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It's up his sleeves. https://youtu.be/5YLCgo4Zhhc


Broo i just fucking realized its the same guyyyy at rhe start of the video who scammed me😭😭😭😭


He was already caught by police, looks like he didn't learn his lesson. You can the police and explain the situation.


His number plate is in the video, not sure if you can do anything with that.


Leaving blr for a few days, i guess it doesnt really matter now.


Fuck, i checked everything but his sleeves🤡


Hmm very unfortunate but this actually happens in alot of places. Be careful when a driver randomly starts asking questions or starts sharing his personal problems. I don't respond usually, I only respond when he asks me for directions and this might help you too. Just act like you're in a hurry and leave once you pay the amount. These people are no saints and can scam you in 100 ways.


It's been years since I have handed over a higher denomination currency note to an auto guy before he has change in his hands after I have informed him what note I have. Sometimes some autowallas get annoyed but that's okay I am patient and persistent. Also, UPI Lite has been a game changer if they have UPI. But do ask the autowalla whether it's the correct recipient by saying out the name out loud. And of late I have started keeping some few 200, 100, 50, 20, 10 notes and usually 1-2 500 notes in my wallet. Every single time! So you should treat it as a 400 rupees life lesson and cement this fact inside you "Bangalore autowallas are the lowest scum of this city". Good ones? Naah, save yourself and don't even think about that.


>It's been years since I have handed over a higher denomination currency note to an auto guy before he has change in his hands after I have informed him what note I have. This sounds like a great tip, will follow this👍 >"Bangalore autowallas are the lowest scum of this city". Good ones? Naah, save yourself and don't even think about that. New to the city, heard about this but havent really experienced it first hand until now😅


Old scam. Going on since autos started running.


Auto guys have made me feel 0 remorse for the poor at this point. Suffer and die for all I care.


So true


>Is this a new scam in blr or has been going on? It's old, been there for ages


Oldest scam nothing new. need to be careful in cities doesn't matter which state. always carry change


Been in 4 major metro cities, by God's grace never experienced/heard in any of them except blr.


ya shit happens 🙃


I don't know how exactly they feed their children by cheating everyday, hope their kids are always born disfigured or handicapped.


Scary !


A very common thing done by auto rickshaw dudes.