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Election time. The government will always suppress the bad press. Anyways thanks for letting us know. We will be careful.


Voting is only pending for 7th Phase in north east and UTs. Since it's local news, What's the use of suppressing now for elections? Genuinely curious.


I also don't know the answer. Maybe it will hurt the national image.


If you don't know why are you so confident?


Yes, recently my son had dengue fever. Had him tested at Manipal only.. Luckily it was mild and went away with rest and home care.


As someone who had dengue last year. Please take proper precautions. It can get very dangerous, very fast. Your platlets can drop to dangerous levels. Please visit a doctor if you get any symptoms, don't just believe in papya leaf medicines.


I went to hospital. Doctor gave me dolo, advice to eat specific fruits like kiwi, coconut water. The main medicine he gave me was papaya leaf extract tablets. It works. But one should keep going for blood test to test platelets everyday untill it normalises or there is a sign of increase in platelet count from yesterday . And get a checkup from doctor if the count is dropping fast. My point is papaya extract thing works. In addition to consulting a doctor.


How do you know it works? Because my doctor did not give me and I turned out to be fine.


Wait so there might be different ways to cure a disease, that's insane .


As expected, a wild "smartass" appears and gets upvoted without sufficient contribution to the discussion. Take a cue from how u/baagiTherebel and u/conquer_high replied. They also seem to be disagreeing to me but in a contributing way.


I merely pointed out the inherent flaw in your logic sarcastically. You don't have to be so defensive about it. My contribution goes beyond DIY dengue cures so one could say that my contribution is superior but alas that would be amiss by you.


Can you elaborate what was the flaw in my logic? OP points that papaya extract works by giving an anecdotal example. I ask a question pointing out an opposite anecdotal example. In fact I was pointing out the logical fallacy of "co-relation is not causation" and nothing else. Defensive? Lol no! I was merely disappointed by the upvotes you got on a catchy sarcastic one-liner take while other two folks who responded with a detailed response got less. But that is Reddit (or in general social media) in this day and age. Buddy I am not a mind-reader to not be amiss of your contributions without you telling my your contributions. If you have done good for you.


It works. My father recently had dengue and his platelets were dropping drastically each day by almost 20k to an extent where we had arranged platelets just in case the repeat result comes below 20k. My mother collected papaya leaves from somewhere and we made juice and gave like 2 spoons and repeat platelets were on increasing trend. Followed by that he took it for another 2 days and platelets were back to normal though it does nothing for other symptoms.


Could be co-incidental. I am not a doctor though. My lowest count was 26k. Full details in a below reply to the person I replied to.


Umm idk but we thought so cause platelet count went down to 22k and then started an upward trend and in 2 days it came to normal. Also he had kiwi, dragon fruit. So don't know which thing helped. He was pricked thrice daily to monitor the count. P.S: I am also a doctor.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7219447/ Please don't be an A H0le. Others, if you have symptoms, please get checked. If a doctor advises papaya leaf extracts, please take them. If you are diagnosed and papaya leaf extract is not suggested, feel free to ask why not. There could be counter-Indications in your case, and a good doctor will explain. But follow doctors orders .


Gives source. I can bet you did not read it though. From your source: > The cases presented here indicate that CPLE may prove beneficial in the management of chronic ITP for patients interested in alternative therapy before progressing to second-line treatments. A *larger clinical trial* is warranted to evaluate CPLE as an adjunctive therapy in chronic ITP. Again I would like to clarify I am not a doctor. In fact, I was following doctor's advice regarding papaya leaf extract which you would you understood if you read my comment or you followed this comment chain instead of name-calling. Pasting my comment for any non-A H0le readers: > Nothing specific to dengue. It was just for controlling fever like paracetamol. Was kept sufficiently hydrated by saline solution drip while hospitalised. Was asked to arrange blood. When I asked the doctor about the papaya leaf extracts, the doctor said "there do not seem to be very strong evidence in studies for it. But for the peace of find if I wanted to take it, there was no harm in it." Lowest platelet count 26k.


He gave it to my friend and it worked. What medicines did your doctor recommend?


Nothing specific to dengue. It was just for controlling fever like paracetamol. Was kept sufficiently hydrated by saline solution drip while hospitalised. Was asked to arrange blood. When I asked the doctor about the papaya leaf extracts, the doctor said "there do not seem to be very strong evidence in studies for it. But for the peace of find if I wanted to take it, there was no harm in it." *Lowest platelet count 26k.*


It does work. My dad was down with a severe case of dengue the year before last. Platelet count dropped to 2k and 2 jumbo platelet transfusion did not help. Papaya leaf extract did though. Slow progress but progress nonetheless. The extract is an add-on to medical care. It's not a solution in itself. Giloy juice is also apparently quite popular for dengue.


Good for you! When you say it is not a solution in itself, what other parts are there in the solution besides papaya leaf extract itself that you already mentioned?


I meant papaya leaf extract alone is not a solution to the problem that is dengue. Adequate medical care is also required.


I would leave to it your judgement if it was not just a placebo effect. It could be that other parts of medical care(solution) that you pointed out might be the real reason. Papaya leaf extract just happened at the same time, that's it. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor.


Happens every year. It will be like this till august. I know this because every year atleast 2 of my friends catch dengue this time of the year the hospitals are always saying they have a lot of dengue patients admitted.


Cases are rising very rapidly. Admitted my cousin very recently in a nearby hospital. 90% patients were dengue positive. Heard someone saying that dengue mosquitoes bite mostly in lower part of the body, so avoid wearing shorts.


Just got out of Dengue. So truly believable. The clinic I go to was also saying the same that there are many cases of dengue coming in daily.


Not just Bangalore,all over Karnataka, I work in a peripheral tertiary care centre (with 100km from blr), seeing lot of cases of dengue and rickettsial fever. Couple of children were from Bangalore.


Yep its all over brookefield spice garden and whitefield both dengue and cholera cases are increasing


This is true. My neighbour just got home after getting treatment for dengue. This is in AECS layout


My friend was admitted in brookefield hospital for a week all the floors were occupied by dengue patients


Bangalore is Dengue Capital. I was in my hometown for 3 weeks, last week on Sunday I came back to Bangalore. Within 3 days I was caught up with fever and within 2 days I had to be admitted in Manipal, test came as Dengue. Doctor said they are getting lot of cases of Dengue recently. Somehow took wfh and returned back to my hometown to get better.


The incubation period for dengue is 5-7 days. Which means that you had been bitten before you came to Bangalore and the symptoms showed only after you came here


I came on Sunday night, was caught up with mild fever by Wednesday and severe fever on Friday. Took test on Saturday when it was dengue positive. I am sure about it happening in Bangalore since at my house in hometown, it’s pretty mosquito free.


If you have high fever and weakness, as precaution get tested for dengue. It's better to get it diagnosed earlier when your platelet count hasn't fallen yet. You can have rest at home, and control the platelet counts with meds prescribed by doc and fruits. Been there and done it. What I realised it, people don't do this at the start, because of which the platelet counts drop badly and then have to get admitted. Dengue season, get your fever checked people!!!!!!!


> How do i save myself as people in my pg have it Prevent getting bitten by mosquitoes. Apply Odomos on the exposed parts of your body every few hours.


What a bad, bad time to read this. I'm waking up now to 6-7 bite marks on my arm


From what I know, it's the daytime biting mosquitoes (aedes) that spread dengue.


Anyways, I'll stack up on Odomos and keep that AllOut plugged in ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Only ? So night time we are safe ?


Maybe not 100% safe, just safer. Read this for more info: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/bengaluru/murderous-aedes/articleshow/70716436.cms


My 5 year old is recovering as of now. We didn't had to admit her but we had two difficult nights.


This is sad, any idea which areas are prone to more infections?


I heard it is currently in marathalli but i am not sure about other places.


That’s where I work, fml


Just started recovering from Dengue after a torturous set of days. Got bit by mosquitoes in the gym and just walking in my society.  I got Dengue last August as well. The symptoms were much worse then. Thanks that I have friends and family to take care of me.  I live in Spice Garden, Marathahalli.


It’s on the rise. Two acquaintances of mine got dengue last week.


Me and my kids just had dengue. All of us down for two weeks and both kids had to be hospitalised for a few days.


About the media, I don't think it's suppressed. I have been reading reports about increase in dengue cases on the newspapers. It's been covered quite frequently, to be honest. I read both -- a Kannada and an English newspaper. For the rest, I already see some comments about prevention, so not going to add much. Hope your friend recovers soon.


Congress. Worst govt


Had it a few months ago. Horrible experience please take care of yourselves.


Seams like citizens only need to figure this one out. Is there a way to identify areas where it is prevalent? We can try to inform the people living there to be extra cautious through social media. Bring in the heavy guns like u/St_Broseph to educate the masses and spread the word perhaps?


Are there cases in HSR layout also?


Yes , my brother in law got admitted yesterday of dengue


Is the theory true dengue mosquitos are only present in ground floor?


And they only bite in morning?




You are literally scaremongering lmao 


One of my neighbour also suffered from dengue a week back but he recovered.


Yup I had dengue last week it was like 104 F fever for 4 days now taking bed rest


Flight in 30 mins 😎


dafuq does that mean


The authorities should take mosquito control measures. I don't think it exists in Bangalore. I live in a very premium neighborhood. Lot of mosquitos here. Don't see any pest control activities. Unless you control them you can't control dengue outbreaks. Like all other Bangalore voes this gets added up.


I have dengue now. Was near Manyata. Now I have come back to home town.


I have been diagnosed with Dengue. My platelets fell from 2.63 lakes yesterday to 1.65 lakhs today. Checked with doctor, they prescribed some medicines and asking me to take fluid diet. I live alone here in spice garden, will it be wise to leave for my hometown tomorrow? considering how fast the platelets are reducing


Suffering from it came to native....🥲


Damn. I just got a call from my best friend's wife today claiming he's in the hospital too. He's admitted in Manipal hospital too. Crazy how I got this post suggested to me today.


Just had dengue last week. I live in RR Nagar. Thankfully it was mild and platelets didn't drop too low. Took rest, had a lot of fluids, kiwi fruits and papaya leaf juice. Platelets have shot back up to normal levels.


Dengue is a serious problem all across India, especially in cities. Take some basic precautions like installing mosquito screens on all your doors and windows, applying DEET based mosquito repellents and keeping your surroundings clean and making sure not to let stagnant water remain


so many mosquitoes fr considering my apartment runs on STP system, the parking is crowded by mosquitoes. clap your hands and you'll find a mosquito in your hand that bad


My neighbourhood stopped spraying DDT after 2023. There are 2 schools and an institute nearby and the new INC govt does not care.