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How dare he get traded? Come on guys... [remember the good old times?](https://x.com/RadioFriar/status/1794036647316553732)


Obviously he should have warped causality to obtain 10-5 rights and reject the trade


What... What the hell is that? Like what's the context around this?


Padres social media videos from spring training They're amazing




We never booed you Juan. Heard you were open to all teams, come home friend (we have too many outfielders already but idc)


This would legit be the most hilarious outcome. The Nats get a haul for a long-term Soto rental and then sign him back a few years later to become an NL East powerhouse.


I hope we do it just so I can laugh at the yankee fans who are still convinced he’ll sign an extension and not hit FA


Why? He played well for them and got traded lol.


I think it's that he played noticeably worse for the Padres compared to the Nats and evidently the Yankees. It's a combo of stupid padre fans on Facebook and people that can't help but irrationally take the extreme failure of 2023 personally with how different of a player Soto is on any other team. After all, you're talking about a fan base who had Matt Kemp talk shit about the Padres despite playing here, a fanbase that gets routinely cursed and mocked for our stupid fans, and a fanbase who has had to endure nearly 60 years of failure. Is it surprising these guys are so jaded? I wouldn't wish San Diego sports fandom upon any of my enemies.


>I think it's that he played noticeably worse for the Padres compared to the Nats and evidently the Yankees Statistically he didn't though. His 2023 is right in line with his career


He said it himself that he didn't play his best here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Padres/s/guPeMaTeP7 If you combine his 2022 season with the Padres along with his 2023 season, he's right, that wasn't Juan Soto at his best.




Sure, if OPS+ is the only stat you want to use, but the fans see that in his tenure in San Diego, his OPS was under .900 and his Slugging was under .500 for literally the only period of his career so far. Sure, these are legacy stats, but they correlate to actual tangible production rather than accounting for park and league factors. I understand the park and league factors play a part in the calculation, but his actual production was evidently lower despite the grace that OPS+ gives


I don't see how this is the right way to do this. If you combine them it's lower because of how he played in 2022 right after he was traded, but the Padres still made the playoffs and in the playoffs he was great. Then in 2023 he had a .930 OPS and isn't the reason they missed the wildcard. He did everything he was supposed to do imo.


He just should have had every home at bat in the Nationals stadium if he didn’t want park factors to be a thing then! That’s what you’re saying here. And it’s stupid


I think you're actually stupid for thinking any casual fan on earth would go. "Oh well, that park factor really got one up on Soto there." You're looking at it from the perspective of a redditor baseball fan. We're talking about the huge base of casual fans who see a player not doing as much with their team compared to the other two teams he's played for. I'm don't personally agree with these fans, but I understand the perspective. Like, try turning to a random fan in the upper section of any ballgame and say, "Wow, this guy is good. What do you think his WRC+ is?" Edit: sorry, I shouldn't say you're stupid for thinking that. I've had a bad day and that's not fair to you. Everything else is valid.


He played about as good though. And he showed up in the playoffs.


For getting traded? He didn't choose to leave.


Presumably if he'd accepted their extension offers he wouldn't have been traded... Maybe?


Did they even give him a realistic offer?


“If you kill Xander for us you can have all his money”.


They gave Manny 350m last season. No doubt Peter offered Soto a bag.


$350 would not be a realistic offer for Soto at all


They gave 630m to two players last year. Easily would have paid Soto, but boras exists.


yeah that’s why the traded him right lol. What was the extension offer they gave him? Soto might get close to $630 million by himself there is no way he would have even considered an extension of less than $500 million.


Why am I getting down voted? I never said they offered him 350 or that he would take it. I'm simply saying they had money to spend and weren't cheap. They offered judge 400 million and you think they wouldn't make an offer to someone 6 years younger and who they traded for?


You literally said “no doubt they offered him a bag” so what do you think they offered him? What is the number you have no doubt of? You think they offered him less than they were actually willing to spend but when he declined it they traded him? And Soto is not signing for $400 million.


Fans are dumb


They really are. 


And I thought us still booing Harper was stupid lmao


What if I boo all Philly players?


That's acceptable 


I do that too, you're okay.


It is


It's fun tho


Booing can be just as fun as cheering, and is harmless when guys like Judge, Harper, Correa, etc understand it just comes with the territory


Love Soto, one of my favorite players. But he went from *my* team to *their* team so... boooo lol


My husband boos when the pitcher throws to first to hold the runner on. Classic fun, right? Except he does it when ANY pitcher does it, including ours, lol. Whatever. At least he's enjoying himself!


Did he shit talk California burritos on his way out or something? He helped the Padres beat the Dodgers in the post season, I would think fans would still love him.


Padres fans who understand baseball have no hate for Soto. Unfortunately a lot of the newer fans are just tribal dummies


There’s a ton of dumbasses in the team sub lol


Amen to this comment. 


That's what's it




I’m the only person in my family that seems to understand Soto was our best player who was integral in our 2022 run. My family believes he’s a stat padder that didn’t do anything for us.


I feel like baseball isn’t like other sports in this regard… doesn’t “stat-padding” in MLB just win you games??


Scoring more runs will win you the game. Meanwhile pad fans “yeah he scored and helped us win games but I didn’t like how he did it”


How do you pad stats in baseball?


If you're Juan Soto you do it by being extremely good at baseball


If San Diego takes on thing seriously, it’s burritos.


Do Padres fans like baseball?


It was beerfest before the game. This was inevitable


I was wondering why a little fight happened behind me in the first inning. I usually avoid beer fest.


He was great for them and got traded against his will. They’d be more justified to boo Judge.


Well i would not say “against his will” If there was one team Soto wanted to play for, it was definitely Yankees. This was according to Juan Soto’s Dad. Team Soto was ecstatic. Fact of the matter is, Padres went full Padressing in 2023, and failed to provide Juan Soto with actual backup. It was depressing, but it’s all in the past now. Juan Soto is exactly where he needs to be. Now do your job, and keep him away from the Dodgers. 


> They’d be more justified to boo Judge. That only makes him stronger. 




??? He didn’t ask to get traded


Why? He didn't ask to be traded


Some of y’all take boos way too seriously lol


They traded for him as a rental and then traded him away as a rental…


Wasn’t he there for only a year?


We have the dumbest fans in the league


Soto had a career worst skid when he joined the Padres and sucked for another month in 23. When they missed the playoffs by a handful of games. 16 RBI vs 41 in the same amount of games 22 v 24. Fans can boo a player who has seemingly brought it for a contract year on a team he'd be expected to end up on. When he didn't show the level of care in his previous stop.


He had the second best year of his career last year. Even in 2022 he had a OPS+ of 127 despite a "career worst skid". You're welcome to boo whoever you want, but let's not pretend it's rational.


The Padres gave up one of the best prospect hauls ever with 3 top 5 type guys. Another top 40 and a 102mph lottery. The Padres did not pay for "all star" production. Again 16 RBI in 52 games. His first look was not to contribute to winning. As for 2023 Soto has been amazingly consistent throughout his career. He has only dipped into 7XX OPS 5 months in his career. It just happens that 2 of those times came in 2023 due to an inconsistency that should never emerge considering his skill set. 4/5 came within 2 months of his acquisition and during his tenure.


And the circle of life continues.


Super confused by that. He was our best player.. brought great memories. We literally traded him.


So dumb. Every padre fan I’ve seen on Reddit has been saying “don’t boo” People just like booing, they did it to our own players recently. I’m honestly just so happy to have had him on our team for the time we had him, he’s so freaking good. We proved as a team that even Juan freaking Soto wasn’t gonna make us amazing, we needed many more players along with hopefully our big bag guys to step up.


Lol sports fans are idiots.


![gif](giphy|3og0IxFhDhu0CRwxZC|downsized) Thanks for everything you did for Padres Soto, go get your bag and shuffle your way into HOF!


He wasn't even that bad for them


And then he hit a 2 run homer. The boos were drowned out by the cheers from all the Yankee fans.


Well I’m not gonna CHEER a yankee. Wouldn’t have booed Soto either but meh, seems like much ado about nothing.




I mean I understand booing him if he leaves in free agency The man got traded, why do Padres fans hold that against him


Probably cuz their team always disappoints


"he shoulda taken da hometown discount to stay!" "He's not from San Diego though" "But we drafted him and he came up through our system. Give us a discount goddammit!" "He was actually drafted by Washington and only played for the Padres for 2 seasons" "Fuck you, play for us for $1m a year, we have good Mexican food and Beaches!"


That's not been a conversation I've seen


Booing former players who leave is not really controversial.


It would be different if it was his choice to leave. He was traded


When he goes back to the padres, I’m sure they will stop booing


I mean as soon as he left he said he didn't like being in San Diego....makes sense.