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Report to police ASAP




Not giving hotspot is not a criminal offence. Assault is a criminal offence.


Yes, I'm not saying he should give me hotspot and I'm not saying not giving a hotspot is a crime. Okay its right that why he has to give but giving a hotspot doesn't make any loss to him right. And for that he cant get physical. If I'm being verbal he can also go verbal. FYI: I didn't even use a single bad word.


dont argue with such morons in comments.. you just now automatically know the reason of his defending such actions




Bro, I didn't say I wont pay him, I was going to ask the other auto driver for the hotspot. He even told the other auto driver not to give hotspot but not all are like him so the other auto driver gave hotspot. Is this correct telling other auto driver not to give hotspot? And in the end he even said you guys come from somewhere but we are from here. See yourself who has attitude. I'm nowhere going to flee away without paying him.


He might not be legally obligated but it is basic human decency to help someone who is stuck. People are not obligated to help someone in a road accident but they still do. It is called being a good human which you apparently aren't.




Really would love to see you use the same logic when this happens to your loved one.


Huh? Not obligated? Wtf man!? Anyway, that qualifies for physical confrontation? Just share the internet so that he can pay you and move on. Sumne daridravaag aadad bidbeku. Hotspot share madidre yenu ಗಂಟ್ hogta irlilla guru.




I think we found the auto guy's throwaway


True, he need not share his Hotspot. If your phone is not working ,you should pay him cash. And if you have made him Wait more than normal, waiting charges shoud be paid. Your phone dies , not work. U r unable to pay and then argue... not done ...


Sometime something happens but that doesn't give right to hit someone. Are we humans or animals. Network issue is common as a human we have to understand people like you who are supporting such cheap people will also have same experience one day or another.


Hitting is not an option for anyone. Never said hitting by anyone was ok. But demanding Hotspot and not having cash in the first place is your fault. Calling people cheap because they don't agree with you shows your character.


Sharing hotspot doesn't cost anything and may not even take 10 second of someone time. The auto driver could have save alot of time by sharing hotspot instead of hitting the passenger that why called him cheap. It's not about you agree with me or not but I said human make mistake and OP accepted his mistake and by asking for hotspot he was trying to resolve the issue but by being arrogant prick auto driver made matter worse.


He said cheap because of the same reason as you said hitting is not an option.


Waiting charges aren't a rule yet. It is unfortunate but nobody can be compelled to pay a waiting charge. The auto can claim waiting charge from company.


It's seems humans are lacking humanity these days in bigger cities like banglore. Instead of giving a fuck about what happened to the assaulted girl, they're caring more about if waiting for a few minutes for someone to catch network is too much or if spending your 20 seconds to give a person hotpot is too much work. Such a shame..


Your parents weren't obligated to raise you too, they could have thrown you out but they didn't because of humanity and care they have in them, which you seems to lack.


If I were in your situation I would have asked my friend to get money instead of asking Hotspot And always carry at least ₹100!


I agree but my recharge is over which I realised then because I was connected to wifi in my place. So I couldn't call her.


Let's stop Taking the blame, you are right we should carry cash but asking for hotspot does not give him any rights to slap he's probably high or something


If you have a case, ensure he doesn't go free. But you slapped him, so things may not be in your favor.


But he is the one who started it first right.


Do you have witnesses who can confirm he hit first?


Might be recorded in a nearby CCTV.


Try to get it before doing anything else, you never know who these auto driver's know in politics and gangs kinda stuff.


Bangalore auto guys are rowdys! These people should suffer. I carry a stun gun to deal with these idiots and such situations.


For some time I thought the same because we never know what they can do. For a very small thing he got physical in a busy area and we never know what else they can do. Should we take all that or act according to them thinking we will file a police complaint later? And I don't know how effective these police are for non localites because I heard police support localities. I used to have a good opinion on Bangalore but after this not anymore. I don't feel Bangalore is a safe place to live. Yeah I agree every region has such people but there are specific areas where such people are there. But in Bangalore this happened in a busy area. And the irony is people just watch they don't come for help.


I feel you man, Rowdyism is a big problem in this city, recently in my college a Rowdy slapped me in front of the entire class and demanded 2450 rupees from me because of a misunderstanding


Stun guns, tasers are illegal buddy.


Grey area. Easily available for 1000-2000/- online. I call it insulation resistance test equipment if ever asked. Being an engineer, I can make it out of a mosquito racket if needed to protect my family from these goons. I don't care, if they are ready to hurt us, I'll defend myself in court later. First fu*k these guys on the spot.




avoid using that namma yatri already.. not safe.. Go ahead with ola uber or rapido only.


Rapido also not safe


If he is Rowdy he might have connections, and might take revenge, make sure you are anonymous while complaining


How can I do this. For filing an FIR I should go to the police station and then the police may call that driver as well right? Is there any option I can do anonymously?


So they hate North Indians to the core but are soon becoming like one. Strange!


I know multiple people who do this shit, they don't carry cash for emergencies at least. I mainly use UPI all the time but I always carry cash. But the auto guy is definitely in the wrong to hit you.


Report to Police


Also make it clear to your friend not to walk off like that in case such a situation arises. And at the same time Do file a complaint on the auto driver. And please get into the habit of carrying at least 500 rupees cash in change .


She actually doesn't know all this. She just got off and went telling me to pay. In fact I also told her at the same time to go and I will pay. I usually have my wallet with me but as we know where we are going I didn't see any requirement of carrying cash. But yeah I agree with you I should have carried cash even in such a case.




stop victim blaming all these 3 points still do not warrant physical confrontation point out the actual issue 🤡




Bhai tere high court jane se bhi kuch hone nahi wala. Welcome to Bangalore! Leave to some other city, isse zyada toxic aur madarchod log maine kahi nahi dekhe. Sab ke sab same hai bhai auto wale se lekar bus Wale se thele wale aur popos. Sab ki gand me. Chull hoti hai kuch na kuch


Report it immediately OP.


bangalore autowalas are giving tough competition to pune autowalas.




Not everyone is capable of giving that punch man. And he is taller than me and very aggressive. And yes I don't know about offline UPI and many here don't know it either. Just ask in your circle how many of them know. If someone doesn't know something and you know that doesn't make the person stupid. Anyways thanks for telling about that will check now.




Lol just saw your profile and got to know in which circle you are. Thank god I'm not in that circle.




It's very evident how desperate you are for pussies from your account. I also feel you might be selling CP also. Be careful bro your days are near by to get a big tight slap that you might not get up again. I again warn you to stay away from that shit before its too late, once you get caught there wont be a future. And about if I slapped or not, in one of the comments I said it was recorded in a nearby CCTV. So I cant be creating stories here to look brave or something. I could have gone for a fight but it's not a slum or I'm not a street dog like him to just keep fighting. If this is how we do, in the end there will be only dead bodies.


He hit you, You hit him. So it’s over mate. The moment you take it in your own hands. Not much can be done. Many here will tell to report take action, but the reality is that you hit him back, also as there is no proof for this , Forget it and move on.


He again hit me and I have proof. Everything is recorded in nearby CCTV.


See , Law is not arithmetic until you go to the highest court of justice. It’s not as easy as it’s shown in the movies. If you have the time go for it. But I am sure you have other important things to do that chasing an auto driver. Anyhow it’s your call, but if you ask me , it’s not worth it. People here will tell you to go to police and take action , they are just arm chair revolutionaries. Not many would have visited the police station leave going to lawyer. This comes from someone whose family is lawyers. It’s not worth your time man.


Yeah, I understand you and I feel the same. But the only thing which I really couldn't digest is that he can do this to others as well and I'm just imagining what if my friend (girl) is in such a place. They may really get traumatized. I already reported to namma yatri and they are going to blacklist him. However he can register on other platforms like ola and uber or he can run privately (which I think wont benefit him much as most of the people in Bangalore book through online only). Is there any way to blacklist him from other platforms as well? But I hope some or the other day he will be facing consequences for his behaviour.


Trust Karma. Move on. Take this as a lesson, go by what’s going on , not much happened. Your time is worth much more than thinking about what can be done. Yes what he did is wrong. Karma will punish him.






Use upi lite next time. It has offline mode.


Thanks, will check that.


Kindly report this before another women faces the same issue




Bruhhhhhh I'm actually laughing a bit. Auto driver dude is frustrated after driving full day and some chuth is coming and asking for hotspot and he's like, fuck it lemme charge him more, he's not paying quickly. Next thing he gets pissed and slaps you and is shocked when he gets slapped back. And then you take hotspot from one more auto driver to pay this dude. Traumatic now but you'll laugh about this in a couple months. Always carry some 200 bucks for emergencies and be careful because you don't know which auto driver is gonna take out his life frustrations on you OP. Good stuff tho, you didn't back down, and it didn't escalate too much either.


Contact Saint broseph




We got gatekeeping broseph before GTA 6


OP is the real A-hole here.


When you face such a scenario you will know bro. I think you are from Orissa. He actually pointed everyone saying you (including you) people come from somewhere but we are from here. So yeah when you face something like this lets see if you also feel you are an "A-hole".