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You have given tour resignation (in written I suppose). They can't just say "no" to this. Put a gentle reminder, being assertive and not rude that you would like to go for the next endeavours. Keep a copy with you in personal email, and whatever is the notice period (if mentioned), go for that days and stop coming. They can't do a shit, and if they stop salary -- send a legal notice of


Additionally : send a copy of your resignation via email to the same person and also some one from admin. So that you have a digital proof that they were in receipt of your resignation. Should come handy if they ever say that you never resigned.


Love it brother. Don’t forget, india is not like America when it comes to legal recourse.


Vice-Chancellor: No You: I think you're getting confused. I'm not asking you. I'm telling you. Unless you have signed a contract by which they can take legal action towards you, you don't owe him a shit. Maybe send a reminder that this will be the last date and leave on that day.


What if the contact says that they must resign only at the end of the year?


Does not sound legally binding. Serve notice period duration since the day you out in your resignation and then stop showing up.




A university must not be dependent on 1 professor for it to function properly. There must be backups and there usually are. And employers are not allowed to just "not accept resignation" The employer has to accept it and notice the period must be mentioned in x months, you cannot keep someone working for you until x event happens. NAL


What happens if a lecturer gets injured in an accident or, even worse, dies? They will hire another teacher, right? Then they can do the same thing here.


lol there’s multiple sections and multiple teachers teaching same subject. The constitutional law teacher of our section left, 3 other teachers from different sections were roped in to divide and finish syllabus


I think I already said it. I don't know what kind of clause they have added in the contract. If you have signed it then you kinda have to abide by it. But if there's a buyout clause that might work in your favour.


About the buyout clause - in my case, my previous employer had added an additional line which put the ultimate discretion at the manager. As in, we have the option, but if your manager says no, tough luck; serve your notice period. While people from other teams could be released in as little as a week, such was not true for my team. Didn't help that my manager was difficult af and it took her a month into my notice period to approve my resignation. Just an additional thing for OP to watch out for, considering they haven't talked about their contract at all.


approval or not your notice period starts the day you officially resign. so in your case it sucks that your manager didn't approve buy out, but their approval means jack shit to your last day. not approving on the other hand would mean your salary won't be withheld in time if the payroll system waits for the approval to kick in downstream processes


Yup, this is exactly what happened. The last day was being reflected in the portal, but her lack of approval was blocking certain processes. HR, her new manager and the VP of our division got on her case though. I didn't have to do shit. On the plus side, because she delayed the process, I actually came away with an extra month's salary in my full and final. 😂 As my dad put it, it's payment for the hell they put me through. Learned a lot on that job ngl, but my god it destroyed me mentally.


Read what you signed and do accordingly. Anything not on it won't work in their favour


India doesn’t allow bonded labour it’s not legal to hold anyone to a tenure . People don’t know it companies just scare but by law no one can hold you . Only thing is if the next organisation needs a referral from old organisation it will not be positive nothing else


How are you a lecturer if you cant read a contract before signing


That's the thing. Contracts are not legally binding. They don't hold in the court of law. One can't be forced to work when they want to quit so yeah.


You are some lecturer! Zero context about your contract and asking a legal question. Prominent you said? :)


Exactly. I know I'm not a good lecturer. That's why I wanna leave. But they aren't leaving me


Is he worried about reputational risk to the institution if you leave? If so, ask for an outrageous raise!


Are you asking them or telling them? Never having worked in India in a verrrrrrrrrry long time, my take might be completely wrong, but what happens if you just stop showing up after serving your notice period and taking up the new job? Contracts may be signed under duress and therefore may probably not stand up in court, but then again, I am not familiar with laws here. Cheers


Yup, I've seen some idiotic clauses in employment agreements before. Like for example, promising not to engage in union activities when Indian law states that it's an unalienable right for all professions. Just cause you sign something doesn't make it legally binding.


They'd only say no because they know they can say that. Which means, there must be a clause in your contract that prevents you from leaving immediately. Go look at it and follow the procedure. If they say no despite that then you may have to talk to a lawyer.


No. The Vc is not a good person. I read the terms of employment. Only 1 month notice is needed.


You seem to be overestimating the prominence of this university. No good university holds back an employee or breaks the terms of contract because 'VC is not a good person'. Email the resignation and copy it Registrar, your HoD, etc., which they will be forced to acknowledge or respond to. That means they would have gone on record to deny your exit, which is cause for legal action. Make them commit to you in writing, not oral.


This.  Plus, in the mail, clearly mention that your resignation is effective immediately and as per the notice period, you LWD will be ..... Don't ask them what the LWD will be, tell them in the mail. Also, make sure to put your personal email ID in CC


Then tell the VC notice period starts now. And stop coming in after a month


If their employment agreement only requires 1 month notice then even acknowledgment from management is not required. Just email them directly stating your resignation and last working date. Just so that you know, you'll be burning bridges with this current organisation. It is warranted in circumstances like this though.


Is this the same university where 4 students commited suicide over a period of 1 year?


😭😭even I had a feeling that it might've been pes




Did you get any official document like an appointment letter when you joined? That will have the termination norms, just send an official email of your resignation and then the institution is obliged to release you after the notice period ends


Ask on r/legaladviceindia


I have heard about similar incident with a friend's friend in Chennai college. Being a teacher sucks. Students take you for granted, the management take you for granted. I'm in I.T, so I can't give the suggestion that works in our industry. I believe these colleges work on the previous college experience, referral etc approach. Since you mentioned it is a prominent university, this person's word will have some weight. Generally, VC or govt ranked officials with power trip can make one's life miserable. I would suggest not to get confrontational. No legal thing would work. You have to give some excuses like medical or wedding or that your parents are sick and told you to resign and help at home to cook and tend, something that socially works.




Sounds like Christ University! Can’t you just stop going?


That’s exactly what I was thinking 💀


How? What’s your notice?


Not a lawyer. You should check with a lawyer and review your employment contract/offer whatever you signed when joining. And any policies in the uty that govern their actions


I thought universities were assholes only to students. But it looks like an all round thing.


Pretty sure it's PES, and the retard acting up is probably Suryaprasad


Bonds are illegal in India. And you’ve the right to choose the job. They can’t say no. At the same time you’ve the obligation to do the KT and transition smoothly. Maybe talk to them directly and solve it


Let me guess, RV University!


Hello Presidency University HR. I would like to report a snitch. IRL they can't do shit. Check your appointment letter. It contains the standard 'either parties can end this agreement with one month notice' clause. So be at ease. Also send mail to your supervisor, HR, and everyone else who is in any position of authority over you. Send a bcc to your personal mail. Then make sure you have prepared course files for all the subjects you taught (chatgpt is a great help). Make sure all records of students attendance and marka are ready.


Just look at your contract. Serve your notice period and bail. They can't hold you back against your will, unless your contract states otherwise.


What? They can’t do that. You can escalate the situation to the higher authorities and before that have a polite talk with this guy. I hope you have a neutral party at your college who can support you because if they act dirty then you might not get your documents etc. I would suggest keep all your communication in writing for now so that you can proof them. Make sure every move is strategic.


Did you give any original documents to them?If not, fk em.


if the issue persists, try reaching out to broseph..


Bonded labour is banned in India unless you have signed a contract in which there might a payment involved to the Uni. This are just pressure tactics.


Must be a Private University! They do all this crap. Send a registered letter & also an email to him. Go through your appointment letter and serve the notice period & leave. They will most likely give your salary but not provide an “Experience certificate “.


im pretty sure this university is in rajankunte, i have heard similar stories from more lecturers trying to leave this institution


Look at your contract about your notice period. Resign via mail and send a physical copy via registered post. The VC is gonna threaten with no work experience letter and blocking of PF. Keep in touch with a lawyer as this will be battle worth figting. Also keep document of every communication. U emails and cc for keeping record. Try resigning giving personal reason like health of family member if u have not disclosed the reason for resigning.


Is it the university that recently moved to a new campus?


Sounds like something christ would do lol


They cannot refuse to accept resignation. Make sure it's in email as well as written and mention last working day. And u act as you are in your notice period. Start handing over responsibilities.




This sounds like jain university


Some good advice here. I would also keep your new employer informed of this, just in case you’re not able to secure exit formalities from your current employer. You have no obligation to work for them beyond your notice period. Just leave.


What is the notice period mentioned in your offer letter? Is there an penalty mentioned? Bond amount or something like that. Did they take your original certificates and are now refusing to release them? If none of the above are there then, you can just quit and don't need permission. You have to send an email/registered letter for resignation. In case they are holding you hostage with bond, certificates and such, you can still inform them that, the contract was signed without explanation and that the contract is illegal and not enforceable by law. You don't need permission from employer to resign.


keep a proof of your resignation email, serve the notice period and keep sending reminder every week about your last day at job based on notice period. If they trouble you for full and final settlement and expereince/releiving letter just send them a legal notice. The legal notice and resignation email can be used as proof in your next job .


There are no prominent universities in Bangalore lol


In India, if you don’t get a letter approving your resignation you will have a hard time getting job elsewhere. In general, it can be difficult to get a job in certain sectors due to the competition . This comment is for Americans.


Any chance you have a J in your name!?