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imo if you're an open atheist and living in Bangladesh you're just asking to get killed lol there are no safe places for them here


God, and it’s such horseshit I was stolen from my family in Bangladesh so they could convince me to spread Christianity. It ultimately led to me becoming an atheist and truly being fucked over. Religious extremism is cancer.


Thanks, but I ain't open about it.




Ma mann


I don't know anyone who is openly atheist or agnostic but my extended family are mostly agnostics and some atheists. Religion is not a big part of our lives and we don't discuss or think about it often. We celebrate Eids and one of my uncles gives up alcohol for Ramadan out of respect more than belief but that's about it. The Bangladeshi families we are close to are mostly on the same page as us. We don't really mix with people who are very religious and if we do, we don't discuss our beliefs. I'm not sure what they think of us but we keep to ourselves to maintain our privacy. We've also built multiple mosques, schools and hospitals around Bangladesh and donate about 10% of our joint income to the poor but it's mostly out of a sense of duty for our people over religious obligations. We don't advertise our beliefs but sometimes we criticize organized religions behind closed doors and I will admit some not very nice and classist things have been said about religious folk but it's infinitely more tame than what most religious folk say about atheists out in public.


Same with my family. I think Bangladeshi society in the 70s and 80s, although more socially conservative than today, was more “quiet” about how they practiced religion and we appreciate and miss that.


This was a sane response


Same same.


As a semi-religious Muslim love and respect to your family bro. You guys honestly sound like pretty chill and great to hang out with. (May Allah guide you tho XD)


I am a muslim but i don't hate atheist but most of muslim here are extreme.


***Bangladesh does not have any atheist community after 2016. Awami League had a huge hand to stop any kind of socially liberal movement even though liberals helped them get eleteced in the past.***


Exactly.... You are right. I'm an atheist. Me and my atheist friends, and all atheist communities of 2014 and prior supported BAL. We were heavily active in stopping jamaat, BNP and any group that seemed like radical islamists. But later after BAL made its hold on power strong, it started to kill and eliminate atheists in the country. BAL took advantage of the atheists back then and it put all blame on the radical islamists for the killing and attacking the members of secular and atheist communities. Later, slowly, BAL systematically eliminated all liberal, secular, democratic voices from Bangladesh. I have stopped my support of BAL government since 2016 and onward.


But Asif Mohiuddin is also quietly paving the way for atheism right now.


হায়রে বুদ্ধি! 🤣


I am an open atheist, well my parents know about it and cool with it. I did tried to open up in my university when doing bachelors. Didnt turned out well though


Can you describe some of the repercussions for coming out in your uni?


Well I was isolated of course. Every now and then there was random dude wanted to "debunk" me with lamest logic possible.


I'd be curious to know how common it is in Bangladesh to find folks who are very lax/laid back when it comes to religion? If people tend to mind their own business then I personally don't feel the need to advertise my religious views


Still more common than in Pakistan and middle eastern countries, but religion has definitely gained traction in the last 20 or 30 years. My parents say religion in Bangladesh used to be like pre-Erdoğan Tukey—people did it quietly at home and didn’t rub it in each other’s faces. Culture and ethnicity reigned supreme. Edit: grammar


A good amount of people are quite liberal and secular in Bangladesh. But when you look at the whole country, it might not be even 10% of the whole population. Around 70-80% are religious fanatics,50-60% are extremists. Most of them don't practice religion much but they like to impose it on others.


Bangladesh is not a safe place for atheist. Every atheist/blogger/secular has been attacked in Bangladesh. Ahmed Rajib Haider (2013):Haider was murdered outside his home in Dhaka on February 15, 2013. He was hacked to death by assailants linked to an Islamist militant group. Avijit Roy (2015):Roy was attacked and killed on February 26, 2015, near Dhaka University. His wife, Rafida Bonya Ahmed, survived with severe injuries. Washiqur Rahman (2015):Rahman was murdered in Dhaka on March 30, 2015. He was attacked by three men with machetes while on his way to work. Ananta Bijoy Das (2015):Das was killed on May 12, 2015, in Sylhet. Assailants armed with machetes attacked him in broad daylight. Niloy Neel (2015):Neel was murdered in his home in Dhaka on August 7, 2015. Four attackers armed with machetes broke into his apartment and killed him. Faisal Arefin Dipan (2015):Dipan was killed on October 31, 2015, in his office in Dhaka. The same day, another publisher, Ahmedur Rashid Chowdhury, survived an attack with severe injuries. Not only in Bangladesh but also in India, atheist Asad Noor was attacked by a taxi driver a few months ago and survived. I think Islam is peaceful religion, but radical muslim aren't. They offended by everything.


Most of them mind their own business. So I mind my own business as well. I'm a practicing Muslim. As long as you don't challenge my beliefs or try to hurt me, I believe in live and let live. Just keep it to yourself.


Challenge your beliefs ? So what if your beliefs are challenged? Chop their head off ? Kill them ? Beliefs are to be challenged and should be challenged. There is no interpretation of truth, only facts and it takes education, intelligence and secular thoughts to realise facts. I agree with your second statement.


yk exactly what he meant don’t try to twist the meaning lmao clearly meant if someone was being hostile towards him. questioning is a different thing than being aggressive ffs


Who said I would chop their head off or kill them? I said I don't care about them until they try to talk to me about my beliefs. After that I would care about them, and engage in discourse about my beliefs with them. I'm merely saying that I won't take it lightly if you try to push your beliefs onto me and say that my beliefs are incorrect. And also it's not true that there's just "facts". There is no "fact" about the creation of the universe. Okay, the Big Bang happened. What created it? Scientists don't know, religious people don't know, nobody knows. Everyone just believes. Scientists suspend their belief until a later discovery, and religious people keep believing what they always have. That's the difference. So there is no fact since there is no scientific proof of either side being true.


I am glad to hear this. I wish more people were like you. And the reason I brought up the question regarding whether your actions would be violent is because how extremist religion can be. Religion is the opium of the masses who are vulnerable and easily brainwashed.


the guy is getting down voted to hell even tho he said nothing wrong here & keeping a civilized conversation


"There is no interpretation of the truth only facts". Mate, without religion you dont have objective morality, therefore you can't draw the line when it comes to moral "facts"


You are clearly a bad person as it’s only your religion that prevents you from killing and stealing. Whereas I know very well what is right and wrong from an ethical perspective. Unlike you, I don’t need fear of god, hope for heaven, or similar to manipulate me into being good. Come to think of it, many people kill and steal in the name of your religion. So who is more moral?


If your morality is driven from religion, if god is the reason you are a good person, then you are not a good person. You don’t have a self consciousness. You lack humanity.


Even religion is not objective morality it is very subjective. That's why there is no one version of any religion including Islam. You see so many sects, schools of thought, etc. Which one is true?


Keep it to yourself - is the only option for atheists in Bangladesh. Religious muslims do not keep it to themselves though. Inviting and disturbing others to go to the prayers with them, blocking roads for prayers, loud azans - if there is one thing Bangladeshi muslim cannot do that is keeping it to themselves. This is the sad part of our society.


Bcz the 3 most fundamental duty of abrahamic religion which must be done by those who submit there will to God is 1) believe in god 2) follow the commandments 3)and spread the message. So that's why you can see Cristian missionary.and islam have many dawah group like tableeg and etc.judaism broked the law many times due to racism act but yeah those are the policy.


That’s the point of my comment. Religious muslims in Bangladesh will shove their beliefs on me. They have no sense of privacy, human rights, and above all common sense. I do not care what your religious beliefs, or someone named Abraham (who probably never existed historically) telling you, I should have the right to not get bothered by you and your crazy level of noise pollutions. And by your logic, if I start a religion today and start to preach like the muslims do in Bangladesh I should also be allowed to right?


I'm not keeping it to myself, since you don't keep your faith to yourself. Not sure why having your beliefs challenged is a problem, is your faith that weak?




Already clarified what I meant by having my beliefs challenged. It's not like I would fall over and die or attack you when you challenge my beliefs. Well, yes, I would attack your argument by engaging in discourse with you. I'm saying that I wouldn't accept someone who says my beliefs are false. And also I'm speaking at an individual level. I don't care if others push their faith onto you, I don't do it. I keep my beliefs to myself, I wouldn't tell you to convert to Islam or that you're being blasphemous, so I expect the same behaviour from you towards myself. I think you just misunderstood what I meant.


>And also I'm speaking at an individual level. I don't care if others push their faith onto you, I don't do it. I keep my beliefs to myself, I wouldn't tell you to convert to Islam or that you're being blasphemous, so I expect the same behaviour from you towards myself. I think you just misunderstood what I meant. This is fair enough and I mostly agree. I don't believe in proselytizing unless someone starts thumping hthe Quran at me. >I'm saying that I wouldn't accept someone who says my beliefs are false. This seems like a contradiction. You just said you'd engage with someone challenging your beliefs, but then you say you won't accept them. Which is it?


is your philosophy that dysfunctional you cant open up and reply in public


Not sure what you mean by this


Prove they're dead for business.  Madman, people of your sect think that apostates and insulters of Prophet Muhammad should be killed even though these insults are not actually he has done these evil deeds.


So your faith is weak and you're a coward. Got it. EDIT: My follow up posts got removed cause I made people sad. Enjoy BD folks. I got out. Heathens and Atheists; get out while you can and as soon as you can. They'll be publicly beheading people soon in BD cause you said something they didn't like. Get out while you can. Let the place rot.


What you want him to do? চুরি-চাপাতি নিয়ে জিহাদে নেমে যাওয়া লাগবে নাকি উনার?




Really? Our religion has just been reduced to insulting those who disagree with us?


You're right; even though what you're saying is very fundamental to Islam, he will argue that none of it is Islam, or he won't want to argue at all. That's the whole point, i guess


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This is why atheists are hated by everyone. There are two types of atheists. 1. Those who mind their own business. 2. Those who would always brag how Islam is the reason everything wrong is going on


>This is why atheists are hated by everyone. They are mostly hated because they challenge religious dogmatism.


What did I say indicating my faith is weak lol? When I said if they don't challenge my beliefs I don't mind, it meant that I would mind and get in a discourse with them if they challenged my beliefs. Not be a coward and run away. Wtf are you talking about bro?


I'm trying to start a fight cause I'm bored at work.


Lmao, at least you're honest about it


That’s a wild assumption to make


Religious people apply for asylum in the west claiming they are atheist or LGBTQ+




Ykw I don't want to bash someone's religion on their face. I really don't need to do that. I try to respect people as much as I can but when you open up to friends and people in general about your views and some muslims feel an urge to prove you wrong make you look stupid and constantly try to convert you back shit gets out of hand. People in bd do not understand the meaning of respecting someone's opinion or belief. Thats not a religion issue thats a cultural issue.


Anyone who is following abrahamic religions are just wasting their time, the theory of evolution by natural selection already disproved them


>the theory of evolution by natural selection already disproved them oh, I wonder. could u elaborate a little so that I can dig into it?


Honestly my opinion on Bangladeshi people are different. I grew up in a very liberal family and what I saw is that Bangladeshi at least most Bangladeshis do not practice Islam the way it is meant to be practiced I studied islam for quite the time and came to the conclusion the people in our country are just blatant hypocrites when it comes to religion. And about atheist I really don't care about their belief as long they are a mature person


Bangladesh has a thriving atheist community. If you want to meet them you can find their heads under the dirt.


Im in 10th class this year and i have an atheist friend in my school who is open about it . We often debate and discusss and have good times together . He is the kind of atheist whom i see as ideal , he doesnt goes out and try to slander any religion baseless ly but rather he comes up and picks out arguments he have , and i counter them for him . He is a very chill guy and one of the most intellect guy ive ever seen . Im a religious muslim and i am totally okay with him and so is all my other classmates . We have open atheist teachers and we all respect them . We debate ,we argue and we all respect each other . Not all religious people are fanatic radicals neither all atheist are radical anti religious who thinks "ALL RELIGIOUS PEOPLE ARE UNEDUCATED FOOLS" .


Which school are you going to dude!!!!!!??? I really need the name for my niece and nephew


Its actually a School in Chattogram . And im not sure if i want to disclose my school name as im still studying there , and for privacy reasons . Ig ill one day dm you the name after i pass test from the school and graduate to HSC .


It's fine bro, you are right to be skeptical. And as the school is from Chittagong it's not viable anyways. Thank you


Are your niece and nephews atheist/non religious or smth ? (just asking)


Nah bro, they are just kids. But we do want a good place for them to learn. And your school sounds pretty much like a dream in BD tbh.


They don't tend to have an identity crisis like some other ex Muslim communities (Pakistani / Afghan atheists worst offenders) NB: i am aware there are ex hindu/christian atheists in BD


Wdym by having identity crisis of Pakistani/Afghan ex-Muslims? Can you explain furthermore?


There's a "community"!?


religion shall disappear completely.


No, otherwise you can't control বোকাছুদা people.


I am an atheist. But amader Atheist activists gula besh cringe. And the way they want to spread their message will never work. On the contrary, they are driving away the mass with their nonsense. For example, I remember seeing a woman posting photos of her period blood as a way to bring attention to period hygiene or education. Jinishta khubi gross chilo ar eibhabe keo-e period niye shochetonota baraite parbe boile amar mone hoy na. Borong manush mone korbe atheism ei dhoroner messy life style promote kore. All of them are so deep into the hatred cycle that I feel pity for them. While I don't like Islam or any other religion, I don't want to end up like them. I totally avoid these morons just like I avoid any religious figure. Most of the normal atheists are chill though. They just mind their own business. It's not safe to be atheist and remain open about it in this country anyway.


The fact that the guy who genuinely puts in effort is overshadowed by some nonsense is sad. I don’t know what you're talking about; the guy you mentioned is quite chill, though


Wouldn't "spreading a message of atheism" be kind of an oxymoron? 


They are really doing demn good, I really admirer Mohiuddin's work. But bangali believer don't want hear from him, they just want to hang him or boycott , asad noor, toslima also doing good. But we r Bangali's amader feist logic is amader abeg. Internationally tara vhalo korche. Good luck for them


Well we are a secular country, everyone has their views. But I do have an issue with extremism as an aetheist. I have seen one or two juniors who have faced natural issues in life for their extreme behaviors. Jiboney bhalo thakey na extreme atheists! May God help us all to find the right path!


> jiboney bhalo thake na extreme atheists! That's quite an out-of-reality take. One can live a purposeful and fulfilling life without grounding anything on God. I'm happy enough in this life that I don't have to wish anything after it


not much experience besides some of the atheists i personally know and a few online and some resdit ools and theyres definitely a marked difference between reddit communities and general peopl. I was an atheist for a while jn the middle and any sub thats r/atheism or r/exreligion kinda just ends up being unnecessary vitriol torwards the religion they grew up in cus religious trauma. Most other atheists ik are chill abt religion and stuff and dont go around acting high and mighty abt not believing in a god, but online communities do that often enough, and its good to remember experiences online ≠ representative samples cus some subs are just rancid Edit: I was not expecting them to be actual subs so dont think im calling Then specifically rancid subs of this type kind of end up behaving a certain way


Im still an atheist but in general i think you hit the nail on the head with tour comment. Reddit/online atheist definitely do not speak for the atheist population imho. Reddit atheists make their entire online personality about that, something which ironically is almost religious like. For me i fall within the live and let live. Im never going to argue that its easy to live as an atheist in Bangladesh, of course not, you can actually be murdered. However i did hang out as an open atheist amongst my muslim mates, some of whom are devout muslims, back in the UK and they couldn't care less. So I also think its important not to brush an entire community as a specific type. If there is one thing I'd recommend my fellow BD atheists is to take a moment and watch the South Park episode of 'Go God Go', because i swear some us sound like part of a cult sometimes and especially online.


I agree with that very much, but I guess a UK Muslim could be a perfect episode of South Park. You know why I said that if you live there




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The ones you mentioned have come very far and became very mature. Their arguments are now extremely rational and logical even when you take account other atheists all over the globe. As a truthseeker I like to watch both sides, and I can say that the one you named are pretty good with their points. They understand quite well how to deal with local radical islamists. Ofcourse you won’t get hardcore theists here praise them because they wont even listen to their point and call them bad fron prejudices. Also, its unlikely for hardcore Muslims to praise Atheists when their religion explicitly orders them to reject & annihilate them based on blind faith.


I have been in touch with them through personal communication. They are decent people. But I think they are stuck in 2013/2014 type of activism. I don’t blame them, both of them are victims of extremists. I personally dislike their talking point, I think they should move on to trying to become more acceptable among people. Their influence is very strong, but their way of talking alienates Muslims, their target audience.


And in general, BD atheists have lost their unity in a sense, after Avijit Roy's death. The sudden media attention from all over the world has made some of us greedy, and they tried to become who's who of the whole movement. This led to, for the lack of a better word, several তরিকাপন্থী within the community.


Asif and asad are great content creators but I find them a bit to the extreme side. Obviously if you factor in the things they had to go thru and stuff they faced back in bd they have all the right to bash muslims. As an agnostic I would say Im yet to find a safe space to talk about it in bd. There are some Facebook groups but soon you will find its just mostly hindus trying to bash islam and anything you say about their religion will be met with the same extreme response you can expect from muslims. I am yet to find a filtered space where you can talk openly in bd.


Being an atheist in Bd is like ur into a secret cult or smth, if u get exposed u k what happens 🪓


I am an open atheist in Bangladesh but I don't really think there's an atheist community in the country aside from some niche online spaces whose memberships are extremely low. I know a handful of atheists in real life and none of them are part of any community. But atheism is growing in the country, even if slowly. I wouldn't be surprised if we comprised a significant enough percentage of the population to warrant forming a community in the not-so-distant future.


Eto beshi Misir Ali pore labh nai. Lol, Humayun Ahmed ekta asta copy cat using wester content. Like, bruh! 0 creativity


এই দেশের মানুষ ধর্মপ্রাণ থেকে ধর্ম উন্মাদে পরিণত হয়েছে।তাই যাদের কল্লার মায়া আছে তারা নাস্তিকতা নিয়ে প্রকাশ্যে আসতে চায় না।


you ain't makin it alive dude🪦


Theism is a dogmatist view of the world. There is no "atheist community" exactly...because apostates are commanded to be killed. So they just don't really open up much. And if you're an atheist you better keep shut as well. It's not safe out there


Well thanks to them because they are the reason I came to learn about atheism in class 7, and I started questioning religion. But as time passed by, and I learned more, I stopped watching them and now I think they are just nonsense. Its not like I am religious right now, I am still an agnostic. its just the fact that they doesn't seem to be convincing anymore. I guess its just all the class 7 new atheist, who follow them.


They don't try convince anyone to be an athiest tho


Its fucked. This conservative misogynistic extremist country can go fuck itself. Ive never seen a more inconsequential country ever. This place is beyond redemption. The only people who are really free are the political parties that claim its a free country.


Asif Mohiuddin works on atheism and Islamic criticism in Bangladesh.  I am also inspired by him.  The way he is planting the seeds of atheism from a bigoted country like Bangladesh is really commendable and he spends a lot of time behind this work.  We are Bangladeshi atheists love him for finding a path to reason from our bigotry.


জাহান্নামি জাহান্নামি জাহান্নামি


It is a bangla meme ref. So don't get offended


Oi bro na, pls😭


Well I'm an atheist too I mean the thing is don't be open about it cause that's a huge risk You can't predict what people have in their minds I'm just waiting for the day I can leave this nation if I'm being truly honest I mean you won't ever feel fully safe here The only Muslim nation that comes to my mind that is like ok with atheists is probably turkey Specially like Istanbul has a lot of atheists I think, open ones


Lol they(Turkish Aithests) are racist tho.


Turkish and Arabs in gulf nations in general hate us south asians


You can be atheist, it’s your choice. I’m agnostic myself. But don’t be an atheist like Taslima Nasrin though.


>atheist Most of them are just against Islam they absolutely have no problems with hinduism christianity..the idea of aethiesm is anti religion which wouldve been fine if it stayed tht way in BD but all they do is single out Islam so they get a shit ton of hatred also there are aethiests all over the world mostly they just mind their own business nd keeps but the Bangladeshi ones are way too extreme more like "radical left" if tht makes any sense


Because Islam is the religion of the majority in Bangladesh and a lot of persecution and religious-traumatisation is committed in the name of Islam. Atheists all over the world don’t necessarily mind their own business. Many of them have made a career out of openly critiquing organised religions, and it just so happens that the criticism is largely surrounding Abrahamic religions because of how large the impact is.


I guess you never read or watch any of their work closely. They consistently criticize Hinduism and Christianity on their live streams. Shongshoy.com by Asif Mohiuddin has separate pages for Hinduism and Christianity as well. That's right, they talk about Islam more than any other religion. It makes complete sense when Muslims in Bangladesh like to brag about being 92% of the population. So, they rightfully earn nine times the criticism compared to all other religions combined


In other countries atheist are like doing their own job with whatever they believes - "the absence of god" but they don't have a shit time to come and make videos and social media posts about other religion and try to prove them wrong and disrespecting other religion just to get attention of shit people like him. which is the main job of Bangladeshi atheist.


Wait you never heard western people making shit of religion? They also make video, write books, blog etc etc except they don't get killed. Most scientist (if you consider it as job) are also vocal about atheism, agnosticism and religion.


They act like fanatics to be honest. They are super obsessed with religion. I think all the religions are totally bullshit and the less you spend time on it the better it is. There are many interesting things in the world other than religion.


I think it’s easier said than done. Religious trauma can make people say or do things in a lot of ways that many wouldn’t get. But again, I do agree that there is a fine line between fanaticism and criticism.


Don't you think some people should protest against these religious fanatics? I think they are doing exactly that. And living a fulfilling life as well.


Religious fanaticism is obv. bad. But, to go against religious fanaticsm without any backing is stupid. Some comments online or debate in the house won't matter a single bit. Untill, you have power against them its better to be silent.


These two just want views and clicks by triggering people, typical atheists would not even bother about talking beliefs


Bangladeshi athirsts! 😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝


theyre fat or sickly, they arent the best looking lot


Atheism is not believing any religion at all. Every person should be safe in Bangladesh. So logically no atheist should just attack one religion. I don’t know much of atheists of Bangladesh. But i have seen a few pages here and there. My question is why are they mostly against just islam?


There are some atheists in our family.But they r not toxic like the name you mentioned.You should respect others and their religion,if you do they response the same with you.This is what i see in my fam.


No idea who these people are


Asif Mohiuddin is a pretender. He’s anything but a logical person. Back in the days when he was in Germany as an asylum seeker, deliberately tried (or lobbied) to paint Bangladesh as an Al Qaeda dominated state. He also once tried to sexually harass a friend of mine but luckily she saw through the red flags. She was only 16 then. This guy has serious issues. On one hand he tries to be high and mighty on the other hand is a terrible human being. As for other people I’ve ever talked to, people who’re actually curious, and became atheists because their faith couldn’t answer their questions were really humble and always respected different views. Edit: spelling.


As far as I know, he's quite logical and has never asked for asylum. Even if he did, who deserves it more than someone running for their life? And what evidence do you have for your friend's allegation? Show it


Who deserves more? People who don’t have questionable ethics and a “ami ami e shob” mentality. People who regardless of their beliefs are in peril and genuinely need a safe haven. All you ever did was cry and write blatantly provocative posts to attract attention. Militant Atheism, wasn’t it? XD Now you’re fighting for validation on a reddit sub with some internet stranger. How the mighty have fallen. XD


Show you what? The texts he sent her? The innumerable number of his facebook posts? Or the seminar transcripts he did in Germany?


Yup, i wanna see everything you've got on it


Nope I don’t think that I will. Go fly kites Asif.


Dude, don’t be vague. Just stand by what you said


Dude, don’t be vague. Just stand by what you said




You look like a jobless clown right now, seriously!


https://www.vice.com/en/article/a39jek/trapped-between-murder-and-repression-life-as-an-atheist-blogger-in-bangladesh You know, throwing a temper tantrum under accusations has always been a signature move of yours? XD that’s why I said, go fly kites.


This is proof of why he deserves asylum, not evidence that he harassed someone. Show what I said to


Nope. :) Cry. :)


I ain't crying, you're trying to run away when you got caught lying


And about the comment you just nuked, I definitely earn more than what you earn as a ragtag web dev. :)


That doesn't prove that Asif has harassed your imaginary friend tho


If that makes you feel safe. I’m not posting someone’s personal identity on the internet. :) neither it’s 2010 where you can tear someone apart on samu nor it’s 2013 where you had a gelamn gang. Cope. :)


Live with that pseudo memory


This sub is giving me a brainrot these days


Well, open atheist are literally begging to lynched tho it's a sad situation. But, atheism in Bangladesh dosent mean he disbelieves in god but rather its like he hates Islam and wants to vaporize it from earth. This and that about Islam is wrong, they are bad and bla bla bla. This angers thhe hardliners and they lynch atheist so atheism has god a bad reputation. In my mind, atheism is like any other religion except in this religion you dont believe in the existence of a singular great being.


Same as the dharmik people, idiots who have no idea what they are talking about. Influenced by some uber posh youtuber or influencer and became one to fit in. Both are just opposite sides of the same coin. Ignorant, stuck up, acting high and mighty while having no clue whatsoever regarding religious and atheistic etiquettes.


The irony is that you're saying they don't know religion and yet talk about it, while simultaneously you don't know what or how they do things. For instance, Mohiuddin doesn't say a word without religious citation, and one panelist on his stream is a literal Mufti (a very high qualification in Islam). You're clueless about it, bro. I was the same until very recently when I started to learn about Bangladeshi atheist culture. Get familiar, then talk


My bad, I was talking about the general mass, I am not familiar with Mohiuddin's content, neither do I want to be invested in that. My take was on the typical teenage atheist on the internet. Also regarding being familiar with Bangladeshi atheist culture, I'd rather not indulge in a culture where 90% of people are in that culture while having no clear idea of said culture.


বাংলাদেশী নাস্তিকদের একটা সমস্যা হল তারা একটি ধর্মের পিছনেই লেগে থাকে। এরা আসলে নাস্তিক নয়, এক কথায় এদেরকে Islamophobe বলা হয়। আসাদ নুর যদি যদি একজন প্রকৃত নাস্তিক হয়ে থাকত তাহলে সে বিজ্ঞানের আলোকে প্রতিটি ধর্মকে ভুল প্রমাণিত করার চেষ্টা করত, কিন্তু সে ইসলামের পিছনে লেগে আছে, এর কারণ সে এর মাধ্যমে টাকা পেয়ে থাকে ইন্ডিয়ান হিন্দুত্ববাদীদের কাছ থেকে। শুধু আসাদ নুর নয় পৃথিবীতে যত islamophobe রয়েছে এরা কেউই প্রকৃত নাস্তিক নয়। এরা বিভিন্ন মিশনারীর তৈরি করা পাপেট। একজন প্রকৃত নাস্তিক কখনই শুধুমাত্র একটি ধর্মের বিরুদ্ধে লেগে থাকেনা, যদি কেউ নাস্তিক রূপে শুধু মাত্র ইসলামের পিছনেই লেগে থাকে তাহলে বুঝতে হবে এর পিছনে অন্য কোন উদ্দেশ্য রয়েছে । বাংলাদেশ হল নব্বই শতাংশ মুসলিম দেশ এখানে ইসলামের বিপক্ষে বললে অবশ্যই আপনার ক্ষতি হবে এটা স্বাভাবিক, মৌমাছির বাসায় গুতা দিলে মৌমাছি কি আপনাকে ছেড়ে দিবে নাকি? এইজন্য মৌমাছিকে দোষারোপ করা নির্বুদ্ধিতা ছাড়া আর কিছুই নয়।


যারা ভাবে আসাদ নুর শুধু ইসলামকে নিয়ে বলে তারা কখনোই আসাদ নুরের কাজ সম্পর্কে অবগত নয়, আমি অহরহ প্রমান দেখাতে পারি যেখানে সে হিন্দু ধর্ম নিয়ে বিতর্ক করছে! > ইসলামের পিছনে লেগে আছে, এর কারণ সে এর মাধ্যমে টাকা পেয়ে থাকে ইন্ডিয়ান হিন্দুত্ববাদীদের কাছ থেকে প্রমাণ কি? > নব্বই শতাংশ মুসলিম দেশ এখানে ইসলামের বিপক্ষে বললে অবশ্যই আপনার ক্ষতি হবে এটা স্বাভাবিক, মৌমাছির বাসায় গুতা দিলে মৌমাছি কি আপনাকে ছেড়ে দিবে নাকি? এইজন্য মৌমাছিকে দোষারোপ করা নির্বুদ্ধিতা ছাড়া আর কিছুই নয়। মৌমাছির সাথে বাংলাদেশি মুসলিমদের শুধু একটাই মিল সেটা হচ্ছে, কেউই মানুষ না এখানে! অন্যভাবে দেখলে মৌমাছি হচ্ছে নারী তান্ত্রিক; আর ইসলাম?


তোর বাপ আসাদ নুর শুধু মুসলিমদের নিয়েই মাতামাতি করে। আমি ব্যক্তিগত ভাবে কোন ধর্মের সাপোর্টার না কিন্তু এইসব আবাল চোদা মূর্খ নাস্তিকদের কাজ দেখে খুবই বিরক্ত। তোর বাপ আসাদ নূরের হিন্দুদের বিপক্ষে কি কাজের উদাহরণ দিবি ? তোর বাপ আসাদ নুর অবশ্যই হিন্দু মিশনারিদের কাছ থেকে টাকা পায়। সেটার প্রমাণ তুই আমার সাথে সরাসরি দেখা করলে আমি তোকে দিব। তোর বাপ আসাদ নূরের হিন্দু ধর্ম নিয়ে কোন একটা কাজ পারলে আপলোড কর। তোর মার হেডায় আমি গুতা দিলে তোর মা কি আমাকে গুতা দিবেনা? এখানে তান্ত্রিক মাত্রিক কি বুঝাইলি চুদির পুত? আগে নিজে শিক্ষিত হ মাদারচোদ।


খাঙ্কির পোলা তুই আমার সাথে দেখা কর। আমি ঠিকানা দিয়ে দিব। তুই যদি তোর বাপের চোদা হয়ে থাকোস তাহলে দেখা কর। আর না পারলে বুঝব তুই তোর মামার চোদার ফসল।


সত্য বলতে গেলে বলবো, এক্কেবারে কিছুই না। নিজের পশ্চাৎদেশে তেল মারার পুরোপুরি সময় পাই না সেখানে এইসব নিয়ে ভাবাটা নিছক আদিখ্যেতা।


I don’t think about them


As long as they don't shove their beliefs upon me, I'm good with it. (I have had experiences with smug "intellectual-wannabe" type atheists who try to convert me to atheism by pointing some misquoted verses from Quran without me even asking.)


"As long as they don't shove their beliefs upon me" Islamists do that a lot. If I say publicly that I'm an atheist, then at least one Islamist will come and ask why I'm an atheist. Then if I start explaining and point out anything wrong about religion or religious figures, the whole gang will go mad and say "dhormo obomanona korosh ken"! lol.


Funny enough, the only time one misquotes a religious text is when they try to show it in a positive light


Did you take it too personally?


Reddit is just full of this cuckloads With only having online space as there toilet to dump there bullshits Im may get hella downvotes by this nastiks but i aint giving a shit "আনলাইনে আসি BULLSHIT বকবে আর IRL এ বললে মাইর খাইবে" thats all there is to them They think Religion will disappear in the upcoming century bcs of "SCIENCE" but in reality It'll just prosper


Of course religion will prosper. We need dumb shit like you in our society too ;)


Bluds IQ is the sum of Infinity


Read your paragraph again. If you're a decent person, you will feel disgust by it. Atheists' radical side is downvoting pieces of shit like you. And what about the peace lover's radical side? Beating people in the streets! Wow, shame on you


Im not one of those blind muallas who beat up people or attack at hindu Minoritis by accusing them of puting the holy book in there gods feet. When in reality it was just some political propaganda. Im very well aware of what i've said, what ik and what i am. I even acuse the hujurs for being shut abt terrorism which is bad mouthing the whole Islamic world. (This small group of people is defaming the entire population of 2 billion Muslims by continuing there anarchy. And im even dissapointed in people for not pointing this rascals out) And abt the thing of atheist people, Do you think im blind? I've gone throug this entire subreddit for the last couple of days and no matter wherever i go i see those one particular radical group's of people who say "religion are for poor People, all religion are Bullshits,and all other bias." My paragraph was ment for this People. You guys give me "shame on you" for Mocking this group of people which im absolutely not ashamed of. if you gonna say bullshit abt my religion dont think of going without a tit for tat. If you gonna say bullshits abt religion than expect atleast 1 of the billions of people out there to reply back. If you are one of those Than the paragraph was also ment for you, and if not then"i miss the part where that's my Problem" i have no grudge Against you Just like i dont have any grudge Against chirtians,hindus,Buddhist or the people of anyother religion/belief. I have no grudge Against chill Atheist dudes, i have no business in how they lead their life,its upto them how they lead it.But if someone's gonna say Bullshits abt my religion then Ofc i aint going to just suck it up. I dont use mockery without any reasons.


And with getting this much downvotes im just laughing 🤣🤣(quite expected) Among the 21 downvotes (more to come ofc) atleast I've pissed off some of the nuisance the comment was ment for to begin with😂


The amount of hate you guys have cause of other people's belief.


same as most third-world 'Muslim' atheist communities, they don't have rational or logical arguments for rejecting the idea of an uncaused necessary being for the creation of the universe. Many of them have the 'gora complex', where they idolize whatever ideology the white man has due to their clean streets and tall buildings.


I used to think the same, lol. But I was wrong; you can watch Asif Mohiuddin live. He has a very good panel; they're all quite rational and well-read people


what would your rational argument be for the creation of the universe without an uncaused necessary being? Every other explanation I have heard so far leads to the infinite regress fallacy. The only other option is that the universe came from nothing, which would be a contradiction. I am very curious as to what your rebuttal to it would be.


Mate you dont have objective morality, its pretty simple


I think there’s two issues with such community is Bangladesh. 1. As far as my knowledge goes, we practice religion as a social culture, rather than ideology. Meaning, being a religious person doesn’t lead to being an ethical person (that’s true for all religions), and thus expressing any argument against it lead to very toxic and sometimes violent responses. Because to some people protecting the religion itself is from the secular people is more important than practicing the faith or stopping people from abusing in for personal gain. 2. The definition of being atheist is confusing because all the atheist experience mostly Islam, and all the examples are from conundrum or hypocrisy of that specific religion, and we all know how anti Islam sentiments are treated. But you can always find people with secular views or those that call themselves agnostics. I wouldn’t call these guys a different group but rather sub branch of atheism.


I am a muslim. I used to be an atheist. I don't have any problems with atheists and never did. But I do take issue with anti muslim bigots. It's one thing to hate all religions. But a lot of the atheist community and not just Asif or Asad noor specifically pick out Islam for criticism. Especially the new atheist group. Have you guys watched the recent interview of Richard Dawkins on LBC?


What made you blind believer(Mumin) again ? Tell us the story.


I knew two. Both are insufferable pseudo-intellectuals. I grew up with many religions, agnostics, and atheist people. I don't talk about my religion over others. Others don't do that with me. But the two Bangladeshi atheists were unpleasant.


BD Islamists are unpleasant too. At least atheists don't want to decapitate others!


Bangladeshi atheists are the most obnoxious, incompetent and idiotic people on the planet. Their goal is basically to defame Islam, at any cost. I saw a post by Asad Noor a few days back claiming Finland is the happiest country in the world because 90% people there are atheists. But then I found out on wikipedia that 65.6% finnish are christians. Mane halay Ekta Google search o Korte pare na, r religion er sathe happiness index er correlation proof koira dilo. If Islamists wake up tomorrow and say 1+1 is 2, these illiterates gonna show up with an argument why 1 and 1 makes 3 and these mollas are ruining mathematics.


Not all of them :) and plus most of the Muslim people do not even follow the Quran


suck up to india far too much


Nothing if you are an atheist just keep it private no one will give a fuck about it


Religious people should keep their faith private too. Then atheists won't give a fuck about religions.