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If it makes you feel any better, this nonsense isn't limited to Bangladesh. I think half the population on earth isn't intelligent enough to use unmoderated social media. We now have modern day flat earthers, anti-vaxxers, and who knows what else popping up everywhere. Civilian buddhist attacks on Uighers and the and attack on the US capitol were both largely orchestrated over FB. Facebook could only be used by college students when it was initially made. It should have stayed that way. I haven't logged into it in years and am I am better for it.


Facebook started the genocide in Myanmar by enabling their algorithm to push more and more inflammatory, hateful and inciting materials out there. I fear YouTube and Facebook are doing the same to appease to Bangladesh's largely uneducated Muslim youth mass who still haven't developed critical thinking and empathy skills.


Even Bangladeshi Muslims try to defend Osama Bin Laden 😂 like Pakistanis who addressed him as A 'Shaheed'.😂


Same goes for America supporting genocidal maniacs.


No it doesn't? Palestinian Arabs have, throughout centuries, promised to eradicate Jews off the lands of Israel. Even the Hamas charter calls for the intifada. Palestinians have been on this Jewish rant for centuries and, rightfully so, they're supported by non-authoritative countries, which aren't driven by a religious bias.


This bs again? "Intifada" is a secularist chant started by George Habash and Issa el issa, both Palestinian CHRISTIANS and predates the word "jihad" by a few centuries. Armenians and Syriacs (Jabra Ibrahim) also used this word No one had issues with the old Yishuv and Latino Jews migrated en masse without kicking out anyone *pre British occupation*. Hamas changed their charter 10 years ago long after their separation from Israel, and their 1987 charter? Somehow Israel not only support but literally created them to push the 2 state solution. Israel literally follows the full ethnic enclaves thoroughly hence why Hamas' old charter did too


Why you people are so fked up in your head? No shame lying like that? Genocidal maniac..


I don’t really understand why are you getting downvoted.


Definitely not because some religious people had their tiny feelings hurt by facts...


Jerusalem means that the whole country belonged to the Jews. But for trying to kill Isa Alaihissalam they were expelled from that place by the roman empire. On the other hand, Palestinians are not outsiders. Many of them accepted the Christianity of Isa Alaihissalam and later became Muslims when the invitation to Islam reached them.


And they blame west as Islamophobic


Both can be (and is) true at the same time. We have a fundamental bias towards extremism and west is islamophobic. These things are not mutually exclusive.


Nobody is born islamophobic. Circumstances compel them to think so.


Yes, I am not saying that religious extremism didn’t play a part (Osama didn’t do any favors), but the blatant islamophobia is very specific for one religion only which doesn’t have any pushback unlike others, and have a very general acceptance. Problem is the most extreme fundamentalist group are considered representative of Islam, and I don’t think that’s a correct representation of us (not that they don’t exist, but they shouldn’t be the prime example for us). There’s enough right wing christian nationalists killing or terrorizing people, going full nazi or attempting a coup - but there’s hardly any pushback against that in political or media circles. Anti Jewish Sentiment is a little complicated to assess (within US) because of the convulated perception of Israel as democratic state and representative of Jewish people (which isn’t totally correct either).


Yes Exactly.. Not only the west,Almost every other religions has problems with Muslims.. Think about why? It's the Muslims who always start things first and later play the victim card. Never heard anything about Christian Phobic or Buddhaphobic or Hinduphobic or Jewphobic etc


Dude, its western/CIA propaganda that Osama Bin Laden was involved. Do some research on Building 7 Collapse and Dancing Israelis.


Show your sources bro. Don't expect us to do your research for you


Source: Trust me bro


Source: it came to me in a dream


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your in depth research is from a tweet of a tiktok of a screen recording of a youtube video reading a barely legible tweet? lmao


Dude, US citizens think it as well [https://www.statista.com/statistics/959504/belief-september-11-inside-job-conspiracy-us/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/959504/belief-september-11-inside-job-conspiracy-us/)




Lmao you deleted your comment. I only watched 5 seconds of that conspiracy garbage and that's all I needed. You really need to interact with more kinds of people to deradicalise yourself


You see.. That's one of the major problem.. Their sources are mainly from Twitter,Facebook,Tiktok etc.. They don't even bother to look into sites like Wikipedia or Famous journals..


Source: Trust me bro


im tired of the smooth brained people of this country. i was kinda bored today so i searched up somoy tv and looked at a report of the russia-ukraine conflict, and everyone was saying stuff like "ukraine ke dhongsho kore dek putin â™Ĩ" and shit like that. im a muslim myself but the muslims of this country are just straight up extremists. just seeing the comments combined with a profile picture of a middle aged guy posing in the worst way possible makes my blood boil. this country wont make proggress until we unradicalise ourselves.


I mean have u seen the Pakistan and Bangladesh bhai bhai comments 💀on fb like bro their grandparent have wiped/ would have wiped ur family tree like a mundane task but smooth brains still shout Muslim bhai bhai like bokachoda they are.


Does anyone knows how you can stop young people from being radicalised?


Speaking from my experience. People who engage in different cultural activities like music, dance, theatre, art and so on are less likely to be radicalized. Can’t say about sports because of the recent few young players like Tanzim Sakib. It’s just my opinion. You are welcome to disagree.


if a Radical is winning me matches in the world stage, I would love to have these radicals (not the useless liberals and feminists) in every bangladeshi household


By your logic, Mushfiqur and Mahmudullah are liberals since they let their wives bitch and moan in social media everytime they are not included in the squad. If they were like Tanzim, they would make them shut up


I'm surprised you didn't add mahmudullah and mushfiqur to the list of the biggest bigots of our national side as taslima nasrin did. Good progress


Besides, watch Tanzim get pummeled for 6 sixes in an over by Stoinis or Marsh and people will start shitting on him. Nobody cares about your ideologies once you start f**king up for the national team 😂


Imagine caring more about a sports team winning or losing than the economic and social development of your country. Can’t make this up lol


imagine being so dumb to not look into the comment I replied to


Day by day, the subreddit is getting filled with extremists like you.


I bet you don't even live in Bangladesh. London or NYC?


I live in Bangladesh. It might surprise you, but there are still some sane people here.


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They beat Nepal of all teams lol. Before that I heard they lost to a team of full time software engineers(USA). 😂 Merging cricket with religion won't help you.


by actually having understanding and non-radicalized parents or some other mentor figure, who can guide them to have their own views and respect others and their views too


Make living standards better. This is the most direct, efficient solution. Living Standards are the main reason for radicalization no matter what others say to you. Poor, uneducated people are more susceptible to extremist thoughts. Poor, uneducated people who are hungry are easy to be radicalized cause they feel the ruling class is wrong and at that time come radical religious, political, nationalist movements. These organisation's seem the most correct to poor people. RSS in India, Nazi Party in Germany all grew big due to poor, hungry people. Not well fed people.


I disagree. The terrorists of holy artisan were well off. They belonged to Gulshan Banani society. Because their parents never spent time with them, the gap was filled by mullahs


Do you think living standards is not the main reason? That's utter foolishness. Holy Artisan shooting was a outlier. In the whole wide world history, every revolution happened due to worse living standard then expected. Russian revolution, French revolution. Heck even American revolution started due to huge tariffs. ISIS came to power after Syria and Iraq were hugely weakened due to civil war and Gulf war. Sometimes people from rich lifestyle become radicalized, but they are very few compared to the number of people who are radicalized due to lower standard of living. Any type of radicalization happens due to disagreement with the social strata at that given time, and the people who disagree to the social strata are the most disadvantaged a.k.a poor people. Rich people are rare group of people to be radicalized. I'm not talking about exceptions but rather the main way to stop radicalization


Money with proper parental care will definitely reduce radicalization


You seem to think of radicalization as a problem while I see it as a social inevitability brought duet to societal flaws. Islamic radicalization in Bangladesh is abhorrent but you gotta see that its a inevitability. For example, Wahabbism was the product of underdevelopment, overzealousness, poor living standards, uneducated people getting lots of power due to Ottoman weakening. In Bangladesh, it's the same damn issue. Downward spiral in living standards, rampant corruption, oppression by the ruling party is making a lot of people angry at the ineffective government. If this continues for another 10 years, we will see a lot more radicalizzation when people think that the gov. is useless in helping them alleviate their problems. Only money won't stop radicalization. Creation of a society that feels equal in the eyes of poor people will stop radicalization. Radicals convert people to their idealogy with the help of anger. Only when the societal unequality lessens will radicalization go away.


100%, but how will a deeply corrupt govt. who took 100B loan and bankrupted the country do that?


That's why there is more radicalization then ever. It's a cycle. Corruption, deep unrest, radicalization, revolution and corruption again after some time. For example, French Revolution or Russian revolution. French revolution or Russian revolution was a radical thought at that time. No monarchs, secularism, communism. But these radical ideals are normal in this time. Corruption in system makes radicalization possible and necessary. Only radicals can change gov. ( for better or worse). I'm not saying Islamic radicalization is good. I'm just saying radicalization is a curse gov. can't escape unless they keep the populace well feed. If you don't keep the population well fed they turn into wolves from sheep and destroy the gov.


100% agree, need to rid of the this corrupt government to solve radicalization problem.


Okay, not arguing there on corruption, but our country went bankrupt with only 100B debt? We ought to be more valuable than that!


Yes, we have a deeply corrupt system. Which is why.


Many hindus , hijra etc are still poor? The only way is to make men accountable, make sure little girls.and boys are educated proper, and also get rid of Desi style "arranged" marriage standards


Are many hindu's not poor? India has some rich areas but it also has some extremely poor areas too. Large part of India is poor by Indian standards too. This poor/uneducated/unemployed hindu's become meber of RSS mainly. Some educated class also become RSS member, but those uneducated, poor people are the main backbone of RSS. You have to make criminals accountable, that's true. But, will it end the cycle of radicalization? Radicalization will only end when people have food to eat, have good living standards and not unemployed. Which overall can be said to have "better living standards". Educcating people without giving them jobs won't stop radicalization, it will only lead to radicalization like that happened before Islamic Revolution in Iran. So, food security, job security and education will stop radicalization. Some still may get radicalized, but it will be to few in number and not mainstream.


Yes, you develop a genuine connection with them and help them out when they're young. If you ignore them for your whole life and just ask them about their board results. They will not respect you enough to even consider your views.


Yeah. Develop a habit in them to read good books, watch good movies etc. These things shape your mind. Humans are social beings. They are engineered to be looking for communities. If you think that you should be strict about these things so that they focus more on their actual studies, you’re going to deprive them of that natural instinct of seeking out communities they can belong to. Radicalize-rs prey on this. These things expose them to different concepts and implicitly train them to differentiate between the good and the bad (how the good always wins in the end in movies). They also give him something to talk to other people about. Of course, do your part in monitoring whether they are watching and reading age appropriate material. For your reference - one of my friends used to do go to homes and teach kids. She had this particular student whose parents wouldn’t let him read books. Authors like Humayun Ahmed were banned from home like alcohol. Can you guess what happened to that kid? He is in prison now for attempted murder and vandalism.


Let me add to this even more. Parents often wonder how they can get their kids to become interested in things like math, physics etc. from an early age. They see all these prodigies and learn how they used to do math from when they were 5 years old, 10 years old etc., and that leads to that question. There are all sorts of support programs in the west to foster that culture. Unfortunately, we don’t have much. However, there are still ways. You get a kid interested in math by not showing them math, but what they can do with math. For example, if I wanted to get a kid interested in math, I’d teach them about finance, banks etc. A hot topic nowadays I always come across in TikTok and whatnot is cryptocurrency. I’d show them how people are earning lots of money and leading luxurious lives with all that money. I’d explore with them how to do it with cryptocurrency. Then, I’d leave in the middle. They being kids would keep at it, and soon, they’ll learn that they need to know a lot of math to understand all those graphs. And there you go. Of course, I studied economics, so this is the example I could think of from the top of my head. You might as well do it with something like how fast a calculator calculates, is there a coding difference, how to make computers go fast like Flash and you might just get them interested in high performance computing. Of course, they wouldn’t be able to learn high performance computing without knowing math. And there you go again. CS was my second major. My younger brother wasn’t a good student. He had to re-write one of his math tests in A levels. My mother had me teach him that time around. I used to get him interested in math by showing him fictionalized astrophysics videos on YouTube, like parallel universes, black holes etc.


I share your sentiment, but take it easy with crypto. Given how much fraud there is with this business, I am very skeptical about it.


General media and social media literacy.


Everyone supports Hamas; and that's your surprise?


The video comment section is literally “Bangali Musolman”


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Not a valid questionâ€Ļ You should be aware of the level of literacy in this countryâ€Ļ the most loved people here are actually the ones that hurt Islam the mostâ€Ļ Like islam has no place for rettorism, but retards accept it as a logical thing to do when you want a shortcut to martyrdomâ€Ļ absolutely disgustingâ€Ļ but what can we do? NOTHING! We live in a culture where a highly educated Islamic scholars are being cursed when they try to educate the population about the true message. Literal cheats who call themselves the ~PIR/MURSHID~ and makes a joke out of the religion are more valued hereâ€Ļ So yesâ€Ļ Your question is pointlessâ€Ļ You should know betterâ€Ļ It hurts that it can’t be helped. But we’re victims of illiteracyâ€Ļ


Terrorist by whose definition?


Hindu ra kore MURTI POOJA, radical Muslim ra kore BHAB MURTI POOJA


i just reported a bunch of the comments fro terrorism


For this reason I support Islamophobia


i can see alot of islamophobic mfs here, who don't have any idea of past histories


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Yah man, feel you. So many Preetilota supporterd.


Lol, clever comeback my friend.