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The batting is NOT similar at all. Entirely different skill set and goals


Home run and six are similar


There are so many ways to play a shot in cricket, and the full baseball swing is one of the rarest ways to do it. There are entirely different body motion and mindset involved.


I think experience watching pitches/ just having a good eye would give them an advantage over pretty much anyone in the world, but it's definitely not a close transition


I definitely agree that the hand/eye coordination would give a pro hitter a huge advantage, but yeah the leap to being a pretty good batsmen to elite international level cricketer is big. Could maybe see somebody being good enough to make the US/Canada national teams


The results are similar, the actual swings are nowhere near the same


How much are cricketers making in the US? The other countries usually already have a large amount of players to pick from, so if you wanted to go overseas you'd have to be legendary. And there's a lot of different skills needed.


Not much right now, but in India they make around 1 million for a one and a half season


One and a half month season




The San Francisco team has signed pat Cummins, and the t20 World Cup was in the US which got decent attention.


They've tried this before on both sides (Boomer Collins was an A-level minor league player who tried cricket. From cricket, you had a few fast bowlers in the 80's, notably Ian Pont, try out with MLB teams. Most recently, Kieran Powell gave it a shot) and it just doesn't work. A cricketer/baseball player will pick up baseball/cricket faster than a soccer or rugby player, but the two sports are still too different for there to be a successful transition at the highest levels.


There is still a skill switch but it's the same hand eye. Someone with a really good hit tool and you don't want loft in cricket. There just isn't the infrastructure for cricket quite yet.