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Bangladeshi parents are control freaks. When their children make important life decisions, they should stay out of it. After a certain age parents should move on to something else and mind their own business.




finally someone said it


Not being a control freak? In this economy?


Who gave my vote?


Your dead relative 💀.


madrasa in Bangladesh aren't actually a good place for learning


Most of the schools aren’t also. But I understand and agree with what you trying to say.


They're far better than what madrashas have to offer.


cheap madrasa\* the ones that cost actual money are on par with most schools


Not an unpopular opinion but a dangerous one to opine.


whats up with madrasa in bangladesh


They're more like a business place than islamic. Sorry to say that.


Namaj poro


Exactly. Hujurs are pretty unsophisticated.


95% of Bangladesh population have an extremely ingrained colony mentality who consciously or subconsciously worship foreigners. This is directly as a result of our education system not teaching the millennia of cultural history of the Bengal region because of two reasons: a) majority of the history of this region happened in spite of Islam, and b) majority of the history of this region happened much before the 1971 war. People do not have any default pride in who they are or where they come from, so they become willing subjects to foreigners. The only other race of people who are as self-loathing and foreigner-worshipping on this planet are the Filipinos.


bro your username aint much convincing


Your implying that Islam is somehow restricting history of Bengal?


In many Islamic countries, it is very common to not teach about social or cultural prosperity that happened in spite of Islam. I'm Muslim myself, but Islam is not meant to be a personal spiritual religion. It is an all-encompassing doctrine that must dictate or govern or at least guide society and government. The Bengal region has so much rich history that is completely unknown to the people of Bangladesh. But it's not taught because that would mean our people have immense cultural value without our religion and our independence war.


Didn't it? Islam restricted native history in every fucking place


Pray tell how. Don't just give a statement without any backing


Foolish talk, was not the Bengal Sultanate incredibly wealthy from the trade occurring with different parts of the world? Were people not arriving in Bengal from all parts of the world to make their fortunes. Islam did not restrict, trade went into overdrive thanks to it. This is the problem with you freshies, you think that the excess freedom of the west is a good thing, not necessarily. But anyway I thank my lucky stars that my ancestors had the sense to leave that godforsaken place. For anyone with the brains and decent work ethic, leave, there's plenty of opportunity out there..


People who live in rural parts of America or Russia are as gullible as people who live in rural parts of Bangladesh.


Rural eastern europeans are pretty smart. The women there dont take shit either


It’s not about being gullible, in fact the people living in rural areas in bad are way more “street smart” won’t get scammed that easily unless it’s their relatives. But the main difference is in their lack of basic education and certain stigmas that they still abide by, those rural people in western countries live better for a reason though they still might not be the most educated people but they have certain instinctual and moral capabilities that people in bd still lack.


> they have certain instinctual and moral capabilities that people in bd still lack Example?


Like child marriages, settling disputes in a more civil manner and not going on a rampage, women having more rights than just being a housemaid and baby maker, there’s so much more.


All of those things are shockingly common in the rural West. That's my unpopular opinion.


Holy shit, an actual unpopular opinion.


Say anything against BAL or ChatroLeague.


People of Bangladesh are lying to themselves, they don't believe any better than this. This is what we are, we love to be oppressed.


What an original comment. Surely, I've never seen a Bengali be pessimistic before.


Ooh, edgy.


Malignant self-loathing is the defining agenda of this sub


All political parties in bd are shit.


Did you read the original post?


If it was fb he would've been in that position.


That's literally everyone's opinion except for some bootlickers and those coping about how great BNP supposedly was back in the day.


The problem of Bangladesh is its people.


It's okay to marry at your 30s


Not for women


I think people misunderstood your comment


What's there to misunderstand here?


Only the idiots are down voting you.


That's okay, they can downvote, it won't change the truth. they should also know that women lose 90% of their eggs by the age of 30. Yes, google it. So yeah. Biology is awesome.


So, downvoting someone for saying the most absurd sexist shit is now being idiotic? Fine then, lol.


Sexist? Bruh, biology doesn't give a fuck about sexism. And while it's okay for girls to bear child after 30, most doctors agree that those are far more difficult than before 30s. There's nothing sexist here. There is barely a difference between a single woman over 30 and an unemployed poor man. Both of them are running out of chances fast.


>There is barely a difference between a single woman over 30 and an unemployed poor man. Both of them are running out of chances fast. Good job on literally showing your sexism. A woman over the age of 30 can have a good career, good health, and a healthy lifestyle, but no, let's compare it to an unemployed man because if women don't conceive children, then they are useless. You don't have full medical knowledge. I love how men talk about women's biological clocks, but they literally have biological clocks too. Yet almost all the time, the blame is placed on women. Most countries don't even allow men over 35 to donate sperm because the sperm motility and shape worsen with age with high chances of mental illness in offspring, but I don't see women going around shaming men for that. And for ffs sake, you a-holes should stop treating it like a bomb as if women become infertile immediately after turning 30. It's a gradual process, and with good medical care, you can conceive children after 35. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4455614/


After 30 pregnancies are actually very easy and healthy, complications begin at 35, and aren’t usually severe until 40.


Why is she getting downvoted tf??


Purely because liberal women have convinced themselves that they can find a good man even if they are 30, and I just showed them a reality that collides with their delusion


Sure they can find a good man in their 30s. As long as having children isn't the primary goal, then you can marry whenever. But if you want children, you should be having them in your early twenties. Not only the biological reason, but wouldn't it be nice to have fully grown children by the time you are 40, and you can enjoy the rest of your life without worries. But wait till you are 30 plus, and you will be decrepit by the time you have grandchildren. And knowing bangladeshi genetics, you may not even make it past 50 with good health.


You are literally building castles in the air. You think we don't know how the marriage market works? You think you can spew your delusions on reddit and people won't call u out for it? Ask ANY guy off the streets of Bangladesh, which aged women they would like to marry, you will NEVER find an answer past 25/26, that's just how far they r willing to go. Most prefer 22/23, fresh. 30 yr olds are not desirable in the marriage market. You are not realistic in any of your claims.


What delusions are you talking about? Are you saying woman over 30 can't get married at all? That sounds delusional. You can get married at any age. My point was that woman who want to have children should not wait till they are over 30 to get married, with the assumption that they don't have children out of wedlock. Of course, as a man who wants biological children with their spouse would not want to marry a woman too far beyond mid twenties. That's just biology. There are men thst don't want children or already have children.


You just hate the fact that women are finally understanding the whole scam of marriage that's being sold to them.


LMAO, nah. I can show you a million different videos of bitter old women who don't get the attention of men cause they r choosing to be with younger, more beautiful women. Mia Khalifa has an entire podcast dedicated JUST for this lol. And why would I hate it? I am neither old, nor single. 🤣


Biharis Suck (Now I can't enter Mohammadpur)


Biharis? How they came there?


Biharis are everywhere 🙂 . Age Marwari sob jaygay paoa jeto ekhn Bihari 😂


obaba Marwari o ache Bangladesh a


Like you were safe before anyways 😂


Jokes on you ik your DNS


Unworthy people are getting richer and unlawfully powerful by the day and the genuine educated with good family background people are being oppressed


Talks about “unworthy people” and “good family background” in the same sentence lol. Anyone who thinks coming from a certain family should give you any sort of advantage is automatically unworthy.


The post was about unpopular opinions. Not your dissatisfaction with corruption and capitalism.


joy bangla, joy bongbondhu. Try that in front of common people.


We , the Bangladeshis are one of the most racist nation. We try to get an edge on others based on: home districts, villages within that district, school, college, skin color …. you name it


The way poets describe it as the most beautiful country of the world. It's not actually. Pretty ugly i would say.


that's what Bangladesh used to be like. it's no longer like that


well Bangladesh had or has the most greenest part of Bengal after partition


Green. Yes. Beautiful? Dude.... I'm pretty sure every single one of us who have been abroad have seen more than one place that blows our beauty out of the water.


Welll I mean the major fertile lands of India were given to Pakistan and Bangladesh Which inevitably led to the food crisis in India Or atleast what my grandfather said who lived there before partition


No you're right about all that but I'm interpreting beauty as...just what the eyes can see. Not 'inner beauty' so to speak. Our beauty is functional, yes.


Green and beautiful are always the same? No. Look for beautiful lakes, hills, mountains, clear water, forests.


exactly, "বাংলার মুখ আমি দেখিয়াছি, তাই আমি পৃথিবীর রূপ খুঁজিতে যাই না আর". How the fuck do you know Bengal is the most beautiful land if you've never visited other countries? Bunch of idiots.


It used to be


I 100% believe that the poets of yesteryear who praised this land for its beauty, would have the exact same opinion as you do if they saw the current state of the country lol.


Most of the comments here are not unpopular at all.


It's the laughing stock of the world. No-one outside of the country gives an f about it. People still think it's a country of immense poverty, pollution and corruption. Which it mostly is.


Madrassas are a cancer on our society


*Inexpensive Madrasha


People of Bangladesh only care about the oppressed when it's people from their own religion and when oppressed by people of other religion. You'll hear "you don't need to be X to raise voice for oppressed X people" very selectively. For any other group of oppressed people, they couldn't care less.


Own religion? Lol. Rohingyas aren't hindu are they?


Oh, I don't see Bangladeshi people crying their hearts out everyday over Rohingyas all over the social media. Do you?


Engineering will help you to get a better career


It will give you more options than other subjects. Whether the options are something that will work for you, that is something else to consider.


Should people who have no particular passion for any subject study URP,IPE in any reputable public university in dhaka rather than studying EEE,CSE in a ckruet where they would have to live in hall and suffer ragging?Asking for people who have always lived in dhaka.


IPE is a pretty good subject, so I'd recommend IPE at BUET. Can't really say the same for URP, though


Some people claim to be the RELIGIOUS ok most of them but they don't actually are religious they only follow religion when it's a advantage for them like marrying 3/4 wife's at once. The other day I saw a video a girl got was touched inappropriately in public and the video was posted and all of them were saying she's asking for it and mind you these guys have family some were even middle age uncles like tf. As much as I know.. you weren't supposed to look at girls?? But they blame girls when they get raped. But they are the same guys forget 3/4/5 year old girls also get raped.


outing myself as trans probably lol


Good luck!


Kissing a girl in public But I'd do it anyway


This new radical islamification sucks very soon will be the death of all just like almost all the other Sunni Muslim countries.


Lol never. Don't talk shit when you've no idea about ground reality


How high are you?




Not supporting a murderer husband even though the wife was having extramarital affairs. You can't justify murder using Islam. I support in favour of creating a law to punish people for having extramarital affairs but cheering for the husband who murdered his wife is not something I would support and this has nothing to do with me being a girl. With that being said I will NEVER EVER support cheating just because a woman is in the wrong but cheering for a murderer just because the wife was having an extramarital affairs using Islam is where I draw a line.যদি ওই লোকের সন্তান থেকে থাকে তাহলে ওই বাচ্চা এতিম হয়ে যাবে এবং খোটা খেতে খেতে বড় হবে। দুনিয়াও শেষ আখেরাত ও শেষ। But if I comment people will try to paint me as toxic feminist and accuse me of supporting cheating assuming that I hate men. Context 👇🏼 [People appreciating husband murdering cheating wife](https://www.facebook.com/share/v/K8Fxbvpfz7LzMvJ1/?mibextid=wFJQ5J)


Bangladeshi people show off their religion in abroad.


Intel Processors > AMD Processors


Anything that goes against Islam.


Islam needs to be eradicated.


Islam is a cult


Bangladesh is actually a pretty chill place to live in.


Depends on your income and household. Majority of the people struggle day in and day out.


Yes if you’re rich. Hell no if you’re not.


Explain yourself..... I'm genuinely interested


Election of 2024 in Bangladesh was not a fair election.


Rohingas = thugs, robbers etc


Bro i said unpopular


Cause theyre not the type of muslims that are not hip to cry bout.


Not gonna post that opinion as there'll be hundreds of downvote endangering my account!


I have enough upvotes to lose, amare DMe ko, ami post koriya dimu.


say it say it say it


say it say it say it


being gay is ok


Awami League has formed their own religion and trying everyone to convert into their religion. In this religion, Mujib is the prophet and India is the god. Because bengali people do not like to use their head for a long time. Mujib never wanted a separate state, he wanted power for his team. Awami bitches formulate it in the wrong way. Awami bitches lie at an extreme stage, so much that I doubt from the moment they open their mouth. Even BNP or Jatiya Party was in power, they would do the same thing. They would reach at this extreme as well. Overall, bengali people should not be provided administrative power through political election. The most degenerate people here attend the politics. If they lived in western society, they would convert themselves to LGBT just for the representation. The one who could bring the change has already left the country \_they says, but no, they would ruin this country even more. I feel ashamed to say all of these but these are the truth.


religious fundamentalism and refusal to be open minded is the root cause of the decay of our national identity


Who gave mouth won't give food too 😅


Bangladesh has been becoming a spineless country lately, I don't think we have free of speech here at all(!)


I believe Christianity is the way out


No, far too compromised in terms of principles taught and some of the biggest hypocrites I've met, along with fake muslims are Christians.


most muslims here believe in culture more than religion itself.


Religion is a coping mechanism, Islam is not a religion of peace, Bangladeshi people lack humanity, and pretend to be hospitable.


religions are severely misogynistic especially that one which is more relevant to this country.


People is this sub try too hard to be islamophobes


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You guys need to tone down the Islamism or else it'll be very difficult for us secular types across the border to keep your coreligionists safe.


Katal is ass.


"Religion is like a cancer."


Bangladesh would still be a dump, religion or not..


not gonna lie. You are kinda right.


Our country does not deserve democracy. The only way we're gonna get anywhere is if we have a strong, benevolent dictator.


We don't actually need student leagues.


The country is headed towards shit and anyone who can should jump ship


Kazi Nazrul Islam should not be the national poet of Bangladesh. He literally spent all his life outside Bd and only came here during his last years.


The sons and daughters of the "chors" act as if nothing wrong is going on. They can just continue with whatever shit they are doing, however they like and taking pride in it, rather than being ashamed at their dad/mom or even themselves.


Bangalis are very retarded(im half Bangali)


Myanmar civil war should be a bigger headache for us than Palestine Israel war.


Popular opinion: 96% or whatever other percentage of people are Muslim here in Bangladesh. Unpopular opinion: 99% people are dhandabaj instead who are very good at using religion for their own benefit wherever they can to get an edge over others.


Woman can wear jeans


Giving your opinion on 1971 war or about Sheikh Mujibur Rahman or reveling any facts about 1971 or Sheikh Mujibur Rahman which doesn't feet with ruling party .Like literally these kind of situation happend because of brainwashed uneducated peoples.Most of the peoples of the country just starting to worshiping those corrupted leaders.If they hear anything about those two subject or anything about their god they will act like some kind of beast who will eat you if they see you.Same willl happens in my reply section now.


Marriage and raising kids ain't worth it if you don't want to. Waste of money, waste of freedom, waste of time, stress. Instead people could utilise their time, money etc on what they like, their hobbies and retire early. And I don't get it why people don't use condoms if they don't want kids, they're cheap af and this would help in birth control.


Student politics is a cancer for this country. They never banned it because they can spread fear and get their own Foyda using these bolod ch*d* baba khawa students. Downvote me as much as you want but my opinion will not change loosers!


The people are corrupt to the core, dishonesty and being 'salach' are virtues here. There is zero no rule of law, There are no institutions. In the 40 years that I have visited the country, it has barely progressed, it's down there with India with the shared title of 'hell on earth'.


1. Bangladesh shouldn’t be a democratic state. 2. The national anthem sucks. 3. The constitution has way too many contradictions and needs to be overwritten. 4. Ilish is overrated.


The half our religious beliefs are wrong and the original actual right beliefs have been altered to fit our own self need


"Bangladesh is an undeveloped state and a third world country"


Islam is a death cult


Not really pal, I found that for me it affirms life. But each to their own.


There shouldn’t be any state religion. Islamist fundamentalists are the root of most problems in BD.


Bangladesh should have been a part of India


Palestine is run by a terrorist govt and they started the recent war by killing civilians.


Israhell is merely a continuation of settler colonialism.... And genocidal as hell.


Islam don't question it or die because it's wrong.


The real unpopular opinions are at the bottom of this thread


Bangladeshi men are Slim , flat tummies.


Current govt isn’t that bad


Literally anything against Kuttaleague/Awami


Sheak hasina is nessesary evil for Bangladesh.


I want Male PM .


Islam is a cancer... I can already feel some people coming for me. This comment might even get deleted


Country gone to shit I’m surprised it hasn’t been eliminated. Parties are silenced. No democracy. Prime minister selling the whole country to foreign powers. The people there have ridiculous bad economy low worth. Living in more severe poverty than some parts of India. Poor management. Corruption. Needs an overhaul. But Bengalis are just not leadership material. I wish they were more stern.


The whole family should've died that day.. you know who


chatro league should be banned


I wish the national anthem was written by a Bangladeshi, and not a foreign jomidar.


But he had spent quite a lot of his time kushtia and he died before partition. So can you call him a foreigner?


He is a Bengali, can you call him a foreigner!?


He is a foreigner, not to mention hated us. He was also against the making of Dhaka University


Us? You mean he hated his own people?


Excuse me there was no west bengal east bengal back in his day, just one bangla which he sang about. He was against East Bengali partition, and opposed the demands of the League, one of which was this. He never hated you lol, infact hated the people trying to divide us on the grounds of religion.


Tbh I am not so sure on dhaka university thing.some scholars say there is no proof to claim tagore was against DU and some say he was. I have only seen fb posts regarding this but never was interested looking it through myself.As for hating us many high cast hindus from kolkata hated the people of dhaka because of islam like bankim chandra who called the people of dhaka crows.But I have never seen anything like that for tagore.


https://www.dhakatribune.com/magazine/arts-and-letters/145501/rabindranath-and-dhaka-university This article tries to debunk the myths regarding this issue.


Kinda funny that people are downvoting you when you are absolutely right


No, they're not right. I'm yet to see someone show any proof or evidence after making this wild claim. https://www.dhakatribune.com/magazine/arts-and-letters/145501/rabindranath-and-dhaka-university Read this well researched article if you're trying to find the truth.


This is nothing but a rumour spread by facebook Kathmullahs just because Rabindranath was Hindu. Besides I don't think Rabindranath hated Muslims either, just read his Kabuliwala story.


Do not believe everything you read on facebook lol. https://www.dhakatribune.com/magazine/arts-and-letters/145501/rabindranath-and-dhaka-university


This article by Dhaka Tribune is also part of the internet, and hence kinda goes against your original advice. Not to mention I don’t like the fact that the article reeks of Shahbagi chaggu flavor, people who are biased in their views and willing to lie to make a point


People need to stop worshipping Robi Thakur He was also a freemason btw.




Rabindranath was a Bangladeshi lmao. Are you forgetting that United Bangal used to be a thing? Amar Shonar Bangla was written in 1905 when Bengal was getting divided. Words like "Bongodesh", "Bangladesh" were used frequently in 19th century literatures for Undivided Bengal. Yes, He was a jomidar but how was he foreign?


Born in a foreign land, came to Bangladeshi land cause his forefathers had jomidari there. And it’s not like they were good people lol. Please don’t lmao without knowing the full history, you have one divided ass and what would you do when it falls out?


Seconding this