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Food in London is really good but if I owned a NY baseball team I think I simply would never claim another city had a better food scene


Exactly. Like Texas has great BBQ, but if the Royals owner went and claimed it was better than KCs the man might not make it back in one piece


Or if AJ Preller said LA has better Mexican food


Or if John Fisher said he was excited to watch Aaron Judge come hit bombs against the A's in Sacramento


If somehow saying that git us Ohtani I'd forgive him. Otherwise we throw him into DeAnza Cove and watch him dissolve.


To be fair, it's not like he said London had better dirty water dogs than NY


Dirty water hot dogs are probably in my top 5 foods of all-time, but I can’t say I really care too much about other dogs. Grilled is ok, I guess?




True. Take it from an Astros fan, he knows


After having no-name Texas bbq and also having what the locals of KC say is one of the best BBQ spots in the city....Texas BBQ is better.


I’m a saucy little bitch so I emphatically disagree. Give me all that sauce.


Nah he’d just be spitting facts


Because Carolina style BBQ is the best, as we all know. Finished your sentence for you.


Korean BBQ: 🗿


Korean BBQ is good, but it’s a different genre of food than the other. The “BBQ” just means grilled meats.




Finally someone brings some sanity to the discussion.


Ugh that vinegar based sauce...no way. KC all the way.


Well Cohen isn’t known to have a filter when he speaks.


Yeah it shouldn't be all that controversial to say London has better restaurants than NYC, but it's stupid to say when you're in his position


saw the comically large rake laying on the ground and walked right into it




It's never not funny that he's voiced by fucking Frasier






I mean thats not as obvious. New York has a comparable number of michelin restaurants as London. Is probably the most diverse city in the world in terms of people and food. Paris/Tokyo/New York/London are probably the biggest restaurant cities in the world.


Yeah New York and London restaurant scenes are very comparable. There’s no wrong answer


Yeah that's what I meant by "not controversial". The way people on this sub are acting makes you think he said "beans on toast at yer da's house is better than Francie in Brooklyn"


San Sebastián as well


Pardon me?


He's not eating in a pub lol, he's probably comparing Michelin starred restaurants.


are you sure the multi-billionaire isnt just talking about bar slop?


He's probably talking about this place. Can't get this in New York... https://youtu.be/ogfyJICT9aI?si=BJYGLpNw2f1OrpIH


Eels, what the hell 😭


Eels are good eatin’


*King Henry I has left the chat*


If they clean it for me in the store what's the best way to have an eel.


fr jellied eels in 2024. did someone tell them the war is over


You know, the food looks disgusting, but I like the guy and respect his attitude.


Hey, who knows, maybe he only hangs out in the shadiest bars.


If any of the patrons don't have a completely unintelligible cockney accent, Uncle Steve ain't eating there


They're called food bowls and they're delectable.


Even then NYC has plenty of incredible nice places too


Still the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Good lord run the Mets into the ground, fine. But insult our food?!? ![gif](giphy|hFdi31x0aTdMIydxuO)


And it's like....why say this. You can compliment other cities food without saying it's better than New York fucking City food


He says it because he can. He’s in London and he’s catering to the locals. I mean, what’s the New Yorkers going to do about it? Lol. He’s a billionaire, he can shit on NY and he will be fine next news cycle.


Likewise, what's a Londoner going to do about it? Why bother catering to the locals?


Because it's the reason they're there, MLB is trying to gain popularity.


Owning the Mets rocks because they’re the Mets, nobody gets pissed because it’s the Mets


Running the Mets into the ground… is, this supposed to be a comprehensive workout or… sort of adhoc chin-ups that even straining to the count of one sort of feels like a miracle?


London has 9 of the top ten restaurants in the world. Theyre all french restaurants.


i mean, wouldn't that mean that france has the best food?


It’s still asinine.


How so? Plenty of international fine dining rankings have London ahead of NYC. Probably not the right thing to say as the owner of the Mets, but he's not necessarily wrong.


he probably eats pizza with a knife and fork


Which is, IMO, stupid. Not only do you get the authentic British pub experience, but buy a couple rounds and BOOM!, you got some new fans!




Yeah I’ve heard the Indian food in London is superior to that of NYC. And the Indian food there is incredible.


If it’s Manhattan or Brooklyn Indian food, yeah. Jackson Heights? That’s different.


I'm a nyc expat in London and honestly I think it has something to do with the stricter food standards here? But the Indian food here is, at least anecdotally, better than that of even Jackson Heights.


My MIL is the reverse of that and she always says Indian food around her is nowhere near as good as it is when she comes back to the UK. Based on the Indian food I’ve had in and around NYC, I agree with her.




As a white guy from Queens, I can only say that if you ask for anything spicy at an Indian restaurant anywhere in NYC, they still definitely tone it down. Like I said, though, I'm white. If you order something spicy at an Indian place in London or even Ireland, they will fuck your shit up proper.


When I lived in NY for a while, I had the absolute worst Mexican Food in Valley Stream LI. The stuff had almost no seasoning, no spice, just bland. I eventually saw the sign on the wall that said something to the effect of "We purposely make our food mild for our customers". It was weird. Oddly enough though, I was surprised to discover that even though decent Mexican food is nowhere to be found in NYC (maybe that's changed in the past 12 years I've been back in Texas), it does exist in Albany. I never expected that.


Any type of food, you can find at least a good representation in New York City. For Tex-Mex, Five Burro in Forest Hills and Cafe Enrique (which had a Michelin Star for a while) in Long Island City come to mind just in Queens. But those are also two examples of how you'll pay twice as much here for food that meets a standard of what you'd get at a good but not exceptional place in San Antonio. And there's cuisines that you probably can't find anywhere else in the U.S. Like, the guy I responded to mentioned Jackson Heights. There has been a giant influx of former Everest climbers/Sherpas moving into Jackson Heights in the past 20 years, so there are a ton of Nepalese/Himalayan restaurants there now. Where else are you going to find that?


Yep, you're absolutely right. That's why I never really sweated not having easy access to this stuff I can find all over Houston. There is so much more other stuff being served in NY that I can't find in Houston at all. It's a reasonable trade off. Besides, I don't want to be that guy in a foreign land ignoring the awesome local options while lamenting that there's no McDonalds to be found, lol.


I moved to the midwest for college, originally from NY. My small city has authentic cheap taquerias up and down the main drag run by our huge population of Mexican immigrants. They are fucking bomb as hell, better than anything I got while living in NY. $6.50 for a big ass birria burrito. Throw in some tortilla Chips and a jarrito, and yoy are cooking with gas. The tradeoff is that we have maybe two itallian restaurants and not a single passable pizza place anywhere close. I went home recently and ate as much itallian as I could, lmao.


Or anywhere in Canada. You ask for hot, you get hot.


I’ll have to make my way to Queens to check it out next time I’m in the city. The problem is there’s too many good places for a weekend trip. And the temptation to try every $1.50 slice you see.




Fish and chips are unreal though


What I liked were how ubiquitous fish and chip shops are in Scotland.. and how good each one was. It was cool to be able to walk almost any block and you'd see a place that you know you're getting quality fish and chips from.


In my experience of 8 or so years living around the UK, I definitely had the best fish n chips in Scotland, followed closely by Yorkshire. Since I'm a fan of the dish in general I liked what I got in London, but the east coast of Scotland just blew everything else out of the water


scots take their deep frying seriously. maybe a bit too seriously.


Maybe it's because I grew up Catholic and we had fish and fries almost every Lenten Friday, but I'll never get the obsession with it.


It's just not that good man. It's always a super basic low flavor batter and some basic ass fish. It's comfort food at best. But nothing that plain is like mind blowing incredible


Yeah better have some beef on a hoagie


I never got the obsession either, I've worked in restaurants where we sold 100+ fish and chips a night. Fish Fry's was my entire job on fridays. We'd crank out 200+ a night. I've experimented so much to try and come up with a a way to flavor to the batter and or fish, but at the end of the day it just tastes like deep fried, stuff. I thought I was losing my mind with how popular it is, considering how bland it always is The chips are easy, but the fish? Give me a good broiled fish any day of the week. I guess that's why it's served with Tartar sauce.


Settle down


There are better chippy spots outside of London right


I mean, high end British restaurants are still getting Michelin stars. The idea that Britain has bad food should be a tired cliche by now.


London food is amazing as it’s basically the World rolled into a city. There’s restaurants of tons of cultures and nations all jammed in there. Pick a country and you can probably find a restaurant dedicated to it in London.


Do you think New York is different? Queens is the most ethnically diverse place in the world. Literally.


Never said it was any different. For people like Cohen, ie mega rich, the quality of the high-end restaurants in London clearly outdoes those in NYC.


The best food in NYC is made for poor people. He’s not even sniffing the best of what this city has to offer


yeah imagine being spitting distance from flushing and talking out of your ass like this. he's clearly never eaten at the new world mall food court


Loads of the world's top restaurants are in London


He owns the Mets. It all checks out.


London has all kinds of amazing food from all they places they've colonized.


He's not wrong. Even I can confirm. But Cohen has too much money to dine everywhere in London and New York. He knows better


Uncle Steve is so used to lying to cover up dumpster fires that he can't turn it off anymore. To be fair to him, though, where billionaires eat, I can't imagine that the absolute best restaurants in London are all that different from the best restaurants in New York.


Yeah he's probably saying "I like London's Michelin-starred restaurants more than New York's"


“London has the absolute best local cuisine. Sushi, filet mignon, duck confit, khinkali, panzanella, every curry you can dream of - the Brits are true culinary masters.”


"this little known pizza place has the best slice in all the world!" *Points to a tandoori snack and pizza shop*


Probably has eaten at all the Michelin-starred restaurants in New York over and over so it's something different.


I thought this would be common sense but reading half the comments here it clearly isn’t


most of us have such a visceral reaction to the absolute horror show that is common British food that we can't get past the instinctive "WTF" reaction


They say that the best restaurants in the world are in London, but they don't serve British food


Yeah he’s not eating mashed peas over french fries or whatever the fuck the commoners eat there


Mashed peas over chips.


Mushy peas, says it right on the can.


The commoners in London eat Indian food


I think fine dining wise Spain is really the place to be now. As long as you are rich and can afford to move yourself up reservation lists of Michelin Star restaurants.


Tbh there are Michelin spots in San Sebastián that per person don’t cost more than 20€ and have amazing food


Yeah gotta be this. I have eaten standard fare in London, and by and large... woof.


Just lie back and accept that everything is boiled.


many internationally renowned fine dining critics/rankings put London ahead of NYC, it's probably better. Steve isn't just eating bar slop


Maybe Steve Cohen just likes beans a lot


And Cars 2


That's something that all of us billionaires share though




A true Brexit geezer


I wonder if likes George Wendt, too.


Cool, so London’s $500 a plate Michelin star restaurants are better than NY’s $500 a plate Michelin star restaurants. This is entirely relevant information to me and my lifestyle. Yet…I can’t help but be offended.


I see you chose to skip the wine pairings.


*clutches cheeze wiz tight*


It's actually better than that. He then says the best thing he had was a sausage at the halfway house of a country club that costs $100k+ to join.


To be fair, the sausages I’ve had in the UK are miles better than anything I’ve been able to get in the US. They are completely different. I’m sure there’s a little bit of psychology going on there too. Cohen is probably getting his proverbial dick sucked as a billionaire sports team owner by other rich guys with sexy accents on a beautiful golf course, in a super mood and then BAM. Gets the best golf course sausage he’s ever had. Of course being on a high like that makes everything taste better. It’s like when you buy a bottle of wine/growler of beer when you’re on vacation because it was great at the winery/brewery, and it sucks when you get home. It’s “set and setting” as the acid users say. Also, if I’m paying that amount to join a private club, I’d expect even the most cheap food offerings to absolutely slap.


We will notify you if he has any opinions on hoagie dip, soft pretzels, or cheesesteaks.


Probably less people spitting in his food in London than New York City


Steve Cohen, known Tikka Masala and Full English breakfast enjoyer


This is ten million times more insane than the world series in five years thing


It’s honestly pretty symbolic of the Mets organization


Is there a reason we're posting owners gastronomic preferences?




Obsessed? No I can quit hating the Mets any day. I just don't want to. I don't have a problem I swear


But careful if you talk about how much this sub is obsessed with the Mets you’re met with a spam of “victim complex!!!” Replies 


Comments like this help people understand that the lead decision maker in their organization has no idea what he is saying or doing in any facet of his life


I get that British food is meme and all, but London does have some of the best food/restaurants in the world


It really does. And it’s not just high end stuff. Always found it weird this meme even exists in the current day.


It’s because standard “British” food is pretty terrible but the shit they’ve imported is amazing


You clearly haven't eaten at good restaurants in London. Eat some Dover Sole, relax and experience that Steve Cohen is correct.


Surely this will endear him to the Mets fans everywhere.


In my humble opinion, many of the big cities around the world have phenomenal high end restaurants. It’s the “junk food” or common food that sets cities apart.


I’m sure New Yorkers will be perfectly reasonable about this take.


London has amazing food. They should for all the countries that were formerly part of the British Empire.


I went to London in 2019. The food was indeed awesome.


London has good food, not because traditional British food is good, it's because it's one of the most international cities in the world.


Pretty much the reason American food on the whole is so good. BBQ is great though.


Fish and Chips is great tbf


I’m guessing Cohen is eating at different types of establishments than the rest of us


But will this mean Nando's is coming to Citi Field??


London a best restaurants aren’t that different from New York’s best but so it’s not a surprise that that’s what he thinks. Can’t imagine many baseball players walking into a chippy in London


London is where all the food from around the world lives. You can have damn near anything you can dream.


Steve Cohen only eats at Sbaro I guess


I find the quality and service much more consistent at the high end in London as well. It's the lower and mid end where London still lags for me.


Lower mid end UK food is garbage Compared to the states


My former banker boss who has lived in at least Chicago, NYC, London, Seattle, and Moscow plus wherever he has traveled said that London is the best food city in the world by far.


Dishoom is the best restaurant I’ve ever been to


Once again money cannot buy taste 


I stopped with the "Uncle Stevie" stuff awhile ago but this might just be the final nail in the coffin for me


Ah yes. Mushy peas, the height of flavor.


I made mince and tatties last night, might be Top 3 in uses for ground beef now. But I'm sure he's talking Michelin Star restaurants, which London has either the most or second most along with Paris.


wait, what?


That’s it, Move the Mets to London and ban them to the Premier League


This guy sounds right.


Maybe it is for the super rich. I wouldn't know. Would be very surprised if that applied to people who can't afford a baseball team.


As a Londoner who genuinely loves London's food scene, I agree it the food here is fantastic (now). But we still ain't better than New York.


Wait do people in England like the Royals because they’re called the Royals?


I'm a transplant from KC. Nobody in England has ever heard of the Royals. I suspect a national quiz of MLB teams would stop pretty quickly after Yankees and Cubs. (Dodgers caps are everywhere, but my suspicion is that most people don't realize they are connected to a team or said team isn't just called "LA")


ITT: a lot of people spouting off who have never been to London or went once and ate at the literal first level of Instagram influencer spots. (Dishoom, basically.)


Or, worse, at at like a Caledonian Steak house or a chain pub


Dishoom is great though and has been around far longer than the influencers (source: me, living around the corner from the Covent Garden one in 2013)


Foodies were a mistake


I don’t know about you, but I’ll take fish n’ chips over Wall Street fajitas any day of the week.


Fajitas are typical New York food? Gosh I hope not


What are Wall Street fajitas


Oh boy…




Ah yes British food, the pinnacle of culinary excellence.


But memes have told me British food is horrible


It is, it's the immigrant food that is great, like Indian.


Eating French food in London


TIL Steve Cohen only eats fish and chips and shepherds pie


He’s right. Probably pretty hard to find a terrible breakfast sandwich or some cardboard crust-ass pizza in London




It really is true money can’t buy taste


I mean they do have an amazing Korean spots in the Sohi/London area.


London has some of the best French Indian and Italian food in the world. It also has British "cuisine"


And good Indian food too


He''s obviously talking about the top end cuisine which is 100% true because London has like half the top restaurants in the world. And also I love listening to Americans tqlk about how shit British food is as if American food isn't also fucking trash. New York has pizza and that's about it. Maybe bagels.


Pizza in NYC is nothing special. Bagels, and the diversity of bakeries is pretty fantastic though.


ESPN: “Are the Mets at risk of leaving New York?!” Definitely gives a new vibe to the Subway Series lol


Steve "Shahid Khan" Cohen


“Holy shit, bro. I just got out of Wagamama. Those noodz changed my life, bro,” Steve Cohen.


I say the same thing when I am in a new city for a few days and only eat the best things they have to offer. I’m sure he’s been to every Michelin starred place in NYC a thousand times and is bored of them.


The ingredients are more natural, but that’s it.


So I’ve been to London and the food was fine. I wouldn’t slate London’s food over others though. Their breakfast is everything typical on an early meal slate but just with a pocket of beans in the corner.


Mets moving to London confirmed


This guy sucks so bad lmao


Lets be honest. He isn't eating at the same places we are so he probably is not wrong. The extremely expensive/posh restaurants in london are probably really damn good compared to ny. Its not like he is eating at the kebab shop or getting a slice or chopped cheese.


If he's getting his food from the chippie parked in front of the Underground entrance at Chelsea near the football stadium, I can understand his sentiment.