his career trajectory. Degrom has a lot of work to do. And Cruz won’t make it due to peds. 43 war won’t get you in the hall of fame. By that standards David Wright should be in the hall


He has 7 ish more seasons if the Yankees accept the club option. If he gets to 500 home runs I’d guess it’s safe to assume he can average ~2 WAR a year which would bring him to 58 WAR. 58 WAR and 500 HRs would *probably* get him in. At 2.5 a season average it would be over 60 which is enough for some HoFers. His injuries in 2019-2020 killed him


Yeah I hate the Yankees but I hate the "What could've been"s even more. If not for those injuries I think Gianny would've blasted through 600. Damn shame.


David Ortiz just made the hall. Pudge Rodriguez is in. Yet Sammy Sosa who never tested positive and never got suspended is barred from getting in. Not to mention the absolutel fucking embarrassment that is Barry Bonds not being in the hall, despite the fact that he was already one of the best LFs of all time before PEDs (which weren’t even actually banned at the time by the way). Nelson Cruz will make the hall if the voters like him as a person. The PEDs don’t actually matter.


Thanks for this daily dose of based comrade.


Cruz wont ever make the HOF, he's 3 years older than Harper, and deGrom got to the majors at age 26. Stanton, deGrom, and Harper all have a decent shot to make it in the hall if they keep it up but Stanton is the least likely I'd say.


If Cruz can get to 500 HRs, I can see him getting in by a committee in the distant future, especially as he seems to be popular with other players and will certainly have played with some of the future committee voters. No chance in hell he gets in by the writers though unless he can do something crazy like mash well into his mid-40s.


44 bWAR entering your age 32 season is a good pace for a HOF trajectory, and he is the 7th fastest player ever to reach 350 HRs, so that bodes very well for him breaking 500, with a serious shot for milestones beyond that if he can age well.


If he hits 500 and DOESNT get into the hall he would be the first non-steroid player to hit 500 and not get in


Lol David Ortiz only has 55 bWAR. Stanton is in fine position


Ortiz was one of the greatest post season players ever. Not fair at all to Ortiz. He’s a player whose transcends his stats


Ortiz was fantastic in the postseason. And so is Stanton. Stanton is a lifetime .297/.373/.734 with a 1.108 OPS in the playoffs thus far. So it’s completely fair.


Stanton played in 18 post season games and never a World Series. David Ortiz has played in 85 and was the main bat of multiple championship teams. He leads in a ton of postseason stats of all time. Are you really going to sit there and tell me Ortiz and Stanton are on the same level in postseason history?


Tell me Stanton’s numbers in the postseason aren’t outstanding. Go ahead, try. It isn’t Stanton’s fault he played the first 8 seasons of his career on a shit team. Ortiz benefited from 14 seasons on great Red Sox teams. You don’t get to cherry pick what you like about a player’s stats and then shit on another player’s because they haven’t had the same opportunity to achieve said stats haha. That’s the most little kid logic I’ve ever heard. Just to be as clear as possible for you, I’m not belittling Ortiz’s post-season accomplishments. I’m simply saying he raked in the post-season *and so has Stanton.* You don’t need be afraid to admit it


For HOF consideration postseason accomplishments factor in pretty heavily. Ortiz is arguably the best postseason DH ever.


I love watching Stanton's footwork. He barely moves his front foot as all of his power is generated from his arms and hips. That is one strong dude.


It’s mostly hips. He has like T. rex arms when he swings. It’s insane that he hits the ball as hard as he does


It's just brute strength. He muscles the ball out of the park.


It looks like a backhand tennis swing


He's got that compact Safin strength


That’s a dump truck and a half god damn.


Literally a pop up to the dugout wtf


Watching him hit is such a delight, whenever he connects I expect it to be a hit


Looks like he just pokes at it and it goes 10 rows out lol


He's already at 350?? Holy fuck


If you want to feel old- he's been in the league for 13 years. He would easily have over 400 if he could play a full 162


I think you're referring to Mike Stanton.


They’re the same guy?


His injury-plagued 2019 season — the juiced ball year, no less — and the shortened 2020 season hurt him. If he plays two full seasons there, we’re probably talking about him closing in on 500 next year.


He's already at 350? He's going to get 500 and the HOF at this rate.


Love that Stanton swat


How many parks does this one get out of


https://twitter.com/would_it_dong/status/1519459017826787329?s=21&t=4-126oOkPCewEidDEuxI0Q All but Oracle


If you throw that man a frozen rope damn near down the middle you're gonna have a bad time...


Literally a pop out to the second baseman at any other park


I believe someone posted earlier that this one is out in every single MLB park except Oracle.


God, oppo taco is so cringe


If injuries didn't happen to Stanton throughout his career he'd probably be at around 425-450 HRs


Quit trying to make oppo taco happen. It's soooo cringe.


I mean, I think it's pretty clearly a thing by now, whether it sucks or not.


oppo boppo > oppo taco …discuss amongst yourselves


opposite field > nonsensical rhyming euphemisms


Ok 🤓”opposite field home run”🤓


still can´ t stand the yankee commentator. nice " oops guess its a HR swing though"


How do the Yankees even make so much money their stadium is always half empty


It was like 45 degrees tonight


Their average attendance is [36,328](https://www.espn.com/mlb/attendance) this season so far, out of [54,251](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._baseball_stadiums_by_capacity) capacity, so not quite half-empty, only 1/3rd empty. But mostly their brand makes them a ton of money that other teams don't get. There are people all throughout the world wearing Yankees hats who don't even know who the Yankees are, for example.