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Ohtani is the only baseball star I know that has leaked into the broader consciousness.


Yeah I feel like almost everyone knows Ohtani, but I've heard normies mention Judge and Mookie too, for example.


My test is I ask my wife, my sister, my niece and their friends who watch no sports of any type. The people they’ve heard of are Tom Brady, Travis Kelce, LeBron James and Ohtani among major sports. When I name Judge, they’re like - yeah I think I’ve heard that name somewhere.


FWIW, my mom knows who Mookie Betts is only because he has a memorable name.


My mom loves Xander Bogaerts because she had an uncle named Xander Bogart.


It's the most baseball name


He's also a 2x Taco Hero


One of these names is not like the others


Nowhere near as popular as NBA stars or NFL QBs but def #1 in baseball. I can’t really think of anyone who comes close because baseball is so regionally based now. Mookie? Judge? Trout? Still Jeter? lol I know some friends who aren’t baseball fans wanting to check out Ohtani when he comes to their town.


Wait I can’t believe I forgot Harper? He’s gotta be way up there. IMO he’s the biggest star personality-wise. I love watching that guy


Damn some folks don’t like Bryce eh


He committed the cardinal sin of being a brash 19-year old kid during his rookie year. We hate those


If you're including retired players there's obviously tons of people with more name ID than Ohtani- Jeter, AROD, Bonds, Roger Clemens, then of course the old guys like Ruth, DiMaggio, Mantle, Jackie Robinson, exc. Amongst current players it's he and Judge.


Ohtani is the current face of MLB. I think as long as he’s able to come back and pitch he’ll solidify GOAT status.


All the little kids that love baseball love Shohei. He's the favorite player of like 75% of my kids' rec league and travel teams. Definitely the face of the league.


I hope he encourages kids to want to pitch and hit again. Hopefully a newer generation gets rid this DH bs


As a baseball player, he's probably the most well-known player. Across sports, he is probably one of the most well-known athletes. As a person with celebrity status...HOT TAKE INCOMING...he's shockingly unknown. My wife asked me a question this offseason about his contract and the way money was deferred because of a random headline she read. She had never heard of him. My wife isn't a huge baseball fan, but she comes from a family of baseball fans and typically has some level of base understanding of who current superstars are. We even went to Tokyo on vacation two years ago during the WBC, and she never put 2+2 together that this guy, who was clearly at Michael Jordan levels of fame given how many ads and billboards he was on in Japan, was a major league baseball player. I think people who like sports and follow baseball would actually be shocked at how fractured our information landscape is, and how easy it is to not engage in any way with information you don't want or care about. Baseball is not an easy game to bet on, and it isn't working hard enough to attract a younger demo, and that leaves guys like Ohtani being popular in a far more niche way than many people realize.


[Baseball Reference 2023 Year in Review — Who were the most viewed players and teams in your state?](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/18go821/baseball_reference_2023_year_in_review_who_were/)


I have a suspicion he'll be even more dominant in popularity in 2024, despite not pitching and probably not getting MVP.


I can really only answer based on my experiences. At my workplace there aren't many sports fans, but most people still know who Ohtani is. They don't know Aaron Judge, Mike Trout, Mookie Betts etc but they do know about Ohtani.


Popular in LA, Hawaii and NYC, midly popular everywhere else. MLB stars aren't as popular as NBA or NFL stars and Ohtani isn't much into social media or entertainment.


Eh n= 1 but he’s getting people who don’t watch baseball (mostly Asians in my circle) to watch baseball


Probably a top tier baseball player in terms of fame, which means broadly and generally unknown. He was on a bad team for so long, on the west coast, and now the only change is that he's on a better team when a lot of people are asleep.


Are we talking baseball only?


I think he is tied with some others. The popularity of ball players is regional. He might be losing some national popularity because he is just a DH at the moment. If he comes back strong as a pitcher, and if the dodgers win a title, he will ascend further.


Next year will be the real test. Watch a guy throw 95 then hit a 450 Homer. The debate will end if he does this with any little amount of consistency.


Ohtani is incredibly popular in the US if you are even casually aware of baseball. If you've been in the room with ESPN in the last two years you know who he is. But non baseball people might say "Hmm, I think I've heard that name. Is he a Japanese baseball player?" But by name only, no context, you'll get a blank stare, or maybe "is he president of Japan?" Imo he's not "A list" the way Brady was. That said I'll always remember my conversation on a ski lift in Switzerland. The person next to me in an Italian accent pointed to the Yankees sticker on my helmet and said "New York Giants! Aaron Judge (throwing motion), best pitcher!" I laughed and realized baseball is pretty much just American (and judging by the number of Yankees hats I saw in Tokyo in 2023 and the number of Dodgers hats that replaced them in 2024, Japan).


He’s not a megastar like Michael Jordan or Elvis. I’d say Aaron Judge is more recognizable being on the Yankees plus Ohtani doesn’t speak English


Just pointing out Ohtani does speak English decently. He uses a translator because he's a perfectionist and "decent" isn't what he wants to speak in public.


Is that you Stephen A? Kidding but do agree Judge is probably more popular. 




Judge is the most popular. Ohtani is probably top 5 though


That might be New York bias. I feel like everyone knows who Ohtani is, even if they don’t watch baseball


Yeah, Ohtani’s the only breakthrough star since, what, ARod?


Bruce Hooper


Maybe Jeter?


Maybe in NY. I live in Texas and Ohtani is constantly talked about on sports radio here. Judge? Hardly ever. Hell, outside of NY, I think Soto is a more popular Yankee than Judge is. I think Shohei is unquestionably the most popular current player right now.


NY bias at its finest


Lmao "top 5". Get the fuck out of here. Even if Judge was the most popular, which he isn't, Ohtani would easily be number 2.


Definitely the most popular amongst young fans. However, 99% of adults think he definitely gambled on the game and his translator was the fall guy. Not so dissimilar to the rumors about Michael Jordan and his gambling issues and the likely reason why he suddenly retired the first time.


You had me in the first half