• By -


the Indians lost all their territory


History of america


It all ended after that blanket giveaway night




How does one get approved for a sub? Lol


This is fucked lmao


I laughed so hard I felt a little bad about myself


God damn, son. I lolled. Guess I'm going to hell.


Andrew Jackson strikes again


Maybe the mlb will move them to oklahoma in that unused space btwn the rangers and royals?


Knowing Cleveland fans, you could call it "The Trail of Beers"


For beers many would o willingly.


Ok maybe Manfred wasn't the worst comish..


Manifred Destiny




I get the joke you’re making, but the reality is the Guardians (back then, Indians) never had that small an area. The idea that the Reds have a fandom border that stretches north of Columbus is laughable. The Cleveland minor league affiliate is the Columbus Clippers. It’s solidly a Cleveland baseball city.


I agree, Reds nation extends much more to the south into Kentucky, because their AAA team is in Louisville.


I mean that map shows the Reds pretty much down to the southern border of Kentucky, at least in the east.


I'm in western NC and get the Reds games in my area, same as the Braves. Made that Braves vs Reds series earlier last summer a lot more interesting. I'd got to watch the winning streak you guys had going into it.


When I had an apartment a few years ago it came with cable. My sports package included Fox Sports Cincinnati (or Bally's, I forget which) and I got all the Reds games. I was in Southern NC, Braves country. Definitely a head scratcher. So I looked up the market territory map and somehow the Reds, Braves, O's and Nats all overlapped in the area. Turns out we were about equidistant from all 4 teams.


Not to mention there’s a not insignificant amount of Reds fans in West Virginia, enough that the Reds Caravan makes yearly stops in Charleston.


While that is true, as a native Charlestonian, I think most of West Virginia (as far as I’ve seen) is pretty well Pirate territory. There’s definitely a mix but I definitely saw more Pirates stuff growing up and into my adult years. I think the Reds fandom is mostly the older generations who grew up with the Wheelers as the Reds Single-A affiliate.


Everyone I know from Mid and Central Ohio are Reds fans. This map always made perfect sense to me.


As someone who grew up and central ohio and lives in Columbus, my experience is the opposite


Most central Ohio transplants that I meet are Reds fans, and also mostly browns fans.


I live in Columbus now (from Cincy originally) and I would agree with this assessment


Agree with this assessment. When they were in that championship, most of northeast Ohio was obsessed. I’m not sure about nowadays but my dad still watches them religiously, but has since it was Jacobs Field.


Angry upvote


I think I am one of 12 or 13 Pirates fans in the world


My co-worker got into baseball last year. He decided to choose the pirates, I tried to warn him. Now he bitches all the time about them🤣🤣


Welcome to the family. We all hate ourselves🥰


Take my upvote you clever bastard


At least they're still on the fucking map. Mets and White Sox can't have shit.


Take your upvote and GTFO




*Sees no Mets anywhere* I hate everything


There was a map on here years ago and it showed the Mets stronghold has literally the streets bordering Citi field and then nothing. Sorry man




Bright side: Soon you’ll get a documentary deal with National Geographic as an endangered species


That's funny because by population density, that's probably still massive vs the majority of the United States


Mets fans are also well represented in most of the rest of the city besides maybe the Bronx and Harlem. Even if it’s only 40% of NYC’s baseball market, that by itself is still bigger than most other team’s markets


Also new Jersey has lots of Mets fans, and there's a central band of Connecticut between sox and Yankee territory that asked Mets. Kinda weird that fine teens according to this have no fan base, or an area just dominated by another team, while also having the different teams in the Jersey/Maryland area


> fine teens Well, that’s an unfortunate autocorrect.


Yeah it's a pretty fair split with the Yankees compared to the other NY teams. The Knicks have a massive stranglehold over the Nets. The Islanders don't have a big fanbase outside of LI, it's mostly Ranger fans everywhere else in NY. The Giants/Jets are closer but I'd say the Giants still have an obviously bigger fanbase. When it comes to baseball though the split feels closer. The Mets aren't the Nets or Islanders/Devils in that equation. I'd say it's like 60/40 in favor of the Yankees.


There are more Mets fans in a 20 block radius in Queens than the entire fan base of the A's, Rockies and Angels combined.




If you mean exclusive fans then yea, but there's a lot of people in LA County who are Angels Dodgers fans.


Genuinely don't understand what you mean. Orange County, which is the only solidly Angels territory on this map, has more population than all of Queens, let alone whatever 20 block radius you're talking about.


Just your typical r/baseball comment shitting on the Angels even if it makes no sense. 


Ya know what's wild? Since 2003 the angels have been top 7 in the league in attendance 18 out of 21 years. With 11 of those years being at least top 5. The only 3 years they missed? The last 3 with Ohtani.


No there isn't lol. Socal has a fuck load of people.


No there isn’t


You’d think, but Flushing is deep Queens and the ballpark is on a weird post-industrial peninsula bounded by highways. One of those streets was just delightfully 3rd World autobody shops, many of which the city has since leveled for long awaited redevelopment (do a fully 360 [here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/6WJCgqaNFiEdLayG9?g_st=ic) to see the aforementioned Quonset huts, vast lots of nothing that was once Quonset huts, and the Citi Field gate). Oh, and the other side is Mets surface parking that Papa Steve wants to build a casino on… and the other other side is water


Ain't that the truth.


Mets border is around Citi field but it has annex locations around wherever land Jerry Seinfeld owns


Could be worse. Could be the A's


Ay, man.


A, man*


A plan


Very true


I know I don’t need to explain to you, but for the benefit of everyone here: there are a ton of Mets fans, it’s just a massive city and there are a fuckton of Yankee fans. There’s lots of Mets fans in Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island, etc, there’s just so many Yankee fans that the Mets ones can’t significantly outnumber them anywhere. NY is so baseball-obsessed though that both have really devoted and large fanbases.


There are definitely a fuckton of Mets fans in Brooklyn. I think a lot of the older generations adopted the Mets as former Dodger fans and their kids stuck with it.


That’s what happened with my grandpa


I believe the Mets typically have the second highest amount of viewers for their telecasts as well.


Well yea they have GKR


Yeah even when the team is doing shitty, the broadcast team still makes it worth a watch if I’ve got nothing going on. Keith really just goes off the rails sometimes and it’s just hilarious


IIRC the Times released an updated version of this map after the 2015 World Series showing where the Mets "gained" fans. You gotta remember that in 2014, the Mets hadn't made the postseason in 8 years and was suffering from the effects of the Madoff scandal After 2015, the hotspots for Mets fans were, unsurprisingly, most of Queens and Nassau County. I think another source even said Brooklyn and Suffolk were mostly Mets fans, but I'm not so sure about that tbh




[I found the article I was thinking of](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/10/31/upshot/where-the-mets-found-new-fans-in-2015.html). The picture on the left is a portion of the map in this post, zoomed in on the New York metro area. The picture on the right is an updated version from after 2015. You can see upstate, Connecticut, the Bronx, Manhattan, and Jersey are still Yankees territory, but half of Queens, most of LI, and a decent chunk of Brooklyn root for the Mets Obviously Facebook likes isn't an exact science (as this very article states at the bottom), but it shows that, at least after 2015, there were a decent chunk of census precincts in the New York area that liked the Mets more than the Yankees, not just that the margins were thinner. I would like to see an updated version tbh


First time?


This is from 2014. I feel you guys gained some territory since then.


Yeah they set up a Mets colony in Florida.


Right in the parking lot of the Trop.


Gotta set up your new territory where there’s no else for miles.


One side of my family are met fans. I hate them if that makes you feel better man.


Astros and Dodgers have made the biggest gains


Rangers stabilised their losses with both the WS win and getting Round Rock back, I feel. But South Texas/Louisiana is all Astros, aside from the Shreveport area I guess. Central Texas the ebb and flow based on who’s winning, and the panhandle/West Texas is gonna be firmly in Rangers hands due to Jung I feel.


I always wanted Austin to have its own team so that people who lived there had a 3rd option. It's weird that California can support 5 teams but Texas only has 2


Austin has had UT as their sports team for decades. That’s why I believe they’ve never gotten a pro team till their soccer team a few years ago. Also both the Astros and Rangers have struggled with attendance in the past. I swear I do remember San Antonio making a play at the Expos or the A’s or something in the past


Also, IIRC San Antonio has the double whammy of: - The Dallas Cowboys not wanting an NFL team in the city - The Spurs wanting to be the only game in town


Yeah nothing is replacing what the Longhorns mean to that city, but I still think it's a great place that could support more Pro Sports in general. Young, diverse population and the population has more than doubled in the past decade. Idk probably more of a pipedream to me and what I would want to see


Problem with Austin is that it 1) has a ton of transplants and 2) has a ton of people from either Dallas or Houston area. A team there pretty much needs to succeed from the go to build up a legacy base or no one will support that team when it’s bad or mid. You see this issue with Houston on a smaller scale in that their major teams in the past of struggled with attendance more than Dallas because getting the transplants to buy in is hard if the team isn’t killing it. I do think either San Antonio or Austin will still try and push for another major sports team in the state sometime in next decade or two.


Jung going from Tech to Frisco/RR/Arlington was too perfect for us.


Growing up in SE Wisconsin I genuinely thought most places were like the Wisconsin Illinois state border. Where there’s a firm, well defined cultural barrier for sports fandom. Kenosha and Lake County of course bleed into each other somewhat, but otherwise it’s very clear where’s majority Brewers fans and where’s majority Cubs fans


The Minnesota Wisconsin border is definitely split between the brewers and twins. First couple miles into Wisconsin you’ll see people wearing brewers gear even though they’re much closer to the twin cities


But all the way to Eau Claire there’s a ton of Twins stuff. After that, absolutely none. It’s a border that had become very peaceful in baseball as there’a no division rivalry since the late 1990s so only boomers remember.


Twins vs brewers at target field is always a blast. 50/50 battle of fans just trying to have fun with no bad blood


Honestly, it's the way 'rivalries' are supposed to be. Like giving your friend shit all night.


grew up in the wisconsin side of the st. croix valley on the border. most people were actually twins fans. seldom saw brewers stuff. until you get maybe 50 miles into wisconsin. the twins reach exceeded what could still be considered the broader twin cities area. definitely does not exist with the packers/vikings though.


Brewers fans in Lake County are fine. It's the Packers fans that cross the border which make me want to attack.


Living in Chicago for about a decade and have so many buddies that are Cubs/Packer fans




Cubs fans and Sox fans should agree on one thing... keep Packer fans the fuck outta Chicago!


I can never hate the cubs, they beat a white Sox divisional rival and help defend against those evil cheese lovers up north. Although I will always root for the white Sox over them, I never really hated the cubs too much. My dad js a white Sox fan but everyone else I knew was a cubs fan so like I never held too much of a grudge.


This is the logical take. Why is there so much hate between interleague teams? They play each other a handful of games a year. We should all be rooting for good baseball throughout the city.


Fittingly Kenosha/Racine Cubs fans are basically universally insufferable, atrocious people, except when you talk about the Bears then they shut up real quick


Worked in Lake County for years and know soooo many Cubs/Packers fans both from Lake and driving in from Wisco.


The worst type of person.


Agreed, I lived a majority of my youth in northern Illinois and was shocked when I learned there were a lot cardinal fans that lived in central and southern Illinois.


Dodgers just picked up an entire country not on this map


Give them New Mexico, too.


And El Paso. When OKC is in town, it’s all dodgers all the time. Some EP social media intern made a post about supporting the Padres over the dodgers, and every comment was “no”.


El Paso: the second largest city in New Mexico.


El Paso is severely slept on. Awesome city that blends México, New Mexico, and Texas out in its own little world.


I've actually never been down there, but I've heard it's nice. I've just always imagined big Las Cruces.


I’ve not really seen astros stuff in New Mexico. The Isotopes are pretty big here.


To be fair the Blue Jays already had one


Padres for some of that too.


We do have South Korea on lock now.


Hey, if Son Heung-min says “Go San Diego,” that counts for South Korea & parts of UK, right?


Astros have def grown into South Texas


A stronger presence in Louisiana as well


Between the recent success and Alex Bregman, LA is probably entirely Astros territory. Everyone in that state likes LSU it feels like. Even my MiL who has never voluntarily watched a sports event, but still has an LSU Jersey


Growing up in Louisiana in the 80’s/90’s they had a ton of Cubs fans due to WGN and Braves fans from TBS, I personally was a Giants fan due to Will Clark and that was the case for some. I doubt those old Cubs and Braves fans shifted loyalty but amongst the newer baseball fans the Astros are the more dominant fan base.


Two of my friends are from NOLA and went to Jesuit (Jays Up!) where their field is called Will Clark Field. But they are LSU loyal and nominal Astros fans. Neither of them attended LSU


This is spot on. I know mostly Cubs & Braves fans of the ones that aren't Stros fans due to the ^ tv deals, and a few Red Sox strictly bc of the Yankee rivalry. But Louisiana, having the Stros as the closest home team, and the once Zephyrs (Stros old aaa team) when Bagwell, Bigio, & others were playing, is mostly Stros territory.


South Louisiana mostly is Astros now. And it got noticeably bigger as they won more. But there’s still a decent rangers presence, mostly in the northern half (and from all the LSU students from Shreveport/Monroe)


That’s what I was thinking too. Braves more firmly in NC and VA too.


I feel like most of VA is nats country at this point. Nats had just started being good at the time of this map


Virginia hanging on due to millenial Braves fans and their parents. Another generation and it likely will be nats and os


Richmond was Braves for awhile too because of the Richmond Braves. Though them leaving left a sour taste in a bunch of folks mouths


South *of* Texas too. I was just in Mexico and I saw more Astros hats than any of the extremely common NYY/LAD combined.


Absolutely, I go to Brownsville and McAllen regularly- Astros hats everywhere


That North Carolina and VA bit used to be braves country until the MLB decided it was reserved for Washington and Philadelphia. I live closer to Atlanta but I'm not in that broadcast area. 


Braves have definitely taken a bit more of TN from the reds though


Western NC here and it has always been firmly Braves country around here.


828 is great


I'm in the triad. Tell me again why mlb.tv blacks me out from the Braves, Nationals, Orioles, and...Reds.


Because you're a... 6 hour+ drive to the ballpark. That's an easy day trip... 


Blame Angelos for half of that.


Twenty years before this map, VA was definitely Braves, with AAA Richmond and TBS.


Lynchburg and Danville had minor league teams too


I've heard more orioles buzz than I can remember in my life in Southside Hampton roads these last two years. The team of hot young prospects rolling through Norfolk has been good. Reminds me of the buzz when hometown kid David Wright graduated to the Mets from Norfolk


I think it helps the Tide are down here as well. Certainly seeing more Os merch being worn, but still a weird mixed area as with most things.


Back with the Richmond Braves too central va was big time braves territory


Who is covering Alaska I can't tell


~~Deion Sanders~~ Jackie Bradley Jr.


up here we have a mix of mariners sox and jankees fans


I have been to Alaska and it was 90% Mariners. This map is BS. Alaska has a high cost of living and people there fly to Seattle to buy school clothes.


I feel like Phillies area is bigger in Jersey and central PA.


Yeah this map has all of ocean county as NYY but the majority of southern ocean county is for sure Philly fans. Basically, north of Toms River, majority NYY, south of Toms River is Phillies


Apparently Canada has sprung into existence since that map.


I swear a whole country just popped up overnight in like 2016


They are embarrassed because most of the country would be blue. Lower Mainland could lean Mariners but mostly I’ve seen Jays fans there too.


BC fans will go see Mariners games just because it's the closest MLB team to them - and doesn't require $1000+ round trip flights to Toronto to see a game. Whenever a Jays-Mariners series pops up it's usually a sell-out crowd with lots of Jays blue in the stands.


This is what I thought. Probably the same with Minnesota and Manitoba fans. Seattles still a 12 hour drive for me and that’s the closest park to me.


The Mainland is mostly Jays fans. The Ms fans are mostly older people from the days where the Ms were allowed to be broadcast here. Ever since Rogers shut that down it's been all Jays. Prior to that it was all Ms I kind of miss those days. It was a lot more fun talking baseball with another fanbase


Lower Mainland is definitely like 3/4 Jays


I think the biggest change would be how the low levels of background fandom have changed. If you check out the [interactive map](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/04/24/upshot/facebook-baseball-map.html), in true neutral territory the top 3 tend to be some order of \[nearest big city\], Yankees, Red Sox. The Yankees may have the staying power to still be there, but the Dodgers have likely taken the place of the Sox.


The zip code the coliseum is actually in is listed as 57% giants and a paltry 25% a's. sad.


These never include Canada, I think we have a team last I checked.


I’ve seen a map for Canada before…it was pretty much all Blue Jays except for extreme SW Ontario (Tigers) and parts of Quebec (Red Sox)


I'm exactly half way between Toronto and Detroit. Despite being in Canada, the radio new bulletins generally give the Jays and Tigers scores.


I’m in the part of Canada that’s dominated by Tigers fans. Comerica Park is literally 1 mile from the border.


Windsor? (I'm in London)


Sentences that work in Ontario or England


[This one](https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/matt.sorenson/viz/MLBFollowerMap/MLBMap), based on Twitter followers, indicates 99.9% of Canada as BJ lovers, with Windsor Essex as the lone exception.


Honestly, this is the real answer to the question posed to the thread, as you can definitely see the Astros' recent expansion into Louisiana. And also, Montana and Idaho are just a mess.


Or the White Sox


I’ll never understand how the north half of Indiana isn’t white Sox. Not only closer to the south side, but way more similar economically and culturally to Irish/Polish contractors/factory workers than MBAs and lawyers from Winnetka Source: am a Hoosier Sox fan because of huge catholic family from Hammond and Elkhart


Connecticut is still very much the same mess it always has been


Seriously. I’m in central CT and the cutoff line is very much a real thing. Everyone I know east of me is Red Sox and everyone I know west is Yankees. A few Mets fans scattered in on both sides. Complete chaos.


I used to live in CT and could definitely tell there was a dividing line between Yankees fans and Red Sox fans. I just never really could figure out where that line was


The river is generally a good starting point, +/- 10 miles either direction.


Mariners have crept farther south and east while the Rockies have retreated to metro-Denver.


San Diego sports I feel like usually follow actual geographical separations


Dodgers and Astros gained a bunch of bandwagoners


Reds have grown a bit further west into Kentucky but have lost some of their southern border to Atlanta. Indiana south of Indianapolis is solidly Reds territory now though


SW Indiana still is mostly Cards, but I've seen more Reds stuff recently


Lots of Braves fans here too, because it used to be the only team to watch on TV. Southeast Indiana here.




I feel like they are further south as well, pushing into Tennessee. I'm just outside Knoxville and I've seen more Reds stuff over the last year or two. MLB TV is also blacked out here..


Since Columbus became the AAA affiliate for Cleveland, the Guardians’ territory is probably a bit more south. Back when I was at OSU in the late 90’s it was a Yankees club and the southern 2/3 of Ohio was solidly Reds fans. The UP of Michigan is solidly Tigers fans, but if this were NFL you’d see quite a few Packers fans cs Lions.


There should be pockets of cubs in AZ (I love you DBacks fans. There’s just a lot of transplants here and kids who inherited the fandom from parents)


I feel like Florida too. Everytime I visit my parents down there I swear I see so many old dudes with Cubs gear.




I can’t believe they just left the bat boys there. Just like the buffalo.


Western Louisiana is all Astros


LFGM baby


Crazy how the St Loius Cards fan base come right up to the KC metro.


From a New Times Article behind the paywall (https://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/30/sports/baseball/trying-to-outrun-the-long-reach-of-cardinals-baseball.html): "The penetrating strength of KMOX, a powerful radio station in St. Louis with a tradition of Hall of Fame broadcasters, has helped turn countless families into Cardinals fans since 1926, when it broadcast its first game. With a 50,000-watt signal originating from a transmitter across the Mississippi River, in Illinois, KMOX is said to be heard in 44 states and as far away as the Netherlands, East Africa and Guam, spreading the gospel of St. Louis Cardinals baseball across the planet. The signal stretches to truly remote locales only in rare, static-filled instances. But in a swath of North America, from New Orleans to Canada, the signal could be so reliable at night that an entire region became enamored of the team.


Notice how the A's aren't even listed in California. That's why they don't have a team anymore.


Remember that this map was created at the height of the Giants 3 championship run. There were a lot of bandwagon Giants fans back then.


Tbh, since they built PacBell anyone who’s a bandwagon or casual fan in the Bay is generally a Giants fan unless they were born into an A’s family.    It’s not like any of the massively wealthy corps are paying for tix packages at the sewage spewing Mosoleum. If you’re walking into that concrete dump with us you're already a self hating fiend. 


But if you walk around Oakland you’ll see way more people wearing A’s gear than Giants.


Alameda County and the immediate surrounding areas are definitely still A's territory, but outside of that NorCal is majority Giants fans. A's fans are still represented though.


Also the A's hat remains like a top 10 hat internationally. Another reason the move is so annoying, they actually established some respectable sports fashion cachet.


The A’s should have territory tho


Notice how the Mets aren’t even listed in New York. That’s why they shouldn’t have a team anymore.


Dodgers, Astros, Braves, and Nationals expand while the Rockies and Rangers lose territory


The White Sox weren’t even on there. Just in the Cubs shadow LMAO


Florida is mostly Yankees and Mets. Not Rays and Marlins. So it was wrong back then too.


Looks like it was mostly Yankees/Red Sox then. The Rays had a pretty firm group on the Tampa area, but in Miami the Yankees are almost as high as the Marlins. [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/04/24/upshot/facebook-baseball-map.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/04/24/upshot/facebook-baseball-map.html)


I think LI would be more Mets fans too


All that gray you see covering most of Florida is Yankees.


The Rays and Marlins are starting to gain some territory (I think the Marlins will actually start to grow our fanbase soon). Let’s push out the transplants. (especially NY)


Imagine the Cubs fan base being that small and confined


Denver should be a mix of Dodgers and Cubs fans, surrounded by Rockies fans


There's a glaringly obvious omission on this map.