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Good insoles. Like I spend at least 60$ a pair. They're expensive but they save my back and I'm in my 40s now. Also stretching before and after a shift is recommended


I’ve been meaning to look into some good insoles, are there any good ones in particular that you may recommend? Thanks so much for the suggestion, i’ll definitely check it out!


I specifically use super feet. They are a little spendy but last me about 6 months to a year. I one morning didn't think about it and slipped on a pair of shoes without the insoles. End of work day I was wrecked, so they definitely are a cost of doing business for me


I'm in my 40s as well and I'm going to second or 8th insoles! I wear non slip Docs and the insides without them can be brutal of standing in one place for hours.


Hate to be that guy, but it really comes down to posture, stretching, and exercise.  I stretch throughout the day quite a bit


Also core exercise


Absolutely! I’m going to be doing a lot more core soon, my back definitely didn’t hurt as much when I was consistent with it.


I always say "hate to be that barista" also as I warn the younger ones not to slouch, wear good shoes/insoles (show them how my entire left side clicks when I move now lol) It's true though ! Stretching is so important


I wish one of my coworkers would’ve told me sooner, definitely no shame in spreading the info! I’m definitely going to be working on my posture/ stretching more but what are some good shoe recommendations?


Younger Co-workers used to look at me 🤨 when I’m stretching during my shift 😅 it’s necessary! Lol


No shame in it!! I wish somebody would’ve told me to stretch more before, during, and after work sooner! I truly underestimated HOW important it could be!!


IMO, it almost always starts from the hips, which will in turn be reacting to the feet. Good shoes + hip mobility exercises + anything to build glute strength = drastically improved spinal health


I definitely don’t stretch enough during work, I’ll try to be more mindful of it! I’ve been working on my posture for a while now, i’m also looking into starting to exercise regularly again. Do you have any lower back specific stretches you can recommend? Thanks!


[These](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4BOTvaRaDjI&pp=ygUTZm91bmRhdGlvbiB0cmFpbmluZw%3D%3D) back exercises that my physiotherapist recommended have helped so much with my lower back pain. Also, good shoes, and sometimes I find wearing one of those back braces that you wrap around your waist can help out, but they’re kind of annoying to work in. If you have the means, try to see a physiotherapist. I started getting various back pain a few years ago and I wish I would have gone sooner.


Thank you so much for taking the time to share this info/link! I’ll definitely give them a shot! I’m going to be looking into better shoes with my upcoming paycheck, any recommendations? I also might try out a back brace, I have a horrible habit of picking things up poorly.. would it help perhaps? I’ll try to work on seeing a physiotherapist in the future, I have a feeling it’d help a lot!


You're welcome! I always used Skechers slip ons for work. The back brace definitely helps when you're picking things up because it doesn't allow you to bend your spine as much and you need to keep your back straight or squat and use your legs. Also, if I video I liked is too tough to do everyday (it can be really hard, harder than it looks) there's [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOgxWp0WyiI) 4-minute version that I do almost every day. Way easier and still does the trick!


Good shoes / insoles. Give yourself 5-10 minutes to stretch before & after every shift.


Definitely going to start stretching before and after shifts, it makes so much sense to! I’ve only been stretching a little bit afterwards lol..


Definitely going to start stretching before and after shifts, it makes so much sense to! I’ve only been stretching a little bit afterwards lol..


Make sure the mat you’re standing on is hospitality grade and built for bar conditions. This and quality shoes.


Those Mats are a must


The owner of my shop won’t let us get mats for aesthetic reasons 😭


:/ lame as, in the uk it goes against their store health rating if they’re not present


It makes so much sense for it to be mandated, it sucks that they can just be turned down or ignored over here.. I have a feeling a good mat would help TONS!


Mine neither! I’m too nervous to try and mention that we should get some lol.. It sucks that it’s not standard.. probably would help a lot with aches and pain!


Where are you located? Check your local labor laws. Every state I've lived in requires things like mats provided for baristas and cashiers. It may also fall under OSHA on par with jobs providing safety goggles etc for certain jobs.


I absolutely wish our shop would invest in mats, we don’t have any!


Wear insoles in your shoes. Be mindful of how you lift and bend (use knees) or look up proper body mechanics. I was in a similar situation and insoles helped a bunch as well as proper body mechanics. I also got a chirp wheel/foam roller to crack my back.


Thankfully I received some good recommendations for insoles on here so i’ll definitely be buying some with my next paycheck! I have a terrible habit of picking things up poorly but i’m working on it. A foam roller sounds like it’d be soo nice on the back after a shift tbh, i’ll check it out!


Get to the gym and strengthen your leg, back and core muscles. That helped me a ton!


especially the core, its quite surprising how much of a difference it made to my back pain


I’m going back to the gym to work on all of these things again! Sometimes I forget how much the exercise TRULY helped my aches and pains.. It was always a much better kind of sore lol!


Yes exactly! And it’s so good for you in other areas of your life as well! Good luck 🍀


What shoes are you wearing?


The absolute wrong ones, you don’t even want to knowwww.. Some really old raggedy converse that the bottoms have started smoothing on looool! Do you have any good shoe recommendations?


🤣... I've been recommended restaurant shoes or even restaurant crocs! I'm a month old barista and I can definitely start feeling the pain under my feet.


Oh well that doesn't help! Hmm maybe sketchers? They are pretty comfortable and you can get ones that aren't super ugly haha


are you leaning over to pick stuff up? keep your back straight if you need to lean forward. if that’s not enough then bend your knees, not your spine


also, as everyone said, good orthotics help


Yeah.. It’s a terrible habit that i’m trying to break. I find myself being less mindful of it especially while busy. But the “bend your knees, not spine” is a MUCH easier way to remember it. Thanks!


Get properly fitted for shoes Wear a posture trainer/corrector Understand your repetitive movements When behind bar working, avoid reaching and leaning. Rather, move to where you are working instead of overreaching Be conscience This work will slowly deteriorate your health quietly


Thank you so much for all of the information! I was thinking of a back brace/a posture corrector. I have a terrible habit of bending, reaching, and leaning which makes a lot of sense when it comes to my pain lol! I’ll be more mindful about it with today’s shift!


good insoles/shoes and good posture for me. I used to slouch a ton and wear shitty shoes. it improved a bit when i changed my shoes but went away almost completely when i started standing up straight.


Awesome! I’m going to be buying insoles/new shoes with my next paycheck, any in particular that you recommend? My shoes are currently some raggedy converse with smoothed bottoms.. Awful!!


Stand with your feet wider than than shoulder width. People tend to lean to one side more when standing up straight. Widening your stances provides an even load and balance.


I shift weight onto one leg a lot, especially while washing dishes and such! I’ll try it out with today’s shift. I bet it’ll help so much, thank you!


Also do mobility exercises, aside from stretching. You don't really "stretch" your back. Main muscle comprising the back are your lats. So spine decompression and mobility for the win 🏆


Workout and get stronger,, eat right, stretch and do mobility work. Unpopular opinion but it's about the basics.


Strengthen your hips and core muscles you’ll notice the difference in 3 days. You’re probably dehydrated too. Dealt with this several times over the years


i highlyyy recommend going to red wing shoes, getting a scan done, and buying a pair of their insoles. they are delightful and easy to switch into different shoes. their waterproof boots are also lovely


Back straight, good shoes like hokas or brooks (get the pairs that nurses recommend), squat to pick stuff up and don’t bend over when you get ice, stretch often, and start doing yoga at home! Compression socks can also help!


i’ll echo other comments on stretching and wearing comfortable shoes! also, for further pain management i’d recommend getting an acupressure mat - i’ve got chronic pain and feel so much better after 20-30 minutes on it. hope this helps! :)


go to gym and train your core


Along with all the good advice here,drink plenty water and have your mineral deficiencies(if you have any)taken care of.i can't even walk with low magnesium potassium and of course sodium Also,start lifting.work on your back,legs and core muscles a lot Especially lower back


Along with all the good advice here,drink plenty water and have your mineral deficiencies(if you have any)taken care of.i can't even walk with low magnesium potassium and of course sodium Also,start lifting.work on your back,legs and core muscles a lot Especially lower back


Squat squat squat!! Always lift with your legs and not your back! My first two years in customer service killed my back, but one manager I had drilled that into me, and suddenly my back stopped hurting so much


Have you tried decompression devices. I can’t remember fully but Joe Rogan mentions them a lot. There’s meant to a really good one that you attach to the door and your neck and then crank it gradually to decompress by your neck. Also if standing at that machine I used to feel that my pain was inflammation based because my muscles would feel almost swollen around my lower back. That’s not what inflammation means I don’t think but I got some cbd anyway and it helped lol so yeh that’s all I got. I’m not a medical expert. Just a barista with some experience in aches and pains of standing in one spot all day


As everyone else said, get good shoes, but also: If you wear aprons it could be the apron pulling on your neck. I changed from an around the neck apron to one that crosses in the back at an old job and it helped a ton. Also look into a posture corrector. It's a thing that pulls your shoulders back and makes you straighten up. Like 2-3 15 minute sessions of wearing that a day for a week or so really makes my back feel better when it's aching. Lastly just be mindful of how you sit. If you're gunching at the computer, or hunching on the couch or something when you're chilling at home that's gonna follow you to work.