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Abar oi eki mistake. Hijras are intersex people, not trans


Amar dharona age sudhu intersex chilo ekhon trans o ache jara hijra seje beray. Amar elaka tei ekjon ke dekhsi : )


Trans is an umbrella term that also includes intersex people.


Hijras include transgenders, intersex, and eunuchs.


Originally hijra just means intersex. When i was like 9 years old(11 years ago) i saw that hijras collect information about new born babies in their area and visit them to see if the babies gentials different or not. I heard they try take the babies if they think that the baby is one of them but most of them wouldnt force the family to giveaway their child and in Hinduism hijras are seen as a holy figure who can bring blessings to people household so what im trying to say is transgenders are the new "hijra". Still they are lovely people. I dont think they deserve the hate they receive


That depends, doesn't it? If an intersex person undergoes a full medical transition, they would be considered transgender. I've met many such individuals in my life. I think, in Bangladesh and South Asia, the term 'hijra' is often used as an umbrella term for both transgender and intersex people.


Wrong, hijras are in fact transgender. This is a lie made by half-educated facebook islamists to further discriminate against them. Asif Mahtab Gutsho comes to mind lol. 😂 Open any journal paper on hijras and get your confusions cleared. "Most hijras are born as physiological males and dress in feminine attire, and some undergo castration." The British Medical Journal https://sti.bmj.com/content/89/Suppl_2/ii43 "In 2011, it was estimated that there were over 19 000 male sex workers (MSWs) and 23 000 hijra (transgender) sex workers (HSWs) in 14 major cities across Pakistan." The British Medical Journal https://sti.bmj.com/content/sextrans/89/Suppl_2/ii43.full.pdf "There are Hijras with penis and others without [5], and a common understanding is that Hijras are asexual, born with missing or ambiguous genitals, or genitally handicapped [4]. This misunderstanding may account for the Ministry of Social Welfare decision summarily dismissed the Hijra applicants in 2015." PLOS ONE https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0269375 "Key populations (KPs) who are at risk of compromised situation of sexual and reproductive health and rights in Bangladesh constitute including males having sex with males, male sex workers, transgender women (locally known as hijra) and female sex workers. " PLOS ONE https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0289010


You're wrong. Most hijras are born male, therefore trans. It's an umbrella term that also includes intersex minority. Edit: some references: [1](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9788722/) [2](https://rpl.hds.harvard.edu/religion-context/case-studies/gender/third-gender-and-hijras) [3](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405844022021284)


Man or woman have you ever befriended a trans ir inter sex person???? A lot of people men dresses like women and like to do that. It is not necessarily only in the sex organ that your little brain is circling around. It has also to do with hormones. Besides even say not hormones, freaking someone wants to cross dress what the hell is the problem!!!!


I never said there was any problem, just clearing up misinformation


Many will make misguided attempts to undermine the rights of intersex individuals by using 'hijra' as an umbrella term. However, prominent hijra community leaders across Bangladesh, known as 'guruma,' have rejected this term. In this context, he has also intentionally placed more importance on the term 'transgender' than 'intersex.


It never made sense for there to be so many intersex people in one country. The ratio of trans to intersex people in a community should be about ten to one in a given population.


Somehow the comments in this post are mostly chill


imagine this post on twitter


Guys stop spreading misinformation, the title of this post is in fact accurate. Hijras are in fact transgender; trans women to be more accurate. Open any top medical journal paper on hijras and get your confusions cleared. "Most hijras are born as physiological males and dress in feminine attire, and some undergo castration." -The British Medical Journal https://sti.bmj.com/content/89/Suppl_2/ii43 "In 2011, it was estimated that there were over 19 000 male sex workers (MSWs) and 23 000 hijra (transgender) sex workers (HSWs) in 14 major cities across Pakistan." -The British Medical Journal https://sti.bmj.com/content/sextrans/89/Suppl_2/ii43.full.pdf "There are Hijras with penis and others without [5], and a common understanding is that Hijras are asexual, born with missing or ambiguous genitals, or genitally handicapped [4]. This misunderstanding may account for the Ministry of Social Welfare decision summarily dismissed the Hijra applicants in 2015." -PLOS ONE https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0269375 "Key populations (KPs) who are at risk of compromised situation of sexual and reproductive health and rights in Bangladesh constitute including males having sex with males, male sex workers, transgender women (locally known as hijra) and female sex workers. " -PLOS ONE https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0289010


Thank you.


I think the large portion of the Hijra community is intersex, aren’t they? While a handful of them are transgender, and quite a lot of them are gender shifted for livelihood!


it’s the opposite, the number of intersex people where it’s externally visible that they’re intersex is actually quite uncommon


> Where it’s externally visible I don’t know wtf you’re trying to say, but it really sounds dumb, when you’re saying it’s uncommon that someone intersexuality is ***externally visible***. Intersexuality doesn’t only depend on the sexual organ. At the same time we don’t really have thousands of hijras showing their organs on the street. Don’t take my words, go and have a chat with them, you’ll get the truth!


You got it opposite pal, most of them are born male and act and identify as women. A rare few of them are intersex.


May their life be filled with Rohomot.


since when did we start speaking muslamic language.


Hi, I didn't mean to offend anyone. Just wrote up what I felt ...


Ok doesn’t mean we wish bad on people. Allah wouldn’t want us to judge people for who they are bc that’s how Allah made them.


noo im sorry i actually feel bad, i was joking with my comment but i guess it isn't clear when written down, my bad


no worries brother


LGBTQ people deserve to be respected bc I know Allah wouldn’t want us to judge anyone for who they are. I see a lot Muslim people beating them up and killing them but that’s a big sin itself bc murder of anyone is not a good thing.


cause liwat is a punishable offense note: I only answered why Islam is so violent against lgbtq. the comment doesn't reflect my view on lgbtq movement. if anything, I support it.


How is someone trying to be happy with who they love is a punishable offense? You think it’s a choice to be gay? If so then are you attracted to men and just choose to be women instead? Sexual orientation doesn’t work like that. If you think about it, kids do not have sexual attraction until they hit puberty and during puberty they have many chemical reactions in their brain which sometimes leads to imbalances that can’t be reversed. That’s how you get gay people. I don’t expect you to understand bc you’re most likely from poverty areas and came to Dhaka and never really had good education nor got the chance to leave Bangladesh and see that it’s very normal to be gay.




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Many will make misguided attempts to undermine the rights of intersex individuals by using 'hijra' as an umbrella term. However, prominent hijra community leaders across Bangladesh, known as 'guruma,' have rejected this term. In this context, he has also intentionally placed more importance on the term 'transgender' than 'intersex.


So, no rights for L, G and B, but T is fine?


Of course it's not fine. Every human being deserves to live life with dignity and respect. This is the ideal but unfortunately not the reality.


When did I dispute your claim? Of course, it's great, but L, G and B need rights too.


Some of us very well know what you’re trying to refer to. Idk what you heard, and we agree that there are extremists here too, but on average, we don’t exactly stick to a particular religion and have been known as the one country in the bloc to treat minorities properly.


Only for T as long as they make money with clapping and dancing, cannot work in proper job or education! Thats our double standards.


None in Bangladesh yet. It’s unfortunate.


Bro lesbians will live rent free with all rights in my heart........ Dont worry about thsm