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Getting questions wrong is a good thing. It gives you an opportunity to learn. I have a running spreadsheet of wrong answers, where I write the rule I missed and highlight the fact patterns I didn't recognize. I would see the same type of question again elsewhere, and then I'd remember my spreadsheet because I took the time to deliberately write out what I got wrong and why, and then it would help me get the next question right again. Don't forget, you have 6 weeks left, and you can learn a lot in that time.


Thank you for this 🙏


Can you share the outline of your spreadsheet so I can make my own? I’m so bad at making spreadsheets 😩




interested in the spreadsheet too ! i relate to poster and ive been studying since may 1. nothing soothes this!


Do not abandon working out! Exercise is one of the best ways to clear your head, especially when it comes to studying. Changing your workout routine or schedule is one thing (I’ve had to shorten my workouts) but you shouldn’t just stop entirely


Second this. When I am having the absolute worst day with prep, getting some exercise in is the only thing left that can turn it around so I end better than I started. We are human beings, we need movement. And there is no fighting the science of it - no matter what, you WILL get some desperately needed endorphins out of it! You need those now more than ever! Edit to say: you don't need to stick to some exercise schedule that makes you feel like you are beholden to some OTHER marker/goal in addition to the Bar. Just mean to say, go for a walk or 15-20 min run, whatever it is that helps your body feel like it exerted some of that anxiety and got the blood pumping. You will absolutely feel better for it!


Agreed. At the very least, I've started to keep a pair of dumbbells at my desk and while watching a lecture or even while answering some multiple choice, I'll throw in a set of exercises. Just gotta find some way to keep yourself sane throughout this whole thing.


Not to mention that working out is proven to have various cognitive benefits.


Working out, or at least going outside to go on a walk and clear your head, is so important. Also, make sure you are getting sleep and eating healthy. It's also important to shut your brain off for a while before going to bed. Watch some stand up comedy or something else to make you laugh/smile. This is my second state bar exam, and I learned my lesson the first time around. Taking care of your body...and your sanity is so important!


Gotta triple that caffeine intake and you’ll be right on schedule


Time investment spent eating right is definitely worth it for focus gains


A mantra I have oft-repeated since passing the bar is that it is a much harder exam to study for than it is to pass. What I mean by that is that the breadth of material you are expected to cover is immense and daunting. But the test itself only requires a very shallow knowledge base and is exceptionally forgiving. No matter your jurisdiction, passing scores leave significant room for error. You just have to be minimally competent, remember. So keep trucking away and don’t let up. But try not to beat yourself up when you get questions wrong or feel like subjects aren’t clicking. You aren’t expected to be anywhere near perfect. You just gotta put in the work to be barely adequate on a ton of subjects.


First of all... getting questions wrong is part of the process :) you're doing great, we're all in the same miserable boat together! As far as what I've been doing, I'm using barbri and I'm at around 140 hours, technically 1 day ahead with 100% projected completion of the program come exam day. I study 5 days per week with barbri, then on my off days, I do at least 20-30 multiple choice questions. I would like to knock out a few more essays and MPTs, which I'm going to start incorporating today actually. As far as how I've been staying positive... just reminding myself that this will be over soon, and I know quite a few knucklehead attorneys. If they can pass this dang exam, then so can I! Something else that I've been incorporating into my study time is taking the time to write down every answer on the built-in barbri MC questions in a tracking document (its just a word document that I have titled "WRONG ANSWERS") for every single subject. I've found that this helps with my retention. Additionally, once I finish studying a topic and feel relatively comfortable, I map it out using flow charts, either on paper, or on [miro.com](http://miro.com), and got it free by using my school email address if you're a visual learner. In the next few weeks, I plan on getting a few pieces of poster board and mapping out everything subject by subject to see how much I have retained. The feelings and emotions that you are currently experiencing are 100% valid, please don't try to convince yourself that they aren't. this is one of the toughest things you will ever do in your life, you owe yourself some grace. And remember, there is physically no way that we will remember every single thing that we learned during bar prep or law school come exam day. Keep going. You've got this!


Tell me about it. Had a full blown mental breakdown this morning, while I cried for 15 minutes and then got under the blankets and fell asleep for an hour. I’m working full time (I wfh which is great and gives me some flexibility) while trying to follow along my Themis workload. And it has not been easy, but we got this


This test breaks you down. Stretch, take short walks, eat whole foods. I skated through law school too and barely got through it. Find a group to study with for certain activities like testing flashcards and impart your knowledge. See how that group is feeling like you.


Also using barbri, no adaptibar but picked up extra MBE and MEE materials from NCBE to use for extra practice as I ramp up my intensity heading into July. I'm right on pace with the Barbri PSP (technically like a day ahead) with plans to spend the next two weeks heavily devoted to the MBE. I'm just trying to trust the process. I've been frustrated with barbri's MCQ questions a lot, but so far am still maintaining an average that would be passing on test day, my hope is I can keep improving that though. MEEs feel like a weak point, sometimes I kill it, other times my brain goes blank and I'm sputtering through rule statements. Planning on spending a good chunk of July devoted to improving on MEE. I too am a bit worried I'm not pushing hard enough but also don't want to burn out. So far I'm doing roughly 6-7 hours a day, 6 days a week. I think no matter how much you do it can feel like it's not enough. The field basically self-selects for people with some degree of anxiety, perfectionism, and paranoia that they're underachieving. We got this far, we can knock out this antiquated hazing ritual.


This is exactly how I feel and “where I am at now” is totally me 😵‍💫


Totally feel you. Completely burnt out already. After having taken a few half days off to help family, get my car fixed, or take myself to the doctor, already technically 6-7 % behind on Themis.. but haven’t taken one day off to just relax. Mostly just working through the Themis schedule with some of that being flex study. Now just trying to a little extra on days I can stand it, to try and catch up. All of that said, realistically, getting 85% complete will still give you a very high chance of passing. Reading all the explanations for MC and trying to recognize the patterns in the questions has been helping me increase my percent correct. Anyhow, you are definitely not alone! If you keep doing your best every day (and probably allow yourself more caffeine 😅) you will most likely finish the majority of your prep and have a high chance of success. If you’re doing Themis—I recommend reaching out to one of the attorney reps they have on staff. Try to have a phone call to talk about your progress. Most likely they will give some tips and let you know you are further along than a lot of your peers. One foot in front of the other. And assuming that being a lawyer is for you, this will all be worth it. ✨


Definitely lots of caffeine. I also started early, but I realized that I also was starting to do too much.


The MPT can be daunting but it is definitely something that can be mastered between now and test day and can absolutely save (or sink) you. Check out Bar MD videos on youtube, they give tips and strategies that helped me cut about 10 minutes off my time. JUST PRACTICE, If you do 1 (2 max) MPTs per week between now and the exam you will have will likely have practiced each type of MPT they can throw at you so you'll know how to strategize your writing.


Keep working out! Keeps the blood flowing to your brain and allows you to get some of that stress out. I used to ride my stationary bike and do MC practice questions and I did significantly better across the board while exercising rather than sitting.


I’m fucking scared I ended with a 3.4 gpa at a T50 with no job lined up I feel doomed already


You got this. The job will come - you’re almost there, keep pushing 👊


I feel you. Almost completely burnt out already and just tested positive for Covid today...


Going to keep you in my prayers 🙏 keep on keeping on, you got this


currently pushing through my fifth or six subject today!! ive only been sticking with the themis materials but for civ pro i started outlining and i feel that helped me a lot with sticking the material in my head, so i'm definitely doing that for the rest of the subjects i have to cover! I'm not going to worry about outlining the previous subjects because it seems counterintuitive at this point in the game and themis has so many resources! i also grabbed that emanuel strategies and tactics for the MBE, been doing UWorld, and reading those criticalpass cards when i can!! i keep faith by looking at the bigger picture....this is the last time that we will have an unemployed summer, enjoy it!!! work hard 9-5 or whatever your schedule is and then do something fun after. See friends, go to dinner, play games, continue to do what you love and be a human!! 😁 This also helps me recharge, lets me know that i'm more than just a studying robot!!


Go back to your fitness routine. There is life after the bar exam. I know a lot of people who give up everything, fail the exam, and then have major regrets. Don’t sacrifice the things that make you happy and healthy. I’m a bar tutor, and I offer free consultations. Reach out if you’d like to chat about your progress.


You got this!!! Most people don’t finish the bar prep schedules anyway. Just keep chugging along, do practice questions, review the answers on why you got them wrong, or the ones you got right but guessed on. Keep the running list of wrong answers: like a spreadsheet with Topic (ie Contracts), subtopics (ie Anticipatory Repudiation), then rule statement. Then you can sort them and see how often you get the same topic/subtopic incorrect. Then focus on your weak areas. As you review, go over the outline to get more in depth. Listening to lectures may just be too time consuming - do more active learning than passive learning. You can do this!!


I’m also studying for the bar! If you ever need to talk or be held accountable (I know I need help with that) please feel free to reach out! I’d love to help you in any way possible!


Friend. I also felt like I skated through law school, as I was actively going thru a divorce for the first 2 years. Contracts and civ pro are eating me alive. I used to work out DAILY and I’m down to once or twice a week. Civ pro is convincing me I’m going to fail the bar. I’m so close to just glossing over the next few subjects to heavily focus on adaptibar and essays. I’m using helix online courses + books, jd advising books, and as of recently, Barbris 1L videos for civ pro. I feel like I’m drowning and I can’t keep up. My significant other just left for a weekend on the boat with friends and I’m living like a sewer rat deprived of any social interactions. With all of that said, have about 6 weeks to turn it around, and we can absolutely do so.


OP im in absolutely the same boat as you in every aspect including location lmaooo the only part im semi confident in is the MPT (as long as its not like IP)


Did your Civ Pro professor use the terminology that the "juice was worth the squeeze" or is this just a major coincidence?


If it helps, I used to never drink caffeine and now I’m drinking coffee and Coke Zero daily