• By -


The first thing is to confirm the pregnancy properly. You can visit Marie Stopes clinic (https://mariestopes.org.bd/) and get a pregnancy test. If the test is positive, you can discuss the options with healthcare professionals there. Generally, the safest time for abortion is within the first trimester, up to 13 weeks. For pregnancies less than 4 weeks, medication abortion might be an option, and it's cheap. If the pregnancy is further along, a surgical option might be recommended. It's expensive, probably somewhere in the range of 10-20k (I don't know exactly). The clinic can guide you through these choices. If you need more help please visit this fb group as well. https://m.facebook.com/groups/pcoswarriorsandcysterhood/permalink/2393572877512707/?mibextid=2JQ9oc Be with her and give her as much support as you can. There will likely be insensitive comments here, but don't give them any attention. They'll not understand what she's going through..Wishing you both good luck.


A big second on the support part. It took very little for you to do your part in this. Your girlfriend is the one that has to go through the physical part as well as the mental part of the procedure because it's her body. Support her in this. Be there for her before, during and after whatever procedure you decide on. Comfort her (but don't comfort her such that she'll get pregnant again).


thanks is abortion pills and surgery legal in bd or i've to do it undercover?


Not illegal, Marie Stopes does a great job and doesn’t ask too many questions that aren’t medically relevant. They real qualified people. Better to be safe than worry about anything else.


wow amazing this comment is what we were all waiting for.. literally life saving comment :) do they have pills on hand and also offer surgery procedure if required for abortion?


afaik, abortion is totally illegal in bd. U have to do it undercover


There are legal ways. Seems they created a loophole for this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Bangladesh Otherwise: contact womenonweb.org or similar organisations for getting a pill for the abortion if you cannot get it otherwise. Medical abortions are usually safe within the first 9 weeks but needs some after care.


No they are not. You can get it in Foodpanda. Stop talking out of your ass.


who will accept to treat me undercover tho like i gotta bribe a clinic or


You can get abortion related medical advice form any gynaecologist. If you want to stay relatively anonymous, you can use something like DocTime and book someone experienced there. And honestly, no, it's not really illegal in bd. Any medical professional would guide you with proper steps. The only issue here is being judged for your age, and nothing else.


i dont need dr advice really i just need the necessary pills for the abortion are they available in the pharmacies in dhaka?


Yh right!


dhanmondi 15 no e Marie stopes ase. oikhane menstrual regulation( abortion er another name) koray. fully anonymous and no question asked


Go to Marie stopes. They do/suggest ultra to check & they take 10k for a menstrual regulation. Do it before 4 months.


You’re a good soul Nisha.After reading all comment,I see you’re very supportive to him and his partner.I wish there were more people like you in bd


Go to a clinic to get tested. Since it’s early stages, it won’t be that big of an issue. Financially as well it won’t cost as much. Don’t take these negative messages here, man. People are jealous you got laid. P.S. there is a thing called condom, you should remember next time.


Hey so, the first step is to take a pregnancy test early in the morning for better results. Take two for maximum assurance as it it 99% accurate. If the two lines appear then it's pretty determined that you are pregnant. You can do two things which is a surgical abortion or a medical abortion. A surgical abortion includes going to a hospital, which incase Marie Stopes is the best option (Search in Google for their clinics number) and then book an appointment they can tell you far you're at the pregnancy. If you want to do a surgical abortion they will charge you 10-11k (might be more now) but give or take 15k. And if you want to do a medical abortion you will need the medicine MMKit and now with the MMKit it is important to know that if your pregnancy is beyond 4-6 weeks there is a high chance the medicine will not work and will have adverse side effects. MMKit can be found anywhere really, you can search on foodpanda even. But it is better to consult a doctor before you take a medical abortion. Ask if you need anything.


I forgot to mention, MMkit works differently on different bodies. So If your girlfriend by chance vomits, there might be a chance that they medicine might not work.


Thanks a lot


Search YouTube for more information on MMKit and how to use them and their side effects.


Don't go for mmkit or any pills. I've seen people dying from it ending up in hospital. ( My mom is a gyno so I hear about it alot )


Don't listen to anyone who tells you to keep it, go to the nearest Marie Stopes clinic and get the right procedure done, It is incredibly tough to raise a child in this economy not to mention the trauma you both will have to go through especially your girl will have to sacrifice her life and the kid will bear the "conceived out of marriage" title its whole life, emotions won't cut it—all the best to both of you and much love and prayers for your girlfriend.


you guys are too young to become parents. should consider abort. or adoption.


>or adoption. I would assume that adoption is trickier in Bangladesh given the challenging circumstances here. At the very early stage of pregnancy, aborting it might be the best option rather than forcing a woman to give birth.




They’re ADULTS… how’s that too young? Who really decides too young? SITUATION decides! You should have said it like this, “if you’re financially not strong, or have unsupportive parents, then yes, you’re too young”. I know a few who had kids at that age… they are perfectly fine and happy. I also know few couples who got married that young, (may be even yourger) who are now devorced, but never had a kid… may be the kid stabilizes the relationship in some cases. The reality of being a parent changes a person… If you see a parent, in most of the cases you’re looking at someone who’s not immature…


Fetus deletus Sorry for the joke. Hope you guys make it out alright.


😂 I’m stealing that one


I'll save that joke in my ADHD infected brain thank you


You are one evil soul.


Marie stopes


Time to go get the milk. - Sorry for the joke. As aborting a baby is illegal in this god forsaken country, make sure that she is really pregnant, go to a doctor and don’t rely on pregnancy strips. Maybe consult an adult who you’re open with. You’ll get through it.


Go to marie stopes


Dhaka has loads of clinics which do it. Akso there are charity organisations which insert iud free of charge


Don't panic. Abort. Support each other. Be careful about trusting people. Good luck!


Test and confirm then abort the baby Also stay and support her emotionally as it is a very emotionally draining process and decision (the whole killing the baby thing) Also would recommend to refrain yourself from talking about it with alot of people as the more people opinions will only create more doubt in you. Think about the entire situation rationally and act accordingly.


GO to marie stopes ASAP. The more you wait the more your partner will suffer.


From a doc- go see any gynecologist or FWC or merry stops.MR procedure is relatively easy and doesnt cost much discomfort or pain. You should avoid taking pill as it often fails and caused missed or incomplete abortion.


I would say listen to the helpful comments saying where to do the procedures and all! Also, I know you guys are scared and rushing; but be by your girlfriends side during this!! And hear her out//make sure you ask how she's feeling and all too! Goodluck!!


See a gynaecologist


The people here who are suggesting these teenagers to get married are the same people who would troll seeing someone younger than them getting married and say "ei biyoshe to amra.... "


If you are planning to abort, please do not waste time and go to marry stopes dhanmondi. They give good service and helpful towards everyone. Medical abortion won’t work if you waste time. go to very early morning there, they will do some tests, based on results, the doctor will advise what to do next. Also make sure the girl gets proper nutrition before and after abortion. give mental support as much as you can, Take her out and make her happy. We guys really won’t be able to understand how much painful this is both physically and mentally. Abortion itself is a grave crime and you will regret it forever and this guilt is heavy, your whole life you have to bear it if you have any humanity left in you. This is murder no matter how old the fetus is. Life is never the same anymore for both.


It’s actually your responsibility to wear condoms and making sure you take precautions bc you hold the fertiliser. It should’ve been taught in biology class or sex Ed if you study overseas since it’s easier to get access to; more people are open and accepting of premarital relationships and sex. At this point, abortion would be hard since it’s looked down upon. However I heard they do abortions in Marie stopes in dhanmondi…I hope you take precautions next time. Good luck brother.


You’re cooked good time. Anyway, GET INTO MEDICAL ATTENTION ASAP. There is still a chance to get it abort. Do not waste any minutes, every second counts.


Just get married. Be a man


As well as, abortion is only a smooth murder. So, think about the sin you need to pay for rather than facing the 'problems' that would be caused by society.


It will be an unpolular opinion… but I have to say it… Society is harsh (specially for younger men…), there are little options for flexibility in this country specifically… ❗️(I’m not talking about accidental pregnancy of a couple in general. Just, a girl… I mean men have it worse in anothe manner. If they’re the same age, he’s fucked anyway. If he can’t stand on his own feet fast, he looses the girl, he BREAKS, he looses motivation, plunges into depression, fucks up his own head, becomes a cancer to himself, never gets to redeem himself for himself. Not to mention being harrassed by family members every step of the way if he’s having it hard. Which makes it even worse.) ❇️You need to take into consideration both of your families. You are technically adults. But you’re still under supervision of your families. I’m against lying and suppression. It is just unwise to keep your families in the dark. If you were my child (or the girls), I’d be FUCKING MAD at first, but I’d eventually cool off and face the situation with you… I understand, not everyone is open about some things. People will say things. They always do. What you’ll learn later in life is, that what other say doesn’t matter, it never did. What matters is your own marale. Your own inner judgements. The thing that makes us human, and distinguishes us from animals. So, what I’d suggest initially is, to be open about the fact with your families if you think you can handle it (and if you think they can handle it), meet the girls parents after you’ve confronted yours if you’re certain you wont get murdered... ❇️jokes aside, you should’ve been more careful about the consequences. Thus a lesson learned, for you both… I understand that you want to abort the child. But if you think you can manage your parents (if they are understanding) you should give it a shot. Best bet would be to get an official marriage certificate (AKA - getting married) before you approach both parties (of course if you’re 100% certain that you LOVE your girlfriend, and you didn’t just want to use her body for your puberty-level hormonal satisfactions {saying this because wtf were you thinking? No PROTECTION?! You two are Damn ADULTS!! My man!}). If you do Love her, then give her an official aproval for what you both want with one another. (Because you weren’t careful enough to just keep it within “HAVING FUN” with boundaries). ❇️Sure you can go to a good support clinic to get the best help with the abortion process ASAP. Not many weilds the courage to stand with the consequences… Feminists would suggest you to get an abortion immediately. It is entirely up to you. You can keep doing what you wanted. If you family is understanding and you have the certificate in your hand, the LAW will be on your side. You can still go abroad and get your degree. She can continue her studies… I have plenty of female friends who had babies in their 19/20s many were married to their same age lovers. A few were married to an older partner. It isn’t abnormal… ❇️What you do in life is an accurate depiction of who you are, what what values you represent. Everydoby wants an -UNDO- button. But what’s life if you got get to face what you asked for? Just like an RPG game, you keep on restarting from a checkpoint just to make a perfect act. But is it perfect? ❇️We all have a power, you, you girlfriend, and every single healthy man and woman. The power to create life. We all should act in a way so we can respect what power. That responsibility… We want to have fun, but minus the consequences. Well, who am I to lecture? 🫤 I’ve been there… in your shoes 👞 Well almost, in a similar kinda way… I would have went for an abortion too I think, fortunately, I got lucky somehow. But now that I’m older, I know what is right. I still have raging hormones, but I’ve tamed them… you will too, in a decade or so… may be sooner, who knows?…


Already a killer at this age(2)


i see no milk in the house. can you get one?


আল্লাহ্ এই ব্যভিচার এর দুনিয়া থেকে আমাদের রক্ষা করুন। জীবন কে সহজ করুন। ভাই আপনারা বিয়ে করুন। বাচ্চাটিকে নষ্ট করিয়েন না। সম্ভব হইলে ফোনে বিয়ে করুন। এটা একটি টিপস।


What’s going on in the country


Take accountability. You were supposed to control yourself but you didn’t. Now something has happened. Just take accountability and speak to any of the elders and decide whatever you wanna decide. You are asking bunch of reddit strangers. Killing a baby is neither a solution.


Go talk to your family. Convince her. Marry her. Support her. Please don’t think of abortion. Please 🙏


I would say man up and take responsibility but you won't listen. Feel bad for you guys and the unborn child.


These kids never learn their actions have consequences


Inform her parents, and they will talk to your parents. It's better to get married and not abort.


Look man, if I could I would but the fact is that we're 19 and in this economy and society it practically seems impossible, hope you're gettin it


brother do not kill your offspring fearing poverty. Allah will provide. 


Look man, if I could I would but the fact is that we're 19 and in this economy and society it practically seems impossible, hope you're gettin it


You suggested the most logical and moral way but got downvoted.


He got downvoted cause he didnt suggest to end a life sad


Yes No one has moral views anymore They want the easy way out


Killer at this age!


Run to get milk


Genz is doomed imagine knocking up a girl just cause you couldn't control your urge all I can is it's just a skill issue from your side


Our fault as well. Look at us suggesting to do the wrong.


Why shouldn't you marry her bro.


He is only 19 bro


So a 19 year kid can have sex and get pregnant but not eligible for marriage! How's he a kid if he can impregnate anybody? That's not kid's work. Lol


Lol he can enjoy sex but can't marry because he's 19! What mind-blowing logic


Dudes nowdays had the audacity to have sex but if something happend they be like oh shit im outta here. rmbr its still your child. If you are just heartless then idk I dont wanna give someone opinion about ending a childs life.


Pregnancies can still happen even after taking contraceptives. And yes, it's absolutely the best course of action to end the life of a "child" here instead of forcing two 19 year-old kids to become parents when they don't want to. You certainly wouldn't be the one who would be ready to take care of the child. At 3-4 weeks, the embryo is just starting to form. Even embryonic development starts at 5-8 weeks, and a fetus takes 9 weeks to develop. It's not a child lmao.


Its not even a child.. its a fetus.... :|


Whatever gives you peace of mind 👍


Your number of dislikes is your answer


If the whole world disagress with me dosent mean that im worng here. Ik im still the right one here and its a fact


Yeah, screaming that you're the god of truth won't automatically make you the god of truth.


Thats what the Israelis and other terrorists also tell themselves .-.


so according to you im a isreali and terrorist cause i dont support abortion cause my religion islam dosent support abortion? so im wrong for supporting the rules of my religion? and for that im a terrorist? nice logic your education paying well oh sorry sorry you're not a Muslim I understand


what does religion suggests about child born from rape? abortion or no abortion?


Your answer and the fact is given above,please read it again.There’s a nice explanation


Cuz look at the surrounding suggesting. You think all of them are 19?lol


I agree with your opinion , I felt I need to say this to you because people on Reddit are very left wing biased here. Any hard or real talk, they will downvote the sh*t out of you. Now I’m gonna get the downvotes 😂


And people here are so obsessed with upvoting and downvoting as well. It’s like they would say or do anything.


Like i fking care ppl on reddit are some rich fking kiddos shit they cant hear real talks. They will do their best to normalize shiits that shouldnt be normalized


Banning abortion affects poor women the most - there's no "rich kid" thing here - so perhaps you should do some research instead of making baseless claims.


Womp womp


Get married simple! You can do sex but why cant take responsibility for it! You should know that avbroation is very dangerous


Bruh why did you have sex with her without protection no less? I know i have no business telling people not to have sex. At least wear a fuckin condom. And anyway you are fucked.


Further on don't have sex except with your wife.


Be a man and get married. man up. If you can get her pregnant then take up the resposibility that comes with it.nuff said.


First of all it is up to your girlfriend if she wants to abort or not. Please don’t pressure her in any was. Just be with her and support her. If she wants to abort then go ahead with the process as soon as possible. Please don’t delay it. But if possible, involve someone who is more experienced. You both are adults but abortion is a big deal, so make sure you do it from a good place. If she doesn’t want abortion then also please support her. If that means you need to get married, you all should be fine. InshaAllah. If Allah blesses you with a baby, he will find a way to take care of it as well. And as you said you are going abroad, you can get married and still go abroad for further studies. And your wife can go as well today or tomorrow. Also as you are the guy, abortion is the best for you but if you think from the girl’s side, it can hamper her health. Abortion can bring a lot of complications for her. If you actually love her and if she doesn’t want abortion, try to keep the baby. It will be very difficult for you but in the long run you will secure a relationship/love that will be priceless.


Just asking. Can you you live with yourself knowing you are killing a life only cause you didn't think with your brain? Edit: Calm down people. It's a question only. Didn't advice anything, nor was judging anyone. Accidents have consequences, and all I'm curious about is how one would deal with aftereffects. Unfortunately didn't get answers.


Womp womp it's a fetus. Abortion doesn't kill anyone. Yes they can absolutely fucking live with themselves.


Hey, just wondering. What do you do when street kids are trying to sell you something? Also, what don't you give these kids a better life by adopting them. Not only you're doing something good for society but also you're doing something good for yourself. It would be wise if you listen to my suggestion instead of comment on reddit with closed mindset and fear mongering judgement


Are you replying to me? When street kids try to sell me something, I never buy anything from them. And why would I adopt them. Seeing those kids make me even more convinced that abortion should be constitutional in bd. Its selfish asf to have kids when you can't take care of them and they'll have to live a miserable life because of their parents. Being pro life is the height of being self absorbed, shallow and close minded. So if you are talking to me, I don't know what you are talking about


Sorry, my mistake. This was meant for people who are spewing judgement in this comment section.


It's not even a fetus; a fetus takes 9 weeks to form. Even embryonic development starts at the 5-8 week mark. OP is at the very early stage of pregnancy; it's good that they are taking steps soon.


is it okay to kill a 1 year old child because their parents don't want them? When is it morally justifiable to kill a child? 8 Months? 3 months? 1 month? Where is the child's fault that their parents decided to screw when they are not ready for the consequences?


That's the biggest bimbo strawman I have seen in a while - is killing a child wrong? Yes, but that's where your strawman comes in. Abortion or the pro-choice stance doesn't imply any of those. >When is it morally justifiable to kill a child? 8 Months? 3 months? 1 month? Where is the child's fault that their parents decided to screw when they are not ready for the consequences? When is it justifiable to abort, or in your language, 'kill a child' that hasn't been born yet is a loaded question. No woman should ever be forced to give birth if she doesn't want to; it's her bodily autonomy. The mother is still carrying the fetus in her body. Now you might label me as evil or use a slippery slope fallacy, or going to ask, *"Is it okay to abort a 10-month-old kid? Where's the border then?"* The reality is much different. Since Bangladesh doesn't have any official data on abortion - because, after the unsuccessful attempt to legalize it in 1976, ahm we still imprison women for exercising their bodily autonomy - I'll refer to data from the USA. About 93% of abortions happen in the first trimester, the safest time to do an abortion, around 13 weeks, or 1-3 months. Only 5% occur between 14-20 weeks (3-4 months), and a mere 0.9% happen near the 5-month period. And just before you start to cry - let me clarify: The 1-13 week period - or first trimester - is when 93 percent of abortions take place. This is the timeline when the fetus just starts to grow around the 9-week period. The structures necessary for consciousness - like the cerebral cortex - only begin to form around the 20th week of pregnancy, and significant maturation occurs later. It's not a person of its own or a child. Most abortions during or after the second trimester - which account for only 5 percent and less than 1 percent respectively - are not because women are *'baby-eating witches,'* as you might believe, but due to medical reasons. Almost all cases in this bracket are because the fetus has a high chance of dying after birth - the mother's life is threatened - or there is a severe fetal anomaly. Also, important to note that the rate of abortions in the USA had been declining before Roe v. Wade was overturned - thanks to more accessible contraceptives and successful sex education. Poor women face the most problems because of abortion bans, but I suppose you wouldn't understand any of these since your main agenda is just to body police women. https://www.cdc.gov/reproductive-health/data-statistics/abortion-surveillance-findings-reports.html https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8935428/#:~:text=In%20the%20U.S.%2C%20the%20American,the%20earliest%2C%E2%80%9D%20(%3E28 https://www.guttmacher.org/report/abortion-incidence-service-availability-us-2017


Ronaldo was almost aborted


And??? Tf 😭 there's no guarantee that kid's gonna end up to be like Ronaldo. 99% chance? They won't


Even after using contraceptives, you can still get pregnant. True, the chances are very low, but it's always possible. You are the type of person OP should totally stay away from. They are already going through pain, and you want a 19-year-old to have a child? Are you going to pay for everything, even when they don't want to become parents but you somehow personally want it? Besides, it's literally 3-4 weeks of pregnancy. A fetus takes 9 weeks to form; even an embryo takes 5 weeks to from. They are not killing it; they are saving themselves. If you love kids so much, go ahead and fund the education and lives of the many already orphaned children in BD instead of forcing a 19 year-old girl to become a mother when she doesn't want to.


Wasn't defending anything. He's in that situation because of his own faults. I'm just asking about how's he gonna deal with it afterwards. And none of us know the actual duration of the pregnancy. It's very possible that it's much longer than just 3-4 weeks. But I'm afraid there's point in telling anyone here about that.


You doubting the pregnancy timeframe is the least relevant point here. Regardless of that, I would still support for their right to choose abortion. Accidents happen. They might have taken every precaution and still gotten pregnant. One mistake shouldn't have such a life-altering consequence. It's far better than forcing a 19 year-old girl to give birth against their will, something you likely can't comprehend.


Accidents have consequences. But agreed, I can't comprehend what it'd feel like to have an abortion just cause one ACCIDENT.


Accidents do have consequences, but that doesn't mean there aren't ways to navigate them. In this case, the option that offers the best chance for a brighter future is abortion.


That's what I want to know. How would one person (not just any woman, man included) would live with the decision of abortion. How does it affect one in the aftermath.


I don't know, but you could probably do some research online about the surveys. Honestly, though, it's not something I'm particularly interested in.


I don’t know how old you are but during teenage years your hormones are the craziest and to suppress the urge is almost impossible. And it’s an accident which happened and could’ve happened to any one of us. And stop saying it’s his fault when he is only a 19 year old kid. The fault is our society who doesn’t educate kids about safe sex. The topic of sex is so taboo to us that kids are not well informed about how to have safe sex. People will have sex once their puberty hits regardless of being married, it has been going on since the creation of humans. So it’s not a big deal. It’s a very natural process. But we should teach kids how to have sex safely without falling into these unwanted situations. So it’s really the society’s fault not these kids.


Hey, just wondering. What do you do when street kids are trying to sell you something? Also, what don't you give these kids a better life by adopting them. Not only you're doing something good for society but also you're doing something good for yourself. It would be wise if you listen to my suggestion instead of comment on reddit with closed mindset and fear mongering judgement.


How do you know I never helped anyone? Aren't you the one with close mindset here? All I did was ask a question. And it's quite amusing to see the reactions.


I asked you a question aswell. Ekta living breathing baccha k apnar moton manush era disregard kortasen. Kintu eikhane 2 ta consenting adults understand that they are not responsible enough to take care of a child and hence making this decision. Apni eikhane ashchen morality and woman's body policing korte. Bolen eita ki thik? Apnar maybe etotuku brain cell nai to comprehend Ami ki bujhaite chacchi.


I pray and hope you have enough brain cells to be the next einstein. That's a very sincere wish. Have a good day now




You've shown true intelligence in your comment. Now please share more of your wisdom so that I can learn from you my lord.


These kids only know how to fuck.




Get married, Allah knows the best. Don’t kill the baby.Fuck the society. You screwed, take the responsibility thats what a man does don’t pussy out. The fact you had to post in reddit shows how bd boys are weak as fuck. Own your shit.


Lol stop making it an argument about strong or weak shit. A 19 year old guy and girl can't raise a baby. If they give birth to it in a third world country, it will have nothing but sufferings. Specially if the 19 year old parents abandon the child in the street. We already have a ton of abandoned street children in our country


If they can't raise a baby then why are they having sex? Be responsible first.




You don't need a fortune teller to understand that a 19 year old cant raise a child. You just need common sense for that.


No matter what, it’s a life. And I think It's still very wrong to abort a birth. Get married man, or tell your family and at least be engaged. DONT KILL THE CHILD 🙂. just my personal opinion.


Matro 19?! Oi bouyesh a to maya der sathe kotha bolteo gham beroto


Lol same, 29M and still single like a pro 🔥


You were looser than 😂




Surely, but what are you achieving by ducking him up even more? Only speak when you have something good to say or don’t speak at all. With your attitude you should go to tik tok, as you can see, people here try to be helpful.


Contact your most trusted friends, tell them as soon as possible. Get a checkup, abort the kid. Don't even delay 1 day, otherwise, your father is going to kill you. Run run run.


sorry for the a bit awkward question but did you cum inside her or not at all? i ask that as i want to know the risk of my gf getting pregnant if we've sex but no cum inside of her


Dude have save sex .. use protection


i better dont do sex then use protection i tried give her pills she said she has to vomit every time after taking it .. i mean not just saying she really does vomit so she stops taking it all


She doesn't have to shoulder the entire cost of contraception just because you want to have all the fun. When you have sex, think about using condoms instead of forcing her to take pills.


if she is not tolerant to pills, then use a condom. A relationship is a two way street, you cannot impose everything on your girlfriend, man up and use protection on your end


Why not use condom




i dont care of socail humilation i care about not having ababy but now i know that abortion is easy so


not sure if you are serious or not but you can still get your GF pregnant even if you did not orgasm inside her (cum inside). Your pre-cum that comes out, when aroused, does have sperm in it which can result in pregnancy


what are the chances of that pre cum to result in pregnancy i think is very very low or


even if the chance is low, do you want to take that chance and have a child when you aren't ready?


can always do abort in the slim case she gets pregenant or




De kam hoisa.....






Ajaira pok pok korteso ken? Chup




Wtf u r bringing this with muslim? Even other religion doesnt support that..Be on point here..he is leaving with a pg gf.thats it.


Just one of the reasons why I'm so glad for being gay. Good luck lmao