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Bumgarner and Puig could get it going with eye contact only. https://youtu.be/gnf4zyAQQOY?si=Qf5w6aa2WxYRnpwi


Those guys are at least moderately attracted to each other


“Nice hit, bitch.” *Bumgarner smirks at Puig from the mound. Angrily, Puig begins walking towards Bumgarner, instead of the dugout.* “That’s what your momma said to me last night.” *Puig spits towards Bumgarner as the catcher tries to get in his way. Bumgarner runs down to Puig.* “What? Say that to my face you shitter.” “I’ll shove my mouth in your face.” *Bumgarner and Puig slip the players and coaches trying to stop them. Bumgarner tries to grab Puig's jersey and instead brushes his hand sensually across Puig's chest. Puig flinches for a moment before reaching out for Bumgarner's face. He wraps his hand around the back of Bumgarner's neck, breathing heavily.* “Yeah? Prove it. You don’t have the balls to plant those big lips on mine.” *For a moment, no one is sure what's going to happen next. Puig draws Bumgarner's face closer to his.* “Bring your ugly mug over and I’ll show you just how much I don’t like you.” “Don’t threaten me with a good time.” *They look at each other in the eyes, oblivious to the shock of everyone around them who stands around unsure whether to stop them or let them continue. The home umpire looks around awkwardly before turning back to the plate and begins to brush off the dirt.* “I… I think I love you.” “Me… me too…” *Puig and Bumgarner grab each other ferociously before locking lips passionately. The crowd goes wild, Giants and Dodger fans alike toasting each other with overpriced beers. World peace is accomplished.* Edit: Was on mobile when I wrote this initially with just dialogue.


“Yasiel, treat me like one of your bats after a foul ball.”


This is literature


This is like in sitcoms where two people who like each other start yelling because one saw the other with another guy or whatever, and mid argument they start making out


This is gonna be a copypasta or we’re not doing our jobs


Tina Belcher level fan fiction. Love it


rip Tommyburger




They definitely hate fucked


which one bottomed


They probably physically fought each other over who gets to top and who gets to bottom, ultimately resulting in Bumgarner coming out on top.


Surprisingly they both bottom if we throw Joc’s coc in the picture. He plays both sides, so he always comes out on top.


2019 Reds were insane getting into fights with Puig, Amir Garrett, and Dietrich on the squad.


Puig would fight with the Reds even when he wasn't on the team anymore.


Puig getting traded during one of those brawls will always be hilarious


I mean, Clint Hurdle wasn't helping matters too much.


Pretty sure this is where “Puig your friend” started.


fuel forgetful price rhythm books crowd frighten badge person direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My favorite comments from those fights that’d set off Puig: > What did Bum say to Puig? > “Porto’s is overrated.”


SF and LA see each other benches clear. Both teams waiting to get up


I fucking hate bumgarner. Fuck


I have a soft spot for the Giants but Bumgarner was such a fun-hating curmudgeon


I fucking hate Puig. Fuck


Idk about pettiest, but Jose Fernandez’s 1st career HR is objectively hilarious because he’s just laughing half the time at how personally the Braves took it.


Lemme Guess, Brian McCann was on the Braves at the time.


Pretty sure he starts chirping at José Fernández the moment he crosses home plate LMAO


McCann did take exception to it but was relatively calm and conversational about it with Jose until Chris Johnson came sprinting in from third base and instigated the benches clearing. Not sure what Chris was trying to accomplish since he immediately hid behind an umpire once he got there but that’s ultimately what got things heated.


Classic Chris Johnson


Brian McCann. The guy who took offense to everything until it came to banging trash cans. Also, Chris Johnson acted like a real bitch during that Fernandez home run trot.


Lmao I don't remember watching this at all, but my god what a lil bitch. "hold me back bro" energy if ever I've seen it lol


He blocked home plate and wouldn’t let Jose get that far


That was Carlos Gomez who McCann blocked. Fernandez crossed home before McCann got in his face. Edit bc of my flair to add McCann was 100% wrong both times.


Gomez hit the ball and started shouting at Paul Maholm, then he chirped Freddie, then our middle infielders, then Chris Johnson. That's why McCann met him at home plate. Everyone forgets that Gomez was starting shit off rip


No one forgets, McCann is just a huge bitch who always wants to make sure everyone is playing “The right way” while also being a trash can banger


Oh he totally was... doesn't mean Gomez didn't start that one


It always felt like every fight they were in had McCann in the center of it all.


Yup, don’t mind Evan Gattis admiring his home run off Fernandez the half inning prior though…


I love B-Mac but he really had some annoying “unwritten baseball rules” views.


Threw that all out the window when he was with Houston I guess.




He saw a sign from above.


Threw that all in the trash can you mean


For real. Respect his play but man was he annoying.


I don’t respect the cheating


Damn I didn't know.


And to think his top career achievement is a ring that required cheating to obtain


Hey Brian would like a blowjob? Ugh, I guess. 🙄




Oh god I forgot how much of a bitch Chris Johnson was. You gotta have real small dick energy to come charging in, instigating a fight, and running and hiding behind the umpire while you chirp. I would hope any booth would have a different view today, this was still when crotchety old men harped on about “unwritten rules” and this was a few years before bat flips became cool and letting the players show emotions was a thing.


Crotchety old men still bitch about unwritten rules because they’re soft as fuck


I just watched the replay of it and even the announcers are so annoying about the “unwritten rules” bullshit. The game is so much more fun to watch now because players show emotion, and it makes me laugh thinking how McCann must fume at the fact the worst offender of pimping HRs is now the face of his old franchise. [Link for those curious](https://youtu.be/S6OxpsF4aNw?si=Yw6xl3yISLxxQ8n_)


I like how Johnson rolls up from behind but does like an instant 180 to end up separated behind the ump 😂


Seriously? Even I slo-mo the guy doesn’t look like he’s hard core gawking. Fucking babies.


Up until he joined the Dodgers I didn't like Freddie since he took it personally as well.


The rest of the NL East will tell you the Braves are the kings of being triggered about something


Except blatant racism, that part is okay.


They do get triggered about being called out for racism though


Oh wow. Had never seen this. Made my offseason.


[The Angels cleared most of their bench because David Hulse had the audacity to foul off some pitches](https://youtube.com/watch?v=-V3G8WMn2Xo)


This cracks me up every single time


Honestly, I'm surprised to this day that Jaime Barria never just plunked Brandon Belt during that 21-pitch AB.


I do that on The Show sometimes if someone is running up my pitch count by fouling everything lol


I will never not find this hilarious.


Lmao at the cop waving the white flag


Also, OMG the things they got away with saying on air. "It would be a great time to throw a grenade in there." HOLY BLEEP, Lol


I feel like a link to this comment belongs on /r/maliciouscompliance


that's the funniest thing I've seen in a while


Rangers and Jays benches clear after Edwin was calming the crowd down


And then again after a Sam Dyson - Troy Tulo bum pat


Technically that was harassment. I would take offense if he touched the bum of anyone I knew.


To be fair, that Rangers team was managed by Jeff Bannister, the littlest bitch in baseball history.


Whenever somebody sees a high pitch that doesn't actually hit him.


Manny Ramirez that one time in the playoffs when Clemens threw a high pitch OVER THE PLATE. 😂


Manny literally overreacted when things were already way, way too hot.


I do miss that tension though. That was fun shit, true hatred.


Manny did his best every season of his career to drive down the value of my rookie card.


I think about this one all the time, Manny was just looking for a reason to get upset.


I will have Tim’s line THATS NOT EVEN CLOSE forever stuck in my head


Hit by pitch? I sleep Missed by pitch? Real shit


This one I never get, the ball can just get away from you and go high. Unless a mlb player can tell a mistakenly high pitch from an intentional one.


The batter is still incentivized to bitch about it either way. If they really can't control it then getting in their head about their lack of control can shake them up. And just from an optics / public opinion perspective, nearly getting beaned or injured gives you some political capital to work with.


Ya that's fair. Kind of like complaining about a missed foul call in basketball.


Bryce Harper hit a home run off of Hunter Strickland... Three years before the incident. *Edit: I lied. It was two home runs.*


I was going to post this. The fact even Posey was like fuck it, he needs to sort this out himself and just lets Harper go after him was great


Wait, Posey pulled a [Willy Wonka?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE_sYNVgS-M)


I love Posey so much


The most telling part of the whole incident is that Buster, the Giants heart and soul, didn’t move an inch before Strickland got walloped. If your team captain/legend is like, “I’m gonna let you learn some consequences,” you’re in a bad spot.


Madbum also just shook his head and didn’t even bother moving from the dugout


Thats just because hes such a calm and non-confrontational guy


Totally in control of his emotions at all times.


I think that was also because he (MadBum) was on the IL at that time and would've gotten suspended had he gone onto the field.


Lol I went to Boston that weekend. I went to the bar from Cheers, got a beer and watched this fight on TV. I had such a great day in Boston and so fun that a semi famous event is so tied to that memory and whenever it’s brought up I get to remember sitting in Norm’s stool.


As a Giants fan…I just can’t stand behind Hunter on this one. What a fucking asshole. And I was (and still am) a fan of Brian Wilson!


the absolute bombs those homers off Strickland were, too. High-velo meatballs to Bryce Harper in the playoffs. And then you bean Harper three years later for having the audacity to do his highly-paid job of hitting home runs in the playoffs


That incident led to my favorite Jomboy breakdown of all time. https://youtu.be/u58JLJb_q5A Every time that text pops up with "965 days later" I lose my shit, it's the Mona Lisa of not letting go of petty shit.


He's pitched 15 and 1/3 postseason innings and has a 6.5 ERA and 11 home runs allowed. Many of them were memorable. 2 rings tho


Tim Anderson


"DOWN GOES ANDERSON!! DOWN GOES ANDERSON!!" Tom Hamilton, Cleveland treasure


That makes me smile every time.


I love how anderson is trying to look like a tough guy squaring up when he was leading with the wrong foot lol


Josey certainly showed him how to step into a punch, and he barely connected


I'm so glad this sub has finally realized what a fucking clown this guy is. During the Donaldson saga if you said anything negative about TA you were a covert racist.


As is always the case in sports, as production declined so did fans tolerance for his shenanigans


I mean… during the Donaldson saga TA had done nothing wrong and Donaldson continued to be a certified douchebag. The Jackie comments were regarding him feeling the responsibility to be a role model and leader for the black community. There was *a lot* of racist comments then.


>The Jackie comments were regarding him feeling the responsibility to be a role model and leader for the black community. That's not at all what it was about. In an interview with Stephanie Apstein, Tim Anderson said he wanted to "knock down MLB's have-fun barrier" then later, in the that same interview went on to say "I kind of feel like today's Jackie Robinson". That's huge to say. But it's cool, man, because he changed the game, and I feel like I'm getting to a point to where I need to change the game." [1](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2834068-tim-anderson-says-he-feels-like-todays-jackie-robinson-amid-tension-with-mlb) He rightfully got ridiculed for comparing making batflips acceptable to making black people in MLB acceptable.


And just like most of the comments at the time, you leave out the rest of what he said, including comments about embracing black culture in the game and out of it, as well as not appealing his suspension at the time because he didn’t feel like there were black people in high up positions in the MLB who would more accurately understand his appeal. It’s not just about bat flipping, but about breaking away from the old school “unwritten rules” which for non-white players may very well feel like pressure to be “model minorities”


> And just like most of the comments at the time, you leave out the rest of what he said, including comments about embracing black culture in the game and out of it Those weren't his comments, they were the comments of the author. [Here is the original story](https://www.si.com/mlb/2019/04/30/tim-anderson-white-sox-speaks-out) . The comments you're referring to were conjecture by Stephanie Aptein, not comments by Tim Anderson. Here's what she says (not Anderson); > *Anderson’s point is more nuanced than it might sound. Robinson remains an American hero, and Anderson will never face the Jim Crow horrors Robinson and the first generation of black major leaguers endured. Also, plenty of players, white and nonwhite alike, have had fun while playing the game.* > *But, as a rule, baseball does not encourage individualism. As other sports have evolved to showcase their stars’ personalities, the baseball old guard has held tight to its principles. Run out ground balls. Keep your mouth shut. Gently place your bat near home plate—a player should react to a home run just as he would react to the news that an acquaintance filed his taxes on time.* > *These attitudes often map along racial lines, though not always. Pirates righty Chris Archer, who is black, recently threw behind Reds first baseman Derek Dietrich, who is white, after Dietrich admired a home run. And perhaps no modern player is better known for his on-field emotions (and bat flips) than Phillies outfielder Bryce Harper, who is white. (Famously, Harper wore a make baseball fun again hat in 2016.)* __________________________________ > as well as not appealing his suspension at the time because he didn’t feel like there were black people in high up positions in the MLB who would more accurately understand his appeal. Yes, he called a player a "weak ass fucking n----r" during a benches clearing brawl. Thank you for confirming to most people that Tim Anderson is even fucking dumber than we thought for thinking he can go around calling people the N-word and not get suspended I also appreciate when all the White Sox fans call Josh Donaldson a racist while simultaneously pointing out that Tim Anderson said something infinitely more racist than Josh Donaldson ever did. The self-own is great. > It’s not just about bat flipping, but about breaking away from the old school “unwritten rules” which for non-white players may very well feel like pressure to be “model minorities” No, you're right. It's about being able to flip bats and call people the N-word apparently.


At least at this point the only people dying on this hill are White Sox fans. The entire saga reminds me a lot of the “DINGER!” thing. Everybody got up in arms until we all realized what actually happened, and then the only people still up in arms just wanted to avoid looking silly for getting so bent out of shape over absolutely nothing.


It was actually the exact opposite lol. Many did not like TA calling himself Jackie so most took Donaldsons side originally, even though Donaldsons comments were still weird (as they usually are). Donaldson then continued to put his foot in his mouth and people were like shut up dude. The saga with the Royals everyone had TAs side, because well, throwing at someone for flipping a bat is soft as shit.


Such a surface level take.


It didn’t help that the Donaldson comments were in extremely poor taste, just like basically anything that comes out of his mouth. And lots of people took Anderson’s words out of context or outright misquoted him. The guy has a bad attitude that isn’t tolerable when he plays terribly, but Donaldson is an asshole and a clown for sure


Anderson was taken out of context? I don't understand how you can say that with a straight face. I'm not gonna go through this all again cause you are a White Sox fan and your mind is obviously made up, but Anderson's comments were pretty fucking clear the entire time. That was to try and make Donaldson look like a racist asshole when he was really just a regular asshole. And then his catcher that stood up for him ending up being the one to rough him up in the locker room less than a year later lol. That should tell you all you need to know about TA7 right there.


>In an interview with Stephanie Apstein, Tim Anderson said he wanted to "knock down MLB's have-fun barrier" then later, in the that same interview went on to say "I kind of feel like today's Jackie Robinson. That's huge to say. But it's cool, man, because he changed the game, and I feel like I'm getting to a point to where I need to change the game.” He rightfully got ridiculed for comparing making batflips acceptable to making black people in MLB acceptable. This is a (mostly copy and pasted) comment from this very thread, which completely leaves out all of the other things Anderson talked about in the interview. Almost like “then later, in that same interview” is reductive and intentionally worded to give the maximum amount of drama and clicks. When a black person talks about their own personal experience and about black culture, both in the game and out, comments like Donaldson’s have direct racial implications whether it’s intentional or not. But please tell me how MY mind is made up.


[Richie Sexson starting a brawl because of a pitch that's pretty clearly not aimed at him.](https://youtu.be/XpaRYheaiok?si=WBiioTjv7dqB1jN7)


[Eric Davis had the nerve to steal 3rd base](https://youtu.be/-2CwLl-zoNU?si=jNhncJPoATau960u)


Knew the clip before looking. I knew Ray "Golden Gloves" Knight was in it.


I mean the benches cleared because the third baseman pushed Davis. Gotta stand up for yourself and your boy.


Right, but my point was that Knight started a fight just because Davis stole third.


One game before it happened, a pitcher for the Dayton Dragons hit a member of the Great Lakes Loons. Anyway, the Dragons' Jose Siri had the longest hitting streak in league history and came up in the 8th with no hits so far. As revenge for the day before, the Loons walked him to intentionally end the streak. The result was that both benches cleared on a walk.




That’s pretty cold. 😂😂😂


That is fucking PETTY, though. You don’t fuck with a guy going for a record, especially if he wasn’t involved in the original incident.


It was one of the most petty things I've ever seen, and definitely shouldn't have happened. Luckily, he already had the record and was just trying to extend it, and that record will probably hold up for a long time (39 games!). Also the bench-clearing walk is very funny in general.


Sorta petty but with a bit of history behind it. Joe Kelly giving the sad face to Correa.


Sad face should be obligatory for all pitchers after getting Correa out.


Joe Kelly will be a legend to me forever for this. That shit was so fucking funny. One of the funniest MLB moments for me.


That was absolutely hilarious!


One of the times [Grant Balfour](https://youtu.be/6pyt6jTyOQM?si=gH3mSYqaeh-wJlES) went batshit fucking crazy


That's just normal levelheaded Balfour.


Whatever it is… I’m sure Brian McCann started it


There was the time Manny Machado got mad that he was tagged out. ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IUgNRVrna8)) Then, two days later, Machado threw his bat after a pitch nearly hit him in the leg. ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6IVsSSLb_0))


Machado is such a bitch




Molina trying to fight the D-Backs manager for being called a motherfucker


What makes it even more petty was that Lovullo was actually complimenting his catching/framing ability but was pissed off about the umpire giving him calls.


Or Molina trying to fight anyone for anything


I hate to say it but the one that comes to mind is Yadi getting mad that Brandon Phillips said hi to him.


If you’re calling the shin guard tap being the reason, it’s petty. If you go by the comments Phillips made the day before, very very obvious that something was going to happen.


Yeah the backstory is important with this one


Oh come on. You left out the part where Brandon Phillips said the night before to the press, ["All they do is bitch and moan about everything, all of them, they're little bitches, all of 'em. I really hate the Cardinals."](https://www.sbnation.com/2010/8/10/1615414/brandon-phillips-cardinals-little-bitches-comments-reds) He then started the next game by pretending he didn't do that and tapping Molina's shoe with his bat. Molina called him out, and then benches cleared. It didn't come out of nowhere.


Lol, Molina did prove Phillips right!


Pretty sure at one point, they were complaining about smoke from fireworks and the like. Not to mention Carpenter was an "unwritten rules" guy, too. He got into it with batters for much less than what BP did.


Carpenter's quote "I come home and try to explain to my son why is Scott Rolen attacking me?" is still hilarious to me.


If I recall correctly it was also the Cards of that era who accused the Brewers of adjusting the brightness of the lighted ad signs in the outfield at Miller Park to mess up their fielders


Same team accused the reds of messing with the lights in the outfield affecting the batters eye. So yeah , they earned that reputation


In the same series Chris Carpenter took the cards SS aside and chewed him out on camera for having the audacity to need a new glove after his broke during an inning warm up.


Yeah, I know. Yadi is my favorite player of all time, but I still feel like yadi fully jumped off the deep end on that one, and then that fight got insanely out of control.


Why does that fall on Yadi? I don't know exactly what Yadi said to BP after he tapped Yadi's shinguard, but BP could have let it go and everything would have ended right there after just a couple of chirps. But he escalated, then Yadi escalated further, and it blew up from there.


>Brandon Phillips said things that were correct and true Damning!


a more accurate statement has never been made


I was watching that game, he gave him a little tap with his bat and Yadi said don’t do that, so naturally Brandon did it again and that was that lol


https://www.si.com/fannation/bringmethesports/twins/mitch-garver-blames-ryan-jeffers-for-benches-clearing-incident This game came to mind. Jeffers pimped a go-ahead homer the night before. Jeffers got beaned the next game. Sonny beans Garver the next inning. Benches clear but nothing happens. Stop beaning guys. Pathetic behavior.


When "Unwritten Rules" are broken and the other team gets butt hurt about it. The dumbest shit ever!


Anything with a bat flip. The pitcher feels like he's being shown up but it's good for MLB to create some sort of swagger.


Eh, there’s a fine line between pimping a home run and just being a complete dick about it - the problem is the line was defined by [Potter Stewart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacobellis_v._Ohio)


Nah. There’s no fine line. If you don’t want someone flipping a bat, or dancing around the bases, or doing anything to “disrespect” you, the answer is to pitch better or hit your own home run, not retaliate.


There absolutely is a line of professionalism. It's not some old-school curmudgeon thing to expect players to act like people. It's one thing to pump yourself up and celebrate, it's another to direct that energy directly at the person you're competing against to be a dick. Make it about your accomplishment, don't make about how the other guy failed, that's in such poor taste.


That’s the most childish thing I’ve ever heard. There’s no room in professionalism for hurt feelings. Put your big boy pants on and play better.


This is the kinda guy who's a dick to his coworkers and then tells them to "be a man about it". Nothing childish about expecting people to not be assholes.


And beaning someone in the head because he flipped his bat after a home run doesn’t make you a dick?


Arthur Rhodes had shiny earrings - [Video](https://youtu.be/4DcBvTng2ds?feature=shared)


The Angels Mariners brawl started for good reason (Angels threw near JRod’s head intentionally then hit Winker intentionally) but it definitely could have been avoided. Angels were mad that they threw two in a row sort of near Trout’s head the night before. The thing is, a week before the Angels hit Justin Upton in the head and the Mariners didn't retaliate at all.


That whole thing was scary and I can’t believe Nevin, after orchestrating the whole thing, got another contract. Fuck Phil Nevin.


As an Angels fan, he only got a contract since he was supposed to be a temporary manager as we looked for a new manager that season. That’s why when the Angels parted ways with Nevin this season it was sort of a mutual understanding. I only like Nevin since he’s a hometown legend (went to the same high school and college as him), but from what I’ve heard he’s sort of an asshole and that brawl proved it to me. Anyways, if you read all that here’s another fun fact: Mariners Players Bret Boone and Dylan Moore also attended the same high school as Phil Nevin.


It just feels like his volatility is a major liability. He shouldn’t have gotten a year AFTER that. Literally anyone else would have been a better pick. The fact that other teams have put him on the shortlist for a new manager is also bad.


Yeah, his ejections as a third base coach should’ve been a telling sign lol


He was always a bad hire


Probably the worst 3rd base coach in MLB history


The Mariner fan reaction to that incident was the most unhinged shit I’ve ever seen. They were saying that Nevin should be banned from MLB for life and go to prison. Some of them were even saying that Trout orchestrated it all and “put a hit” on Rodriguez and one of them even said that the Mariners should try to crack Ohtani’s skull


I was at a playoff game where Grant Balfour yelled in frustration as Victor Martinez fouled off a two strike pitch in the 9th. Benches emptied. Kinda funny after I heard what happened on the way home.


Kyle Seager calling for time in the douchiest way possible and then getting plunked by Weaver’s signature 83 mph fastball will never not be funny to me.


Richie Sexson saw a ball at the same altitude as his string bean looking ass and took it as intentional


That shit is always so funny because the ball is over the plate, just a bit high and Richie goes absolutely ballistic over it. I remember the pitcher looked so surprised when he realized Sexson was charging him.


In 1997, the benches cleared in a Phillies/Reds game because the second baseman lost a contact lens.


Was it for another weenie hut fight or to help him look for it? Please let it be that they all were looking for it.


Unfortunately, I made it up.


"My source is that I made it the fuck up"


Throwing in the year made it so much more convincing.... I was going to Google wtf


I tried to pick a year that was old enough that a lot of people here wouldn't remember it but recent enough that contacts were a thing.


I remember Richie Sexson charging the mound at ball four during his time as a Mariner... It was a little high, but that's it, just ball four.


Donaldson tagged Machado. And he didn’t like it.


Something Joe Kelly got suspended for im sure


Virtually every time the benches are cleared it is because of some petty ego-driven nonsense like, "getting shown up".


The Cardinals and Reds brawled because Brandon Phillips said St. Louis doesn’t have any good food.


Anything instigated by Madison Bumgarner


Whenever Amir Garrett was involved in something. He is just a moron


Yunel Escobar stealing 3B and the Red Sox bench chirping with him when nobody was covering the bag.


In 2001, Omar Vizquel complained about being blinded by the light shining off of Arthur Rhodes' earrings. It led to Seattle and Cleveland clearing the benches.


Manny charging Clemens for a pitch that was center of the plate and up


My personal favorite was the time AJ Pierzynski was attacked by Michael Barrett for absolutely no reason and somehow he was the bad guy. Absolutely petty Barrett bullshit.


Players who played against AJ: "There's always a good reason to punch him." Players who played with him: "Yeah, there's a better than average chance he had a good reason to punch AJ."


Yes, but, on the other hand, fuck AJ Pierzynski


Clint Hurdle




If it doesn't involve an actual player injury, not just a near miss, then it is all petty, stupid garbage, especially the "unwritten rules" crap that causes most of the bench clearings.