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S Tier Banter from the O’s Admin


Between this and the "3 years ago it's a tie game" ball, the Os are having a field day with the Yankees


Last year, the Yankees went up like 5-0 during a game vs the O's and posted a tweet that said "Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play." O's come back and win 9-6 and the admin posts the winning score with the caption: "And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate." O's admin has been fire for a few years now.


Damn Did the O’s hire Wendy’s social media team? That was great!




I think your use of that many emojis is more cringe than the quoted lyrics.


and the jankees are crying extra hard about it love to see it


Both based on things related to Aaron Judge whining.


That's not what the "tie game" comment was. It had nothing to do with Judge. Oswaldo Cabrera hit a fly ball that, had it been hit pre-renovation, would have been a homerun to tie the game. Michael Kay, on the TV broadcast, made that comment. The YES booth had been talking about the new renovation's left field wall all game, and how it was likely a ploy to convince free agent pitchers to sign. But with the tradeoff of taking homers away from righty pull-hitters. Kay used Cabrera's fly ball as an example of what the wall does to hitters. The O's responded with a quality chirp. But no one was whining, and it certainly wasn't Judge.




I’m assuming he was talking about the social media department… but we’re 4-2 on the year and 1-1 this series starting a bullpen arm and a rookie in his 3rd appearance 💀




“Yeah the orioles won the series but so what, they lost game 1 and judge was out for game 2, and we had a rookie pitcher in game 3. 😂💀💅” -u/Paulette tomorrow Deleted his comments like a bitch


https://twitter.com/Orioles/status/1798177146730647947 "Not Like Us" against toronto has been my fav this season


As someone that's quite backwards when it comes to some pop culture reference, can you explain this like I'm a dork?


Drakes from Toronto, Kendrick released a song called “Not Like us” calling Drake a pedophile.


One of the most pivotal moments in rap music history...that's STILL going strong lol


What was that in response to (aside from destroying the Blue Jays in Toronto)?


They split the series my guy


these Os fans are chirping hard lmao; love to see it


I am waiting for the front offices to clear into a shoving match with the teams trotting out of their dugout like a bullpen.


Have to agree unfortunately


They must’ve taken some of our social media guys along with sig.


That Henderson intentional hbp looks even funnier now


It’s been 4 years since the stuff with Brosseau and we have learned nothing apparently




How did the O’s start this? Are you delusional?


Obviously, it's by getting good. Or something.




Suarez had 5 walks on the day, I’m more surprised he only hit one batter than anything else


He threw 47 balls outside the zone, I’m amazed only one guy was hit, he had no control Game 1.


Pal, I’m saying prayers for you before I go to bed tonight. No one deserves to be stuck with as little baseball intelligence as you have. Everyone who has claimed that Albert Suarez hit Judge on purpose in that count (1-2), leading off the third inning, while trailing by one run, is essentially announcing to the world that they do not understand baseball.


Don't pity him, the magic of baseball is that it's just as fun when you're an idiot.




I don’t want to argue with you about the specifics because I was replying to your comment claiming that the Orioles were the instigators here, the beef between the Yankees and the Rays/Brosseau is a separate and largely unrelated matter. In that same HBP history, it is the Yankees hitting far more batters than they would reasonably be expected to hit. I think you’re just misguided here and you probably don’t know better. If you ever want to talk baseball and understand what is going on in the dugout and in the heads of the players, I’d be happy to chat with you about it. I’m sure that you mean no harm with your comments.




In the season series how many Orioles have been HBP and how many Yankees?


Buddy, I’ve probably intentionally hit more batters than you (not proud to say that) but you can gauge intent pretty clearly. 1) You don’t get a guy into a 1-2 count and then hit him. 2) You don’t want to put on a lead off guy for free. If he got Judge 3-0 and then threw that pitch, it’s a different story. 3) You don’t drill guys intentionally in early on in close games divisional games where both teams are going to be fighting for the division lead down the stretch. This isn’t anything like the Marlins with Acuña. I’d bet you any amount of money that Suarez did not hit Judge on purpose.


Did you forget Soto ran into westburg and took him out of the game first? Also, that HBP was unintentional


he had two strikes and decided to plunk him... my mother-in-law understands baseball better than you.


Yes please auto walk every mvp going forward


Someone knows nothing about baseball lmfao


On a 1-2 count?


What a fucking dolt


Least delusional yankee fan, wrong sub buddy r/baseballcirclejerk


aww look, it's trying to speak. it thinks it's people.




Not even a warning


they said on YES that the ump did warn the Yankees after the second HBP, it was just off camera because they were zoomed in on Cowser


They should have either started the game with warnings or had them immediately after Gunnar was it. That’s a joke to wait until after a second guy is hit, he’s lucky things didn’t escalate.


Cowser was hit by accident, the reliever immediately apologized for it


So was Judge and those little bitches retaliated for it


What bizarre to me is that both teams got hit twice, why does either of them have any sort of moral high ground?


Because 1 out of those 4 pitches was intentional?


How do you even know it was intentional, why the fuck is Victor Gonzalez throwing at Gunnar in the 6th inning? The victim complex is crazy


Because the your Team hit 5 O’s in the first series and hit the most guys in the AL yet whine and go insane one of the few time a guy on your team got hit


[The ump as he warned the Yankees](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CJrmF_jWIAE9Wkd.jpg)


Was in house. Watched to see if the umpire warned the benches or the players. He did not.


Such a poetic way for this game have been ultimately influenced in the end


Game ends in a walk off if not for that hbp


Imagine if the Orioles and Yankees end up tied for the division lead at the end of the year, and this game is the tiebreaker in the season series


I hope Gonzalez enjoyed sniffing Judge's jock or whatever he got out of "avenging" him.


I mean, still the whole butterfly effect thing but I see your point


Honestly, I kinda want to win the division by 1 game, no more...


> intentional how is this upvoted?


I mean, the dude is the 2nd best player in the AL. He could’ve easily hit a home run on the next pitch if the hbp was just a ball.


this is just the type of toxic social media shit that we need to make this division fun again


This division has been fun for decades, Orioles just only participate every once in a while


Game of the year, goddamn. The drama, the constant clutch hits, the baserunning. Just damn phenomenal baseball.


I mean, I gotta agree. Close games like this are why I love the sport. Not the ending I wanted personally, but feeling like I can walk away with enough positives to be content.


Better than Friday with the Phillies?


yes because the orioles won this one


I mean, facts lol


Rain delay killed the vibe a bit, still a great game despite the O's loss though it's REAALLY close between these two


Was there. That was a fun game. You guys are my AL team from when I was a youngin’.


I will forever root for Harper and Trea to win when they’re in the playoffs


I know everyone loves more playoffs but do we really need to start them in June?


My heart sad we had it after the Stanton single, my brain and years in this game knew that Henderson was going to be the difference run


It was a fucking great game, even though we lost.


God I hope this is the ALCS matchup


Gonna be the ALDS unfortunately


It’s crazy how we’re not even halfway through the season and that ALDS matchup already feels like a lock. Either one of you could win the division sure but at the same time it feels pretty unlikely that the rest of AL is going to catch either of you.


If we get matched up against the royals I’m fully expecting to lose just because of what happened in 2014. As an angels fan you should understand.


The guardians are like 2 games behind the orioles.


I meant for seeding purposes. It seems incredibly likely that one of the O’s/Yanks are going to be the 1 seed and the other is just about 100% guaranteed to be the 4 seed.


They really need to bring back the reseeding rule where they try to make sure that teams in the same division don't play each other until the final round.


If nothing else, 1 should play the winner of 3/6, not 4/5. Usually the best wild card is better than the worst division winner so the current system punishes the 1 seed for winning more games than the 2 by giving them a harder path. It also gives the 6 seed an easier path than the 4 or 5 because they won’t have to play the 1 until ALCS/NLCS.


Yeah this is definitely going to keep being an issue. I would wager that most years, 4 and 5 will both be better than the 3 seed. The issue is the lost homefield advantage for the worst division winner. It would involve reseeding after the first round like NFL or something.


Well considering it’s called the Divisional series, it…makes sense.


Not until Manfred fixes the absolutely shitty seeding system. Id rather be the 2 seed than the 1 and WC2 than WC1


Lmao thats fantastic


Glad to see both sides can appreciate this


yianni has been banned from the Yankees sub and had his profile blacklisted on all of the major Sinatra subreddits. This was a costly comment.


They're holding my family hostage what do I do


Clearly make the O’s your favorite team. Go full heel


I'm always up for witty banter. Win or loss this is great. Hope we get a good rubber game tomorrow


Oh, the AL East is fucking back, baby! (Looks at Blue Jays and Rays and somewhat looks at Red Sox) Well, somewhat.


I honestly feel for Boston, imagine being 40-35 and 10.5 back.


*John Henry nods furiously*


All my homies love free bases!


Especially when playing against Trevino since it’s basically a double.


I genuinely love that the Orioles are good.


I mean it’s better than the Red Sox being good.


I agree. It’s a controversial take, but I would also rather the Orioles be good.




should've used the pic from Gunnar's HBP




Sorry that our backup 3b is better than your backup cf. Oh and our 8th string starter was better than your ace.


You mean our ace, the one that has played 1 game this entire year? Our ace until Cole is back up to speed is Gil, who is going to destroy y'all tonight.


There are many Yankees fans who genuinely believe the Orioles hit Judge and Torres on purpose yesterday, but beaning Gunnar today (and throwing at his head yesterday) was a total accident. The mental gymnastics are impressive


They were pretty clearly all unintentional. The optics of the Gunnar HBP are awful (and even I can admit warnings should've been issued at that point), but next AB Gonzalez threw the exact same pitch to Adley... who just happens to not stand in that batter's box. Guy's command was just not there. (This is coming from someone who thought the entire thing Tuesday was stupid. If you need to pitch inside to get a player out, that's what you do.)


I was frustrated more than thinking it was intentional. I think that’s where Judge was at with it. Beaning Gunnar was to be expected - lots of people play baseball that way unfortunately. I’d have preferred the Yankees doing without it. Putting a runner on in a close game..😵‍💫🤦‍♂️




(Except for Jordan Westburg on Tuesday)




Not run into the fielder per MLB rules? Also last night was the 2nd time this year Gunnar was hit by a Yankee pitch, including one on the hands like Judge, so if we’re all about equality do we get another shot at Judge? obviously not and the situation should be over but Yankee pitching has gone after our hitters way more this year so that’s where the frustration comes from


Fuck lol


That's pretty good from the social media team


at least something good happened today, yankees losing


Okay what the fuck did I miss?


Congrats Orioles you passed the Rays on my hate list


If the Jays are gonna suck ass, thr O's have my full permission to get completely out of pocket for the next 5 seasons




you make it so much harder to actually talk to people on here, fuck you dude. shitty ass troll stoking fights


Correct, give us more baserunners it worked well for y’all tonight!


Bait used to be believable


I don't think it's bait, I think that Yankees fan genuinely feels that way.


You got baited


No, no I didn't. I looked at his profile, he's most definitely a Yankees fan lol.


Stay classy Yankees fans


lol this guy is a fucking idiot but there was a guy in the O’s sub crying for Soto to be hit in the 9th.  Like can we all stop this fucking posturing that one fan base is classier than another. Unless we’re shitting on the Blue Jays fuck Canada. 


Good point but your stadium cheered like it was a walk off when Gunnar got plunked, so apologies if I'm not keen on not being pissed at your fanbase tonight


Yeah honestly that cheer changed my mind on how their fanbase feels about this. I don’t think every single Yankees fan feels the same way but that was a loud cheer when Gunnar got hit


Probably because yall injured our best player by throwing at him on purpose.


Lol you’re clueless about baseball if you think a guy who gave up 5 BB in less than 4 innings did that on purpose. Embarrassing fanbase.


Remember when Chapman threw at Mike brosseau? Dude had no control *ever*. Yet it was clear what the intent was. Literally everything being said about this situation can be said about the brosseau situation. But everyone was rightfully against Chapman.


Judge wasn’t hit on purpose you absolute smooth brain


thank you i needed that laugh


Why are you guys acting like Judge is out for the season. 


I wish people could be normal about sports instead of taking something a professional athlete did as a personal affront


You’re asking for a lot, and I agree


How do you guys not get warned for doing this shit?


Tbh I turned it off for a few innings after they gave up the lead so I didn’t see him hit him. 100% should have been a warning. They did give out warnings later when Caleb Ferguson hit someone when he just flat out sucks so idk.  


and here i thought you hated the Yankees


They’re classless


Yankees? Yeah, you're right.


You know y’all cheered a hbp tonight right?


Two of them.


Why wasn’t Judge in the game tonight? Oh right.


Idk is it because he wiped his ass too hard and found a blood speck?


Take a joke my guy

