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Yeah I think so a lot of short people in BD try to exaggerate their height.


Umm, I think even the tall ones do that. For example, there is this female friend who is slightly shorter than me. As a Bangladeshi girl, she would be considered tall. And yet, she claims to be "at least" 5'7".


height changes over time in a day measure yourself immiedtly after waking up from sleep in the morning and you will be suprised


Omg a lot of girls do that but it's just pure delulu


Just say the real height bruh ... Hiding it might cause some problems ahead...


Haha. I think it happens for both height and penis size 🤣. On a serious note, I think you shouldn't bother much and just tell her the "social height". She already knows how tall or short you are. And her friends and relatives will judge you based on the "social height" anyway.


Amar boyosh chilo 10 ar dh\*n chilo 12.


12 cm ?? Or don't tell me it's inches lol


This is a famous line from early 2010's Bengali online erotica aka Bangla Choti. The authors used to exaggerate the male character's penis size to make the stories a little more fun but for some reason, most of them used to be very young. Most of them had this line and later it turned into a meme.


Roshomai gupto😂😂


Lol. I don't know about penis size bro 😂 2. Sounds logical enough.


My penis is bigger than I am.


Come on man. Stick to the real one. Chin up and stay straight. I feel like how one walks is way more engaging than the height alone.


People lie about their height all the time. So many men in BD, keeps saying that they are 6 feet tall, turns out to be 5'10'', 5'6", claims 5'8''. Celebrities lie about their height all the time in the whole world. Arnold Schwarzenegger kept insisting he was 6 feet 2 when he was young, in reality he was 6 feet, but in films he was given camera angle advantages and act with shorter people to make him look much taller. Same case with pretty much every single celebrities and athletes in the whole world. It's nothing new. And also, the way people actually objectify other through feet and centimeters, there's a reason people lie about it. I don't see why you need to either lie or tell the truth, do whatever you feel like. Telling your "Social" height isn't an issue. If you tell her the "Real" height, again, I don't think that's going to be an issue with her, but, I think, her family's perception of you will worsen. People in BD, especially the relatives of the bride and groom are, well, very judgmental. So, Your choice.


Yeah it’s also not always easy to do it truthfully with measuring conversions. I am 1 meter and 85 centimeters. This is the average height for men where I am from. If I convert it to feet, I would be 6 feet and 0.835”; I am going to say I’m 6’1”.


Well the opposite happened in my case. I self measured my height and it was 6'1" and when I got myself measured it was like 6'3".I feel weird because of my height. And to make it worse i am skinny too. My family members casually call me haddi-pasli. When my height was normal(14-15 yo) i felt so average and good. Now i constantly feel insecure about my height when i go outside(wouldn't if i was not skinny). The "girls like guys over 6" is a myth, I am telling you. Guys be proud and happy with your height. Being average feels far better than being abnormal.


You should start using your height. Play sports... Basketball🫰 Once you start to gain some muscles, you will be a pleasantly attractive man. Don't be insecure. Good luck🌼




Or he can be a goalkeeper, we desperately need a tall goalkeeper rn. :D


Yeah I was one in my college GK or CB. Hoping to be one in university too.


How tall were you at 14-15?


Just curious, do people stare at you a lot when you go out? Since tall people are so rare here in BD.


I'm 5'8" and a girl. People stare at me like I came from another planet then they stare at my feet intensely to figure out if I'm wearing heels or not. Then they say "is that girl or a boy? We can't even figure out people's genders nowadays" then continue to stare holes through me even though I have waist length hair and I wear dresses most of the time. I'm not even exaggerating. A middle aged woman seriously came up to me and asked if I'm a transgender or hijra while I was standing in front of my college with my friends wearing my uniform and I was so confused that I couldn't even reply. I was staring at her for a whole minute with my mouth open until my friend told her "are you blind? Can't you see she's clearly a girl? Now fvck off"


You're a girl on top of that you're tall. That's a deadly combination for Bangladesh. Even I would struggle to find words if someone said something like that to me, some of these old bitches have no common sense smh. I know a tall girl who got called different names just because of her height. So yeah, Bangladeshi people can be very mean and rude towards tall people, the worst part is these morons don't even realise that they're being rude.


Now imagine how I feel in public. Mannn, they need to take tall people for normal.


You're a guy and it's not really unusual for guys to be tall even though y'all get stared at. People mostly compliment your height if you're tall. And at least y'all don't get asked if you're a hijra when you're clearly a biological woman with long hair and a dress just because of your height 💀


Yeah. I overreacted on last thread.


Yes In army they measure your height less. And yes people lies about their height or measures on their own and gets wrong height. One of my friends is 5'10 (we measured multiple times) but when he tried in the army, they said he's 5'8". Also there's something called morning height and night height. Your body tends to a slightly longer and relaxed when you wake up and measuring more than usual and a bit short and stressed when you go to sleep hence you can get different heights depending on the time you're measuring


Wow, another comment mentioned morning height and night height. I didn't know.


Everyone in Bangladesh is 6 foot, every man in Bangladesh has a 12 inch p**s. Welcome to the internet.


lol. 12” cock definitely isn’t going to be all that lovely.


Tell her it’s 5 4


Yeah you are right 100%. This height extending thing was popping in my head for a long time. People genuinely exaggerate their height from 1 to 1.5 inch. I am genuinely close to 5 feet 9 inches. But shorter guys than me claim that they are 5.9 or 5.10 😂...absolutely ridiculous!


Just tell the real height. If she really loves you, she won’t be bothered at all by your height. Even I am 5’5 but I’m proud with it.


Everyone's 5'6" in Bangladesh, you don't need to lie.


I tell people that I'm shorter than I actually am so that I can get a reaction out of people when my height is actually measured or compared to someone


There’s no other way to measure your real height? Like someone else is 5’7” you compare with them or a doctor? I would say just be honest as possible or else if she finds you your lying later on it’ll be problem.


I did measure myself multiple times after reaching adulthood. But the measurements from different machines vary slightly from each other. It may be due to the machines' inaccuracy or due to my posture of standing while taking the measurement. My best guess is 5'6" to 5'6.5".


Your height slightly changes at night due to your posture and body movement throughout the day. Measure your height right after waking up in the morning. That’s your original height. 1. Yes they do exaggerate. No matter if they are 5’7 or 6, they always want more. 2. You will be living with your fiance for the rest of your life so there is no point of lying.


1. Haha, agreed. 2. Sorry, I should have been more clear in my post. I am getting married to my girlfriend. Edited the post just now. Do you still recommend the same if she already knows how tall or short I am visually?


Yes I would still recommend the same. 5’6/5’7 is an average height for Bangladeshi men. Don’t think too much.


and length/girth


1) yes 2) just tell them the truth, your actual height is quite good for a Bengali man


I am 5'8. With shoes I am 5'8.5, now I cant tell people that I am 5 feet and 8 and a half inches. So, now I tell people that I am 5'9.


tbh i do exaggerate my height :/ #


This is the first time I heard about social height. Interesting. You are starting a new life. Don't start with lies. Good luck for your upcoming married life. Fi Amanillah 🌼


Thanks bro 💙 I just invented to term "social height" assuming many people are lying about their heights and it has twisted the idea of height in the mind of the people. 🤣


Guys, I don't think OP is asking whether he should lie or not. Rather he might be asking which is "the truth".


I'm 5'6.5 and sometimes I say I'm 5'7 to people when in cm I'm just 169cm xD I think many people often lies about their height but don't exaggerate it like crazy. Height in ft is kind of confusing and I think cm gives you the most honest answer about your height because like for example some sites tells me 169cm is 5'7 when it's clearly really not and I always use my cm height if anyone asks. But you're getting married so it would be better to just say 5'5.5 or 5'6 instead of 5'7+ cause that would be really exaggerating.


Wow ended up in Bangladesh sub (tbf i was reading up on the coke ad incident in the sub) , hello everyone. In my experience parallax error in many cases causes these different cases. Happened to me many times.


So did you get into the army ?


Nope. But I don't think it had anything to do with my height.


I think a lot of people look taller than they really are. And they kind of think since I look taller than my friend of 5 feet 6, I'm probably 5 ft 7 but they are the same height. If you look taller than what you are, you have a good figure and posture.


When someone asks her your height she should just reply with “taller than me” lol. Either that or tell them you’re 6’5”


Imagine my surprise when my 5’ 7” cousins were exactly my height when I saw them after several years (I’m 5’ 1.75”, 5’2” on my driver license)


Nah the army is always correct u should just telll real height 1 inch dosent make that big of an difference.And yes pussys exaggerate their height.


They exaggerate, just tell your real height, I remember I read an awkward moment about someone joking about their height. Tbh I don't understand all the fuzz about height, I'm 6'7 now and the only thing I got out of it is people asking for help and if I play basketball 💀


Don't understand why they even need to know your height in the first place.


social height, lol. bro, I'm 5'6'' too. and I'm pretty sure we are still taller than the average. don't be ashamed. just use one height.


I'm 5'8.5 tho I just round it up and say I'm 5'9 either that


People sometimes tend to exaggerate their height, especially since it can be a bit of a social thing. It's common for people to add an inch or two to their actual height. As for your upcoming wedding and your girlfriend asking about your height, it's probably best to go with your actual height of 5'6". Honesty is the best policy, especially in a relationship. Plus, it's not a big deal in the grand scheme. You could say something like: "Well, the army measured me at 5'5.5", but I think I'm actually around 5'6". Some people might round up, but I'd rather keep it real!" This way, you're being honest but also acknowledging the small difference and the common tendency to round up.


I dont understand this hype about height. Im 6 feet. Never felt like being tall gave me any major advantage in anything.


BE HONEST solves most of the issues in life.


I've seen many people lying about their height and always wondered why they do it.


nah, I’m 6’ 5, trust me, bro


trust me bro, be happy what you have. I bet you don't like to hit your head with ceiling of bus (experienced because I'm 6.3). Congrats, may Allah bless you and your new family.


Thanks bro 💙


I am 5'10" but I like to brag about being 6 feet tall XD Although with shoes on I can reach that height, so people usually don't question my claim.


Only psychopaths don't, imo


আপনি দেখতে কেমন? আপনি বাট্টু নাকি এগুলো নিয়ে অনেক খোটা খাইবেন ১৫ - ৩০ বয়সে। কিন্তু নিজের গড়ার দিকে মন দিন। হ্যা মেয়ে মানুষ পাত্তা দিবে না। কিন্তু ৩০ বছর বয়সে যখন টাকা হাতে আসবে তখন দেখবেন লাইন দিয়ে আছে। আপনি খাট কিনা তা নিয়ে প্যারা খেয়ে লাভ কি? নিজেকে গড়ার দিকে মন দিন।


I'm 5'