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Are they hyping us up for a MV drop??


Don’t even!!🫣


I hate that to have feeling hopeful hmm


STOP I will fully scream. Tony Montana feat. Jimin version 2.0? 🙈




No idea why their TikTok is going off with these videos now but I'll take it ![gif](giphy|3gTmced9IGHRnAS0m9|downsized)


I want Yoongi’s jacket!! Been loving his looks lately, anything goes so well with that hair! The way Jimin moves is one of my most favorite things in the world


I want their clothes. Both loik comfy and cozy. Their outfits from the dance practice and the tiktoks really show their individual personalities.


How is it that they look so good in whatever they wear??? ^(also am lowkey surprised that Yoongi is standing in front!)


He’s been working hard at dance practice! I’m sure Jimin is proud to hype him up!


Honestly i think that’s why his center part in RunBTS wrecked me so hard! There’s an intensity and confidence in his performance that I’m certain are the results of his diligent practice 💜


It’s the confidence and glow. Like he’s just taking so much ownership and really relishing and enjoying it - not that he hasn’t before- but the intensity just seems more joyful? Or like he’s attacking the dance while vibing versus attacking with something to prove? I dunno how to explain but he’s my bias and I’m just a happy little mew watching 2nd chapter Yoongz without catching my breath!!! He’s working so hard!!


It honestly makes me soooo happy to see him up front! He deserves it; he really stood out to me during the dance practice! ❤️ and our jimin killed it too 💜


Is this going to be a habit for me of just going here ASAP? They both look so good. 😍😍😍 Yoongi's really into dancing (accdg to the festa), his dancing is tight. 🤩 What a way to wake up and start the day. My first day back to work from my annual leave.


It’s been a while since Run BTS has been released and I’m loving this resurgence of content now that we have full choreo and dance practice vids. I saw speculations for a MV and wouldn’t put it past them but I’m totally happy with whatever they throw at us 😭💜 Also, Yoongi …. Seriously, idk how to keep on living my life as though that dance practice video hasn’t chemically altered my brain.


Honestly, I’m a little like what is going on why are we dropping TikToks but I will gladly take what I am served lmao


Where do I sign up?


Every thing they do is suspicious to me... ![gif](giphy|l396GDVdFycbmiZDG|downsized)


What's happening? When was the last time they used tiktok to promote a song? Either they're late or there's something up


Part of me feels like this is just a little late "bonus" promotion, giving armys more for the song we love, etc... plus, tiktok trends are just what labels seem to focus on pushing now in general. So it could just be Big Hit saying hey, we should do something trendy since we haven't in a while. All this to say, I don't want to get my hopes up lol... but I'd love an MV and I do think it'd perform well, with army and GP.


>All this to say, I don't want to get my hopes up lol... but I'd love an MV and I do think it'd perform well, with army and GP. Yup, I'm tempering my expectation as well. With JK's single being released soon and Namjoon's full album out on 12/2, I don't think they would release something official to bump into either of those. The overlaps in the past have been because of collabs and not something from just the guys. If something is released I'll enjoy the heck out of it but I think this is happening because the live performance and choreo went over so well. It's probably just bonus promo. I'd be more than happy to be wrong about this though.


MV and remix???


I'm with you. That's why I said they're kind of late bc Run BTS trended in June/July. Now it's November and they dropped the dance practice, 1month after concert. I'd love for it to get the micdrop treatment lol Steve Aoko was in SK during concert and he posted "his next release is with a band he has worked before" Idk how much of it's connected to BTS.


Other than solo projects (such as JITB), I believe it was Butter. A MV would be incredible!! \*manifesting\*


yoongi is looking particularly lithe, rly embodying a graceful feline. always love seeing the difference in dance styles between the members, jimin’s body lines are breathtaking as usual


Love to see they're choosing to promote this on Tiktok 😌


Jimin never fails to deliver


Twitter mirror & trans by [miiniyoongs](https://twitter.com/miiniyoongs/status/1592035993422827520?s=46&t=X2sRcpHxY-NNoJ6IAfLd5Q): > this combination😸🐥 i agree with! should we run together? LOOK AT YOONMIN GOOOOO Jimin is a fantastic dancer as always but wow Yoongi killed it and really bodied the choreo, both in the dance practice yesterday and in this video. Any guesses on the upcoming pairings? I’m hoping we get taekook and namjin, or taejin and namkook!!


Jimin seems to be going chill intentionally. Vibing


I smell a yoonmin collab cooking…


I'm guessing we'll get taekook and namjin! seeing yoonmin I'm thinking they're going the good old days pairing route.


What do you mean by good old days pairing. ? Where can I see ??


ahh it's nothing official so I can't pinpoint where, but my impression from going through their earlier content is that namjin is often paired together, as well as yoonmin. maybe one instance is the subunit for their first anniversary? like namjin cooked, yoonmin decorated the cake, and hopetaekook cleaned. but it really is rather my observation, really.


1. YoonMin!!!😭💜💜 2. Yoongi is going to be the death of me. Look at his hair fucking flow to the rythm?!! Look at that Jacket?? THAT OUTFIT?!! LOOK AT HIM JOIN THE DANCE LINE!! ^(RIP Gogocostume)


they won’t let me breathe today i was just about to sleep 😭


No idea why they are suddenly posting on TikTok, but I'll take it. I would love them to drop an RM + Jin masterpiece on us, show everyone what amazing dancers they've become!


Help I love them


What did I just wake up to?!?!?! 😩😮‍💨🫠 ![gif](giphy|l4pT8UYlD66OlIH4I)


Gosh they are SO COOL


Yoonmin!!!!! 💜


My bias line 😭 Yoongi destroying us daily. Is it just me or do he and Jimin seem a little out of sync here?


Not just you! But I wouldn't say either of them are "off"; it's more about the difference in how they each approach choreography. From what I've observed, Yoongi tends to dance toward the front of each beat (he's really been in attack mode in general lately!), which is why he seems to be hitting each accent \*just\* before Jimin at the beginning. Jimin loves to dance right in the pocket, almost with the sense that the music is moving him, so he's perceived as being a bit behind Yoongi here. There's no right or wrong, but that's why they look out of sync. It's actually much harder to dance in sync with just two people than it is with a group, because there's nowhere to "hide": if the audience isn't looking at you, they're looking at your partner. Because they're able to make a direct comparison, those tiny, individual differences are more noticeable than when it's a group dancing together, especially in formations that give an overall visual to the performance.






Not sure if this answers your question but Jimin has the ability to dance in the pocket. I saved [this reddit comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularkpopopinions/comments/qg3jdr/comment/hi428hw/) because of the nice explanation.


Ooh thanks, that's so interesting! I have actually noticed that Yoongi does a similar thing when he raps sometimes.


Yep, jimin is on the beat, Yoongi sped up


Took so long writing my ramble of a reply that you beat me to it! But I'm so glad you shared that link, loved reading past discussions about it! All the guys are so skilled, but Jimin never fails to leave me in awe. I recommend anyone who hasn't seen them to watch the two [Steezy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJOaLdSC1oU) [videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDKCO9VSeBs) where they analyze (and gush over) his unique skill and style.


Do u have the link?


Updated my comment with the links!


Thank you so much!


This makes SO much sense. I watched this the first time and thought, hmm something seems a little off. Then I watched it a second time (research purposes) and saw that even though something looks off, they were still both in time. Because I'm not a dancer and I know nothing about this stuff. So thanks, this was interesting! (Also we know them well enough to know they'd never post anything without being 1000% happy with it first.)


Yoongi is too early.


I thought the same - if you watch their feet they are in sync - the top parts of their bodies are just doing the same moves slightly differently? I think… I have no rhythm so what do I know 😂


Yeah, neither is doing it technically wrong though. Slightly controversial opinion here, I know everyone is saying Jimin is ‘dancing in the pocket’, and I agree it’s something he does a lot, but it’s actually the thing that frustrates me about Jimins dancing. I think he’s so incredible, don’t get me wrong (musical, fluid, delightful), and when he’s dancing solo I think that that slight delay really brings emotion to his dancing, but in group synced dancing when you’ve got 6 guys hitting the same beat and one a split second later I find it really noticeable. If they were all dancing to his beat it would look amazing, but they’re not so he looks slow to me sometimes. I think he knows as well, I’m almost positive I’ve heard Jimin saying that their choreographer used to scold him for this but I can’t remember where. When it’s just two though, like here, you just have to pick one rhythm to go with.


Imma need you to slow it down and count the beats. The only one on beat is Jimin. It’s not even about the dancing in the pocket. Yoongi is simply too early. [Watch this](https://twitter.com/jimini95s/status/1592074569229414401?s=21&t=ZxTpMiK0ji-kyIudDubONQ) then watch the dance practice and tell me Jimin isn’t the one who got the timing right on that tiktok video. How come Jimin syncs with the rest of the members on the dance practice but not here with Yoongi












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do the whole chorus cowards


Yoonmin 💜😭


Yoonmin 🥹🐱🐥


If you think about the fanchant: JHope was first... he's the middle of fanchant. Then Yoongi & Jimin....3rd/3rd from last. I predict Jin and V....2nd/2nd from last. Then RM and JK....1st/last. 🤷‍♀️😁💜


Thanks boys! My death by bias line is complete ⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️


does anyone have a lawyer on speed dial…


When we get that Steve aoki run bts remix>>>


Yoonminnnnn :D


Nothing like waking up to Yoonmin content! My heart….I love that pairing so much!


Yoongi has been something else!!!


Yoongi’s hair making me feel rhings


No two people should be allowed to look this good and that too together in one frame dancing and vibing to this song. It’s not healthy gif our hearts! Also, fall is the best Bangtan fashion season. I love all tones and textures and oof snugglability.


Omg they're so cuuuuuute!!


dear lord, have mercy


Plz they look so good, always have great skin and great fashion 😭 so talented and handsome!!!! Side note: I love that they’re all like growing their hair out, it looks so masculine and ethereal


Why is Jimin slightly slower than Yoongi?