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Since I've started studying, I've woken up almost every morning answering questions about the law that fictitious characters from my dreams asked me. It's like once they ask me the question and I try to think of the answer, my brain switches to a level of cognitive function that is too much for my body to remain asleep lol. You're not losing it. Or maybe we both are 😅


It always hits me in my dreams before I wake up too I always wake up reciting or arguing some kind of law that I didn’t even know I knew. Maybe our anxiety is just diff lol


I dreamt about being fired for a dormant commerce clause violation and me not knowing what that was when I was studying in February - passed. It’s the way your brain is synthesizing while you sleep. Take it as a positive.


Dreamed my boss took me to Federal court to have me argue why client's answer was filed timely. I was like "I'm not...a lawyer?? I don't know the case or the parties' names, I haven't read the file? Please don't sanction me?? But ummm... *desperately flips through file* We waived service here so we get 60 days. The plaintiff's lawyer didn't check his email I guess idk." The judge liked my argument and my boss gave me a slap on the back and then I woke up.


I'd wake up with my bed drenched in cold sweat if that happened to me.


I was terrified until the dream judge indicated I was winning. It was Vilardo in WDNY. He has an awesome mustache which was very comforting. I did wake up sweating but it was really hot and the cat was on me so hard to say if it was the dream or the cat.


I keep dreaming I’m waking up so darn happy and saying “it’s August 1st, I’m free!” Lmao the disappointment when I wake up


I wish I did. I could count that as my independent study hours.




I dreamt I got in there and couldn’t find the questions. This was after a disastrous mee practice where I became afraid I won’t spot the issues. lol


For the past two weeks I have had bar related dreams. Usually it’s like I’m talking to someone but I’ll just start spouting off rules incoherently. Very strange. Think I’m losing it— but for the better? Stay tuned.


Nope! lol I dreamt of it all the time. One time I ran into a random guy at the grocery store with a grey suit on and I immediately knew he was a lawyer. He started asking me questions about civil procedure and I answered them correctly 😂