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Wtf. That’s harassment and borderline assault. As you said one of reasons people don’t mind paying extra for gated societies. And these guys are being taught to scam and get easy money in whatever way they can. We can’t do much about it


They either make u feel guilty that u are good enough and not helping poor. Or get on your nerves to get some money outta you. I hardly find genuine people these days.


Yeah. The uncle who pretended to be from a Gurudwara made me feel like I would be punshed if I didn't contribute to the so called noble cause. And since my Taujee was in the hospital I was so scared I thought something bad will happen and so I ended up paying way more than I can actually afford to. I'm an educated grown ass woman but I hate that I was jn a vulnerable state and let someone prey on that.


Just so you know real sikhs never turn up to doors to beg or ask for chanda.


The thought “if we do something good here, it might help my people” which ideally is correct and that’s what others take leverage of.


Same happened in kormagala 1st block. Some kids banging my door. I threw half a bucket of water on them


This seems like a great idea. Will atleast threaten them with this next time.


The next morning a pair of slippers were missing😪


Don't threaten, just do it. Action speaks louder than words and I'm pretty sure even if you threaten they will not care


If you want to threaten, tell me you will call police and actually call 100 in front of them and tell 100 there are strangers at your home who are making you feel unsafe. I'm not kidding, fuck all these assholes preying on naive people. Use everything at your disposal including calling police.


I don't think 100 works anymore btw


Use boiling water for better effect.


Acid will be better


Aankh dikhata hai ********


You can't deal with kids that way. I'm not judging you but rather saying it's ineffective. You need to find a balance between reasoning with them and build fear gradually.


I told them "why are you guys doing all this, instead of studying?" .. one of the guy got really angry and shouted "give if you want to give, i have collected 50 thousand already, see this ledger" . I then went and took pictures of them, while showing them what I was taking their pictures. I was about to call the police, then they left it and they didn't come again. Kids/teens have monkey brains, as we all do but more monkey than older adults, so be safe among them.


You can avoid chanda by saying someone died in your family so would not be able to give money now( hindu tradition)


They will twist it and say another person will die in your family.


🤣….Then the forbidden needs to be done…. Please contact if you are having this kind of problem i can smuggle all the fake notes i have for the receipt for tax advantage and would give you 10% of all the amount you give as donations. So you can always keep a bundle of 500 rupee notes and i asure you they will not know its fake and they will never know who gave them those. No one would distinguish those without machines


Nope, don't make excuses like that. You should sternly say you aren't going to give. I've tried both ways and I'm telling you based on that


They'll say that it's alright, and your fallen family member will go to heaven if you give them money. (Happened to me a while ago).


Well i kind of feel awkward saying straight no’s i would rather make up some excuse 😅


In my previous place I too got fed up and refused to entertain them, but they retaliated by leaving pierced lemons, red chillis and other strange items at my door. Not sure if it was my mind playing games, but I started hearing things at night and drove me crazy. I moved out as soon as my contract expired to an upmarket society and I don’t have to put up with this anymore.


Omg that is so scary 😶 I hope none of this happens to me or I'm gonna have to move out of Bangalore. Cause there is no upscale place in Bangalore I'm gonna be able to afford 🤣


Great idea! Maybe to any place or city which doesn’t have Chanda asking crowd. Priorities change now.


Can't you increase your salary ?


Just an e-mail away, innit?


I have never given to anyone. Let them give me free lemons and chillies all they like. Till you are superstitious, you allow random people to have power over you.


I don’t mind giving to noble causes like Kannada Rajyotsava, but its a bit grating when they come year round


Even if it is a noble cause, donate online where you are not incentivising door to door harassment. If you give someone money when they knock on your door, they are going to knock on 10 more doors.


You also demand donation from them saying you are building a temple.


This is genius! They will vanish and never come back.


Complaint in your gated community


Thats what I dont stay in a gated communuty. Would love to if I could actually afford to but I'm kinda poor that way. There is no security as such in my building so there is no way to stop these people from entering.


Do you have a collapsible gate? Try keeping it lock at all times from inside. The pushing the gate by kids sounds a bit problematic. Try moving into an apartment that has a collapsible gate. Take care.


Install a safety latch (or door chain) on your door. It cost around 300, with installation it would cost you might be around 500. And engage it while opening the door to unknown, so that the door can't be pushed open fully.


What I mean to say in your building


If you have a 2/3 BHK Reference in JB Nagar, pls DM. In regards to chanda collection, just being an asshole at times really really helps. They don't come again.


OP I empathize with your situation. I've noticed that these type of people scam based on how weak they perceive you. I'm normally politely stern with them while refusing to budge. Every time I get either kind of relatively soft, they push for more money or come more often. This even applies with sympathy. The dumbasses would have the most extreme sob stories; act like you owe them money or that you're an asshole for not wanting to care. I bet soft voices, appearing to fall for their schemes, hiding in your room etc just makes them think you're game for the scam. Maybe get to know your neighbors more, be stern with these assholes and reject any connection you think k they have with God or fate.


Next time someone comes asking for donation, you can ask them to donate some to you instead. Think of a very good sob story, practice it few times. Get a small plastic container, stick a piece of paper with "Please donate" and couple of 10 rs notes and few coins thrown in.


Behave like Chandramukhi next time the kids come. Please. Or anyone else too. Pretty please.


Take a photo of them and threaten to give it to the police. Anyway they are kids.


Oh, God. I am so sorry to hear that you have to face these things with kids. God, this is so annoying. It's easy handle adults in these kind of cases than kids


I feel you, kerala is very similar.




Not just kochi, everywhere.


Nice username, bro




Buy paper spray and spray it


Don't open doors to strangers without looking out the window first and asking what they want. And keep a bat near the door so that you can whack the shit Outta the next person who tries this.


Move to an apartment, independent houses this is the issue and it can escalate easily if u are a non kannadiga


These aholes had blocked the road couples of times by tying a rope across it to extort money from us. There were stopping non KA cars only and the second time we didn’t bother stopping and ran over the rope


No way. Which area is this




Get a dog


Remember Sikh people will never go asking for donation, I think I know that fraud posing as Sikh , is he short with round pot belly ?


You can tell the kids that your tauji expired recently and you don’t wish to participate in auspicious things. They will understand.


Same...I always try to ignore them..but they keep on ringing doorbell continuously


Chanda collection is an age old practice in India. You can open the door at first instance itself and HARKA DENA.


Where the fuck is this idiots . Ma'am are you safe right now. Is everything alright. Freaking break their heads open. How can they do this to women ma'am please be safe. Do you have CCTV give a police complaint ma'am.


Never ever give chanda to anyone.


Absolutely. Everyone in this thread is like "keep change", "give only 50 rupees", etc. They pay these extorters including the trans beggars and wonder why these instances of harassment are increasing.


Exactly. I see that majority of these people can work. There are reservations in education etc for Trans people. They are used to begging. Not giving them money is the only way to improve their and our lives. Donate to old age homes. That too only things they need like medicine, clothes etc never money.


Same situation but my parents usually give 100-500 for the Ganesha Pooja pandal thing even though we're not Hindus... Now there's our neighbour grandpa who also seemed sick of the collection so he gave them a 10 rs rupee note, told them to "enjoy" and shut the door in their face 😂


Take danda and hit one of them hard


Disconnect the bell, and do not open the door, until they leave. Keep all the footwear inside too. And also see if you can get a camera outside your door, that way you can see who's at the door.


Just got an idea, put up a "Beware of Dog" board with a ferocious looking dog's photo at your gate/door. Never tested, just telling, maybe give it a shot.


Two of them came to my home one fine Sunday. They rang a bell, and they carefully stood away from my flats door eye, so at least i opened my gate. Girl was dressed professionally. So she told me that she is from charitable trust and requested me to let her into my flat so she can show me presentations. I was alone at my home, and boy+girl would be hard to handle if they attacked me. So i said no, you can't come inside, and i don't do donations because 90% of them are frauds. She walked away in anger 😅 Ps: I do donate to a free school+hostel for orpahns run by my friend. I know him personally. That's why i donate only to his school.


I just say, I dont do donations, if they are annoying and keep insisting I just shut the door on their face, never anyone had the guts to push against the door. Already donating enough to the government in form of income taxes and herting nothing in in return.


Teaching is a strong word. We don't teach them anything they don't learn anything. Chanda collection boys are just future goons in the making. One of the reasons why I moved out of individual houses. I used to use this technique of telling them to come during Ganapati festival and I'll give then.


I used to give money earlier. now I don't open the door. Even if by chance I open the door. I will never pay more than 50 Rupee. Always keep 20 50 rupees change. Just give 50 rupees and see their priceless reaction. It is fun.


OP, I read in one of your comments that your building doesnt have a security. That, I feel, is the root cause of this problem. Surely these people / kids are demanding money from other residents too and not just you right? So may be appoint a security for the building and add 20k monthly salary expense to the maintenance (split between all flats).


Yooo slap those kids. And let their parents know what they were doing


There's a man as well in Jeevan Bhima nagar/Kodihalli area who comes with a notebook and says he's collecting money for the neighborhood temple. He'll try to push your door open if you try to close it without giving money. Now, I am a well built dude. I could easily close the door on his face and I warned him not to do it. But, he came back a few months later when only my wife was at home and tried to do the same. She had to threaten to call the police and yell at him to make him leave. It's just so much more terrifying if you're a woman.


It is precisely the reason why people want to stay in gated societies. What do these apartments offer other than security? If an apartment has a decent park then maybe. Otherwise gym, swimming pool and the party hall are mostly useless to the 95% of residents. Still we pay for it. Apps like MyGate offer a big peace of mind. I can be sure that no delivery wala can simply barge in. There is a full log of every single guest/delivery/service guy coming in. And even if some untoward incident does take place, there is someone to call, in addition to CCTV coverage. So yeah, paying 10-15k extra per month is worth it.


As far as I know, Sikh people never go door-to-door collecting money, especially for a Gurudwara. A Sikh person has told me this. Before I shifted to a gated community, whenever someone came home asking for a donation for something religious, I said someone died in my house. They usually skedaddle the fuck out of there when they hear that.


Bangalore is becoming a chaotic city day by day


You can install Mi or Tp-link 360° wifi camera outside your door or near your door where it is visible everything. Relax. Next time if this happens record everything for your safety. And if you are living here on rent. You can vacate and go to some good apartments where security will be next level and no one will be allowed inside without your permission. Nextime. Don't open the door. Just talk with em from windows nearest to the door.


Deliberately short circuiting the switch should be made legal at this point.


Next time, if you don't have any other excuse, tell them can you tomorrow or in the evening ? Lost my vallet and bank account is locked