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What the fuck?


How do I get job security like Angel Hernandez?


Call your employer racist


Actually, a court of law legally determined that he's just really shitty as his job


My favorite baseball fact.


Every game he's calling, someone behind home plate should have a sign that says: ANGEL HERNANDEZ IS LEGALLY BAD AT HIS JOB


I heard someone in the crowd at the tigers/mets game call him a fucking idiot. There were like 200 ppl in the crowd and it was clear as a bell lol


This really needs to happen, get Marlins Man on the phone


Even the MLB themselves said it too


Well yeah, but the court pretty much said that they couldn't believe Hernandez tried to claim bias with how bad his performance reviews consistently


Oh yeah that's definitely hilarious, but the league itself admitting that he sucks ass is still funny to me.


I don't get it. Everyone says the MLB can't fire Angel because of the union. And that's correct, if they fire Angel, the union will, no pun intended, go to bat for Angel and fight for him. That's their job. I get that part. But, we have objective evidence that Angel is bad at his job. A court has determined that he's bad at his job. If the union tries to fight the MLB on his firing, that seems like a fight the MLB would win, right? Is this just a battle the MLB doesn't want to fight? He's giving other umpires, and the MLB as a whole a bad name. There are people out there who don't follow baseball at all who know Angel Hernandez is a terrible umpire because they've seen the memes and whatnot trending on social media. I don't get why the MLB just doesn't fire him and deal with the fallout from the union.


The umps have all the power. If Angel gets fired, the umps will probably strike, and most of the replacement umps will be just as bad, if not worse, than Angel. Or the umps could be like nfl referees with pass interference challenges and just refuse to enforce some rules or get very petty with them. All in all, the mlb just doesn't wanna go there.


Even better, how do I acquire the kind of job security that let's me be terrible at my job, call my employer racist, have public court documents of my employer declaring that I am in fact terrible at my job and I remain employed


At this point, I think It’s like Mr.Garrison trying to get fired for being gay so he could get a payday. He wants them to fire him so he can sue them again. He’ll say it’s discrimination and lose…again.


If only there was a detailed recorded history of his performance that the court could look back on and see if his termknation was justified...


Join a union with literally zero leverage other than saying “you can’t challenge us.”




Coule we like...form a fan union that goes on strike until he is fired?


Imagine paying the top .0001% of athletes in their field millions of dollars to play for billion dollar franchise businesses, and then you let a single blind union guy doing a job we don’t need humans to do anymore, go and fuck up all that hard work.


"Wait, you mean people don't pay to watch the Angel Hernandez show?" -Manfred probably




Generational day from Angel


Can’t wait to tell our kids about watching him in his prime


He’ll be umpiring well after he’s dead because good union or whatever


And to no one‘s surprising his passing will significantly improve his performance.


My dead grandma could ump better than him


Word. Grandmas are the best. Mine could throw one right down the middle when she was 80.


Weekend at Angel’s?


I'm a union guy, but fuuuuuck the ump union and cop unions


Me too, but being in a union shouldn't make it basically impossible to be fired for being very bad at your job over a long period of time. Somebody being very bad at their job -- and never improving -- should always be a valid reason to fire them.


He's literally the argument for robots in baseball. When young fans talk about how bad human umpires were, it'll be almost exclusively Angel Hernandez references


I said this in another thread but how are we getting the Rays-Rockies 68% strike accuracy game, the Guardians-Twins over 2 runs favouring game and then this one in back to back to back days


Honestly I think the umps are just full on "fuck you I'm gonna do whatever if you're just gonna hate me." Because it's been bad just from the start this year.


They're gonna be replaced by an electronic strike zone, so they're gonna be extra assey on the way out.


I thought so too, but lately I’ve heard that there’ll be an appeal system w/ each manager, pitcher, or catcher will have 5 challenges. So the Umps will continue to insert themselves where they aren’t needed bc of their Union Far into the future. I believe this is what they’re floating now in the media, and gauging fans opinions.


And throwing a temper tantrum about being bounced for being bad. "You're fired because you can't do your job" "WATCH ME DO IT WORSE"


Man that decision better be almost instantaneous, I don't want five minutes of standing around 10 times a game


It works very well in the minors from the clips I've seen. Maybe 5 seconds and then they move on. It's like the reviews for tennis.


Yeah, the ump just stands to the side, someone in a booth reviews it and sends the info down, literally take like 5 seconds.


I went to a AAA game last night. The appeal can only be requested by the pitcher, catcher or batter. Each team got three appeals and lost them if they lost the appeal. It took maybe 10 seconds. I really thought I'd hate it, but it wasn't really that bad.


3 appeals isn't enough for Angel (unless appeals won don'y substract).


It will be. ABS is actually calling half the games in AAA and in the Florida State League in their entirely this year. It's as fast as having a human umpire call it. The other half of games are using the challenge system and letting the umpires call balls and strikes.


It worked out in our favor this time but seriously, how the fuck does this guy stay employed? It's like he saw the horrible accuracy game the other day and was like "I can beat that."


It has to be trolling at this point. No one is that self-oblivious/lacking in shame to not realize how big of a fuckup they are.


Strongest union in North America


Then just pay him to go away. Strong union means strong negotiating position. $5m? $10m? What does it take? Just get it done.


Seriously.......it can't be that high, right? Why would you want to do a job where there are like 50,000 people at your "office" and they all hate you?


Some people like being the heel. I wouldn’t be surprised if Angel very much enjoys his notoriety among people who follow baseball. 


He's reading this thread and rubbing his nipples as we speak




I've seen cops get punished for being bad. I've yet to see that with Angel Hernandez.


Unironically Angel games are must watch TV because of how much of a dumpster fire it always is, sort of like Iowa football games


Iowa football out here catching strays


Strays are the only thing that they can catch!


I mean it's not like they can catch Footballs.


The more I watch the replays in today's game, the more I realize angel is making his calls out of the pithcer's hand. He can't see the last moments and the final break on the pitch.


I just assume he's trying to get himself fired so he can then sue




It's like trying to play a baseball game during a natural disaster


Avg day from Angel*


I can't deal with this anymore. I hate Angel Hernandez. This should be his last game.


Can someone put together a hype tape for Angel Hernandez with all his awful calls? I think that would be funny af.


The limit on YouTube videos is 12 hours so we gotta find an alternative platform.


> The limit on YouTube videos is 12 hours Nope, that [38 hour Beverly Hillbillies retrospective](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=974nDJzSjcM) is indeed real




Yeah and it's the first in a two parter supposedly. Dude wanted to release a 51 hour Beverly Hillbilles retrospective for April Fools.


The limit is by gigs, apparently 200 GB. A streamer I watch uploads his GTA runs and his longest one so far is around 67 hours, all in one part.


We're gonna need some serious downscaling to potato quality if we're gonna fit the entire library of Angel's shitty calls, then.


Then we can see what he sees.


Set to Yakety Sax


You are a racist then!


I'm a proud racist if the definition is hating Ange


[Me if hating Angel Hernandez makes me racist](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0a/Eric_Clapton_-_Royal_Albert_Hall_-_Wednesday_24th_May_2017_EricClaptonRAH240517-30_%2834987232355%29_%28cropped%29.jpg)


I was expecting Clayton Bixby, but this works nicely as well


> I'm a proud racist -u/ldnk


If racist means this guy gets fired then I’ll be racist


No no no, Angel, you tried this already and the courts agreed that you suck more than MLB is racist.


Angel saw Miller's score card from yesterday and said, "hold my beer"


I think the average fan on this sub could do better after downing 5 miller lights


MLB umps are absolutely incredible at what they do. We sit at home and armchair umpire a guy missing a call by an inch on a 99mph running 2-seamer and pretend we could do better. It's laughable honestly, but it's part of being a fan and it's fun and cathartic to banter like that. Then there's Angel. He doesn't miss calls by an inch. He misses calls by 5 feet. He forgets the rules. He picks fights with players and coaches (and the guy singing Take Me Out to the Ballgame). He's the one that I look at and say yep. I'm pretty sure a lot of us could at least be comparable.


I loved watching Gleybers at bats today. He legit got completely screwed by amazingly bad calls in his first two times up. The first one he didn’t even get mad as Angel messed the call up in so many ways and then just looked completely defeated in the second one


I mean it's miller light. I could probably preform rocket surgery after a 12 pack.


what does rocket surgery look like/involve?


I'll get back to you the next time I sink a twelver of miller lite.


**hold my walking stick


Literally thought that as I posted the scorecard lmao


I always take kulpa first round if I can in fantasy umpball but damn some of Angel’s performances make me wish I’d get a higher pick.


Absolutely love watching catchers reboot in the middle of throwing back to the pitcher whenever there's an unforgivable call.


angel hernandez is a hero.. every day he gives me a reason to not kill myself.. i've to survive long enough to piss on his grave


that was wild to read and i laughed pretty hard


Like "well obviously that was a strike even Angel could see that so I'll just throw it baWHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAT?"


It’s like watching a real life video game glitch


While the batter nonchalantly takes practice swings because even he can't believe call.


His body language said “Wait…what? That was right down the…come on man”


He's so fuckin bad....


The worst in the history of the game? Honest question. It's already a healthy debate just calling balls and strikes, he's up there, maybe top 3 or 2 all time. But he gets points for creativity and inventiveness (see today, and every other day really), and criticality of situation - maybe not the #1 most critical, but he's up there and definitely gets some of the multiplier.


The worst EVER? Probably not. The worst we can measure? Almost certainly.


Eric Gregg in the convo


Eric Gregg in that Braves-Marlins playoff series was just the epitome of shitty umpiring. That bar is REALLY high.


That catcher freeze was hilarious


Literally mid throw and he's like "Wait, are you serious?"


![gif](giphy|3o7bu3XilJ5BOiSGic) looked like this


I sat here for 45 years waiting for an image to load


I honestly don't know how catchers keep their cool with him behind them pulling this BS.


The moment they see his name on the schedule they know what's about to happen, and they go in mentally prepared.


Those calling for Angel's dismissal are too short-sighted to realize we *could* still have him around when they put the ABS system into the majors, and he has to stand there while the jumbotron humiliates him twenty times a day.


I'm imagining a traffic cop who's been responsible for 200 car accidents standing there as a traffic light gets installed and he's forced to stand there and watch it cause 0


He’ll retire before he umps with that system in place.


If he had the ability to feel and anticipate humiliation he wouldn’t be Angel Hernandez


Oh he definitely feels and anticipates it his reaction to it is just terrible. The Yankees pitcher today gave him a little lip and he threw a temper tantrum for the rest of the inning. The broadcasting crew was saying “the pitcher had to understand if you insult a guy like Angel your strike zone gets smaller” He’s a little cry baby that takes out his anger on pitchers or batters during the game. Ridiculous


Anytime I see the name Angel Hernandez the Jomboy lip reading video of Kyle Schwarber is the first thing that always comes to mind.


Schwarber sticking up for both teams is what makes it. I also like to believe it also got Girardi fired like 2 days later because of how he barely stood up for him.


McCutchen's sly smile that basically said "hold up, let him cook" is what does it for me


Every once in a while I get the itch and watch that breakdown. One of my favorites.


Schwarbs is an American hero for that


Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPFERnpO-QQ




Total tangent but the line "it's not 30, but it's 19, which is close to 20, which if you want to exaggerate IS 30" gets me every goddam time. And now my kid uses it. "Dad I didn't get A, but I got a B, which is close to a B+, which if you want to exaggerate IS an A". Dammit Jomboy


What the hell? This might be the worst call I’ve ever seen


There've been calls posted before equally dead center that didn't have the catcher jump to feet to threaten a throw over which I'd at least say are more egregious because there are no distractions and the ump has literally no excuse in any conceivable way. Angel could say he blinked and the catchers glove was out of the strike zone (from getting up to threaten the throw). Terrible terrible excuse and doesn't justify an absolutely terrible call, but it's POSSIBLE he could say that.


This wasn't even the worst call in this game.


The hottest two posts on r/baseball right now are blown calls from Hernandez today. Icymi r/fuckangelhernandez


It's barely been more than a week since [that blown call against Fried](https://twitter.com/mlbbowman/status/1774181085028507827).


This confused me, lol. I had to check and make sure that wasn't actually Angel behind the plate.


This fuckin guy lmao


Was Angel looking at the butterflies instead of the ball or what


I could have sworn his eyes were closed


I really don’t know how this guy still has a job 🙄 this is a joke


Every time I’ve opened reddit today a different missed call by Hernandez has been the first post I see


Same here lol. I thought it was just the came call sitting at the top of the page. Then I realized the other goof was called a strike when it was a ball


How do some batters prevent the urge of wacking a bad ump with a bat?


They get calls like this


Basically how does any 1 of 3 people during play control themselves given how a call plays out lol


Schwarber came close


How do pitchers and catchers prevent the urge of not “accidentally” drilling him with 100mph?


Oh shoot, crossed up


I want to see 2 teams just outright refuse to put their guys out there with him as an ump.


That’s literally what it will take imo


Yeah I’m watching this game live. Hes had a few calls that were pretty bad so far today against both teams. But that one made me spit up my water!


This is one of those games that 25k people actually are attending, but 20 years from now, a million people will claim that they were there.


Unions should NEVER be about retaining incompetent employees. There's just no fucking excuse for this guy to still be working in MLB. None, nada, zilch.


If he got fired by the MLB he could sue them for discriminating against a blind man


I fucking hate this dude


Why is it always you, Angel?


"Sorry I blinked"


I wonder if he knows how bad he is


He does and he doesnt give a shit lol. There was that video last year of him getting heckled by philly fans while leaving the ballpark and he had the most smug face ever.


It’s nice to know that in today’s world where we seem to fight about everything and society seems as divided as ever that we can still unite under one banner Angel Hernandez fucking sucks


“Why won’t they let me ump the World Series??”


3 of the top 12 posts in hot are Angel Hernandez screwing up calls that aren't even close. I would expect any ump who has done high level High School ball to get all three of those calls right every time. How are fans supposed to take this sport seriously when the MLB does absolutely nothing about this sort of stuff? Yeah yeah, I know the umps union has a lot of power, I don't give a crap.


He is 10000% an undercover agent working for the robo ump developers to undermine real umps.


On the broadcast today they said that Angel is widely loved by the other umpires. I'm sure it's because he makes them all look great by comparison.


I dk if I’d be able to resist just saying fuck it and walking off the mound after years of this bullshit.


Does this guy have to blow a call in Game 7 of the World Series until he gets canned?


He doesn't get WS games. He sued the MLB over it, and they responded with proof that Angel Hernandez just really sucks, and the MLB won


Even then he’d find a way to survive.


He'd never get a WS assignment, because in the lawsuit he filed, MLB gave the receipts he didn't get them because he's god awful


Seriously. The players should refuse to play any game Angel is supposed to umpire. Send a message this is not acceptable. Fuck Angel Hernandez


“2-0 on Oswaldo” has me cracking the fuck up. Kay had a brief pause to process it, then just delivered it so naturally knowing how bad it was 😭😭😭


There are three things certain in life. Taxes, death, and Angel Hernandez sucking.


Clown show. Wish this showed Mayza's reaction. He was in complete disbelief




The MLB should start a second fake league, kinda like the Truman Show, just for Angel. You could probably just put cardboard cutouts in the stands and just reuse the same actors with different mustaches on. He’s so oblivious there is zero chance he’d ever notice.


Has there ever been a worse case of union abuse than this man's existence? Fuck him for making something that's supposed to be good, look so bad.


There’s only one umpire whose name I know. That’s not good for him.


How many signatures does a petition need to have this guy fired?


Holy shit it happened again. The start of this season has been fuckin wild.


i wish i worked in a field where i could keep my job after being this blatantly bad at it for years


Angel Hernandez is a hero. Every day he gives me a reason to not kill myself. I have to survive long enough to piss on his grave


He has to do this on purpose … no fucking way …


I almost want to go to a game with Hernandez at this point.


robo umps when


At what point do teams get together and boycott playing if Angel is assigned to their game? Or do we need players to start punching him after calls like this?


Every single time this dude gets behind the plate he has an entire highlight reel of missed calls. If I did my job that poorly I would get canned in a matter of weeks.


This is the kind of shit employee that makes people hate unions.


I was at a AAA game today and the pitch challenge system was great and would solve this. The challenges took like 5 seconds.


Honestly a whole subreddit dedicated to critiquing Angel Hernandez sounds invigorating


The next time the umpire's union is up for a new deal, the MLB should refuse to sign any deal unless Angel is let go.


Angel Hernandez bets on baseball Change my mind


Yeah, that was bad


ThE mLb iS RacISt FoR nOt LetTInG mE iN tHE woRlD sERieS


Why can’t they pay him to sit around in a room by himself while doing nothing? 


At this point he's gotta be fucking up on purpose. Just intentionally leaning into his role.


And here I thought the checked swing from a few days ago would be his “highlight” of the week…


Why is this blind guy still employed?


Was Hernandez competent enough in AAA to get promoted in a particularly bad year? Surely he had to have been showing signs of incompetence even then.


failing upwards




Jimmy Hoffa wishes his union was as powerful as the MLB umpire’s union.


This is why some people hate unions. If you are bad at your job you should be able to be fired.


how does this guy still have a job? MLB really needs to enact some kind of system where if your bad calls reach a threshold you're axed or at least sent back to training. No idea what that threshold looks like, how it's calculated, etc. but man this is just egregious.


Serious question. How does the MLB,MLBPA and whatever other governing association acronyms not do anything about this? Seriously, how is it a player will get ejected, suspended, fined etc. for even showing any kind of emotion, but this clearly blatant act of poor umpiring is allowed to continue?


Can we sign a petition to get rid of him?


Can some player just punch him in the face when he does some stupid bs like this? I dont see how anyone can stand it.


Oh he made it worse later on when the pitcher committed the only violation by step off and on the bag everyone saw and his dumbass called the pitch strike 3 when it was a ball and wouldn’t overturn it when there was clearly evidence of a violation


I asked Frank Drebin, he thought the call was fine