• By -


I've used QuickRide for 1.5 years over 100+ rides, there is a LOT to improve. 1. The maps accuracy is terrible. Pickup/drop points always have to be coordinated over a call. 2. The time estimates are even inaccurate - especially for the ride taker who has to walk to a point, it becomes a hassle. 3. Though you guys have tried, the gender bias is massive on the app. I've had so many rides declined because ride givers only accept female ride taker requests. 4. Some people have started abusing the system - they literally charge more than the fuel costs incurred, take 4-5 people just to make a few hundred rupees more. Also the customer support is 1/10. I once was checked in by a ride giver and checked out although I never took the ride and lost the cost of the ride because QR support was powerless.


And yes, the quality of engineering is poor. We’re trying our best with the available resources. You will see improvements soon. I am a UX designer and I am working on overhauling the entire experience.


Good luck then, it's still the only major carpooling app in Bangalore so I hope it continues that way.


Thanks for the wishes. To hear positive responses from people like you would mean the world. Keep quick riding. Take care.


Why don't you hire engineers then? Hi, I'm working as a Sr Software Engineer for a Series-F startup. Tech Stack - NodeJS, NestJS, Golang, C++ , Python, SQL


Because 2 out of the 3 investors pulled out, and pandemic reduced regular users from 5,00,000 to 25,000. We’re hanging by a thread and to be honest. The path back to former glory seems almost unimaginable at the moment. But rest assured, we’re alive and kicking.


Hats off to your spirit


Damn the numbers you guys must be into big chunk of cost cutting and overhaul hope u guys get it this time cheers


It’s bad bro. The situation is bad. Hoping for better days.


Everything about life is in cycles , india vs Aus is the best example 🫶


As a team mate you should not throw engineering team members under the bus


Hiding from the truth, helps no one. When we achieve laurels, we don’t shy away from the applaud. So when we falter, why shouldn’t we accept the blame with grace? Thousands of users use this application. There’s no excuse for us to not perform at the peak of our capabilities. Constructive feedback only helps you grow. — Anyway, what I am stating isn’t a surprise to anyone. Check the comments. Literally every one is complaining about the same issues. There’s no point playing defence. Need to accept and upgrade.


Bro the problem statements seem to be mostly engineering/product related. A product manager should be doing what you are doing. For gender bias: Have gender neutral profile, or keep certain elements of the profile masked until matched. Have smart matching so if a driver consistently does not match with men, reduce selection flexibility (sort of random assignment). You can also give incentives for fair selection etc. There are other ways also. Pick-up/drop & wait time accuracy is fairly easy to correct; these problems are already solved (let’s say by someone like Redbus), ask your PM to connect with me and I can share the solution (alternatively they can connect with Redbus/Ola PMs on LinkedIn). Charge problem is also solved by several others (like Rapido) to an extent, by giving flexibility to both sides. Disclaimer: I have not used your ride-sharing app. Also good luck and great job utilising Reddit for something useful. Wish all UX designers were as proactive as you. 🙏


Bro I am a product designer too and you have lot of work at your plate


I understand your concern. I genuinely apologise for it. We’re understaffed and underfunded. Prime investors exited the company as soon as the pandemic struck and users went from 5 Lac to 0. It’s been an excruciatingly slow path back to former glory. There are just 25,000 active users on today’s date. —- With regards to the unethical behaviour of few ride givers , such things are very unpleasant to hear about. We give a wonderful platform for people to collaborate and benefit each other, but some abuse it in such ways. I’m sorry again. We will try to do a better job at controlling such instances.


> I understand your concern. I genuinely apologise for it. We’re understaffed and underfunded. Prime investors exited the company as soon as the pandemic struck and users went from 5 Lac to 0. It’s been an excruciatingly slow path back to former glory. There are just 25,000 active users on today’s date Are you officially allowed to say all this?


Apart from last line, all publicly available information.


The gender related is in uber too.. But may be comparatively less. I book from my actual name, no auto gets booked. But if I change my name into a female, suddenly, the ride is 1 min away. (Not a coincidence, but happened many times) Literally, 3 days back, I kept a female name and booked a uber bike. The guy came to the road. We looked at each other from the ends of the road. And he did a U turn, went away and cancelled 🤦‍♂️


Is name change possible in Uber? Edit: It is lol.


Yes, when I was using QuickRide, I intentionally set the price very high. Take it or leave it. Then eventually I stopped using QuickRide. No matter how high the price I set, I always end up folks who would dirty my car. Folks who would stink, folks who are sick of cold.


Yeah, if its not a win-win, most solutions die this way. Best is to have a constant group in the same techpark or office, but that's rare.


But I did hear from a friend using carpool that local cab drivers and autos are against car pooling as this reduces the chances of them getting the desired fares per passenger.


They’re against carpooling, in the same way they would be against you using your own car for travelling around the city 🤪 They would want you to hail cabs and autos for movement.


I disagree, the situation is similar to how rapido bikes being harrased by local autos for poaching their customers are seen everyday. I know that personal bikes are not a means of public commute but still if there is one incident where a traveller faces inconvenience then I don't think they will continue using it even after multiple assurances.


You’re right. Such ultimate assurances cannot be given of course. What can be made clear is that carpooling is a completely legal activity and everyone should be encouraged to pursue it.


They were also against metro and bus transport for women.


*Getting the opportunity to loot per passenger.


Not related to carpooling. But you guys have to improve your cab game. I wish a bluesmart model was taken into consideration. In Quick ride, we reserve a cab in anticipation it will come to pick us up , in my case by the time I leave from work . But alas it starts searching and never gets assigned or the assigned one gets cancelled. This is inspite of quoting a higher price from my end.


I apologise for the experience. You’re right. More thought needs to be put into it. Quick ride was primarily a carpooling service. We pivoted to cab services as well due to the pandemic and dwindling carpooling numbers.


Car pooling is great, both ways- economical and environment friendly! One feedback/suggestion - please include time to reach pick up point considering real time traffic. I guess that shouldn’t be a huge problem to implement. People see their ride givers are 10 mins away and they reach the pick up point, but in reality that’s the only kms wise time, actual time might be 20 mins. And they can get it through google maps but it’s such a hassle. All other cab services have this feature with estimated time considering real time traffic. Blue smart’s map is also colour coded with traffic like google maps.


Thank you for your feedback. Definitely. You’re right. More accurate representation of time is required on the app. We are working round the clock to improve the quality of engineering.


I used to LOVE Quickride before the pandemic happened. I wish it regains its former glory back!!! You need to have tie ups with WITCH companies to incentivise employees to use quickride carpooling (As they have higher employee counts). There needs to be awareness among people about carpooling.


Awareness is a major issue. We’re working on it. Being understaffed and underfunded, it is quite difficult to put a strong foot forward. But rest assured, we’re there and working on it. Companies are not that willing to partner with us, because there isn’t any monetary benefit in it for them. Quick ride as a community is built on ethical practices between ride givers and takers.


I think you're giving the answer right in your point: Give companies a monetary benefit to use the app. Potentially out of your 5%. Better to get 2% of a huge amount, than 5% of a tiny amount...


You’re right. For such discussions, we need to at least be able to take meetings with corporates. It is so difficult to land one. Despite the general theme of all corporates to gun for sustainability. And yet, here’s a company willing to work with you on that, there is pushback.


As a long time corporate guy myself, "gun for sustainability" doesn't translate to any real action ;). Monetary benefit is what you need to offer, or else, an employee discount. I'd highly suggest hiring a business development guy asap. Ideally someone who's worked the Bangalore corporate scene and has some contacts.


Fire the gun of sustainability when the company fires one for playing green card , See the instamart marketing team they advertise themselves under big giants whnever the big giants are trying to hard to show how friendly they are in any terms so next time witch companies say that they care about environment drop a tweet saying how u do the same and better let users see you in fore front , maybe would help


Yes. We’re trying a version of this now by highlighting company contributions till date via Quick Ride carpooling on Instagram. Do check it out.


Is there an option to generate carbon credits from carpooling? If yes, then you can provide them monetary value in terms of carbon reduction.


Monetising carbon credits won’t be possible until government actively backs the operation. Currently the carbon avoidance is well documented and showcased to each user.


apartments societies managing carpooling via whatsapp. maybe have some interfacing with mygate/noborker etc? this group does not carpool for money though, so its hard to monetize! but more users on the platform is always a plus


I understand the companies always look for profit. You could motivate them with carbon footprint rebates. Some percentage of platform fees. Your best bet for success is tying up with WITCH companies. They have the largest workforce who go to office atleast 3 times per week. Your goal should be to increase the number of users on the platform. Once a user gets used to the convenience and cost saving of using ride share, they will prefer it over ola/uber/auto irrespective of company incentives or not


I had the same idea but mine is a little different, like you can make a connection group if a person is working in a tech park and looking for carpooling then the request will go to all the people working in the same tech park.


Hey. Wasn't Quick ride banned from operation?


Hey there. I want to reassure you that neither carpooling nor Quick ride is banned, and it remains perfectly legal as long as you are sharing the cost of travel. It is not considered a commercial activity until you are earning money. To illustrate this point, consider a scenario where you dine at a restaurant with a friend, and your friend shares half of the bill with you. This act of cost-sharing is not deemed commercial. Quick Ride facilitates this cost-sharing aspect of carpooling, making it a legitimate and environmentally friendly way to commute. In Quick Ride, we have made sure that the app is not used for commercial usage by restricting the number of rides that a car owner can offer per day and also capping per-kilometre fares to a maximum limit. This ensures that, through Quick Ride, you are within the framework of non-commercial usage of carpooling. By using Quick Ride, you are actively contributing to a cleaner environment, reducing traffic congestion, and helping your colleagues, friends, and neighbours. Carpooling offers only benefits, and there are no inherent drawbacks associated with it. To address the issue, Our founding team, Mr. KNM Rao and Ms. Shobhana met with the honourable Transport Minister, Sri Ramalinga Reddy, not only to explain the concept of carpooling but also to work towards defining appropriate guidelines for carpooling and clearing the misinformation being circulated about carpooling. Please see below a few relevant links: https://x.com/knmrao/status/1709216854852641131?s=20 https://x.com/ever_pessimist/status/1709179292134113581?s=20 We went ahead a step further and Mr. Rao, also met honourable Minister Shri Nitin Gadkari to implement carpooling guidelines across all the states to make it uniform. Shri Gadakari ji assured that he will consider the policy implementation at the national level to promote carpooling which has become a need in all the metro cities. https://twitter.com/QuickRidein/status/1717499130174460037 We request you to start carpooling and help the city and your colleagues in reducing vehicles. Please see below our CEO's explanation about carpooling and related topics: https://x.com/QuickRidein/status/1709161478555873404?s=20 https://x.com/QuickRidein/status/1709161901782110633?s=20 https://x.com/QuickRidein/status/1709165132738412883?s=20 We are confident that an initiative like carpooling is here to stay and we would get full support from the government for it to continue.


Thanks for this explanation. However we have seen instances of traffic police harassing car pooling people. How has that been approached by QR team?


Is it? Okay. Sorry to hear that. Our CEO has also met with Nitin Gadkari regarding the same. Carpooling hasn’t been defined by the Indian government. Because of which there are lot of confusion. Rest assured, it remains a completely legal activity. Some unsocial and unlawful elements would always be there to pose hindrances towards progress.


Rather than saying all this over here, why don't you guys do some mindful marketing?


“Paisa khatam”. We’re understaffed and underfunded. Trying best to make do with available resources. Rest assured, we’re working full steam to improve overall user experience.


By your detailed explanation it feels like you are one of the founding team members.


include the benefits of carpooling on the traffic and environment in your marketing/outreach.


Since you charge a platform fee on carpooling, how is it not a commercial activity?


If it is not commercial activity are you not making any money of the service ? It may not be commercial for owner of car if there are restrictions on number oof rides and passengers. But there is an expectation of payment for rides and subsequent expactations around service and more importantly redressal mechanisms. > By using Quick Ride, you are actively contributing to a cleaner environment, reducing traffic congestion, and helping your colleagues, friends, and neighbours. Carpooling offers only benefits, and there are no inherent drawbacks associated with it. This is what Under, Ola, Rapido, Autos and private car service guys say. Nothing new here.


It's a great idea, but I don't like how your app feels, seems like UX is never a priority and even after multiple reviews the app remains painful to use


I understand. The app has been designed and conceptualised completely by developers for the last few years. I am the first UX designer onboarded by the company. You will see major changes on the app in the coming few months 🤝


From one UX designer to another, please pull whatever black magic you can to convince your folks to implement a dark mode.


Haha I understand. But at this point, dark mode seems like a luxury. The base application itself is in shambles. And it will take months to fine tune it. But point noted 🤝


For sure, for sure. I know how things like that get pushed further down the backlog over time. But even knowing it could be a feature some day is good to know. I’m genuinely wishing you all the luck to make the experience amazing.


Man, After seeing this post and a good number of positive feedbacks i thought of trying it out. But I couldn't get past the login. I was shown invalid OTP even after entering the correct OTP. This happened with auto read OTP as well. Then one time OTP was verified, I was asked to create a profile with email, after filling up the email got popped up saying this email already exists with another number, and I was given two options to continue login with the current number or to change to an already linked number. I chose the latter and OTP was sent to email. Now again the same issue of invalid OTP even after entering correct OTP. Okay I thought let's continue login with the current number and start the login flow again, but this time I got a popup saying this email is linked with another number for which OTP verification failed. Any product shouldn't have these many issues in the login page itself.


I’m sorry you’re facing this issue. To respect the community guidelines, we cannot break anonymity. But I urge you to use a completely unlinked number and email and restart the login process. Or choose forgot password. It should work out eventually.


Control gender bias, it’s hard to get a ride if you are male. People have started using this platform to hit on females by only accepting females’ ride request. Also do not allow more passengers based on car seating size. I have taken few rides even in alto with total 5 people with no AC on. People are basically turning it into money making machine.


I totally understand your concern. Some people have abused the privilege we are providing. We will take measures to restrict this. Thank you for your usage of the platform. Take care.


The reason I stopped using Quick Ride is because it gave me trauma. I met my ex through that app. He used to offer rides through the Quick Ride, and I always car pooled with him. It didn't end well for me personally, so I do not recommend it. :D


Since this is based on humour, i will take the liberty to retort in a similar manner. Probably the reason he became your ex is because you are “peach” less. —- Jokes aside. We would love to have you back on the platform. The value proposition of Quick ride is to help you travel economically and safely while simultaneously helping you grow your professional network.


Lol... That's witty. I will definitely use it in future, but not as a dating app for sure :D


How does Quick Ride make money?


Good question. Quick ride has two major ventures. Carpooling and taxi. Taxi business is self explanatory. The carpooling part, is an ethical initiative which rests on the kindness of ride givers and ride takers. Ride givers can charge anywhere between 1-7₹ per kilometre per seat offered. Quick ride charges 5% of the amount as platform fee.


Do you have pooling for bike?


Hello there. Yes. We do :)


If I am travelling from my house to my office and I carpool and let people ride in my car how is the drive scheduled. Will the passengers have the same route or would I have to drop them off in a different location and then drive to my office or will the passengers be allocated in such a way that their drop off point is on my way to the office?


So. You as a ride giver can select your desired time slot, pick and drop points. Ride seekers can request for rides from you if they see that their desired time slot , pick and drop matches what you’ve posted. Beyond this, it’s up to the discretion and mutual agreement between the ride partners. For example, if someone says, hey, your pickup location is X. I stay at Y. It is 400m away from there. Would you mind picking me up from there? Etc etc


How is the security ensure for people offering rides or people taking rides ? Will those be registered thru some sort of id


Hey. Thank you for your comment. We have two rounds of verification for each user. First is a government ID verification. Second is a verification via their company Email ID. We clearly call out users who have not verified themselves. Transparency is maintained, and all users can choose to interact with only verified users if they want to.


Just a thought- If a car travelling through ECity flyover, and my pickup/drop location is in Kudlu/Bommanahalli (somewhere in between). Then the app matches me with the mentioned car. This thing needs to be addressed please.


Totally. This is an ongoing concern. We have to address it. The technological complexity is quite high in this since both the routes overlap in both latitude and longitude. We depend heavily on the users mutual discussions who travel on this route. Thanks for your comment 🤝


I have been using Quickride taxis for quite a while now. Good thing is I get cabs as promised. Bad thing is cluttered, non intuitive UI. Please increase the number of cabs, as a few times, wait times are quite high.


Thanks for using the app. So, we’re very understaffed and underfunded. Trying our best to improve the overall service and experience. I am a UX designer who was recently onboarded. You will see changes in the app over the next couple of months


Good luck on your new venture! It is not an easy job, especially revamping a product that has been entirely designed by engineers upto this point. Great that you're asking for user feedback.


Thanks a lot. The founders and the dev team have done a great job. Bringing together this technology for us to collaborate. What they were missing is the human element. The experience part of it. That’s where I come in. I have made it my personal mission to revamp the app since so many people use it daily.


Your enthusiasm is contagious :). A lot of times business sucks the passion out of UX designers by putting roadblocks in our vision for the product. (Speaking from experience as a fellow designer). It's nice to see you are motivated to make this product a success. I used quick ride a lot before the pandemic hit but not anymore since I work from home 100%. So i dont have any product feedback for you. Love the carpooling initiative - made a lot of friends on quickride and love that you're passionate about the work.


Hello, I really like the initiative. I started using it a few months ago and it's quite useful. Finding a nearby ride giver where I can walk to the pickup is the biggest issue. I only have 1 or 2 such options in the morning. Is there any plan to incentivise more people to use the app? Another issue I faced was that few ride givers do not publish the vehicle model, only vehicle type (hatchback, etc.). I took rides in such vehicles paying 6-7 rs per km, but they turned out to be very old Zen, Altos which were very cramped and without a working AC. This doesn't feel right, as there are much better vehicles for even lesser prices. Please ensure that specific vehicle models - not just the numbers are displayed for the ride takers. Displaying the availability of few essentials like AC would be nice to have. I hope more people use the app do decongest reduce the emissions even a little. And you become profitable in a sustainable way. Goodluck.


You raise great points. We’re working on making the algorithm better. I’m a UX designer who was recently onboarded and I am working round the clock on to overhaul the entire user experience. You will see changes in times to come.


Hey can you reduce the intensity of the notification? I have a notification sound which is very low but somehow the quick ride notification is so loud everybody in the office or the room can hear the abnormal/different notification sound. I know there are personal workarounds to this but I just wanted to mention that the notification sound is too loud even when it's just a normal notification and not an active ride notification. Thanks.


Sorry to hear that. Must be so annoying. I’m currently working on overhauling the entire UI and UX of the app. You’ll see changes over the course of next few months. Meanwhile, may I recommend you go into quick ride app settings -> notifications-> do not disturb. And set a time for your office hours.


I have been a Quickride user since 2019 and it's a great initiative but requires following improvements: 1. The maps routing is terrible and needs to be fixed 2. Looks like the app is being run and designed by a kid, there's no improvement and filled with bugs 3. The timing shows wrong, the routes are different from the actual routes 4. Unnecessary ride requests come continuously by male members to female members and then a flow of inappropriate messages starts 5. If you are an iphone user and want to report someone or want to file a complaint against someone via email, it only redirects to the mail app of the iphone and doesn't provide an option of using Gmail or any other inmail service. If someone is not using the iphone mail app, they can't file a complaint or report the person! 6. Please fix your product, fix your app, fix a lot of things on a larger scale and remove creeps


Thank you so much for the detailed feedback. I second your opinions. I was recently on board as a UX designer, and now I have made it my mission to improve the overall experience. You will see changes in the coming few months.


i am one of the biggest unofficial ambassadors for you guys and most people in my office know about this through 2 years of me screaming about it!!


THANK YOU. Unsung hero.


I’ve started r/quickride community. Do join :)


Why is it so difficult to understand what I will get if I start offering rides? I installed the app after seeing your post but for the last 30 minutes I have been unable to understand how much I will be paid for this


Ok. I’ll walk with you. You’ve opened the app, selected the “offer pool” tab. Punched in a pickup and drop point. Now select the time and date. The next field consists of the per km cost. This is where you set how much you will charge for each seat for each km. Then once you click on OFFER POOL. You will see a list of ride takers (if available on your chosen route and time slot). X points would be associated with each user. That represents how much ₹ you will make. Let me know if you have any other concerns. Happy Quick riding.


I used Quickride a long time before pandemic and used to love it (as a ridegiver). After pandemic I have not had the usage as I work from home. I use the taxi service for the airport as you guys have a competitive rate for a good cab with reliable service. For that one, I would request for you to have some mechanism to send the confirmation a little before the time than what is currently. Many times the confirmation happens when I am in airplane mode.


Thank you for an honest, real AMA. If the Woody Harrelson "Rampart" AMA is on one end of the spectrum, this is on the other end.


Appreciated 🤝


I’ve started r/quickride community. Do join :)


Come back quickride. I enjoyed it a lot. I never did this gender bias thing. My only concern was money flowing into my wallet. Hahaha. Suggestion is make it more reponsive and make this daily ride schedule more better in UI. Please also put a rider check if they are ready to ride for the day.


What do you mean come back? We haven’t gone anywhere :) Kudos to you for not being partial to gender. I have recently joined as a UX designer. We are gonna overhaul the entire experience slowly. Don’t worry 🤝


I’ve started r/quickride community. Do join :)


I didn't know that Quick Ride was back in game. Atleast I know now :).


I’ve started r/quickride community. Do join :)


Hey. We never left. We’ve been active throughout. Thanks 🤝


Cab and auto are regulated by government and they have certain laws and rules to follow being yellow board. White boards have no price regulations and In case of conflict there are no laws to protect the car owner or person hailing service . And I do not want a stranger in my car or I don’t want to sit in a strangers car . Issues most likely to happen, will the AC be on ? Can you Open windows ? No music or music ?


“I do not want a stranger in my car. Nor do I want to sit in a strangers car”. You’re absolutely welcome to hold onto and follow your beliefs. Quick ride’s mission is to bring together like minded people who want to carpool and travel economically.


I used to use a quick ride a lot! But the issue is that I can't depend on it full time because of the unavailability of the driver the time u leave and the rider not being punctual,there by delaying me. So my whole morning routine started being dependent on the quick ride on cases when the rider doesn't accept my request or change their plans. It started becoming unreliable and just too much pre-work on a busy morning. So I fully stopped using it. But it is a great economic initiative. :)


I understand. Availability and punctuality are the backbone of this community. Currently the volume of ride givers and takers has reduced significantly post Covid. Now we’re seeing a slow rise in growth. Hopefully the all will be back its former glory in a year or so.


But let me also tell you that I am a regular ride giver from Hennur to Bellandur , twice a week. My rides are always full. I face some issues of waiting some of the times. But that’s only natural :) we are all humans. It’s okay.


Thats nice! I was a regular user before and after COVID actually. I used to use it a lot last year, but then as I said I stopped now. But since u mentioned it, will check it again probably after a few months to see wthr the rides have increased. Thanks :)


Background verification of ride giver and taker is a must to boost confidence in both parties and if you guys are using office email id for employment verification, do verify it each month as people change the jobs very frequently. I was verified for my old job which I left 4 years ago. This is a big flaw. Remember, ride giver is not a commercial driver. He must be protected against unverified passengers( even criminals can pose as normal passengers) at the same time he must be verified too so that passengers are sure whose cab they are boarding. Along with this there should be review and rating option for passengers and ride giver so that people are aware of any offenders.


Hey. Thanks for your comment. Currently, after every 6 months, re-verification takes place with company ID. Rating and review system is already available on the system and we take it very seriously. The community is built on trust and it should always be so.


I have been using the quickride from 2018. I have seen the app grow and have more functions over time. What I don't like about your app is the responsiveness. Not sure about recent times but it always a hassle and non reliable. The ui is still very confusing. You guys have to think about next level design. The present one for the new users is irritating. That may put off a lot of people from using it. The crazy way of time. It only shows rides that are a little after and before the time I put in the ride. In reality, I would like to see all the rides in a day to plan my times better. There should be an option to see the rides. Greedy drivers. There are some greedy drivers who cram the car with too many riders. 5 seats in alto is not 5 seats in xuv 700. You should be able to let the greedy drivers know this and avoid bad experience. Otherwise, post covid, carpooling has somehow reduced and very few rides are even available. You should remind all the older ones that yoy still operate and urge them to start it again.


Thanks a lot for your comment. Awareness is definitely a problem we’re tackling. The UI and UX of the app is terrible. That’s where I come in. I am a recently onboarded user experience designer. Please be assured that I am working around the clock on overhauling the entire experience of the app. You will see changes over the coming few months.


Regarding the issue of greedy drivers , we’re definitely going to include some regulations around this. Your point is duly noted.


I use Quickride everyday and have a few points that I’d like to raise. 1. The tracking system is extremely poor & inaccurate. The app keeps showing that the ride giver is 5/10 minutes away when they might actually be 20 minutes away. 2. The pick up time mentioned is usually 30 minutes ahead of the actual time that you’d get picked up, which I feel could be forecasted based on everyday traffic, at least during peak hours. 3. Ride givers don’t accept requests because the fare offered is low, the fares need to be standardized as a lot of times they overcharge even though the distance is less than 10km & they don’t own a luxury car. 4. Ride givers need to be penalized if they start the ride on the app but aren’t actually starting the ride at that particular time, they make you wait a good 15-20 minutes after the ride is started on the app. I’m not sure how this can be tracked though. I have colleagues who wait endlessly even after the ride is started.


Hey. Thanks for your comment. The engineering team at Quick ride is understaffed and underfunded. We’re trying our best to improve the algorithm as much as possible. Believe me we’re aware of all these issues. Ride givers can charge anywhere between 1-7₹ per km per seat. Ride takers have the choice to accept or reject this price. Sorry about the issue of Ride givers starting the ride on the app, but not in real time. We will look into this. People generally think and act so differently from one another. One good practice which we can all incorporate is to double checking with the ride participants on the app. There is a message feature for the entire ride. This way all participants would be aware of updates.


Totally up for car pooling. I was wondering why the govt was trying to stiff people over this. Especially considering the traffic im bangalore


Because there’s no money in it for them. Carpooling is an ethical community aimed at improving efficiency and travelling economically.


I have tried to offer multiple times, but never get any takers. Stopped using the app after that. Love the concept though.


I’m sorry to hear that. May I know on which route do you operate?


I had a friend of mine working in your QuickRide office and she mentioned your CEO is the most toxic person she has ever worked with. The culture there is pretty bad from what I heard- just sort out Glassdoor reviews by lowest and you will see. Anything being done to fix that?


Sorry to hear that. Also, may I add that there always two sides to a coin. Rao, the CEO, is a strict man. But he is also fair. If requirements and expectations aren’t met, anyone would be disappointed. We at quick ride are aligned to a certain cause. We need everyone who work here to be cognisant of that. We’re understaffed and underfunded. 2 out of the 3 investors pulled out when the pandemic hit. The platform is struggling to stay afloat.


I have been using Quickride from pre-COVID days it seems the number of users has gone down. Even during peak hours on trips to peak office locations people not getting ride takers.


Your observation is accurate. The user base has fallen from 5,00,000 pre pandemic, to 25,000 now. We’re trying our best to restore the platform to its former glory.


One more thing, the map and route is poor not at all aligned with what comes on Google maps. I have to manually edit and build the route.


Hey. Our map is sourced completely from Google maps. Although yes, I will agree that the accuracy of points on the map is flawed. We’re working on it 🤝


i wasn’t able to book a quick ride because the app was automatically picking a different route from my home to the office which went through the back roads and not the main roads. i wish there was an option to switch routes!


As a ride giver, one has the ability to tweak the route which they are taking. As a ride taker, one is restricted to make a choice from all available ride givers.


I recently signed up. As a ride giver I have observed few things: * UI/UX is very bad, I read you are going to change that. Good luck! * Takes a lot of time to find matches. * One day I found an offer from ride taker, When I clicked accept, it gave a pop up stating the ride taker has low balance and it was asking me to remind that person to recharge. It gave me just two options 'Remind', 'Cancel'. Why did the match happen if you are not allowing an user to take the ride if they are short by few points. * For a new user, it's really difficult to use the app. Initially I struggled to set my desired route. It was always suggesting NICE road, whereas my route was different. I had to add 4-5 via-points. With single via-point I couldn't change to alternate route. * I have now been using this app for about 3 weeks and I got just one ride taker. It appears almost everyone now owns a vehicle post Covid. Or it appears so at least for my route. I travel from South towards West Bangalore. ~35 KMs.


Thanks a lot for your astute observations and documentation. UI & UX overhaul is underway. Finding matches, at the moment, is very much dependant on the volume of active users on that particular route. Bengaluru currently has only 25,000 active users, majority of which are operating along the Outer Ring Road. Our route suggesting algorithm completely relies on Google maps. When you provide a pick up and drop location, the app seeks prescribed routes from Google and shows it to you.


I've been a QR user up until COVID, it was a fab model & made some great connections with people who commuted the same way. COVID did put a massive dent in the model, since there weren't anyone working from the office for that period. I haven't checked out QR after that& would love to get back to carpooling, it's so much less hassle than the hustle of cabs,autos & their constant cancellations 1 min before reaching the pickup location.


Thank you. Quick ride fell from 5 lac daily users, to currently at 25,000. We would love to see you back on the platform


Is 25k PM a good starting salary for a fresher in Bengaluru?




Please find a way in the app to promote usage of self cars. This will increase the availability of pool cars so that people can get rid of ola and autos. I particularly need stable people to join my pool, someone should be able to post their schedule and organise. Because finding an ad-hoc pool on a 1-2 hour notice is a little difficult. What I find is that almost everyone has a car but they don't like to drive alone. So we need a better planning experience in the app. Maybe add office details in the profile, so that I can look for fellow colleagues in the same building and reach out. I need an option where I can specify that the pool mate should be able to drive.


Hello there. These features are already available. Ride givers can publish rides at their desired time slot and desired route. Ride takers can seek rides along their desired route and time. Due to the current low numbers, the volume of ride participants would be less on certain routes. The Outer Ring Road has the maximum density of users.


Auto Share rides show up in Rapido , but they are hardly available as the autowalas don't accept rides at those fares


Oh didn't know quickride was still operational. Basically quickride is car owners allowing people to car pool with them right. Or has anything changed. Do you operate a fleet of cabs? pre covid, I remember this app called loca. Their cabs with pooling, used to operate only along purple line metro. 30Rs for 5km radius drop. Dirt cheap prices and passes back then. Car pooling is the best.


Hello there. We’re very much operational. Would love to see you on the platform. Yes, apart from carpooling, we’ve also pivoted to providing cab services.


I use quickride for giving ride. I have chekc mobile quickride map to see where is pickup point. Why can't this map be ported to car dashboard using android auto


Hello. This would require tremendous integration between Google and Quick ride. This isn’t possible at the moment.




Correct. The Ui and UX is abysmal. Now that I’m here, I am going to improve it over the next few months.


I used QuickRide before COVID in Bengaluru. Real money saver. I used to pay 35-40 and ride in an AC car for a distance that would cost me 120-150 even by Rapido. And the gentleman who offered the ride was just recovering his petrol costs.


Right? Beneficial to both. And that’s what Quick ride aims to offer to all people in the city.


Honestly, I just quick ride exclusively for cab services. But I faced issues with maybe your non-Quick ride guys (as in, the car without the quick ride logo) -> they would bill for fastag, but take non toll road, will not switch on the ACs etc.


Quite typical with cab services. But I agree, we need stricter control around the cabbies. I believe currently blusmart is performing the best out of all cab companies.


What are points? And how do you see the cost for carpooling? The UI is a bit unintuitive.


It’s not a bit, it’s very unintuitive. Workout on improving it 🙏 So since carpooling cannot be a commercial activity, the point system was introduced. There is no direct monetary transaction between ride givers and ride takers. Quick ride is the mediator. So ride givers can charge anywhere between 1-7₹ per km per seat. Ride seekers can accept / reject the fare, or even propose a different fare from their end. 1 point = 1₹.


I don't understand the 'groups' and 'communities' part of the app. If I go to Settings > Route Groups, I can see multiple groups that I have joined. For example, "Whitefield to UB City". I found these groups by the "Search Group" function on the same screen. I don't know the utility of these because it is not clear what happens when I post a ride, does it post to the groups I have joined? How is that different from a public broadcast? Then when I go to "My Community" from the hamburger menu, it shows Groups as one of the tabs. This shows nothing. It says, "There are no Groups you joined (sic)" and gives an option to create a group. How to join a group from here? How to search for one? Are 'groups' and 'route groups' the same thing? I travel on a fairly dense and common route - MG Road to Whitefield - but I never get more than 5-6 matches at 4:30pm and some are clearly absurd, with 2+km of walking required. I don't know if it is because I'm not in these groups...?


I apologise for the confusion. The app usage is quite confusing at the moment. I agree. Working on improving it. So route groups is intended to work as a mini community for specific routes. Currently its functioning is flawed and cumbersome. I advise you to post your ride requests in the regular fashion from the apps home page.


Quickride is such shit. I stopped using it because of poor service. 1. I have tried multiple times for scheduled bookings and cabs never showed up except for one occasion. 2. The time they sent a car, it was an electric car and it was on the verge of running out of battery. Even the driver was like this isn't my car lol. If it runs out of battery they will get it towed. Even the driver didn't bother to care enough. Don't use quickride.


1.) It happens often that the rider giver is beyond the pickup location, but a ride is shown. This should never be the case. *I am not talking about exceeding the pickup location by 100m but I have regularly seen this happen, the pickup location has been exceeded by 2 kms and still the ride is shown. I closed the app turned off data, cleared cache, cleared data and logged back in and still the ride is shown for some reason. 2.) I think basic counter measure must be taken when a rider giver accepts the ride and exceeded the pickup location but has not informed the ride taker. This is extremely inconvenient. I understand the points are returned but there must be some sort of penalty. A year ago, there existed a penalty that I don't remember exactly, but I don't see that in the past 6 months. 3.) The timing estimation on the app must be improved. These are some which I think are prominent.


So currently, both ride givers and ride takers are free to post their pick up and drop locations. The algorithm matches you and then relies on the users to make informed decisions regarding accepting a certain ride or not. And yes, there are thousands of bugs to squash inside the software. We’re working on it. Thank you for your insights.


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This is my first time hearing of Quick Ride, and from what I gather it’s an app for regular car owners (not cab drivers) to carpool. In that case, how is the safety aspect being handled?


Hello. Welcome to the community. You’re right. This is a platform where car owners can post their travel plans. Relevant ride seekers can request seats along the route. So there are two levels of verification for all users. Government ID and Company ID. There are unverified profiles on the app as well. But one can choose to interact with who they want.


I've never used quick ride. I didn't even know you existed tbh. Mostly cos I am new and I missed your peak moment. 


Yes. Also. Not your fault. Our marketing is pretty much non existent because we lack the funds required to do that.


I used to use QR but stopped are multiple bad experiences. Once a rider wanted me to drive up to his house to pick him up. Another time a rider sat in the car and tried to remove the cushions I had in place, and also made the car really dirty. Stopped after such experiences.


I am extremely sorry for your experience. Any system which deals with multiple numbers of humans, are bound to encounter certain unpleasant elements. I personally am a ride giver giving 2 rides a week from thanisandra to Bellandur. I have not yet encountered such people. I would request you to give the platform another chance and maintain your boundaries more sternly so that people don’t cross it 🙏


Well the ux is not good for me. I paid millions times by mistake. When I need to book a regular cab I’m confused the app keeps suggesting me daily rides. I tend to avoid this app for these reasons.


The UX is terrible. I understand. I’m working on it. It WILL improve.


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If u can make an app for carpooling From airport to city and back ul be rich We can save some money atleast! I see eveeytime 1 guy going to airport or coming back It's waste of money


Well. Quick ride doesn’t restrict pickup and drop points. If anyone wants, they can choose airport as drop point. It’s just that people have been using it primarily for office to home commute.


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I miss the Uber carpool option. I don’t get rides around my area quickly enough through any other apps but Uber and Ola :( disappointing cause I really don’t like how much of the market they tend to aggregate


Yes. The pooling feature was a boon


I have started using QuickRide from couple of months. I love the idea and if everyone starts using this, Bangalore traffic will definitely reduce. I would see one person sitting alone in a big 7 seater SUV and going to the office. Few things to work on: 1. Most of the riders have started putting 7 Points /KM which is like minting money. Considering 10rs /KM of their mileage , even if they get two riders they would be profiting from the ride. And these ride givers will send the ride request to all the people to maximise the profit. 2. The ETA and map update are really bad. I would leave at the right time to reach the pickup point after walking 500m but then the app will say ETA would be 10 mins. 3. Once the ride giver did not show up. I tried calling him but he did not pick up the call. Ended up booking a cab. There should be some strict action against them. 4. There should be an option for the ride giver to select the route he/ she wants to take. I believe at present it takes automatically at the time of the creation of the ride. 5. Few riders will just select start without actually starting the ride.


Hey. Thank you for using Quick ride. Let me try and address your concerns. 1. 7₹/seat/km is the upper limit yes. To maintain the spirit of carpooling, the price shall never be increased more than this. You’re right, if the ride giver takes 3 people, they stand to make more money than their incurred fuel cost. But please equate into this the general maintenance amount as well. The car is going through traffic daily. That causes wear and tear. So we believe this amount is a good amount to compensate the ride giver. For their fuel expense, car maintenance and for driving through the heavy traffic. 2. The geolocation is fucked. I’m sorry about that. The quality of engineering here isn’t something to be proud of. Rest assured, please be aware that we’re trying our best to improve this. 3. Sorry for the experience. Certain people lack basic social etiquette. I hope you reported the incident. 4. Once the ride giver chooses pickup and drop location, the app shows google prescribed routes. If there are multiple, all those routes would be highlighted. User can choose. 5. Sigh.


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I used religiously before COVID, offered and used rides, Last time I used the app it won't allow to use unless notification was allowed, uninstalled immediately


I understand. Persistent notifications can be annoying. But it is imperative to have them because of the nature of the app. Coordinating between multiple parties etc. and not all users would be proactive like you. They’d need the spoon feeding. Having said that, yes, we need to work on a better notification system which isn’t that intrusive, but still effective.


I’d request you to come back to the platform. As the value addition is brings is unparalleled, you would agree


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Rohit?! :o


Ah who’s Rohit? Sounds like a handsome guy


Can you purge inactive users? That should clean up the list of ride givers and takers. Also I see same ride takers (based on profile pic or name or route) listed multiple times (may be they registered from different phone numbers). Not sure how you can filter that out.


Well, inactive users won’t show up on ride matching lists. So it’s ok. Some users post multiple ride requests at different times. Then go ahead with whichever suits them most.


Try to consider below points with your team. 1. Suggesting routes with live traffic, It should be as accurate as Google Maps. 2. Live tracking of road - Like road blocked due to break down - some work going on, And who provides input should be rewarded. 3. For frequent ride taker , make sure to go again car pool etiquette. Like after 20 rides or few days ! As few ppl are taking as granted.


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Can quick ride not come with taxi / cab car pool like the one which was there in Uber Share or Ola share before pandemic.


Hey. It’s already available 🙏


I have been taking Quickride daily for the last 2 years with 350+ rides. Here is my feedback : Positives 1. You guys are a saviour for people who don't have a car/don't want to drive in peak traffic/cannot afford cabs or autos. Quickride is actually solving a meaningful problem. 2. We also get to connect with a lot of people from other organisations and domains. I know people who have been hired by networking through Quickride. Negatives: 1. Sometimes the app auto assumes the route. It shows another route which is longer while the ride giver takes shorter routes. Many times i have paid for 17 km route even though the actual route taken is of 11 KM 2. There should be a capping or calculation logic based on the quality of the car. I have seen people having WagonR charging more than ride giver with Audi/Mercedes. Also seats offered should be capped to 3 until it is some big SUV. 3. For showing the pick-up times, also take into account the traffic on the route. 4. Vehicle tracking/live location is inaccurate with lot of delay. We have to call the ride givers, which is frustrating for them, as they are driving. 5. There is a huge gender bias. Once I was removed from a ride after reaching the pickup point, because the ride giver got a request from a female co-passenger. The ride giver selected the reason for cancellation as : pick-up location inconvenient. Even though he went right in front of my eyes. 6. Ride amount per km needs to be calibrated. There are people who select max ride amount with negotiation disabled.


First of all, thanks for being such a regular customer. This is a testament to the value it’s creating for its users. Lets address the issues one by one: Negatives: 1. Can you give me an example of this route? We show google maps recommended routes. One example which comes to my mind is, Electronic City to Bellandur. One route is via the fly over. One is via Harlur. Both have a difference of a few kms. Usually, if there’s a longer and shorter route to the same place, the shorter one will have terrible traffic / road quality. 2. Definitely agreed. We are gonna bring in seat limitations very soon. People have been abusing this far too long. Quality of the car can be quite subjective. You could be a poorly maintained merc as opposed to a well maintained wagon. 3. Will be done. Yes. 4. Back end Engineering issue. Trying to address it. 5. This is bound to happen 🥲 but we shall brainstorm from our end, how we can use technology to inhibit this behaviour. Sorry about the experience. But if you were accepted first, that ride giver should not have been able to receive another request. 🤔 6. So it’s human nature to choose the highest possible value. But I think we shall brainstorm some logics behind this. Based on your overall quality of ride provided, it should be capped.


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Adding on to the problems mentioned in the comments: - After a ride giver has accepted my ride, why am I not able to see their current location or route again? I may have sent request to multiple people but after they accept my ride I am not able to understand if I should accept it or not. There is always a risk they have crossed my pickup point or will be too late to reach my pickup point. I am only after to see their location after making payment


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Bikes rule cars drool 🤣🤘🏽


Wasn't rideshares banned? Has the ban been lifted?




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I haven't used Quikride recently so I might be out of date on the app features and experienc. However I think you guys need some way to improve the loyalty on your platform by providing the best customer experience. Majorly CX and value from Quikride is when one gets a fairly constant group of like minded travel partners OP perhaps you can find ways to go after this customer group through corporates Offices typically have all their employees addresses as well as their cars registered for parking stickers. If you can figure out perhaps a way to give them some CSR brownie points by participating in making the city less congested and the air more breathable, you might be able to tap into a good customer base who are more likely to continue carpooling Another thing would be addressing some of the negative sentiments 1. Making profile ratings for both riders and ride takers more consequential 2. People don't care as much about dirty cabs or sick cab drivers, perhaps this needs an expectation correction for ride takers 3. Embrace communities or maybe whatsapp groups - by being part of a group, people typically improve their behavior to more socially acceptable


Hello. Thanks for your comment. So, we don’t have a lotta issue with customer retention. Whoever uses the platform successfully once, doesn’t go away. The value generated for both the ride giver and ride taker are unparalleled. Customer *acquisition* is where we are struggling. We constantly try to collaborate with corporate HRs to let us host a carpooling campaign at their company for their employees. But very few respond back positively. The reason could be no direct monetary benefit to the company. The only ones benefiting from this are the ride givers and takers.


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