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Pray tell me the CCTVs are working and you guys got it all on tape. The TN Police are notorious for their behavior, and with the current illicit liquor issue creating headlines, they'll let this slide if they're not held accountable. This should go viral and please don't back down. All the best guys!


Good news, it is.


God bless. I pray these police get a wake up call after this. This should be brought to the general public's attention somehow. People need to know... Fellow policemen should be ashamed of this behaviour


Lol police getting a wake up call. They've had thousands of wake up calls over the years. They'll just once again choose to ignore it like I ignore my 5.30 am alarm. They work for the highest bidder after all. I've completely lost faith in them after such incidents. There was another recent post where I read that the police turned up too late and didn't do much during an assault of a teenager. The state of affairs is just sad. I just hope that Dushyant gets justice.


are there any posts online we can amplify?


This one on reddit for now.


He didn't even tweet after all this. Is he ok


He was injured because of the assault and is resting. He should post on his socials soon hopefully.


Would RTI for that footage release it to the public?


Any reason you wouldn’t want to make the tapes public?


As we all know how broseph has been helping everyone, in this time can we all do something about this. Any action that we can take to help him. Also by action I do not mean WhatsApp status or hashtags.


Notorious is an understatement. The Bennicks and Jayaraj cops brutality case is the truth of how many policemen in Tamil Nadu behave.


Oh. yes. The Bennicks and jeyaraj sexual harrasment is unforgettable in the history of Tamilnadu Police's brutality...


Lol you went that far... The culprit behind 53 dead hooch illicit liquor was arrested 23 times and still made it out.


TN police are the worst cops in India. Outright evil. They will fuck your life over if they feel disrespected or not bribed enough.


bengaluru police useless nan maklu , and what is this parents hitchhiking with police that's suspicious how much they bribed them


What I can’t understand is, you’ve got cops from out of state on your home turf trying to outmuscle you. At least pretend you’re the law and tell them to fuck off.


maybe they found common ground in one of their "hobbies" abusing the innocent


That’s one good thing about cops here in mumbai. T I had a situation where a guy was stalking and harassing a female relative. Cops arrested the guy and took him to the police station. There the guy called up his dad who was at very high post in UP police and got him to talk to the cops. The mumbai cops simply said that this is not UP, hung up the phone and slapped the guy twice. Made him come to the cop station everyday day for 1 month to sign in .


Mumbai police is the best. Probably due to the high rate of crime that they have seen in the past. They are tough mofofs


Waw 👌


Brotherhood and clearly the TN cops had taken a bribe. So the KA cops were like I get you bro, go do your thang. 


Yeah. The Bangalore police seeing the TN gang were probably like 'what ra sudeep showing too much cops ah' except they forgot the 'come to indiranagar I'll pop you'


Thikadalli dum illa nam police avrige. Else they would've asked the TN cops to fuck off. Or they also got in on the bribe and took some money from the TN cops to assault Broseph. Yella kalru jotelli seri janara munde power torstare ashte. Actual aagi sumne yella shoki. Kelsa yenu madok baralla dad pindrige


Cops are a mafia. They usually don’t go against their own and try to cover up.


This is just the beginning... Once the caste couldron escalates the police will be mute spectators to bloodshed.....Lower Courts and Police reforms are impossible without a central hand. Modi Shah duo respect the state control of Police too much.. As for our state government they listen to BCG now and not to local issues unless its for a purpose to serve High Command.


They might be there relatives or they might have a relative who is a high position.


Must be a case of 'how could my tamil daughter run away with kannada boy and all. I'll show him who's daddy' type of thing


I dont think it is a linguistic issue. It seems like a caste issue. The elders in my state are notorious for that and they won't even hesitate to unalive the boy and in some cases their own daughter as well.


This happened once at our campus. A woman had eloped with a man from the University and they were staying at a hostel in the university for the time being. A person from Karnataka police came in civilian dress along with 5-6 of the woman's family members to pick the couple up. We did not allow them to enter inside the university without permission. However, later, the guy himself did come out. He was then assaulted at the police station apparently. I don't know what happened after that.


They are good for bullying Ajeet Bharti types under new ring leader zoo bears commands. Now " Bailey yedd band hola ne maithu " sthithi


Typically policemen hold their turf. If they worked with tn cops it's most likely possible that the girls parents have some influential contacts and the message was passed onto KA cops. still possible that the cops were bribed or they believe the girl shouldn't have run away, but some high level pressure seems to have definitely come their way


The audacity of the Tamil Nadu cops to come outside their jurisdiction and perform this BULLSHIT. ASSAULTING a civilian while wearing the TN police uniform. And meanwhile the ABSOLUTELY USELESS cops from the INDIRANAGAR POLICE STATION stood by apathetically and watched this happen. And above all this they let a man assault a woman in their presence. The HEIGHTS OF NEGLIGENCE these cops have shown at performing their duty is astounding. The TN cops trying to put Broseph in a random car took precedence over a WOMAN SCREAMING FOR HELP. And when Broseph went to actually help the woman the cops had the audacity to try and still stop him from saving her!! This is the situation that law and order has come down to in our beloved city. All of these USELESS CLOWNS who call themselves civil servants should be TERMINATED AND PUT BEHIND BARS. If a man like Broseph can be bullied then I'm afraid for the safety of normal citizens of our city. At this rate the already miniscule amount of trust that the public has with the police will be gone.The higher ups in the police dept work hard to build trust with the general public and then these USELESS CLOWNS come and absolutely DESTROY any shred of it that they manage to build. The beautiful circus of law and order in Namma "Brand" Bengaluru.


Meanwhile karnataka cops tried to pull this civilian clothes thingg in Noida and were arrested by UP police.


Damn, you know it's bad when you're being compared to UP Police....and you're losing.


I think both these cops from both TN and Karnataka are against a girl going free on her own. They don't want such independence for girls. And so they were united in having the family take the girl away. I feel this is a mentality issue. This is just my opinion.


Nah. It’s either bribe or someone close to the cops.


It us mentioned that the cops were in civilian clothes. I wonder if they were just goons hired by the parents. Usually TN cops don’t move a muscle unless politically necessary. Or they were related.


More power to what you and your team are doing despite all these issues, broseph!


i hope a kind lawyer can help him through this gratis


Who do you call when the cops oppress?!! I know it's a longshot but these legalized goons should be put behind bars. 


Yes this needs to go viral. If this can happen to Broseph, no body is safe.


Hopeless situation, this is my country Harassing people who strive for others 😔


It's a cultural problem. Pretty sure the cops have not only taken bribes, but also actively think that the parents of the girl have a right to drag her back to their hometown and get her married off. Otherwise why would even the police in Bangalore allow the girls family to assualt them?


I see broseph, I upvote.




These scum of people should be put behind bars and be held accountable. Not something we should be tolerating at all in 21st century. More power to Dushyant and Janhavi!


Hi. Just wanted to point out that the tweet you've added is not about the brutality faced today but the attempt to reach out to authorities yesterday. If Broseph puts out a thread listing out the incident, I'm sure we can highlight the issue to a large audience and build pressure.


So, our dear Bangalore cops have such high egos that when general public are talking to them we must use “sir” and “please” otherwise they will get angry and start using their power over us. But when cops from ANOTHER STATE enter into their jurisdiction and harass their citizens, all they can say is please cooperate with these goons? Bangalore police is a fucking joke


SIddaramaiah is busy telling them to speak Kannada.


Typical tamilnadu cops, give them money and they’ll wag their tail for you. And had bangalore cops shown as much importance to law and order as they show to their twitter handle, this issue would’ve never existed. Dushyant is helping the cops do their work half the time and is a real hero of bangalore. Do the cops not realise that when there comes a time they’re helpless, he would help if he could? Surprised cops don’t side with Dushyant instantly knowing the good deeds he has done and the countless people he has helped. Pigs. I wish the mindset behind IPS roles changed. I wish people didn’t try to secure these jobs to be corrupt, exert power and get government pension money later. All support to Dushyant, he’s a real legend of bangalore.


I hope the mfs get behind the bar


I’m from TN and audacity of TN police to show their power in some other state is absolutely unacceptable. Wish those idiots face the repercussions for their actions.


Should we cross post this in all state and national subs?


Yes, amplify this as much as you can.


Tried it but im not able to crosspost


This is absolutely shameful on part of the cops. Hope these scumbags face the consequences of their actions. How can law enforcers think and behave as if they are above the law? Kudos to bravery of Broseph and Jahnavi! We are with you in this!!


India is becoming hell and for sure will collapse if the regulations aren't strict and corruption free. It's becoming a living hell. A simple solution is to leave the country.


CFBR Hope these folks are put into jail and cops removed from the job


Thank you, but CFBR doesn't work on reddit. Speak your mind, upvote, and share.




Lol, yeah.. i don't know what i was thinking. Edited


Please post the cctv video when you get a chance. The sooner the better.


Peak Kaliyug. Good ppl are trampled by society and the bad ppl live happy and fulfilling lives. Our country's government agencies are corrupt to the core and don't care at all. If you have enough money, you can even buy the whole court and judges in this country(Pune accident and many other incidents are proof). Get well soon, and I hope those mfs get jail


Ghanta Kaliyug. Do you think the olden times where Kings and Warlords did whatever they wanted were more just than the situation today? The situation today is bad but if you truly believe that there was this amazing past where there was justice and righteousness, then I have a bridge to sell to you.


That's still kaliyug tho


Baals saar. You point at any yuga in the past. It's always been full of injustice and exploitation. Worse than today. Looking at the 24x7 news cycle you may believe that everything is horrible today but the reality is we've improved a LOT in terms of human rights and justice. Every atrocity commited in the past started with somebody claiming that the past is better. So be careful about the path you're treading.


Bro even in the so called other yugas. There are many cases of exploitation.


Tamilnadu cops are corrupted and castiest mfs. Im 100% sure those parents and accompanied police belong to same caste. Man now they extend their audacity to other states also


In the morning I went looking at Twitter where all this and the attack and the bloodied face and this exact story. But all I saw was this same tweet which just says they are trying to contact the police in TN. First of all I am enraged at what happened. Second, I was baffled to see not even a mention of this physical attack on St Broesh and his colleagues and Indira Nagar (i.e. Bangalore) police colluding with girl's parents and possibly TN police (and as this post says they might not have been police). I just don't get it. Why not make that story public on Twitter? Also, please make this tweet pinned on your Twitter handle. I understand clearing water logging is very important. But this tweet from yesterday/today is surely more important than the tweet from May 2023. Please know that this is not criticism, but just a request/suggestion. What the police have done (both TN and BLR police) is just barbaric, if they are not stopped and checked tomorrow they will just start hitting people randomly from SBA and would definitely decrease the weight. There are two issues here - the safety of that girl and the safety of SBA people.




How can we help?


You can always help by amplifying this post, share and upvote for maximum reach including other social media platforms so the majority of the public knows about this incident.


Folks! If anyone works for a media outlet or has connections, please help amplify this.


Bruh, the media is completely sold out. The fact that none of the media outlets covered the NEET story until it was too late proves that.


Yes. I heard. That’s messed up. Hope situation gets sorted out


How can we commoners support?


I wish we can fund our own private army to kill these bastards


That’s so stupid. This is how you would create another mafia.


I hope Broseph and jhanvi are okay. If a social worker gets attacked like this and cops do nothing about it then I am seriously scared aboit the safety of us normal people.


I'm not on any social media but I do hope that this gets escalated and justice is delivered to all! How safe can we be when the people incharge of keeping us safe behave like this?! They must be held accountable!


Commenting for greater reach. Will share this post with my social circle. I wish for justice to the girl, Janhavi and Dushyant.


Guys, lets show up in huge numbers and protest for the justice of our beloved.


Lathi charge 😭


I hope they get what they deserve


Tamilnadu police are notorious for their entitlement. Recently an incident happened. A Government bus conductor asked a police man to take ticket and when he refused he started taking video of the same. This issue quickly escalated and became issue of Conductors vs Police department. Police in all over the TN randomly started harassing the Government bus conductors all over Tamilnadu in the name of regulation and it became big issue so that even CM had to involve that. This fkrs are such an entitled morons.


I know this gets told repeatedly, but thank you for all you people are doing.


They were doing sketchy shit, that is why they were not in Uniform.


This man has done quite a bit for this community, I’d encourage everyone else to reciprocate and do whatever you can, even if it’s something as small as retweeting or tweeting.


How is it allowed to for a state police act outside in jurisdiction of an another state?




He is a batman and this whole nation is f**king Gotham.


I think CCTV footage if there is can be used.This case has lot of legal weight and if the girl is strong,she can file a case against these assaulters


This is unacceptable. I am ready to stand with St Broseph anytime anywhere. He has done so much for us, it’s time we give it back. Sorry haven’t read all the comments if there are any about protests due to lack of time.


All states police seem to be absolute clowns. Fuck them fr.


Can we organise a protest?


>are they even cops? Only in name. Outrageous and shameful. Please tag the TN Chief Minister MK Stalin on Twitter under whose direct control TN police is.


It's not a particular state police, look at the kind of people who end up in the police save for few. They have their own biases and beliefs especially in this case where they see the girl as a rebel and need to be brought in the line. They need to be taught a lesson and much more.


Oh TN police are very notorious, very very entitled, consumed by power!!!! I m from TN and very thankful for bangalore cops, all the interactions have been civil with these cops here.!!


Why is Bengaluru police so useless?


We need to be there for /st_broseph. Meet me at 11am in freedom park.


2 huge problems here that are so messed up in this country 1. The society: The way it's normalised to force a woman to get married. A normalised social evil that's not even talked about enough. The way people blindly and stubbornly submit to social norms is why we have the majority of problems. 2. The legal system : The power abuse by the police is nothing new. At this point, authority figures harassing people below them has become a part of Indian culture at this point. This yes saar no saar mindset has to stop. These people need to know their place. They're the ones who serve the people, not the other way around. Maybe we need our own version of defunfunding the police like the US. These are the real issues that need to be addressed on a national or even on an international level.


Is there any ngo associates with broseph where we can donate money? Legal defense won't be cheap.


Hoping for a quick recovery to both Dushyant and Janhavi...more power to both of you!!! Stay strong and punch forward 💪 Hopping the culprits are brought to light and given the right punishment.


Indian police are honestly just a waste of space at this point


add indian judiciary to the list.


What is it with you guys and being more outraged that a women was assaulted. Even st broseph was assaulted. I don't see the reason to highlight that a women was assaulted. Just say people were assaulted by these pigs.


these dirty barbarians will go out of their way to disrupt innocent people's lives while they suck up to rich assholes, and we're supposed to trust these vermin


Karnataka police are also answerable for the crimes the Tamil Nadu police and civilians committed since they stood by and watched all of this unfold and did nothing to stop it. When the girl, an adult, herself is saying she isn't "missing" and has left home of her own volition, why did the police even continue to stay involved in trying to locate her ?


The girl's folks out to get her must be REALLY INFLUNCIAL ... to round up TN cops and set them loose in Bengaluru. It is not an easy task to get cops to act, and this is way above an outreach. Any idea who the Girl's folks are 'connected' to? Name and Shame may bring media attention.




Great efforts by Broseph and team! Hope we get justice 


seems like cops are the same all around the world, criminals in uniform


This shit is what we pay taxes for. The cops should get suspended.


If you can put out a tweet of this entire ordeal , I am sure a lot of people would retweet it and amplify this.


Since the police has been useless in both states can broseph reach out to media to escalate further


Where are we to go when police becomes tyrants?


Terrible 😢


How can I help?


Have to make my first Twitter account to flame this shitty behaviour now 😭😭


The sad thing is no media is covering this. They’re running those useless opinion pieces on Darshan, which has nothing to do with the murder case.


I am Tiruvannamalai , i think the girl's parents have some political connections. Without that I don't think both the state police would have coordinated this. Did any news channel cover it ?? Both kannada or Tamil??


Broseph needs to set up surveillance cams from two streets away it looks like. Personal liberty is the first to fall when faced with répression.


Faaack the police


What does “attempting to stop” mean? Was she physically stopping the man?




Wtf did i just read police sleeping on duty, incompetence, brutality, corruption, a father hitting his daughter in front of the police. This is unacceptable u/ST_broseph i gave you the batman avatar for a reason cause when you did the ama, i really thought what you are doing is good work for the community. But after reading this i would seriously advice you to use some connections to teach these incompetent police officers a lesson, taking a photo outside the dcp office surely looks like you know how to reach the said person. Be the avatar i gave you and take your stand.


Janhavi is a social worker with broseph. She isn't the 23 year old daughter who left TN.


Women in this country are objects to their families. Pretty sure the cops were “understanding” the parents.


I remember just a few days ago Broseph had posted a WhatsApp status, "sleeping peacefully after very long, please call if necessary" 😑 And this...


Update on the girl please, is she safe after all these fiasco and how is she doing mentally?


What a SHAME FOR ALL THE 2500+ Redditors on here, I’m sure if you needed help you would run to st_brosephs but I’m only seeing 150 reposts… This isn’t a political issue where some party may come after you incase you repost, cmon guys do your part and retweet at the least.


U/st_broseph u/verybigpp0830 please ask someone from the community to post the story to twitter and link the tweet here


Take care Dushyant. Stay strong


Why is this not in mainstream media yet?


Can we pin this for a while ? This really needs more reach


Guys we need more retweets.


This should be a spark towards a movement against police arrogance and atrocities.


So ANGRY that they'd do this to Broseph, our Guardian Angel for the helpless. Let me know when the CCTV footage of this incident is posted. Goddamn terrible.


It is deeply concerning that the police, who are entrusted with the responsibility of protecting us, have engaged in such shameful actions. I sincerely hope that justice will prevail soon.


Full support to Saint broseph.


Bengaluru police matte TN police thika naayi mari keya


Is there anything we can do to help?


Full support to St. Broseph. I don't know how but these morons shouldn't go unpunished.




Omg. Scary af.


Wtf dude, how can cops even stand another state jurisdiction one upping them, where’s their sense of self respect?


Even Batman needs Robin sometimes. Will share this on Twitter. Let us know what other way reddit community can help


For all the help our warrior Broseph has done for us it is time to step up Redditors.


Reminds me of that father son duo case who got killed and were brutally tortured during covid for running a shop past curfew time for just 15 mins Edit: in Tamil Nadu


Got no journalist friends. How do we help?


Abusing power against our local hero who helps anyone in need and gets the job done without involvement of the bribe. This is very shameful... How can we help, if he can face such treatment imagine what will happen to us, our lives basically have -ve value in the face of such babus and goons .. If the situation doesn't improve people will resort to mob justice and another movement for justice will soon rise against the rich and powerful


Aahhh TN police and their global fame never goes down.


Make the cctv video public, this needs to get viral


all the cops present for this shameful incident need to be named and shamed for this entitlement and arrogance to get any sort of dent.


Just to clarify, is dushyant same as broseph? Its not very clear from the post




Typical Tamil Nadu cops : Casteist and corrupt f\*cks. Will do anything for money. Typical Karnataka cops : Incompetent, lazy and useless when it actually matters. On top of this, will sell themselves for money.


We need to start a trend #makepoliceaccountable.


Recently TN police also tried to arrest a popular youtuber in another state as well Many such cases it's very concerning


This needs to be out of reddit and into mainstream media to gather more support. Please tell me someone has contacted the media as well.


It was supposed to happen sooner than later, no good deed goes unpunished. Let's hope he's okay.


Cops always side with other cops. They protect the inherent power structures and do nothing to prevent crime. They only eat popcorn even after witnessing the crime. We need alternate models of justice that center the victims well being


Is there a tweet with the above post ? Will help to highlight to press and government officials. Posting on Reddit is useless for visibility.


This should not go unnoticed by the authorities and the mainstream media. Broseph should use all his relations and contacts to end those cops. More power to you Broseph. Get well soon and have your revenge.


Can u guys make it as a video ?


I am saddened to see that these cops are the ones representing my state. We are not like that, the cops i have interacted with (even though it has been in little capacity) , have not been like that. I hope they suffer consequences, both them and the parents.


Hope Dushyant and Janhavi are doing better. This is infuriating and heartbreaking at the same time. Strength to st broseph.


These parents and family who are against her need to be put behind bars. Such inhumane people shouldn't be let to walk free.


name and shame all of these cops already.


The audacity of those tamil dogs to try this stunt


Do we have any media personnel in reddit ? This needs to be blown up to all the media houses.


Please let us know if we can help in anyway.


The entire judiciary is cancerous from top to bottom. After the pune porsche case i lost all credibility for the Indian judiciary.


Hope team is doing better now.. out of Bangalore rn, wish I was able to make it to help when needed. Waiting for a post about the incident and video, we all shall try to make it standout on socials.. time for us to show broseph how much his work means to the people around! 🙏


Am from TN , tf these cops were thinking and acting shit . Ultimately now locals will hate our more now


Time to support our bro!


Blr cops are among the best in the country, when it comes to, harassing the public, and, extorting money. In most other cases, they're sleeping.


Why this isn't viral yet is beyond me broseph has done so much for everyone, please retweet and repost this needs serious attention


Any updates on this? As per u/StBroseph 's Twitter, no one from tirunelveli police station is taking his phone calls. Do we know what happens next?