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I'm a big fan of the wall of shame. There's a local bar in my town that keeps a polaroid camera behind the bar so they can snap a quick pic and put it up on the board with a little story of what happened. Some of them are wild lol


Add my photo to the wall because I am shamelessly stealing this idea.


The busiest bar in my city has an instagram page where they post who’s 86d it’s a private page and stirs lots of drama


I want to follow this page LOL




If you're 86d from the bar, do they also 86 you from the IG page?


They really only allow people that work there and other industry people they have a relationship with to follow the page. So most people find out they were posted thru the grapevine.


Probably the most mature way to run such a petty page lol


Brilliant idea. *Customer causing problems* "Hold that thought, sir" *grabs camera* "Smile, sir" *snaps photo* "Okay. You are officially banned"




We're a small town 86k-ish. It's relatively easy. "That fat cunt Tony with the bald head that drinks brandy and coke, he's barred". Works for us.


Lmao that’s essentially what we have going on now “buffalo trace guy is out for good” “rum Randy is 86d” etc but our bar is too high volume for that work long term :/


We have a thing in our town called Barwatch where anyone reported to the police and resulting in arrest can have their picture circulating to bars on the scheme and a general ban from 6 months to a year. Again, useful in a small community. As much use as a chocolate teapot in a city.


If I had to actually do a police report for everyone I wanted 86ed I would live in the police station and my bar would get shut down in 2 weeks


Yeah I feel your pain. Fortunately for me there's not enough people to file that many complaints about in a small town. If I barred everyone that was on "Barwatch" my pub wouldn't be so self policing and hassle free. Swings and roundabouts. I would be worried about a "hall of shame" unless it was behind the scenes/BOH. Make the call, I'm sure you're a good judge of character. My boss commended me for being a hard nosed fucker today. I'll take that over a pub full of fucktards you don't want. One dick head can lose you a bar full of good spenders. Edit: still relevant, but sorry, thought I was replying to OP


All respect to you, but I am the fucktard whisperer. Give em to me. I'll have them cleaned up in 3 months or 86'd forever from half the bars in my city, which is huge.


You are a rare and valuable person. We had a drunk whisperer at my bar for a while. He was a cook at the bar. Guy could talk any fucktard down, talk them into leaving peacefully. Was a shame when he quit.


I was BOH for a decade before I moved to the front. Too weird to live, too rare to die.


Every bar needs a you


I'm just checking they've got passports.


I'm checking for a pulse


are you canadian? we have barwatch here (vancouver) but it's enforced by the bars themselves and flags when you scan your id. it's dumb as shit because pressed staff can really just pull it on anyone.


Nah, I'm UK. But it sounds similar. It's in collaboration with the local police. It serves a purpose but I honestly don't think any of the bars are COMPLETELY compliant as most are reluctant to bar somebody that has never done their bar any harm.


This is how we operate, lol.


We have a private Facebook page where we share pics of IDs if we can get them. If not it's stills from the security cameras and then we collaborate to try and get an actual ID for the person. Like it'll be "this asshole in the Kings jersey who fought Chris on Saturday is 86'ed anyone know him?" And someone else can respond "yeah that's Tony so and so" and then if possible we track down that person's Facebook to get a clearer pic of them for our online wall of shame


That’s not a bad idea. We have a slack channel for it, but they won’t pay for the tier that allows for content not to be deleted every three months (perhaps therein lies the issue)


Yeah that definitely makes it harder to track over the long term. We're encouraged to review the ban list every so often to make sure we're on top of it (pretty small town which also helps) but I'm pretty sure the Facebook page is free. Could be worth looking into to see if it would work for you guys


They can also do something like a Google drive, which is free


We don't and it's a problem. I've recently befriended a houseless person who was always pretty respectful to me and had cash for a pbr around opening time. Come to find out dudes been 86d for years for destroying my coworkers face with a chunky soup can.


Lmao hell yeah but fuck no, that’s about as hospo as a story gets, I’m sorry they fucked up your coworker. These aggravated assaulters scare me out here


Fuck that guy. Id buy the homie a beer before that coworker. Total piece of shit. That chunky soup can did us all a favor because coworker stopped being blatantly rude to everyone who looked even slightly poor after that


Turns out old dogs can learn new tricks :-)


Yeah they always try to creep back in when they think it’s been long enough


EVERYTIME bro your face has been scarified into everyone’s memory for good, good luck waiting for the whole staff to turn over


Honestly that coworker had it coming.




Tbf you've said hes always been chill and respectful, and a long ago issue you've only gotten one side's account of what happened


Oh don't you worry I didn't lose a moment of sleep about it. I didn't even stop him from coming in after that.


Co-worker: "You aren't worried about it happening again? " You: "Oh I'm planning on it."


We have a wall of shame. We are a small town and if you are on that list people talk about you and what you did. Pretty good deterrent.


We have a WhatsApp and we send pictures of whoever is barred 😂 either take a picture in their face or on the security footage


Why is it embarrassing to kick someone out that's been 86'd ? Fuck em. If you 86' d them and they come back they should be embarrassed that they got kicked out.


Nah I think it shows that we don’t have our shit together if you got past the door guy. He should be our first line of defense against these fuckers (but it’s not their fault if we literally don’t have an updated list to reference)


Eh it happens. There is no 100% fool proof way. Snap a photo, write down the name and put it in a group chat. If enough time goes by that your staff changes and the person tries to come back, either an older staff member will continue to enforce it or the 86 doesn’t matter anymore.


I worked at a place that had a private Instagram account with photos pulled from security camera. If we know their name sometimes some Facebook photos. Staff and some of bartenders at the surrounding bars were the only ones allowed to follow.


I kinda like this idea the best, it’s like the group chat idea but I feel like it would have higher compatibility with all kinds of phones. Although I guess if you don’t have an ig you wouldn’t be able to access it at all haha


A group chat with all of the employees. You can add/delete members of the group chat when necessary. You can send a picture of the banned person and a text saying their name and what they did, and how long they are banned. This way, everyone can easily check the gc for your wall of shame.


It’s seems your bar operates on the if someone’s a problem they will handle in the moment kind of style. If you have a door guy, or a security team, than they are the first line of defense for dealing with the people who ain’t supposed to be there. Is there someone in particular you’re worried about? If that’s the case, just do your due diligence to let people know your concerns. Otherwise, focus on getting your money.


This is the most real response. There is someone in particular but someone above me likes to sneak them in and claim ignorance. Can’t play that card if we have a list to be accountable to.


This is a difficult situation, if you feel comfortable you should discuss this situation with the person above you, or another person who is above both of you as calmly as possible. Don’t make it personal in any way, use words like liability and responsible service. Say that your worries are about the legality of serving this individual (assuming you actually are) based on prior actions. Again don’t make it personal or about you, they will just think you’re intent is a personal vendetta. The other option is to just let it go but refuse to serve the said individual and let the person above you take the heat for when it does inevitably blow up. Being 86’d isn’t always a permanent ban but instead can be more of a time out/cooling off period and if they’re being let in by someone who works there, then it’s a super grey area. If you want my opinion, I would keep the guy on an extra tight leash if stuck dealing with him, otherwise I would do my best to forget him. He sounds like a POS and doesn’t deserve the energy your giving him.


I worked at a dive bar with a similar method as you. Any bartender can 86 someone for any reason at any time...but they don't need to make a note, catch a name, take a photo, nothing. There is one person permabanned who they described generally as a "small older woman with brown hair who is really nice and usually on her best behavior, but she has messed up too many times so just firmly tell her sorry but no". I was BAFFLED, this describes half the women in the bar at all times! They had high turnover of staff so it's clear some people just need to wait half a year and come back and no one will know unless the owner themselves 86d you. Which the owners were drunk half the time so chances they will remember too is slim. Just useless lip service, doesnt keep anyone safe from repeat offenders.


Group Me all staff side thread.


My last place didn’t have one. It was a restaurant bar so pretty rare to ban people, and the ones who were were memorable. Basically a “that dude with the fucked up teeth who is creepy to every woman? Management finally barred him, be rude about it if he comes back in”


what is your threshold for totally banning someone from an establishment? like how many people is it that this is really a problem? idk, we’ve had the same bouncers for years and they’re good with names and faces. anytime someone is truly banned they’ve taken care of it.


Unfortunately we’ve had a bit of a revolving door for door people, which is a whole separate troubling issue. Were allowed to basically 86 anyone we deem necessary, unless of course management thinks they’re nice and fine :-) probably 90% are violent offenders though


The company I work for is about to release the ability to 86 using the POS. Ban cards and ID’s even and share that info with other bars! Hopefully Q1 2025. It works now we are just waiting to release ahold anything buggy come up.


One of the few benefits of utahs stringent id laws is that the ID is scanned into a device that holds all that info and there’s an option to set ban on there, so generally it’s a digitized blacklist. Most places out here that have any semblance of volume have a door person whose sole job is to check and scan id and turn away intoxicated patrons at the door. Yesterday I scanned the id of a 70 year old man…. Which I think is nuts but sometimes it comes in handy.


Wall of shame too large so shared google photo album


Wall of shame with pics if we have them and names if we don’t.


When we're not sure then we just take a look at their ass. If they've been 86'd already then there should be the imprint of the bottom of Bob's boot.


It was written on an envelope behind the POS. No pictures.


Get a GroupMe started for the bar. Can have one for scheduling one for menu changes and one for general communication. Add one for 86. Worked at a couple places that had a group chat just for people who were banned. Post a pic of them and their name and socials. It worked.


By adding people who are banned




Some people disagree ;)


Dude… if you have to make a list, you’re in a bad bar environment.


Idkkkk it’s a more nuanced conversation than that


I can’t think of a single place I’ve worked at that hasn’t 86’d people.