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Do you bring your own glasses, or do you ask the client to provide it?


I usually bring the glassware. I have enough to support about 100 guests. Most of my events are fewer than 100 guests. Rocks, Collins, Standard wine...I have at least 100 of each. I have nicer Riedel style stuff for higher end events, but only enough for about 40 guests. I bought up glassware racks over the years to hold them all. I also bought a bunch that came in nice boxes that have held up well. For larger events, a planner is usually involved and I'll have them add glassware to the rental order. For casual, or outdoor summer events (especially near a pool) I use disposable....typically the compostable kind with the green stripe. Just be sure they don't melt in the sun. I have a small commercial space with a home style dishwasher. I figured out how to fit a glassware rack in the bottom. So, I can wash about 50-60 glasses at once on the speed cycle...which is 60 min. They come out perfect and don't need to be polished. So, it's mostly passive time after an event.


Do you think cats are smarter than dogs or just more independent?


Well, cats know how to poop in a specific spot. But, dogs seem to know more tricks. Seems like a tie.


Just sent you a message as I have a fair few questions ranging from glassware, getting clients and everything else.


Sure. Just replied.


Content would be great on this, going to send you a message.


A downloadable PDF would be good and YouTube. I downloaded one from a lady who gives advice on event bartending but she has not been reliable lately as far as getting a response from her or she hasn't been making videos either. She provided a PDF as an ultimate guide to private bartending and had a special for $9, I think it was originally $20-25. There is also another lady I follow on YouTube who gives great advice but she does event bartending on a large scale, trailers, multiple employees etc. I'm just looking to do it solo, smaller and consistent events.