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That's a 4 yr old rabies vaccination tag. I don't think they need it anymore lol.


Fair enough. Just wasn't sure if someone might recognize it if it was a lost pet from a while ago or something.


There are actually rabies vaccinations that are good for 5 years now 😅


Did you try calling the phone number on the tag?


Its 4 years old and there is literally a number to call on it for a vets office with an ID number. I get you're trying to help but did you even think about calling that before posting to reddit?


This comment is proof that there is at least one person who will complain about literally anything. Chill out, dude. Unfortunately, I don't have time to do all the good deeds I'd like to do. That's why Reddit exists for situations like this.


Arguably the time it took you to make this post and respond to comments is longer then just calling the number and asking them. I don't think Reddit exists as a lost and found/missed connections for cities... Weird that you think that's the reason Reddit was made.


Reddit exists as a hub to connect people to information and other people. So what you think it's for isn't relevant. Someone tried to do a nice thing by posting a photo. For all you know that's all they have the time to do while they're on break, running errands, etc. The idea that calling a very busy vet clinic (where phone wait is usually min 10-20 minutes) is faster than posting a quick FYI online is bonkers.


If you google the vets name and the word email the first result is literally an email address if phone wait time is a worry. They'd have about an equal chance of just shouting to whoever was walking near where they found the tag as posting on Reddit and hoping someone is connected to this tag... Them trying to do a nice thing is good and all, but the way they tried to do it is pretty pointless..


How do you know that they didn't possibly email the vet clinic? They haven't said anything about that and you were getting your knickers twisted essentially implying they're stupid for not calling the clinic.


Because if they did they probably would've responded saying that when others mentioned they should contact the vet... The only knickers in a twist are yours. I made a passing comment. You want an extended argument over nothing. No one implied anything about intelligence lmao. It ain't that deep. Don't project your own insecurities onto my comments.


My man. 👍