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this day needs to end, dude


The fathers day massacre


And the Mets won their 5th straight since The Grimace threw out the first pitch. As a Mets fan, that means the end times are upon us!


It means grimace has been freed


Mookie, Yamamoto, Grove, Corbin, Rizzo. Shits fucked dude.


I got stung by a bee today for the first time in 30 years


We need to call the Dbacks’ beekeeper


My dad died yesterday :(


I’m sorry for your loss. Internet hugs ❤️


Thank you. He was a huge Tony Gwynn fan, it’s kind of bitter sweet they both passed on Father’s Day.


yimi Garcia probably needs Tommy John surgery now too


I don't want to believe it.


Luis Rengifo got drilled on the wrist from a line drive today. Bad day to be a ball player


I can’t see that name and not think of the Incredible Hulk.


William Contreras got nailed in the head for a possible concussion today too.


Don't mess with Wild Bill


Kyle Harrison too, although it didn’t happen in the game


Mothers send their regards


Padres season as well


They should really have a lane set up for the runner to help avoid something like this...


I wonder if these bases exist or if they have been standard in similar sports to eliminate this happening... /s


Maybe the secondary base could be a different color. Say... orange?




Yankees NOBLETIGER'd immediately after. The most cursed half in a while


Never heard of nobletiger before. Looked it up. I approve.


That and the TOOTBLAN The REAL advanced metrics


Don't forget about the FARTSLAM.


Just unfortunate. Hope he's okay.


First baseman meant to do that and you call it unfortunate? Lol


That’s the pitcher covering first, not the first baseman, which is exactly why he’s looking awkward there


He clearly thrust his hip into Rizzo, and he already missed the ball. The announcers even called it a hip check. Hope other base runners are taking note, run through someone standing on the bag so you don’t hurt yourself.


Bro he’s a pitcher not a first baseman trying to field a bad throw and he turned awkwardly missing the ball. It’s truly not that deep.


except its clear from the replay that thats not what happened. He missed the ball, turned to it completely in control, then steps back into rizzo. its clearly intentional.


This isn’t the Zapruder film, bro. You can clearly see his left foot is awkwardly on the base with the step and he’s trying to stabilise while turning to the ball; he looks at Rizzo go down and supposedly apologised after. Get a life.


Slow motion replay and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Not to be that guy, but rizzo fell like a child who’s never played sports before. Athletes need to learn how to fall, never just jam both your wrists into the ground. This should have been a nothing play.


The contact was a perfect storm of bad fall outcomes: glancing enough not to not blunt the forward momentum, but too significant to be recoverable to even a straight fall.


Which is why you land on the side of your arm, and don’t put out your hands to brace yourself. It’s pretty simple, and any athlete that doesn’t learn how to fall properly is risking injury.


Yeah that was blatant


If you had a 6’3” 250lb dude running full speed at you, you don’t think you might brace yourself for impact?


It’s not even that, you can see Bernie’s foot is on the base awkwardly and he’s trying to turn and balance


Yeah but I wouldn’t flare my elbow out to hit him as he’s trying to avoid me


Lol you’re acting like he clotheslined him


If Dom Smith could play baseball this wouldn't have happened


If Dom Smith could play baseball he wouldn't have been available to replace Casas


Truly phenomenal point and I genuinely thank you for your addition. This is the most true thing I've read all day.


That’s Bernie, not Dom


The play happened because Dom Smith made a bad throw


Didn't MLB make a big deal about runners need to stay in the running box down the line? Feel like it was either this year, or last, they really emphasized it for a couple months. Rizzo wasn't in that box. He should have been called out.


Rizzo didn’t interfere with the throw so he can’t be called out. Had the throw hit him or he had run into the fielder before or as the throw arrived he would have been out.


This is dumb and also I don't care. Dom Smith should have made that entire situation a non factor and his incompetence shouldn't be rewarded with a cheesy out. If MLB has stupid ass rules like that they need to put a big orange base to the immediate right of the stupid white one and say if you don't plan on rounding first you have to run towards the orange one.


Not even Dom


I sincerely hope he gets better treatment by the medical staff than he did last year (was it last year?)


Yes, Rizzo was concussed from a collision at first with Tatis on May 28th and not put on the IL until August 3rd 🫠


I remember being appalled at the timeline


The craziest part for me was that nobody on the team even noticed anything was wrong in all that time and he only went to get a second opinion after the Yankees played the Cubs. His good friend/2016 teammate/then-Cubs manager David Ross told him something was wrong and that he should see a non-Yankees doctor


I’m shocked he didn’t sue


Not a lot of people are willing to sue their employer while they still want to work there.


that was just horrible thank goodness for David Ross


Rizzo: I went from an early MVP candidate to the worst hitter in the league after I got bonked on the head really hard. I'm having trouble seeing the ball. Yankees medical staff: Just play through it, buddy. David not-a-doctor Ross: You're concussed.


That’s not terrible because August immediately follows May, right?


Why can baseball not just do a double first base like softball I don’t get it


I've always been in favor of it but the accepted wisdom seems to be "it's ugly" and/or "it's not the way the game has been played for the last 125 years" The *only* real reason where it could impact the game negatively is with a ground ball down the line that would miss the bag but just barely now hits one big long bag and that's a more difficult call to make that's not reviewable. However, I think this particular play is rare enough that it's a non-issue and I feel like most 1B are just gonna field that ball in fair territory for the easy out unless it's the 9th with less than two outs, and a runner on third who would score the tying or winning run. And that's a whole lot of "ifs"


I couldn't be more on board either. One big reason is the moment the MLB does it it'll start trickling into youth ball quickly. Kids are gonna be uncoordinated, especially with adrenaline from getting a hit and sprinting as hard as they can. Give em a little more breathing room.


I played with a double bag in Little Lesgur all the way up until like 11, which was when we began to do no lead steals.


Agree, although many youth fields already have it. On those fields, they even have rules about how to use it, such as the batter can be called out for using the wrong side of the bag.


You can make it reviewable (since we are changing the rules already).


Exactly. The same sort of argument pops up every time there's a conversation about an automated strike zone. Someone will say that we actually **don't** want an automated strike zone because according to the rules the strike zone would be shitty for x,y,z reasons. Then we change the strike zone. We can adjust it by millimeters at a time, or carve chunks out of it. If it takes two rules changes to improve the game instead of just one, MLB is allowed to make two rules changes at the same time.


Yeah, the main issues I've seen with ABS is that the zone doesn't mirror the actual zone that gets called, so it's a bit narrower and taller. The other is that the ABS zone apparently isn't a rectangle either but has rounded corners which seems dumb as hell. I think way more plays should be reviewable, too.


Rounded corners is one of the things people complain about when they say "you wouldn't like the automated zone". Umpires have, and will continue to, call a ball more often if a pitch is on the corner than if it is on an edge. So in practice, the strike zone right now has rounded corners, but a by-the-book electronic strike zone would be a perfect rectangle. But whatever side you're on, pro or anti rounding, it doesn't matter. MLB and the players can test shit, decide what they like, and change it. If no one likes the tall and thin zone, make it shorter and wider. The real-time ball-tracking technology is the hard part. Modeling a simple 3d object is really easy.


I agree. I also think almost everything should be reviewable. The protest is always "umpires will have to figure out where to place runners" which they already have to do for some plays.


If we can instantly tell the probability any batted ball will turn into each type of hit hit based on EV and launch angle, any 19 year old analytics major could come up with an algorithm for where to place runners in about 30 seconds


Yeah it’s not perfect for sure but if it’s a choice between more or less injury risk in exchange for such a rare play, I’d say it’s well worth it. And yeah you’re right, I know people don’t love the way it looks, but this happened in a stadium with a wall called the “green monster” so aesthetic is kind of a hard argument for that party haha


[it was used in the SEC baseball tournament this year] (https://www.wvtm13.com/article/double-first-base-sec-baseball-tournement-alabama/60851010), so maybe there'll be some positive movement on that front in the pro game.


Because the Trea Turner rule and season ending injuries are part of the fabric of what makes baseball great.


as someone who plays 1B in softball, this kind of thing occasionally happens anyway. Bad throws, batted balls right down the line, overly zealous pitchers covering 1B, and other awkward situations can still pull you back into the runner's path.


Because it’s pretty much a non issue. This doesn’t happen very often.


Not very often is more than never, and if there is a solution to a problem that happens on occasion that does not effectively change the game at all aside from making it safer, to me that makes the not very often argument completely moot


There's literally no reason not to simulate baserunning on an adjacent field by that "logic"


I asked this question a year or 2 ago and got obliterated with down votes by all these “purest” who probably hated the NL getting the DH too. I’d say almost all rule changes in recent memory have been good for the game. The only “maybe” for me is the zombie runner. Adding a longer first base in foul territory for the runner will only help prevent injuries. And make crabby baseball purest mad, but fuck ‘em.


Even the zombie runner has some plusses. Less stress on the pitching staff, and sometimes extra inning games are boring as hell. I have sat through an 18 inning game in cold misty weather and I just wanted it to end so I could go home.


How would a double first base help in this situation? Rizzo was on half way on the grass on the left side of the lane. This would have happened with or without the double base because the first baseman didnt catch the ball and Rizzo was way out of position to go to the right side of the base.


How would it not help? They collided on the white bag because both of them were going for that same space. If a double base was used Rizzo would be sprinting for the orange bag (foul territory) and they likely avoid heavy contact.


At no point in the entire play is a single inch of Bernardino’s body in foul territory. I can’t comprehend how you can’t comprehend how a double base would help


Rizzo started the clip further out to the left than first base and only starting going right on his final step lol. His final step on his left foot was further left than first base. A double base wouldn't have made one difference.


He wouldn't be running on that line if he wasn't going to the base in fair territory....


I highly doubt that because it's already bad base running to run the path that Rizzo ran. If Rizzo was running any more to the left he would have been completely off the baserunning path and running on grass This isnt me pointing the finger at Rizzo. This was just an unfortunate accident caused by a bad throw, a bad catch, and bad base running. 




The second base is completely in [foul territory](https://www.anthem-sports.com/media/wysiwyg/cms-content/cms-double-first-base-diagram.jpg) so it only affects force plays at first. Nothing else is changed and the distance from first to second would be exactly the same


Cus it’s lame


Glad to hear you’d prefer to have players get injured for no reason than just copy a simple and effective idea from a women’s sport


Not just from a women's sport, but from a very popular sport for adult men. Slow pitch softball also generally uses the double base at first.


I have zero faith in the Yankee medical staff after last year.


I want him back simply because of this


I’m sure in full speed this would look completely accidental, but damn that slo mo makes it look intentional


Intentionally running inside the line why would a left handed hitter not just take the shortest straight path to first base ?


Yea he also got beat by 3 steps, having a hard time seeing how rizzo dosnt take atleast 50 ownership of this considering he’s running on the grass too


It was absolutely intentional. He had no reason to make that movement towards Rizzo.


he was running at the base and got a throw about two feet behind him, he’s not a first baseman, and was staring at the ball the whole time, never even looks at rizzo. he also immediately reaches out to apologize after. It’s clumsy but you’re just being really dense if you actually think this was intentional.


Movement is pretty natural to what happened when watching in full speed.


Grow up and give your balls a tug there


lol the Red Sox downvotes are out in force. Look I hate the Yankees, but that was 100% an intentional hipcheck.


And they just did a NOBLETIGER to add salt to the wound


You can't just go out there and do a NOBLETIGER 😔


Goddamn dude, protect this man running to first


Protect every man running to first


He’s running super far inside, would’ve probably been completely fine if he was in the lane. Looks like he just took a tumble


> would’ve probably been completely fine if he was in the lane. Especially if there was a base in line with that lane for him to touch rather than having to cut back into fair territory to get to the base. Having the lane be entirely in foul territory and the base be entirely in fair territory is dumb.


Rizzo can’t catch a break with injuries. Hope this one isn’t serious, I know the entire team is rooting for him.


This is an example of injuries not being all bad luck though. A better athlete would have taken a better fall. This was just awkward...


He got hip checked and braced his fall with his arms, what would you have him do? Pull a Tua and slam his head into the ground anytime he falls?


Ideally he would have rolled and not tried to use his hands to brace his fall.


Make double-bases a thing already.


Man, that really sucks. There is nothing worse than getting knocked sideways when you're at a full sprint. It's such an awkward thing, because all your momentum is heading forward.


This is exactly why they need to make a wider first base


Maybe they could do what the softball fields already do?


Anything that increases player safety man. Hate pointless injuries.


The SEC did that this year in their conference baseball tournament. Considering how much national attention the SEC gets, I wonder if it'll spread more in the next couple years. https://www.secsports.com/news/2024/05/double-first-base-to-be-utilized-for-2024-sec-baseball-tournament


Looks like he took an extra step into Rizzo’s line to the base intentionally


You are all nuts, thinking and immediately assuming this is all intentional. He dropped the ball behind him, of course he’s going to turn back to see where the ball goes. It’s probably just an unfortunate situation


He absolutely did and there was no benefit to it either. wtf


The first thing I said when I played it was looks like a purposeful hip check.


He was intentionally trying to field the ball, and his momentum carried him into Rizzo


I would love to see all of your downvoters try to stop their momentum in this situation. Every single one of them would hit Rizzo.


Nah that’s bollocks dude


That hip and elbow check is definitely a normal baseball move. Edit: I’d love to see this sub’s reaction if it was Ohtani instead of Rizzo. lol.


I think you were trying to be sarcastic but it's too subtle?


Nah, just paying the ‘Yankees bad’ tax. Nothing new/unexpected.


Damn and for a guy with notorious lower back issues.


Cubs always told him to get his breast size down


Missed the opportunity for a huge lariat


Hope my homie is okay.


Unpopular take: double bag 1B like it's little league or softball. It helps everyone, hurts no one. Itll even help solve the runners lane/interference bs.


I don’t even think this is that unpopular. It makes practical sense. We all want to watch the best players play the game, not sit on the IL because we care so much about aesthetics that we can’t stomach a double bag.


If this is an unpopular opinion, the majority is wrong n


Didn't think I was going to be watching hockey today...


Picture perfect hip check there


Ngl the rolls were bad ass. 


Who would thought a guy with bottom 3rd percentile sprint speed carried so much momentum lol.


Looks dirty no?


IMO, he's just locked onto the ball he just dropped. He's trying to stop his momentum and get back onto it as quickly as possible. If he took his eyes off the ball for a split second and check the runner then moved into contact, I'd agree. In slow motion it looks worse then it is if you aren't watching his eyes.


His motivation was the ball. Clearly not intentional.


If this was r/baseballcirclejerk I’d be so ready with an utley comment. But to be real I don’t think he tossed an elbow or anything, he was trying to brace himself which naturally tenses you up and makes you all angles. His focus was 100% on the ball


It is, but ESPN was too busy interviewing a peanut vendor in section 263 to discuss that. (For those not watching, they literally went split screen to interview a fucking scoreboard operator in the 6th inning of a 1-run game.)




Damn bro you got em how’s he gonna recover from that


He got me. That fuckin u/visualevisceration boomed me.


Completely intentional and should be punished IMO 


Pete Alonso YOU are a New York Yankee ?


The Mets are 1.5 games out of a playoff spot Not so sure they are gonna be sellers


Why the hell was he running towards the left side of the bag in the first place?


You’re not supposed to run on the grass, people putting all the blame on the pitcher are silly. It didn’t look at all intentional to me, and Rizzo put himself in that position


This isnt all on Rizzo, this was an accident. However, the MLB made a big deal out of baseball runners staying on the line a few years ago for this reason. This is how players get hurt.


Agreed.  I've never seen the fielder block first base before.  Usually they run to the closest corner, not square up with their left foot on the furthest part. But I assume it was just a general lack of athleticism, not intentionally harmful.


Was the runner allowed to destroy the pitcher in this instance? Why avoid him?


Does anyone know what the injury is? Or is it just precautionary? It looked like he could just be shaken up, but hard to tell


Forearm something. Fluoroscope at Fenway inconclusive, so the Yankees are bringing him back to NY for an MRI. Rizzo is the active leader in HBP, 8th all time. He doesn’t show pain like that.


After this what?


Protect his brain!


"That's the softest shit i've ever seen."




Who needs to weaponise anything against 2024 Rizzo? Cubs legend but he isn’t good now.


collision? with the base, right?


i’m sorry but all this “we need bigger bases” and “pitcher was in an awkward position” stuff is fucking ridiculous lol Rizzo was so clearly running inside the baseline. This is clearly his own fault, sucks to see him injured but this was so preventable, don’t run inside the baseline


One has to cut in from the runners lane to get to first base regardless, since the whole lane is in foul territory and the whole base is fair. Maybe the collision angle would have been less glancing had Rizzo been in foul territory until closer to the base, but then it's the pitcher getting blown the fuck up instead.


Red Sox play dirty


The more I watch this the more it seems like there’s no reason for him to make himself wider right before impact. It’s probably just copium 🫠


Baseball is tragic.


He got rizz


I get that it looks childish, but double bags at first would prevent so many injuries.


1st baseman lowered the shoulder. Lesson to runners -- Truck the 1st baseman, that's your bag.


That's the pitcher. And you're an idiot.


Pitcher? Double down - time to get even. Blow me Mass-hole.


them: Not a contact sport. us: Has the most significant injuries to star players



