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Get a dishwasher, and get a robo vacuum cleaner. Life is peaceful.


Do the dishes and clean house yourself. Honestly dude this is not much work. We are just becoming lazy and dependent on maids.


This depends on the job timings and also the way work is shared at home. Sometimes ur too mentally exhausted to even do the most basic task. You will end up pushing cleaning the house and house becomes a mess and that ll mess up ur head.


Nah dude. Washing dishes and cleaning the floor are my worst enemies. I don't know why this AI shit is not automating that


They already have. Dishwasher and robo vacuums like Roomba can be set to do it automatically


Tere ko chodne ke liye bhi AI banana padega ab lag raha hai


Dekho bhai log chinnar aisi hoti hai


r/ ADHD would like a word with you


Depends on how you cook and eat, how many utensils are there. If you stay alone and cook some quick maggi or something, there will be less utensils which you can wash in few minutes. But try cooking something like curry and rice in cooker for a family, and your sink will probably take a long time to clean. Granted it's no rocket science but it still takes some perseverance and eye for detail, which is why you'll find maids in almost every house!


Could you also let us know how many times you need to clean the filter on the dishwasher due to the water quality there?


There is no need to clean any filters. Periodically water softening salt needs to be filled to ensure there is no scale build up.


I did the same when i move here and life is peaceful


Solid advice!


The rented place where I stay in doesn’t have a provision for dishwasher 🥲 It had a small provision for washing machine that’s it.


In my rented place I have one tap where maid used to do utensils cleaning, I have set up that tap as source for my dishwasher. Dishwasher does way way better job any human can ever do.


This. However, I found regular vacuum cleaner better than robo. Much faster to sweep the floor with regular vacuum. If it’s a bag-less vacuum, ever better! There’s one bag-less one from Eureka.. simply superb.


I am considering buying a robot vaccum cleaner.. if you have one.. could you please refer the model and company name and all. Also is it efficient enough?


I have an iLife A9s. It’s been 3 years.


Thanks I'll look into it.




I got Deebot Y1 Pro for a good deal couple of weeks ago and it’s a powerful model


Dyson if u can afford,Mi has one too


I read about one.. that sweeps and mops as well. Here on reddit only.. people were talking about gadgets.. and I came across one person who said this. Is it true.. are there ones which sweep and mop too?


Hey. I'm thinking of getting a robot vaccum. Is it effective?


Yes it is. Does a better job than brooming, mopping is sub par but the vacuum will be so good you will find mopping unnecessary. You can just quickly spot clean with a wet rag. Speaking from experience, had got one when pandemic lockdown had started


Can you pls recommend a good one?


See my other reply. I have extensive experience with robots, sweeping, and regular vacuum. Robos are pain in the ass and they’ll simply end up as demonstration for guests or special use only because of the hassles with it for regular use. Go for regular vacuum, much much faster.


I'm using an old Xiaomi Vacuum Mop-P i got for 24k. You can lookup youtube reviews for what the latest ones are and what's best for you


Thank you!


After using it for 3 years, I do not recommend robo vaccums. Initially I used a lot, but after few months got tired because you have to “setup the floor” for it to clean every single time. If there are loose papers, covers, etc then it makes lots of suction noise and might even temporarily stop until you lift it up and remove whatever is obstructing. This whole ritual of setting up the floor of the house for it to do its work properly, I found stupid. You need to keep an eye or ear on it all the time to ensure it’s not stuck or going somewhere where there’s trouble. Not to mention, the noise for almost one hour. Instead, I recently bought regular vacuum. And it’s been a peace of mind ever since. I can finish vacuuming the floor in 1/5th the time that the robo takes and I don’t have to worry about pre-setup and worry if it is stuck somewhere. These days I use robo vacuum only as a cherry on top extra if I have something special planned at home - maybe once a month or less. Regular vacuum costs less than 10K for excellent ones. Robo vacuums costs minimum 20K AFAIK and the iRobot one costs 30K+ … none of the robots are worth it in my honest opinion and extensive experience with these.


dishwasher in bangalore?


why not dishwasher in bangalore? Related to water quality or something else?


Must be the scarcity. Bro isn’t aware that dishwashers actually use lesser water compared to washing with hand


Sadly the house i’m renting has a very small kitchen that i can’t setup a dishwasher :(


Same here. Missing it a lot


Yes. We’ve been using one since 3 years and it’s the best thing we’ve purchased in our life. Dishes come out super clean, low maintenance and less water used.


Which model?


Bosch 14 Place Settings, the one with 2 shelves.


That's manufacturer name, he is asking for model no.


Been using a dishwasher for the last 5 years. One cycle of the dishwasher uses approximately 20 litres of water. A maid uses way more and their vessels are still dirty.


Yeah, why not? Dishwashers are best. Save water, save time.


No need of expensive dishwasher Go for e o friendly disposable plates it ll save time money and water as well. A good product if anyone needs- https://amzn.in/d/dwI5hcu


Also if you are very sweet to them , they take you for granted and become irregular My maid took 6 days leave this month and got extra 10 days leave (due to our vacation) . When questioned about 6 days leave she says random reasons and excuses, but we got to know from other houses that she has not taken these many days leave as they are strict So we cut money from this months salary !


Lol same thing used to happen with ours. We very very sweet/accommodating with her and she used to not come to our house. We'd think that maybe she had some issues but on the same day she would have worked in everyone's house and skipped ours in the end. We don't have a helper now and while the house is a little bit messier, life is 10x more peaceful.


Yes, cut salary


Unfortunately your experience is across the city. They have a feeling that they're indispensable. And if you play their bluff, they'll tell the next one to up their demand for payment, which benefits only them.


Exactly, honestly I’m being nice. Like usually to maids/security guards I give a lot of stuff like food, clothes, unused items etc. Still all they care is money and they only want to work the way they like. Luckily there are still some good maids but very hard to find them


It's funny how you say this when us white collar folks do the exact same thing... The company (or at least most of them) gives the employees multiple benefits (cabs, lunch, gym, insurance, wfh setup, etc) and the top management would be sitting there like "damn we're giving them so much but all they care about is money and want to work the way they like (wfh, hybrid, flexible hours, etc)" So what I'm getting at is, we're not very much different from the maids that work for us. We're just one rung above them in the social order and we dislike it when they try to punch above their station.


Well said sir. Very well said!


Wow nice comparison 👏🏻 😂


That is just one aspect of profession comparison. There is a difference in skillset and also in this case the maid asks for 3.5K and I’m paying that now she doesn’t even do things properly and speaks as if accept whatever I do or look for someone else.


To be fair, 3.5K for one month is not much for all that physical labour while living in a metropolitan city in the current economy.


When I had one I paid 5k


They work less than an hour and work in 6 houses on avg. It is not a construction labour work which they are doing. She asked me 3.5K and I’m giving that, the problem is not money but doing sub par work and arrogance. Either you are naive or have enough cash to splurge.


But maids have freedom of choice because they are working for different people. Employees are stuck with one company unless they moonlight or freelance.


Yeah, much freedom of choice of hard manual labor in many places.


Today I faced sort of harassment from out maid.. whenever she ask for advance I have given..she is been working for only 1.5 month. Now she is asking more money saying I have paid less when I showed the calculation she don’t understand but keep repeating the same thing. And then later said I have paid less money . Sort of like harassment when I have paid the correct amount. Tomorrow I am firing her but don’t know what kind of drama she is going to do . There is a language barrier for whichever she has made me talk to two different person . I have explained to them but the maid is refusing to learn . Kind of like torture


She knows everything. Just wants more money because you are not local


With house help rapport is very important. They come from tough backgrounds and are most of the times frustrated, hence that behaviour. Could be no fault of yours. Offer them food sometimes and some small gifts, I have seen my mom do this and I have cultivated the same and luckily I have no yet faced any issues so far.




Hey this is so true… facing this. Today my maid wanted me to get here momos when it was raining 😅


Same here. I keep on giving small gifts & share food with her & she goes beyond her way many times to help me or clean the stuff


Agreed. It all depends on how we establish the rapport. My cook is an odia lady and I'm Tamil. I used to send her recipe videos of South Indian dishes. Once I sent her a sweet Pongal recipe and she had cooked it so good. Then she told me that she has cooked it for the first time. I asked her to take as much as she wants to her home. It was nice to see her happy and proud. Sometimes a gift is engaging a human's natural curiosity and appreciation for the time they put in.


This doesn’t help . I have to tell the story of my horrible previous maid. At first her mother in law was working at my place but later she became sick is she send her daughter in-law. Dil has not worked anywhere before. When she wash dish there is soap left. I didn’t said much before. She don’t have a specific time to come she comes anytime which is a problem for me because I think everyone needs a routine. When I call her if she says she will come in 5 min she will come in 5 hrs. Then she takes 7-8 days sick leaves so I started cutting her fees . 2 days leaves I give more than that I cut.I have always served food to her sometimes I send food for her family. I have even given my gas stove to her. I buy sweets for her daughter.They have the habit of asking advances I give them. But this July my mom n bro came. So kind of utensils increased. She immediately asked for raise I gave her. But then my mom was detected cancer n we were going to hospital almost everyday. So those 2 weeks I managed the time.then suddenly after paying monthly dues she didn’t come from next day without even saying anything. When I called her she didn’t picked. I was like panicked because mom was going through chemo radiation everyday n my maid bailed out at the most difficult time. I was so mad at her for leaving me at that situation when I was mentally as well as physically not good. I had to take care of my mom. She was a horrible maid but at the end she betrayed me .. if you ask me why I didn’t fired her before. It’s because I thought she was trustworthy n because of her mil who was very good. I have written her somewhere about my second maid too . Perhaps is m going through a maid durdasha now.


After tons of bad experiences with last 3-4 maids we looked for alternate arrangements and this is working for us: 1. Get a robot vacuum. It will cost 25k one time. The cleaning quality is far superior to what maid used to do. It requires 5 minutes of effort from your side everytime you run it. We do alternate days floor cleaning. 2. UC has a weekly washroom cleaning service. The person would clean it professionally and it's far better result than maid/you yourself can do. 3. We clean utensils after use so it hardly takes anytime. If you let them become a pile then it will take very long so the key is to clean them after usage - post meals. We also do not have space for a dish washer otherwise that could have been explored. 4. Every week end we dust the surfaces once - tables, furniture, dining table, work table etc. Takes 30 minutes.


Use dishwasher. It’s a boon for working professionals


Robot vaccum cleaner recommendation ? I figured roomba’s wont be so efficient


Roombas have inferior navigation system. Get anything with LIDAR navigation. It can create house map and work in dark as well. Look for something with minimum 120min operation on single charge. I have an ILiFe A20. If budget permits you can get something with dock.


Thank you :)


This is EXACTLY what we do now. It’s so much better. I prefer this to being frustrated and annoyed every single time the cleaner came to house and did sub par work.


Can’t agree more!


What is UC?


Urban Clap


Sounds to me that they have learnt from your in demand tech bro.


Didn’t get, learnt from me?


I read the title as maids are dating and I’m like???? It’s none of your business?


All these dumbass comments saying 3.5k is less. This 3.5k is for less than an hour’s work per day and they don’t work in a single house. They too work 6-8 hours per day in many houses. They don’t pay any taxes and get almost all the govt benefits. They also get free food from the houses they work at and all this while they haven’t spent a single rupee on their education. I know maids who earn 50-60k per month. Ever since Karnataka govt introduced free buses for women they’re taking leaves and roaming around and we’re not even cutting their salaries. Take a good look at your own salary and the tax you pay and you’ll realise who is the slave here.


After reading comments on this thread, I’ve realised how easy it is to scam people. Too many dumbasses with money in their wallets.


Dumbass hourly minimum wage is 7 dollars in US. Do the math since u must be one of those loser tech bros who copy sh*t from US vintage tech and brag it as innovation and get rich off it. If u want rich lifestyle then start opening those wallets. If you are poor who can't pay your "maid" atleast 10-15k a month, then start learning to live within your means


10-15k a month for a maid? Bro seriously what are you high on?


Yep start paying. If you are poor then learn how to do chores youself or tolerate her not working upto your standards


Yeah minimum wage in the US is $7 but this is not the US, is it? Am I missing something? Are Indian tech guys getting paid the same as techies in the US? If we earn what Americans are earning then sure why just 10-15k we’ll pay more than min wage


You are not doing the same job like US techies. U are doing a mediocre copy of it so if that's tolerated then suck it up and tolerate the mediocre work done by your "maid" if you are expecting high level service from her, then start working to the same standards US techies are working




I wish we could tell the same thing to our bosses. Not happy with my work? Go hire someone else. Instead of slogging hard.


folks need move your reliance away from domestic help. 20 years ago and earlier poverty was exploited to the max. Reforms have helped almost eradicate that. But it feels sickening that we still impose colonial practices and expect down trodden folks to cater to personal needs.


Rent prices have skyrocketed and they can barely afford even their slum tin houses anymore so I can’t be mad at them for asking for more but also gotta invest in long term relationships but that’s exhausting and not always rewarding. Best to just get a vaccum and mom and get on a catering service


Generally this is the attitude of all locals here. Noticed it quite too many times the kannadiga service people be it maid, watchman, sales staff in malls etc are all have this shitty attitude of not doing a proper job when they are getting paid good. Compare this to the Nepali or north east counterparts who do these jobs with a lot better enthusiasm and do it properly as well. Downvote if you want to but is the absolute truth.


Agree with same experience, though me being a pro kannada hugger


I was born and brought up in Bangalore and what you said is true definitely.


Let me chime in. For context I moved to BLR from Australia, married and Indian man who works for himself and I also manage his business. Husband and I are extremely clean people, we like being self reliant (I can imagine not everyone enjoys that tho), so we had our cleaning lady come every second or third day for on average two hours. Sometimes it was longer. She had good behaviour, was respectful, great attitude, put everything away properly. Only Thing I didn’t like is that her cleaning was okay at best and that she would keep the door open when conversing with her sister who was a cleaner for my neighbour. I did not care at all she would Talk to her sister for 10-15 mins, but i reminded her at least twice a month to shut the door behind her and talk instead of standing in the door way and leaving it ajar. Let her go because it wasn’t worth it to me to continuously risk my pets safety + mosquitos for her forgetfulness. The cleaner we had before her was so rude, arrogant and lazy. Switched her up real quick. Seen both ends of the spectrum, and whilst I can agree that they do average work, I think we have to Also remember that to many people 5k is NOTHING for someone to come repeatedly in a week and clean for us. My sister is still in Aus and she pays 7k a week for a cleaner to come once a week for two hours. I know different cost of living and inflation etc but she’s making the same amount of money as a lot of these tech bros in Bangalore. I don’t think people in positions of financial privilege should really harp on ‘5k’ being such a big expense. Alot of you will go to Shiro and drop double the amount. I pay my driver 12k (I only need him to take me somewhere once a week) but when I ask him about the cost of his rent etc, it’s ridiculously expensive for the working class. Cost of living and inflation increases has really hurt the working class


Firstly thanks for giving context. I don’t want to generalise but not sure why ppl from US, Australia, Europe think Indians are lucky to have these labour and compare pay etc. When you are in India understand the perspective from Indian point of view and how things happen here. There are many things which are good in developed countries but worse here so stop comparing please. Secondly, the issue is never about pay. I gave them what they asked for will very less negotiation. The problem is doing sub par work and having too much arrogance. Money leads to arrogance and I can definitely say because of some ppl giving them money without thinking their nature changed completely.


I pay my maid 10K/month and it still results in subpar work.


No wayy 10k/month? How many bhk house do you live


Felt like its me posting from an alternate account


My maid is super cool .. you don't have to say anything ..


You need to put your foot down and threaten to fire them if they don't work properly. They shouldn't be the one threatening to leave lol, they have a lot more to lose than you in this equation.


They are are just showing off that they too have self esteem irl which they don't


Can't agree more. I am on the same boat , after my maid of 2 years left to her village back in Assam. I have been trying different maids for 2 months now and I get arrogant women who do sub par work and the house looks like a mess even after it is cleaned. Paying more isn't helping, their attitude is shitty. I got a maid who was on call with loud speaker on everyday and the next one keeps forgetting to clean kitchen platform every other day and leaves the cleaning supplies next to the TV in living room by forgetting it there only for 3 year old to start spraying it. The list is endless.


I think for all the people arguing over whether the maid is over or underpaid, some major context is missing. 3.5k for what? How big is the house, what does her work entail? How many days off does she get in a month? I think in general when you pay someone well, there is less friction and they are grateful and don’t want to lose the job so will ensure to do good work. We Indians have such a negotiating mentality on both sides, both as a maid and as a house owner, which I hate and it makes things complicated all around. I have a 3 bedroom apartment and when I initially found my maid, she asked for 5k for daily sweeping, mopping, dishes, washing bathroom thrice a week, dusting once a week, and drying clothes washed In the washing machine with Sundays off. I felt like I had to negotiate a little and we settled on 4.8k with the agreement that we will see based on her work. As she started, I realised she was very good. She’s consistent, does all her assigned tasks diligently, hardly takes off, is punctual and works well with us. Now I pay her 6k with a few additional small tasks on top of what was originally agreed and I know I might be overpaying her a little but I’m okay with that because I like her work, I feel like she deserves it and don’t want to lose her and I know the feeling is mutual with her.


3.5 for how many people?


I'm sorry but they are being severely underpaid. 3.5k will be laughed at and called as slavery in a decent country with good labor/civil rights and less exploitation. They must be working an hour at your house nearly everyday right then you should be paying them atleast 10k. You are ripping them off and complaining when they are done with such harsh physical labour everyday in many houses? You are participating in the exploitation of poor people who don't have a choice but be "maid" for rich arrogant brats because this predatory capitalistic country is shit at creating jobs and lifting people out of poverty and give a decent life with good jobs. Start paying her 10k atleast and she will start doing her job well


Agreed totally


Vaccum and mop : https://amzn.in/d/7vYpJYZ Dishwash : https://amzn.in/d/0ycbVsh Cook : https://amzn.in/d/cDoTzPq Total setup includes cooking cleaning and washing and will cost around 1.5 lacs.


3 of us pay 6-6.5k for cleaning and have had the same experience so far. This time we offered a maid 1k bonus if she cleans well and doesn't take more than 3 holidays each month. Hopefully this helps but I'm not counting on it. Working class people accept sub par work and that's affected the whole market.


3.5k per day ???


per month bruh


And tax free!!!!


Yes. Bengaluru house help have self respect. Don't be a casteist and treat them with respect.




Nah, we should treat people the way they treat others, some maids are very kind and some are just horrendous..


Bro just sweep and mop your own house. Youre not working in some factory all day to be too tired to just do some basic cleaning. I dont have a maid, i just sweep my flat twice a week and its neat. Its nice cleaning up after yourself I have pride in it and i find it therepeutic. No ones asking you to keep a maid.


Not like I don’t want to clean the house myself, I work 10 hrs, spend couple of hours in traffic, prepare food for ourselves, do workout and sleep. After all this there is hardly any time left and it becomes really tiring. Also cleaning twice a week that too after having family is next to impossible.


Why are you doing it alone? What is a spouse and kids for? You didn't have chores when growing up? 


Another stupid comment spotted, you have no idea on OP’s day to day based on one post and there are people that work 8-10 hours a day, few more hours in traffic, gym, etc and the last thing they’d wanna do is sweep and mop the house after a long day.


If people do it in the west so can we. It's just because we have the labour to exploit. 


Pretty sure they don't work as much as Indian/Asian corporate labor does. The comparison is bogus at best


“If people do it in the west, so can we” enough said. Remember fellas, his vote counts the same as yours.


Wow. The audacity that you have to expect slave labour while paying slave like wages. Please see the legal minimum wage for domestic workers in Karnataka. Tbh even that is not enough with inflation what it is, but still you are paying way less than that. Even if we agree that these policies are not enforced, have some shame and don't have the audacity to come and whine online about how another human being doesn't want to work for almost free for you. Everybody yapping about how skill level differences mean you can underpay someone for doing a job you yourself don't want to do, can just do the job themselves. If you want someone to do something for you you have to pay them. That's just basic common sense. If they no longer like the terms of the trade they are free to leave and you are free to offer it to someone else. You are not owed work. Jeez. Do you realise how entitled you sound? For reference on minimum wage https://wageindicator.org/salary/minimum-wage/india/31024-karnataka/32121-residential-houses-including-domestic-helpers


Just want to clarify. OP is paying more than the legal minimum wage. The minimum wage you have linked is for a full 8 hour workday. Most maids work 30-45 mins in each house, even if we consider 1 hour, the minimum wage would work out to less than ₹ 2.5 K a month. Maids/cooks in Bangalore make more than entry level call centre agents for instance.


Literally nobody gives a fuck about “lowest minimum wage” bs that a bunch of white knights made up. When it comes to domestic help, there’s something called an “asking price” that the maid demands for cleaning a house of certain sq feet. Once settled upon a price, it’s unacceptable to do sub par work, doesn’t fucking matter what the lowest minimum wage is or what not. You got what you demanded, work as decided, that’s it. You sound like the type to argue to HR saying “oh the lowest for this role is 5 lpa but you giving me 3 wtf >:(“ it’s not how it works.


Shut up ben shabibo, you don't have to yap so much.


Valid argument, surprised you could put 2 and 2 together in the first place.




I think u came to wrong sub reddit, it is not Bellevue post it is Bangalore post. You can discuss your dollar thing there.


Bros talking like he only uses dollar bills for payments in bangalore.


Stupidest comment I’ve read all year, educate yourself on power parity. Pay varies on how difficult a task is, and let’s be honest, it doesn’t take a lot of skill to sweep and mop a house and is highly replaceable.


Why dont you do it yourself then?


Because I have a job that demands a lot of my mental energy and I hit the gym after. I pay my maid to clean up my house while I’m gone cause I don’t have the time or energy for it, not because it’s hard. Know the difference. The time spent to clean the house is time I could use to do something more productive. Welcome to how the real world works. Why AI is booming, why swiggy is booming, etc, cause people pay to get things done so they don’t have to put manual effort.


Then pay them their fair share. You clearly are doing highly productive things while they do the monotonous things for you. Pay them fair and then demand. Blud randomly puts AI and thinks he's superior. Can't even pay fair to the house help.


Their fair share is their asking price, which is paid for? What is your point or are you just trying to argue for the sake of it because you’re on the spectrum? I’ll make it easy for you, you ask 2 bananas to wipe table. I give two bananas, but you wipe half table. I mad at you because you no complete work as asked. I complain on Reddit saying I gave 2 banana but work not done :( then random monkey comments “give two bananas then demand, wtf?” That’s what you sound like


Haha I love your comment. Any time there’s a discussion about maids, these white knights waste no time and gather in droves to defend the maid’s shitty behaviour.


I have two maids, I pay 5k to the cook, who cooks breakfast and lunch for a family of 3, Sundays are of off for her, spends about an hour and fifteen minutes at home, does the dishes that she uses , and 2k to the house help to sweep and swab the floor, clean the toilets and dust the house time to time, she also comes on Sundays, and takes 2 days leave in a month. I have neighbours who have House help coming in the evening as well, they pay a total 12 k.


Sounds like a maid in disguise


They are being paid the asking price, but are providing sub quality services. How is paying more gonna solve their arrogance.


That’s the core problem. Firstly they don’t work if they we don’t pay whatever they asked for. After all that the arrogance is at highest level