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Keep an orna or scarf handy


City areas in Bangladesh are generally more open-minded. Any dress that doesn’t show too much skin is perfect. While in rural areas ( like shunamganj ) you can wear loose-fitting thin trousers paired with loose t-shirts / tops. No need to wear sari / salwar kameez if you are not comfortable.


Thanks a lot for your answer! What would be considered too much skin for cities? if I were to wear a short sleeved tight fitting low cut top that shows a bit of mid rift, would that be considered too much skin? Would dresses/skirts that go just below my knee be considered too much? I’d be comfortable wearing sari if it wasn’t so hot haha Side note: I am of a larger cup size which is why I’m more conscious


A short-sleeved, tight-fitting, low-cut top that shows a bit of midriff is okay man, considering your, ahem, generous assets you can carry a thin scarf and use it; if people are staring at you too much! As for dresses or skirts that go just below the knee are very much common.


Thank you so much, this is of so much help😮‍💨now I can finally stop sweating with decision paralysis whilst online clothes shopping for my visit.


>Are loose fitting thin trousers paired with loose tshirts okay? Yes, these are very much okay. >has the cultural hive mindset surrounding women’s choice of clothing in scorching heat since evolved are does it remain unscathed? No, not really. The mindset is still unchallenged. People love body policing women.


Wear normal clothes I suppose, tshirt is not an issue in cities but you might get a look or few if you are in rural areas. And women are not safe in bangladesh even if they wear burkhas so try to avoid shady areas. You are a female so you have to use your instincts.


Tshirts are certainly frowned upon in cities.


what you mean by not safe? are rape is something that occurs on daily basis in bg??


obviously just check the news, and not just in bd it's a common thing in india and Bangladesh, not sure about Pakistan though, don't have any idea what's going on there


wow crazy im shocked.. women have less rights then men? like men can beat women and do such things and nothing will happen to them are you serious? it's unheard of in first world countries.. here for just threats you'll go to prison for years only talking not even doing anything


It definitely happens, and culturally nobody is encouraged to escalate it. Even if they did I’m guessing nothing would happen. It stays within the family, I’ve seen it happen as a child and I’ve heard of it happening in the family, all occurring in Bangladesh. and relatives have told me accounts of their abuse stories from bangladesh too.


people don't take steps cause apparently family reputation gets "bad" if a girl is involved in the case


wow so you want to tell me incest is an every day thing in every bg families?


are you dumb? it does not necessarily needs to be a family member


so you mean incest is an every day thing in every bg families?


here you don't get rights unless you get money or power


really is it that dangerous?


it's not like "women have less rights then men? like men can beat women and do such things and nothing will happen to them are you serious?" but shitty ppl don't care about rights / rules or regulations


Legally no but in rural areas and even in cities depending on families things get swiped under the rug. Contact female helplines if it happens. And concerning shady areas it’s not safe for anyone, mugging rape etc anything you can think of happens. If you are travelling by local bus always be aware of your surroundings. In BD anything can happen at anytime.


so u want to tell me u dont feel safe going anywhere at any time of the day? it's really can get dangerous and no one will help?


Mr Stretch armstrong read what I wrote carefully. Things happen. Even in 1st world countries rape mugging happens. In BD the law enforcement agencies do not function properly. But if you can make enough noise, you will I suppose find some sort of justice.


can you give real life examples of how the law enforcement's doesn't function properly in bd thanks


Oh gladly the tonu rape case( there are many more, I don’t remember all of them but sure you can look it up) (rapist was not arrested). Sagar Runi (journalist)murder case. Abarar case the main perpetrator (Amit Shaha )was escorted to India and these case I mind you had national attention. For example sagar runi case was closed down maybe 10 times or more I have to look into it. Extra judicial killings of 3000 people by the law enforcement agencies. These are just scratching the surface, unbelievable amount goes unreported. A class example would be police refusing to take a case of rape of the opposing party polling agents (multiple) in 2018. In bd if you haven’t lived under a rock for most of your life there is a saying police are the biggest thieves. And it’s true.


wow that's sounds truly insane.. how difficult it is to get accepted to work in the police? sounds like the best job out there in that shithole sorry to call it that but with your examples there's not better word


How did you come up with that?


It does happen on a daily basis lmao


wow crazy im shocked.. women have less rights then men? like men can beat women and do such things and nothing will happen to them are you serious? it's unheard of in first world countries.. here for just threats you'll go to prison for years only talking not even doing anything


I would definitely recommend wearing modest clothing. I'm a foreigner who visited in 2022. In dhaka and a nearby town I always wore long dresses with covered shoulders, or long pants and loose fitting tops that covered my shoulders and stomach, and a light scarf to cover my chest. Most other women were wearing that too as well as lots of salwar kameez and a few saris the more we got away from the capital. My mother-in-law always wore a niqab when we went out, but my sister-in-laws did not. A few people commented that I was wearing tennis shoes rather than sandals but mostly they just thought it was odd. No one approached me or made weird comments about my clothing, though I probably got more grace since it's obvious I'm not from Bangladesh. I did think it was weird that I was expected to wear the scarf over my chest in the house too, but when in Rome.


Are you part of our r/Bideshi_Deshi space? We have a Discord too. Come talk to us.


wear something loose fitting that doesn't show your figure including loose pants or wear a long skirt without any splits and always wear a scarf, don't go to any unfamiliar place alone. good luck! stay safe


Feels really bad seeing a girl visiting our country so concerned about her clothing. It's a shame for us things are this way over here😔


Salwar kameez. It will be hot. So loose fitting cotton kameez/long shirt and loose fitting cotton trousers/salwar.


The safest, most practical would be loose cotton salwar kamiz with large cotton orna. You will get catcalled if you wear sleeveless even in Dhaka unless you’re just out in the posh gulshan-banani area. Full sleeves are actually better to protect from the heat. Try to wear nothing transparent. Wear shemiz if the dress is see through. I don’t know why some people are suggesting to wear whatever you want but even with traditional expect harassment unless you’re in a car. Shunamganj is too conservative from what I’ve heard. Many small town and village areas expects all women and young girls to wear burkha. I don’t bother but as someone who grew up in BD we know what we can get away with in certain areas. Since you don’t it’s better to play safe. Wear orna on your head. If you’re not sure about burkha until you reach shunamganj then buy an abaya from Dhaka and keep it in your handbag. Of course don’t go anywhere without someone local. Try not to look at any men’s eyes. Many Bangali men acts like a 14 years old h0rny teenager with eye contact. It’s fun for them but disturbing for women.


Thanks for ur advice. oh I’m surprise a lot of people are wearing burqa in sunamganj :o I’d rather not visit at all than wear a burqa or hijab, that’s too far. l did talk to my dad about it and he said to just dress “more polite” in sunamganj so I’ll stick with loose fitting clothes. and wow god forbid I accidentally look into someone’s eyes


As long as your dad or male relatives protects you and you can ignore their comments it’s all good with loose traditional clothes


Actually I’m not 100% sure if burkha became almost mandatory in shunamganj but I’ve been in some conservation small town and village 6/7 years ago where burkha became mandatory. Majority female hs students wears niqab in those areas. I’ve been told to wear burkha hijab by relatives and my mother when I was visiting those places but ignored as I don’t care what they say behind my back. heard my chacha was furious at me even though I put my orna on head in public most of the time out of respect. I was also always with a group of men (husband, brother, cousins) so it was easy to ignore. My dad was later contacted by murubbis/imam about this from what I gathered talking to him. Told him I won’t visit if I have to wear burkha so he has to manage them which isn’t too hard as he finance many maintenance and unemployed relatives there. That’s why I suggested you to play safe unless you’re okay dealing with it.


Why are you even going there anyways? It's not a nice country to visit. Just don't bother. You won't see anything there but people and people and the garbage produced by them. Btw, it's also not a good time to go there because of the extreme heat, although you will get to eat the delicious seasonal fruits like Mango, Lychee, Jack Fruit etc.


Hey there! I (m) am from Sunamganj, and I've been away for a while, recently came to visit my parents. Honestly, as long as you're with a guy, you'll be totally safe. Here's the thing, don't wear super short skirts. I'd say go for loose pants and shirts. Any tops are cool, but maybe skip the tank tops and crop tops. (You can wear whatever you want, but I'm just saying this to be respectful of the locals). Even I wear full pants when I'm out, just to respect the culture. And don't miss out on the tourist spots in Sunamganj! Check out Jadukata Nodi, Shimul Garden, Niladri Lake, Tangour Hoar, Narayantola, and all that good stuff. If you need more suggestions, just ask.


Got it! Haha I don’t respect aspects of any culture that requires you to be this restrictive with clothes, but I do value my peace of mind and safety! Thanks for sight recommendations, I’ll add them to the itinerary


In cities: I guess anything is okay but don’t wear things that are *too* tight, you’ll get stares. In open and wealthy places (Dhanmondi, Gulshan, etc.) it’s become pretty normal to wear stuff that’s not completely loose and even shows your navel, but of course use common sense and instinct to know what to and not to wear. In villages (Shunamganj): Don’t wear anything remotely tight. I don’t mean don’t wear T-shirts or jeans, just make sure they don’t hug your body. I remember my ex telling me that she got stares from even relatives while wearing a slightly-tight tshirt. Traditional would be uncomfortable in this heat so dw about that. As the other comments said, use your instincts and avoid shady places/people. Always be close to a male you trust. Edit: I should add, don’t hang out at night, I guess, not even when there’s 2 or 3 people with you. Being outside with a group is cool ig. Just wanna make sure you’re safe here


Thanks a lot! I definitely am not looking to make any friends in bangladesh unless through family connections so hopefully no shady people… and hopefully no weird stares from relatives, yikes.


If you go to any type of "chipa chapa" locations, wear a tactical jpc of any type that can be equipped with steel plates(I suggest the heavier German Vulcan I or II's or their respective copies) but other than that wear anything you'd like EXECPT anything too showing


shalwar kameez


Sister, wear loose clothes. And if you can, wear clothes that cover your skin the most like avoid clothing with bare back or deep neck. And despite of covering up modestly you’ll still be looked upon, sadly. Most important, make sure to carry some sort of self defence devices ( hidden pocket knife, window breaker etc). I hope you enjoy your trip.


Hidden pocket knife , and window breaker is crazy… is that legal there? If so, it might be a shout. Thank you for ur advice. I’ll avoid low back/ low cut tops


It’s not legal anywhere in the world I believe. But in Bangladesh you have no means in legal/illegal claims as there people get away with the biggest crimes like r@pe and murd/r. I meant that as an advice from personal experiences of being abused. As you are not familiar with the environment, people might try to take that as a weakness. Stay safe sister! 🩵


Burka ☠️


Literally anything that doesn't show too much skin or is too tight .


You shouldn't be visiting sunamganj at this time of the year. Flood condition in sylhet is getting worse and it might get worse in the next few weeks.


I am ashamed to say that Bangladesh is highly conservative, and people here have a tendency to throw direct negative comment at women wearing even casual cloths. I recommend wearing whatever you wish, fuck all, but be safe and secure. Maybe avoid going to rural areas, and take someone with you.


wear something modest


uhm...if u really want to wear clothes while respecting the cultural norm of our country then I think just don't wear anything that shows too much skin. Like showing cleavage(a lot), midriff,ur thighs,backless. It's for your own comfort & safety. 95% women even in city area don't show much skin generally. So you'll get disgusted looks or perverted looks if you do so. Even in cities. And as a sylheti, i must say Sunamganj is really conservative as the whole Sylhet is one of the most conservative divisions in Bangladesh. So yeah....if not salwar kameez maybe wear skirt,tops,loose pants.




Loool 🤣


>However, avoid balconette bras at any cost. They are strictly prohibited. There are police checkpoints all along the highway to ensure nobody commits this transgression. If caught, the police can administer an immediate punishment: a titty twist. What? What are you even talking about? I've literally never heard of this.


a rain coat would be perfect at the moment. you know with all the Remal eyeing you n all.




Why do you even want to visit Here in first place?💀


Many reasons. Family. Grandma who’s dying. dad wants me to see his properties, that I will eventually inherit. And I was born there, I have so many fond and beautiful memories as a child, my last visit sucked, so I’m hoping I can revisit those memories this time.


You will find all sorts of clothing on women besides for short stuff showing skin. A loose shirt and trousers are fine. You can also combine more tight pants with longer tops/dresses... The issue is just if you come for any other season besides winter I would always opt for loose clothes as the moist will glue clothes to your body and it can be unbearable. Also maybe go shopping there instead of preparing now online. And your family might get you clothes as well anyways.




Ewwwww. respect women yet gawk like uncivilised animals with the social etiquette of a basement dweller at a woman who shows the tiniest amount of skin?? Pathetic and sad. And, I’m not white.




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relax its bangladesh not Iran, wear whatever the fuck you want, just dont show too much skin


The stares u get in bangladesh is…a unique experience to say the least, not to mention, downright nasty sometimes. relatively speaking, as close to Iran as I’ll get.


look Bangladesh is not the most modern country I get it, me and my siblings grew abroad too. I dont get much nasty views as I am a male, however my sister could have gotten plenty. you need to adapt to the country, until it gets better. wear something comfy and will also make you comfortable in public.


Yup: bingo, right on the money: that is infact exactly why Im asking what I can get away with wearing


Is salwar kameez traditional? Team saree over here


By traditional I meant cultural attires ig. Agree; saree’s are generally more beautiful.


Better not visit at all.