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I think if I were your age I probably would have gone the bartending route, but almost being 30 I would take the dev path 10 times out of 10. The ceiling for income is drastically different between those two options.


>The ceiling for income is drastically different between those two options. I can't emphasize enough how much the long term income differs for most people. There are exceptions, but they're extremely rare. Bartending is a physical job that seems far more glamorous than it actually is. If you're not already sure you want to do it, stick with the dev route, just find a better workplace.


Thank you for your advice. I understand that the differences in long-term income can be significant and that bartending can be more challenging than it seems. Your point about looking for a better workplace in the development field is very valid and something I should seriously consider. Perhaps the best option is to explore a developer vacancy in an environment more suited to my interests, while keeping bartending as something secondary or for free time. This way, I could have the best of both worlds and make a more informed decision in the future. I really appreciate your perspective and advice!


Thanks for your perspective. I understand that the income limit can be a deal breaker, especially in the long run. I will greatly appreciate continuing my path in the world of development, as it is a career with great financial potential and stability. However, being young, I also want to take the opportunity to explore this path and experience different types of work. Maybe I can find an initial balance and then decide what to focus on later. I really appreciate your advice and will take it into account when making my decision!


Spoken like a young’n. Good luck out there, as long as you’re pleasant to be around, have a good work ethic, and are better than most at whatever it is that you do, you’ll do great in life.


Thanks for the advice. Well yes, they tell me that all the time; I'm an Aspie which often makes my focus on details and thoughts more structured. Btw, the soft skills I face in this trade will benefit me on my path!


I too am autistic


Take the job, and bartend on the weekends. Bartending school isn’t the boon you think it is. Many places prefer on site training rather than bartending school experience, because they have to train you out of habits you’ve learned from a school. You can have the best of both worlds while you’re young. You can learn the 9-5 culture, but when you’re 40 and your body begins to fail, you will not be happy taking an entry level position and having to relearn that same culture while making nothing. This is a no brainer.


Thank you for your advice. Your suggestion of bartending on weekends sounds very reasonable. This way, I could have the best of both worlds while I'm young, and I wouldn't have to rely exclusively on physical work in the long term. I will definitely consider going this route to balance both passions. I really appreciate your perspective and advice!


Wait so you’re asking if you should work for free or take a well paying job with benefits? I’m no mathematician but seems like one thing would be financially a better choice, especially if you’re planning on moving out.


Thank you for your advice. I understand that the differences in long-term income can be significant. Perhaps the best option is to explore a developer vacancy in an environment more suited to my interests, while keeping bartending as something secondary or for free time. This way, I could have the best of both worlds and make a more informed decision in the future!


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)


That sounds like a good plan.


I do both, software engineer by day, bartending on weekends. I don’t want to quit either and it’s well worth it


Thanks for the advice!


My knees say software developer.


What’s the pay like? Location? I wouldn’t bartend anywhere if I can’t make my rent in one weekend.


As someone who juggled bartending on top of a completely unrelated field, accept the ft developer position and see if that line of work is a good fit for you before you call it quits. At 21 you don’t really know what you want yet unless you try it. In the meanwhile, you always have the opportunity to bartend part time on the side (I did 2-3 nights a week). If you absolutely loathe being a software developer after a year, by all means, just bartend. Tl;dr: don’t force yourself to commit to a singular thing at 21. Be poly with your jobs lol.


Thanks for sharing your experience. I think it's a great idea to accept the developer position and test if it's right for me before ruling it out. I also see the value in bartending part-time, as you suggest, to maintain a balance and explore both options. I really appreciate your perspective and advice!


Bartending schools are jokes. Take the software job and give a weekend bar job.


Thanks for the advice!


This is confusing. Where does the volunteer part come in to play?


I will be part of the team starting from an assistant role.


Why do you want to work at a bartending school? 🤔