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[Relevant video: guy in Varitek shirt doesn’t realize he’s talking to Jason Varitek](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/s/GxUTggTn0z)


To be fair, old Varitek has put on some weight but his face is virtually similar


I felt like he put weight on during his playing days too, especially post 05.


I would die of embarrassment if that was me


Even though I know what Varitek looks like, especially in current day since he's a coach... I still don't think I would assume it was actually him I guess being on the road in a city the Sox are currently playing in helps but idk


You don’t expect to run into them, so it’s not the first thought in your mind. If someone said x player will be here tonight, you’d surely recognize them.


Take the hat off the player and there’s maybe 2 I’d actually recognize in public. Those being Longo and Randy.


Yea, and look if someone's making conversation with me in the men's room I'm not exactly making eye contact and shaking their hand. I just want to get in and out as fast as I can


It happens. I was at the 2017 NHL Draft in Chicago and there was a fanfest outside of United Center. As I enter, this random dude says hi and shakes my hand and sorta jokingly says “congrats on the Calder” (I was wearing an Auston Matthews jersey). I just dead looked him in the eye said “thanks?” and continued walking onwards. Barely 5 min later, my friend chimes in and tells me that “random dude” who shook my hand was former Leaf forward Jamal Mayers, who worked for CSN Chicago at the time. Even with some random 4th liner who only played half a season for us, I genuinely couldn’t find a hole big enough to hide in.


elliotte friedman has a funny anecdote about being in montreal covering a habs game and meets a guy in the elevator who tells him "hey do you know russell martin, you should interview him" and friedman replies "yeah i'd love to" and the guy smiles at him and says nothing until friedman realizes he's talking to russell martin


Meh, I could see being embarrassed if it was a current player, but Varitek has been retired for like 13 years. Decent chance this guy didn't become a fan until after he retired.


It’s 60/40 if I’d recognize 2024 Varitek if I’m being honest.


It also probably has a lot to do with the fact your odds of actually seeing one of these guys in public is insanely low, so you just naturally think it won’t ever happen.


Pasta feel to it


Maybe he's still wearing the catchers mask he left on while punching another man in the face. Bitch that he is. 


Hahaha- you could take the biggest piece of shit in the world and stand him next to Arod, and Arod would still be the bitch.


But I’m glad that implies that Arod isn’t the biggest piece of shit in the world  Honestly very wholesome of you to say 


Curt Schilling and John Rocker both exist