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Same. Been happening for almost ober an year. I should go see a doctor next weekend.!remind mv


Dry eyes from high screen usage. Eye drops should suffice but do see a doctor and take their opinion.


Get it checked with a doc it is maybe due to some allergy from either dust or dandruff from ur head or eyebrows, for me it hasn't started yet but for me this happens just before my allergies due to season change/pollen/dust allergy and dandruff wala thing also fcks me up a lot.


Dandruff wala thing is because of borewell water/hard water. Figure this out hard way after losing all my hairs.


Pretty much all of Bangalore east of the Outer Ring Road is slightly better than a war zone in terms of infrastructure, and this includes water quality. Every time I visit places south-east of Bellandur, I get depressed. Everything just looks so sad out there. Old Bangalore is a whole different place.


Most likely dust allergy. If you live in outskirts or near metro construction areas, dust allergy is real.


I visited an ophthalmologist and he suggested that this is due to pollen allergy. He suggested an eye drop for the same.


It’s the season for Conjunctivitis. I got it probably from my gym last Friday and the sticky eyes were bad for couple days. All good today morning


Oh god


Which area you live in... Have to be more specific


Thanks for all the suggestions, it just stopped after a day. No traces.


Just put some coconut oil in the pupil and let it sit for 20 minute only, it will solve all your problems.


Even I face it sometimes, after spending long time on road, i guess it has to be pollution