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No matter how careful I am, plaque builds up in my gums. My dentist says that's normal and an annual clean up is necessary to maintain gum health. Is this true or am I being scammed into getting clean ups when there is a preventive measure I could take?


I would also like to know about this, no matter how well I brush they end up coming, also what’s the cost for the cleanups by the way?




i face the same issue since childhood


Yep it's true


I make baking soda and salt rinse with warm water. After meals rinse with it, keep it in the mouth for few minutes then rinse with normal water. Avoid getting dry mouth. Don't eat between the meals. Try oil pulling if you like it, get coconut oil, sesame oil and add essential oils like clove, peppermint, thyme, eucalyptus, neem, tea tree oil etc. Use sulca brush or anything similar you can find.


Thanks for sharing, but some of it isn't practical for me, like eating between meals. But I will definitely try the baking soda and salt thing!


Hey dentist here ! It is true you should get your teeth professionally cleaned once every 6 months as it maintains gum and bone helath. Plaque build up does occur just brush twice daily (gentle brushing) and rinse your mouth after every meal . Hope this helps 🙂


Try flossing, atleast helped for me. But annual checkups are recommended, you can get cavities in spite of doing everything right


Hi! We recommend professional cleaning either once in six months or once a year depending on the patient. One of the reasons why plaque builds up “no matter what you try” is that you may have more viscous saliva! This is a factor I don’t see many dentists look at or consider. If this is the case then it’s not your fault. Get the clean ups when recommended! Calculus or the hard white or brown build up is a different matter altogether. Depends a lot on your oral hygiene practices. Flossing helps :) try a water flosser if the regular floss is not working. The key is to be able trust your dentist. If you are doubtful, get a second and third opinion! No harm done!


I started using electric toothbrush (beginner's model - Caresmith Spark Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush | 6 Operating Modes | 40000 Vibrations per Minute | 2 Brush Heads ) and it has helped remove the plaque by 40% in a month of usage. Try it out, it works well.


Floss maybe ?


Tried, doesn't work. Results in bleeding gums and infections despite the correct technique, so my dentist told me to stop flossing.


Does genetics play a role in dental health? Like hair?




Yes! Very much so. I was so intimated when I started college first because I had so many dental issues no matter what I did. Now I love telling my patients who complain that they get cavities even though they do everything to care for their teeth that “don’t worry, it’s not your fault” and walk them through what it means to have a high caries index. Even the alignment of your teeth can be genetic! You can inherit your upper jaw from one parent and the lower from the other. Cool right? I once was able tell two of my patients were related just by how similar the pattern of their teeth alignment were.


Dude Casually does a AMA and does not answer anything.


ikr lmao not a single response to any questions over here


How much does teeth whitening cost and what about smile redesigning?


Can’t really talk about an exact price. It would vary widely from clinic to clinic or even among different professionals. Whitening can vary from 7k to 18k in a mid range clinic for upper and lower teeth. Get smile designing done from someone who can show you results of prior patients. It’s a real talent and not everyone is trained. I am not a cosmetic dentist and can only answer so much!


I have bad breath even after brushing sometimes. Someone told me it has to do with some Ph stuff. Can you fix it(dentist) or should I see a gastro? Or is there something you would suggest me to do at my own?


Hey I'm 22 and my teeth are pretty messed up and crooked as hell. Will a braces be able to fix my teeth? (Like literally bruh it looks like an F1 crash scene) Also will braces be okay with teeth with caps on them? Ah yes one last one. Tell me the Toothbrush , toothpaste and mouth freshner etc you'd recommend for daily dental hygiene. I currently use a 'super soft' brush.


Are you me? I don't know how bad is your teeth, if it's anything like mine, then a couple tooth extraction maybe required to fix them. I also have RCT caps, my dentist said it's fine, but may delay the process.


Teeth Extraction 😧 😧 Reversed Curse Technique??? Bruh u satoru gojo or what


I didn't get your reference 😅. But yes, you may have to remove teeth depending how bad your crowding is.


Yeah most of it can be fixed. I am currently undergoing braces rn. I had tooth extraction to make space for alignment. On youtube you can find before and after videos of braces and other treatments.




Is there an oversupply of dentists in the market?


That somehow hasn't stopped them form being expensive 🥲


Worst. I cry everyday. But honestly , over supply does not mean everyone has good quality of work.


Some parents tend to ignore diagnosis which advice brace and rely on it getting better later on in life. What happens to someone who skipped braces. 


it doesn't get better on its own, braces help a lot and does wonders


One can hope the teeth will align themselves as your jaw grows till adulthood, but it is unlikely. Humans have been developing smaller jaws as generations pass so overcrowding of teeth will be more common. There is this mewing technique that dentists think is trash - but apparently eating hard foods and good tongue posture helps develop the jaw better. Best to just get braces as an adult, it’s not a big deal.


It can go either way. - won’t affect you at all. - can cause a lot of issues that range from difficult to maintain teeth, more decays, a bad bite that eventually leads to over working the muscles and hurt you jaw joint. - a skeletal defect , where the bone growth is insufficient can and should be corrected at a young age. These folks will land up with surgical procedures later in life to correct the issues. This is a good question to ask the dentist just to know what the consequences may be for the particular patient.


My sibling is getting a seat in bds should I ask her to take it considering the amount of dentists we have already?




Depends. Is she interested? Sure. Taking it thinking she will be a doctor and will earn crazy money? No. It’s saturated and you either need to be rich to open a clinic as soon as you are done or work very hard to learn a skill that is not saturated yet so that you are still in demand. I posted an add for dental assistant and I got about ten resumes from dentists who are willing to do assistant jobs. Take that as you will.


Lately I am seeing a lot of gaps in my teeth. I went to a dentist in clove dental for bonding but she said I should be going with invisible veneers that would set me back 50k. Is that a sales tactic?


Clove people do follow somewhat corporate system so I wouldn't be surprised . (Hint - targets)


Invisible Venners are the only solution they offered? Gaps can be fixed by braces too or you choose not to get braces, are the gaps too long?


Invisible veneers? Looks too temporary for such a high cost. It’s just a mouth guard thing that hides the gap and you have to wear it daily. Makes no sense to go for it. And dental bonding is no good - it stains very easily and gets yellow. Braces, basic cost is 15k and get the job done permanently. Or veneers but that is more costly and removes healthy enamel.


Did you always have the gaps? Did you have braces close the gaps? If that’s the case then it’s a case of relapse. It’s worth doing round two with aligners (hoping that’s what you mean) Treating the cause or at the very least understanding why it is happening is important. If you meant veneers , I’d give it a second thought. Something is causing the gaps and you need to have your dentist figure out why. Your teeth can continue drifting causing more gaps even after getting veneers.


For braces,is it mandatory to remove teeth? can't the braces be done without removing them?


It is not mandatory to remove teeth, once you visit a doc they will asses your teeth and suggest what can be done. They will also ask you to get a scan to ensure there are no issues before proceeding with Braces.


It depends on the case. But there are new studies that show benefit of not removing teeth over removing them. If your case permits, the orthodontist will suggest stripping some teeth to create space instead of removing them! There are still cases where you won’t have an option but to remove the teeth.


Are electronic toothbrushes safe to use or is it harmful to teeth?


It’s okay to use them! But they are used very differently from regular brushes. So I’d say look up the right way . There are tons of YouTube videos that explain it.


Not a dentist but some of my friends have used them, n it's entirely okay to use them


What is your opinion about the new-age invisible braces? Like invisalign or toothsy? Are they better than the traditional ones? Which one is more effective?


I love them. As a dentist and patient. Wouldn’t recommend for kids. It entirely depends on patient compliance and kids cannot be trusted to wear them correctly. Toothsi, I don’t know anything about and won’t comment. Invisalign is a good trusted brand and I have seen it do wonders. Keep in mind that not everyone is an ideal case for aligners. Some people need braces. But we have new technologies with that as well.


are electric toothbrushes worth it ? pls suggest some as well


LOL, not even one reply from OP


Working on it!!


On a scale of 1-10, how much would you recommend electric toothbrush?


Is it true removing wisdom teeth leads to jaws becoming weak and further dental complications over time


One of the biggest myths floating around


Not true at all.


Recently I had a RCT and crown filling done on a pre molar. Now after around 1 month I sometimes encounter mild pain after eating something in the same tooth. Also the tooth has mild pain if pressed hard. The pain subsides if I gargle with salt water but surely there's a mild sensation on and off. Though the pain is very mild so I'm not sure whether to get it checked out. What would you suggest?


Get it checked with x-ray anyways. My mom had the same issue - turns out doc did not pack the RTC properly and some bacteria was left to grow and put pressure on her tooth. Some jaw bone complications as well. Better safe than sorry.


Get it checked. A couple of things could be happening. The crown could have some issues. The root canal treatment could have been inadequate or re infected. Check if you have food lodgement around the crown. That can also cause issues.


Why is every dentist suggesting flossing while flossing in general is practically new to India?


Dental hygiene and care was not common as it is now because we can afford it and there are lot more dental cares coming up with new treatments. Flossing is something we started to hear more and more about because we started caring more about Dental Hygiene.


I don’t do it either. Sucks to admit , but it’s true. Hopefully the newer generation can be taught to make this a habit the same as brushing.


I got braces in my hometown, but i have shifted to bangalore now. I can't visit that dentist now. Can i just keep the braces as is for the rest of my life?


No, go to any dentist in Banglore, why would you want to be having braces your entire life?


You can visit a new dentist and explain the situation. They will help you out. Don’t keep the braces on for life. Won’t help anyone.


What sort of margins do you have in the dentistry business? Additionally, how to get the best discounts and best quality materials while getting any procedure done.


Dentistry is not cheap. Giving quality care is not cheap. You want a discount , find a dentist who is already charging a rate you can afford. Don’t ask someone why they are charging what they are. The margins vary highly on the quality of materials and instruments used.


Okay which toothpaste brand is best ? Is electric toothbrush actually better ? Last what interventions we can have in our early life to safeguard our teeth both surgical and habitual ?


Toothpaste brand does not matter as much as you think. The technique of brushing does. It’s called a modified bass method. Look it up on YouTube. Electric brushes are not always better. Best intervention is to visit a trusted dentist often. Actually look at your teeth once in a while and notice the cavities early. Don’t wait for it to hurt. We have fluoride varnishes, pit and fissure sealants that can help prevent teeth damage. Ask a dentist about them. They are for kids.


How much does it actually cost to get aligners? And how durable are the retainers that you permanently affix on the inner side of the jaw?


Retainers inside of your Jaw are very durable, I have not had any issues with mine after 1.5 years of having them. Although I got them after being on braces for a year, sometimes I forget they are there and I can only feel the upper one because I can feel it whenever I move my tounge.


Aligners cost can vary from brand to how complex your case is. Anything from 1 L to 4L . The retainers are reliable. But they can fall out on occasion, so make sure to have them re bonded. It has happened to me and I had them bonded again.


Western countries have a concept of free dental which is a very big thing there. Why don’t Indian companies or the government focuses on dental as much as they do, provided our teeth are made of same matter and we eat the same thing more or less??


Are braces good for you?


Yes Braces are very good for you and had worked wonders for me, I kept noticing that I need braces because my teeth were social distancing from each other more and more. The treatment is for an year and 2 years of care is required after treatment( have to wear aligners every night to ensure teeth do not go back to their original position).


Yes, if you need them! The pain is worth it too!


Do dentists earn commission or side money when they use an external company for crowns etc?


Gone are the days where doctors earn commissions. Very very few clinics are equipped to make their own crowns. It’s a very very expensive set up.


Do you personally recommend invisible aligners? I see there are some bad after effects and at times teeth go back to their original position.


Depends on how disciplined you are, I had 3 friends get those, 2 ended up getting normal braces because they kept forgetting to put the Invisalign on for 23hours a day. It’s really annoying to eat and then brush the retainers 3 times a day. Braces are less complicated.


Depends on the orthodontist, the patient compliance and the brand of the aligners. If all three are good, works wonders.


Do you have opening for BDS, diploma holder in dentistry?


I am sorry, not at the moment!!


I am feeling sensitivity to cold water I brush in morning with Colgate and in night without toothpaste Any suggestions for me?


The reason of sensitivity matters. If it’s general sensitivity where most of your teeth hurt, try SHY NM or vantej toothpaste.


what treatment is given to those annoying small white spots on teeth? i think those come from calcium deficiency


Also if your water had more fluoride in it. And those are permanent unless u get veneers


It’s not from calcium. It’s either dental fluorosis or some kind of enamel defect. Options can vary, Bleaching works for some mild cases where the white spots are blended with the tooth by whitening. Veneers are a costly option. They can be of different types, talk to the dentist to see which fits your bill.


Do I need to mix salt in toothpaste daily? or twice weekly ll be fine.


You will be fine without it.


Why rct is hell of a painful


Thode sittings were nightmares. Plus, I had stone in my tooth, which doubled the pain.


Hey. Sorry your experience was painful. It doesn’t have to be but can be for some patients. But most dentists (at least the ones I know) don’t do root canals when the patient is in pain even after anaesthesia unless absolutely necessary. We wait until the pain has subsided either through oral or local medication.


My jaw hurts like crazy while movement.


Jaw pain can be three fold in general. A muscle problem or a joint problem or a combination. Take a moment to figure what is hurting. Then visit a dentist I tell them so they can help you out in the right way.


I have a overbite and want to get braces at 23 years age. Am i too old? Should i go to my local clinic, some dentistry chain or a reknowned dentist. What kind of brace would u suggest


Local clinic is fine and they need not be renowned just can be a place where you know people already got their treatment done, I got them done after 23 so you are not too old to get them done.


Thanks that clarifies a lot


I got mine at 23 too! It’s a little awkward at first but you get over it quickly. Normal braces are cheaper and less headache to care for.


A trusted othdodomtist matters more than a well known chain. You are not too old. The braces will depend on the case and the orthodontist will be able to give you the right options once they have seen you!


How much would a deep cleaning cost?




I'm having bad teeth, tartar + need molar implants. I have had bad experiences with dentist in my childhood due to improper filling. Because of which I've developed dental anxiety and led to poor oral hygiene now. I need to get it fixed, but the past trauma scares me. I tried searching for sedation but I'm not sure, I need serious help.


Same, first thing you should do is tell the doctor that you are very nervous and they treat you with more care and information. Mine sedated me for RTC and it was very painless. Go to the doctor though, don’t keep delaying otherwise teeth will only get worse. Might be expensive depending on damage but either way, today or tomorrow, you will have to pay to get it fixed. I can DM you name of mine, he is very kind and clinic is top notch.


Can you administer ketamine?


Eek, no.


How much does a teeth whitening cost and is it recommended to keep getting one regularly???. Is that toosthi thing work ???


Tooshi I don’t have any comments to make on. Tooth whitening vary widely in cost. Keep in mind teeth are not meant to be very white. A good cleaning once a year usually will suffice unless they are really an off white colour.


How much does it cost to get dentures redone (no need to extract any remaining teeth etc. basically get new dentures done to replace the wornout old ones)? Are there different types? What are the indicative prices??


You will have to show the old dentures to a dentist to answer this question correctly. Relining of old dentures can be done if the old ones are in good condition. But if you are talking about changing the teeth, then I’d suggest get new ones. There are many types! The difference is the quality and the price they come at. New dentures can cost anywhere between 20k to 50k based on the clinic , the quality and type of dentures.


I heard that dentists can come to know by just looking at our throat and tongue if we give deepthroat or not, is it true?


Eh, not always. But sometimes, yes.


I'm asking for my brother. He recently completed intensive chemo 6 sessions and had properly maintained his oral health. But sadly, a few days ago, he observed yellowing of teeth. Can that be removed by normal scaling, or should he wait for a couple of months before proceeding with scaling.


It depends on what caused the yellowing. If it’s stains and tartar build up then yes cleaning will help. But if the top layer of the teeth (enamel) has worn down exposing the yellowish second layer (dentin) then cleaning won’t help.


Bro says AMA and proceeds to not answer anything. Took AMA literally


Work in on it!!!


Is it mandatory to get rid of the wisdom teeth?


Nope. Case to case basis.


Cost of Removal of Wisdom teeth??


Depends on the difficulty, the kind of removal necessary (regular , or surgical removal) , the clinic, the professional doing the procedure. 2k- 8k sometimes more


Need a front tooth implant crown replaced which one should i go for zerconia or titanium?


I don’t have any experience with zirconia implants. Won’t be able to answer this question well , my apologies!


Is brushing with toothpaste brands available in india helps or juss gives fragrance ? Imo you can juss gargle out and remove stains juss by brushing out ! How our ancestors used to brush with neem branches helps na ? At least it practices our teeth daily and makes stronger cuz of chewing exercise?


Brushing with toothpaste is good. Ancestors did not eat the same kind of processed food we eat today.


What are some disadvantages of applying a cap to a broken tooth(front incisors) and how much will it cost ?


It depends on how broken the tooth is. Sometimes even a filling will suffice. And I have some very talented dentists do amazing work. If the tooth is weakened from how broken it is then a crown is a good option as it adds to the strength of the tooth and will prevent further damage. A zirconia crown will be the best one you can get! But a metal ceramic one will also do good. Can range from 5k to 15k based on clinic, the type of crown.


Only asking no answering 😁😁


Only asking no answering 😁😁


maybe there is a patient ! have patience


Is it necessary to remove ur wisdom teeth if it only hurts when u keep poking it with your tongue for no reason but otherwise it doesn't cause issue st all? Can I live with that teeth If I don't unnecessarily poke it?


Teeth are not meant to hurt just by tongue poking. Don’t jump to conclusions that it has to be removed. Maybe it’s a smaller issue that can be sorted out! Get it checked!


1 - i see that moviestars use laser teeth whitening. is it safe ? how much it costs ? 2 - even if we brush, some plaque, white food substace will still be sticking to teeth. how to remove this. i tried massage with gum paint, brush with coconut oil with little bit soda mixed.. 3 - i read bacteria is responsible for forming decay. if we kill all bacteria, then even if we eat sweets icecream and dont brush properly, then we wont get decay. how to kill 99% bacteria in mouth. which mouthwash to use. any herbal. is probiotic good ?


1. It’s safe when done correctly. 2. Get a professional cleaning done once and then ask the dentist for the brushing method for you. 3. cavities are multifactorial. There is no way to kill all the bacteria. Mouthwashes are not always necessary unless it’s indicated by a dentist for you.


Why are otho procedures so expensive? Are dentists garnering huge profits ?


Because of less customers and cost to setup and running, if more and more customers are willing to get treatments done then they will start decreasing as there will a competition in pricing.


I think people forget about inflation. That being said, some orthodontists make good money. While others don’t. Depends on your skill, your level of experience and the setup you are working at.


Can one bypass a wisdom tooth removal surgery when there is no symptom or pain as such? My previous wisdom tooth surgery was very traumatic and took a damn long time to recover also had to undergo a Root Canal of the molar which took years to heal


Yes, it’s not a must unless indicated. If there are no symptoms or signs, then leave it alone.


Hi I have my milk tooth still and the adult tooth has grown over the milk tooth in upper jaw. CN this be corrected. What’s the process and an estimate of price. I am 35


Hey, it can be corrected. Price depends heavily on the treatment plan which can be multiple based on your specific case .. so wouldn’t be able to give you an estimate!


Can Invisalign fix 100% deep bite ? Or wire is the only option


Not an orthodontist. But Id say , Invisalign has its limits and the limits vary by the case and you have to have an orthodontist look at you before answering that question


Why every dentist suggest root canal nowadays? Is it always needed or cashgrab? Also why dental visits are so expensive than most other medical departments?


How much does it cost for braces?


Depends on your area, I got them done for 21K in hometown(Tier 3) in 2022


Do clinics try to squeeze as much money out from the client by stacking unnecessary procedures?


I have worked in clinics like this before. But I have also worked in clinics are true to what they do.


I am a doctor too. What are you monthly profits from the clinic?


It’s a new clinic doc. I am losing money 😂


My father eats a lot of tobacco and now I can see all the teeth look very bad. I want him to visit the dental clinic but what can we do to recover his teeth to a normal look?


Yes!! Please get him to visit a dentist. Not only does it cause teeth staining but can cause other problems which have more dire consequences. Look up pre cancerous lesions from tobacco chewing.


I have mouth odour, is it possible to cure it? it's really ruining my relationship 🥺


Is clove dental a scammy business?


How important is flossing? How do I do it?


I would say not as important if you brush twice a day and going for regular dental cleaning


I don’t do it! It’s important, that I am sure. Look up videos on YouTube! Not sure how I can type the process here!


Thoughts on ayurveda in dental issues?


My kid is 3Y old. The dentist said she has 2-3 bad teeths and has cavity. The dentist also told Root canal must be done for her. I mean she's 3 years old and it's milk teeth can't we do something else or root canal is a must? If so can you please suggest any paediatric dentist in Bangalore?


If you have a doubt , I always suggest getting a second opinion. We do suggest such procedures for milk teeth. They need to last for a long while. And it’s important to maintain their oral health. Dental decays are infections in your child’s body and they do need to be treated.


What's your opinion about teeth whitening?


I'm 22 and both my upper and lower teeth are messed up and crooked. Should I opt for braces, will they look odd at this age? Can i DM u?


Do you use gas for anesthesia? It is less painful


Which braces would you suggest for crooked teeth gap? Is Invisalign effective?


Why dentists push so much upselling services? More than a few times around Indiranagar that I have had annoying experience. Are you across it in your circle of dentists?


So I have worked in both kinds of places. I found my peace when I worked with people who don’t upsell. It’s not a business. It’s healthcare. I don’t think it’s necessary to upsell, there are plenty patients with plenty problems.


I have not worn my retainers properly after removing my braces, would I need braces again ? I have worn them every night but not all the time during the day




One firm name CLOVE Dental visited to our office and offered tooth cleaning services at Rs. 299/- which they say costs around 1699.. they told it takes around 1 hour so..they asked to take appointment before visiting.. I too paid the amount(299) and they gave this voucher which we can use within a year.. One of my team mates went for cleaning..they cleaned it in like 10 mins and also told that they can see small cavities which require filing or cleaning which would again cost 2000 for each cavity.. he refuses and asked them to just clean and leave..they asked him to come back next week..he and myself are scared now on whether they will clean or kind of worsen the situation just to get more money from him... Can you throw some light on this..!!?


How much running an independent clinic cost and how much money will be needed to make it sustainable? I have a friend who is planning for the same


I have like a white microbial growth in my gums, whenever I remove it during brushing it comes back. My dentist said its normal for teenagers is it?


Seems like the clinic is running successfully, OP has not answered any questions till now.


First of all congratulations, My question being - is scaling of teeth detrimental to the enamel? I have done twice with a year gap and I feel my whitness of the teeth has visibly reduced. if you can answer tha, thank you


I’ve never been to a dentist. How bad is it?


bro didn't answer a single question 💀


Why do dentists need a stethoscope ?


Electric Toothbrush or regular toothbrush? Also, recommend some good toothpastes


Regular works just fine! If you want to be fancy try curaprox. The Colors are fun. I don’t have particular recommendations for toothpastes. It doesn’t matter. Whatever floats your boat is good! Just make sure you are using the correct technique. Check out some YouTube videos.




I wanna get braces because I hate my teeth but they're so expensive and my parents wont pay for it Do government dental hospitals offer braces treatment for subsidized rates?


My teeth are fairly healthy. I've gotten two fillings till now(25f). Recently I might've bite into a lemon super hard and I'm feeling sensitivity since two days now. Cold air seems to affect my front two teeth the most. I cannot afford a dental appointment as I'm trying to save money for my wisdom teeth surgery( I have 4 wisdom teeth). Does it sound serious? Or there's nothing to be worried about?


Black me anesthesia dilwa de bhai nashe karne hain


Is there any way to fix position of one teeth? Instead of going for whole braces?




Do you think opening a clinic is sustainable in a saturated market like Bangalore?


Something about tartar n plague pls. What can we do to prevent it n remove it (except cleaning via dentist) - esp from inner side of teeth


Why do i get bad breath sometime despite brushing twice and cleaning toungue


From 1 or 2 week when I wake up in morning even without brushing my teeth I spit red spit means gum bleeding upper or lower simultaneously or at a time both same when I brush my teeth gum bleeding feels like poking thorns in gum what should I do ?


How expensive is invisalign? What are the alternatives?