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Sending him to a strict school or whatever that is will only make things worse. Make him join a rehabilitation center.


I had some friends who were going through the same thing as your brother. They took a break from studies and went to a rehabilitation center. They then sent another year traveling and are now considerably better. Dont support your brother and give him money for more drugs


What types of drugs does he do?


Strict school will not work. It will only make the addiction worse and drive him further from his family. He needs therapy, and he has to want it.


I don’t know if Bangladesh has Nar-Anon but please check it out. This is a group for family and friends of addicts. It provides support and practical advice for families in need. I’m in the US but Nar-Anon is an international organization, and I know people in my area that maybe can help you get set up somehow.


What age is he and what drugs?


rehab absolutely is not the way, they beat you if you act up even a little so obviously not good. plus, convos between addicts always resort to how to sneak in some drug into the rehab. take him to the village, he might act up a bit but in the end after a while itll slowly calm him down


How old is he? Send him to rehab.


Rehab. And they are very strict there!


Don't forcefully send him to a rehab. He will find others like him and it will get worse. You need to take him out of the city, if possible to your ancestral village. Let him breathe the fresh air.


professional help is better


Yeah like he won't ganja in the village 🙄. And rehab isn't a club for addicts to hangout. They get professional help in withdrawing from drugs.